Live In Position (19 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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"Ummm…" I stared at the bikinis she was eyeing. "I think perhaps we should look at these ones." I motioned to the tankinis.

"Get both." She picked up a string bikini with dark blue bottoms and dark green horizontal stripes. The triangle top was also dark blue, but had dark green vertical stripes.

In the end I had three new bras, a week’s worth of new underwear, two bathing suits, three dresses, and a couple pairs of sandals.

"Okay, that's it. I'm starving." I gave her a stern look and paid another obscene amount.

"Fine." She huffed.

Once out of the store, we headed to the food court.

"I want pizza!" Victoria shouted.

"Okay." I walked her over to the line. We ordered her pizza and took her to a table next to the Chinese counter.

Once she was settled, I set my bags down and got in line, while keeping an eye on her. Dr. Bishop started walking around, probably trying to decide what he wanted.

"Is this good?"

His voice made me jump.
He gave his crooked smile.

"Sorry." He apologized

"Um...yeah. It's good, but I have a thing for Chinese food. If they had an addict group for it, then I would probably need to attend."
Could I sound any more ridiculous?

"I see." I could hear amusement in his tone.

I ordered and then Dr. Bishop ordered after me. We stood waiting and I kept my eye on Victoria. She was only a few feet away, but I was still nervous. Then the person behind the counter announced our orders together and we stepped up. Before I could do or say anything, Dr. Bishop Held out his card.

"They are together."

"You don't have to –"

"Thank you." He told the person and then looked at me with a smirk.

"Thank you." I said quietly as he turned and walked toward the table.

re welcome, Ms. Ashwood." He didn't look back.

We sat with Victoria who was finishing up her pizza.

"Are you full?" I asked before I took my first bite.

She shrugged.

"Can I get something else?"

"You want some of this?" I pointed to my plate.

"No, I don't want that. Can I get…ice cream?" I watched her eyes shift to the ice cream that was down from us.

I laughed.

"Yeah," I took another bite and stood up to walk her over.

"I'll take her," Dr. Bishop sat up straighter.

I shook my head and stepped out around Victoria's chair.

"I've got it." I smiled.
Then, it happened.

Victoria's foot got caught on the pink striped bag and knocked it over. I could've handled the bikini falling out, but of course the items that hit the floor, for public viewing, were the new underwear and bras I
’d purchased. Gasping, I quickly reached down to pick them up. Dr. Bishop leaned down to help, but then froze when he saw what it was. I glanced up toward him, setting the bag upright. His eyes locked on mine.

"Well, on that note, I’
m definitely taking her over there." I couldn't hold in the laugh as I took Victoria's hand and went to get her ice cream.

After the food court incident, I declared it was time to leave the mall. Quickly looking at my cell phone for the time I realized it was almost three in the afternoon. We had our hands full of bags as we headed to Dr. Bishop's car. Victoria fell asleep during the trip back to the house and the car ride was completely silent
, until his cell phone rang.

"Bishop." He answered.

"Stefan, I don't care what she wants. I want full custody and I expect you to get it." There was a long pause. "We’ve been over the details of her abandoning…the child with me, so that should be enough." Another pause. "I don't care if she is her biological mother. She only wants her for the support money."

The next pause was longer and I shifted uncomfortably.

"Tell Tad to be available tomorrow morning. I’ll be in around ten." He snapped his phone shut and exhaled loudly. I sat there for a few moments, hoping we would pull up to the house soon.

"I apologize." He said coolly.

"There really isn't any need to." I kept my eyes locked on the road ahead of us. We pulled up to the house and he turned off the car.

"Thank you." He said nervously.

I was confused.

"For..?" I glanced toward him.

His eyes stayed on his steering wheel.

"For waking me up, for making me remember
she’s important, for opening my eyes to what I was missing." Then he opened his door, climbing out.

I bit my lip, shocked. Then my door opened and I jumped. I climbed out of the car.

"Thanks." I mumbled and then reached for the rear car door.

"I'll get her." He moved around me and grabbed the door handle.

"I can grab the bags." I offered.

"Don't be ridiculous
. I'll come back out for them." He reached in and pulled Victoria out and against his chest. I shut the car door. He headed toward the house.

"I can get my own bags." I argued.

"You can get the front door." He said coolly.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. He carried Victoria up to her room and laid her on her bed. Then he disappeared out of her room.

"Hey." I spoke softly and brushed the hair from her face. "You need to wake up."

She groaned and stretched.

"We still have to pack." I poked at her arm.

She groaned again and pulled herself into a sitting position. I took off her jacket and hung it up.

Dr. Bishop appeared with all the bags and stood just inside her room.

"Where should I put these?"

"Oh, um...just sit them on the floor." I pointed at the end of Victoria's bed. "We have to go through them and pack."

"Yes. Um, you will be following Allison and Larissa up in the Lexus tomorrow." He
cleared his throat. "I figure you may need the car with Victoria while you’re there and I’ll be in and out because of work."

I nodded. "Okay." I smiled small and went to grab Victoria's luggage from her closet. When I returned, he was gone.

Victoria stumbled to her bathroom. I started going through the bags. After cutting off tags and folding clothes into her large suitcase I was finally finished. Victoria was packing up her books, drawing supplies, hand held video game; IPod, movies, and she packed some other toys.

