Little Red (4 page)

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Authors: Trista Jaszczak

BOOK: Little Red
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And I stand there and stare back.

It seems as though this is what he wants.

I see his lips curl into a little smile as he moves closer

Before I can blink, he’s on me and his mouth is hungrily attached to mine.

I feel my legs wobble as I nearly lose balance.

His strong hands grab at my waist and stabilize me as my mouth kisses him in such
a fury that my breathing has quickly become ragged.

I feel myself move, pushing against what I can only guess is a tree.

I groan, which causes Ethan to tear his lips away and look at me.

This time there’s no running and no fear

His hands fumble with the buckle at the bottom of my red, leather jacket, and then
the zipper.

He finds the nape of my neck that sends my head flying forward with a loud moan escaping
involuntarily past my lips.

I hear Ethan growl softly in such a way that I gasp as he switches between light sucks,
nibbles, and licks along the most sensitive part of my neck.

I raise my head long enough to feel his starved hands feeling the front of my body.

I let out another groan as I grab onto his dark hair.

I hear another light growl as his hands tear at my jeans.

His strength is so over powering, I feel the button fly out of place and the zipper
tear as my jeans are ripped from my body and tossed to the ground.

My legs begin to shake more as my own hands find his jeans

I fight to steady my movements as I gingerly work the button and zipper of his jeans.

He doesn’t waste a moment.

His