I moved on to my room and started packing up my new purchases, some of my previously owned clothes, and my toiletries. I collected my laptop, power cords, wireless card, favorite books, and some other items that would be needed. Once
packed, it was after six in the evening. I still needed to make dinner. I left my room and yelled for Victoria as I passed by her open door.

"Hey, you hungry yet?"

"Yeah!" She shouted and appeared at her door. "What’re we having?"

"I don't know. I lost track of time." I motioned for her to come with me. "Let's go see what we can put together."

We descended the stairs and entered the kitchen. I went straight to the refrigerator and started naming off different things. Victoria shot them all down.

"Well, you are going to have to give me some sort of help here." I leaned onto the counter and faced her over the island.

"Tacos?" She questioned.

I chuckled. "Okay." I stood up and started to gather everything needed to make tacos.

"Can I help?" She appeared next to me.

"Sure thing," I handed her the cheese and grater.

Victoria and I spent the evening eating tacos and playing video games in her room until it got too late.

"Night, Sophia."

"Night, Victoria." I turned off her light and headed to my room.

I made sure I was up early the next morning and had started loading up the car with luggage.

"Ms. Ashwood, you could've asked for help." Dr. Bishop dropped his brief case and hurried to help me with the luggage.

"It's okay." I groaned
and lifted the large heavy bag into the back. "I got it." My breathing was heavy.

"Please..." He moved me out of the way and started to load the car for me.

"Dr. Bishop, you're getting dirt on your suit jacket." I pointed out.

"Shit." He grumbled.

"" I handed him a Shout wipe I kept in the car.

"Um...what is this?" He looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and opened the packet. Pulling the wipe out, I moved closer to him and leaned down. The wipe quickly removed the marks on his blazer.

"There." I
stood up and was immediately caught in his emerald eyes. His nostrils flared and his breathing was harder. "I-I'm sorry if –"

"Thank you." He spoke curtly. Quickly collecting his brief case and then climbing into his car. I couldn't help but watch his every move.

Once he was gone, I moved back into the house, starting breakfast and working to get Victoria out of bed. While she ate I ran around her room, straightening up and grabbing last minute things. Back in the kitchen I grabbed the car snacks and cleaned up breakfast.

Allison arri
ved about ten minutes after I’d finished everything up. I was feeling smug that she couldn't use her impatience on me. We were ready to climb in the car and leave, and that is exactly what we did.

We drove for a couple of hours before we got to the ferry which would take
us to the island. Once parked, Victoria and I headed up to the top deck for drinks and to watch the view. We didn't see Allison or Larissa during that time; however, we did see William with the twins walking around and Amber with Ryan and M.J. We said quick hellos, but were all busy trying to handle restless children.

Once the ferry was close to the island
, we walked back to the car. Allison and Larissa were in front of us, while William and Amber were a few cars over.

Pulling up to the house and parking, I climbed out in awe. It was a huge house, and the whole front and side looked to be made of
windows. It was stunning. Looking behind me and seeing the beach and the water, I could only imagine the view from those windows.

"Sophia." Victoria was waving her hands in my face.

"Huh?" I shook my head.

She giggled.

"Come on, I'll show you the inside."

We grabbed a couple of bags and
went inside. The house was large, open, and beautiful.  At the top of the staircase you could look over the balcony to the living room and foyer. Victoria directed me down a long hallway filled with doors.

"Okay, from right to left, as we go…" she prepared me "Grandma and Grandpa's room, Uncle Max and Aunt Larissa's room, Aunt Allison and Uncle Jonathan's room, and this one is Daddy's room." She looked at me over her shoulder.

"Okay." I nodded and smiled. Then she took me up a second flight of stairs.

"These are our rooms on the third floor. Again from right to left…" she smiled at me

"Ryan and Amber, and well I guess MJ now too" she shrugged and continued, "Gregory and Michael's room, with William of course, and this is my room." She turned around smiling wide. "You get to stay with me.

"Awesome!" I dropped one bag out of my hand and held it up for a high five. She smacked my hand hard and laughed. "Let's get our stuff in there."

She nodded and opened her door. There were two twin size beds against one wall, a nightstand between them with a large purple lamp, a large closet on one wall, a massive dresser, an entertainment center on another wall, and the last wall was completely glass that overlooked the beach.

"This is a pretty nice room you've got here." I nudged her arm and chuckled.

She giggled.

"Our bathroom is next to the dresser." She pointed.

I glanced in the direction and saw the door which blended into the wooden walls.


The first few hours were spent carrying luggage and other things in to the house. With William being the only guy, he got stuck with a lot of heavy things; though Amber and I tried to help as much as possible. Once everything was in the house, we got the kids together for lunch.

As the kids were eating, we heard another arrival. Glancing up from behind the kitchen island I saw a business suit and then saw
the owner, Jonathan. I fought a shudder.

"Good afternoon everyone." He nodded to us all and walked over to his boys, kissing both their heads.

We nodded back and mumbled good afternoon. As I was turning back to the kids I felt Jonathan's gaze lingering on me. I couldn't help but lose the fight with my shudder. When he finally left the kitchen, I fell back into the easy conversation with Amber and William. Allison's voice gave away the next arrival.

"Mommy," She sang
. Connor and Ilene had arrived. I sighed heavily and started to clean up the kitchen.

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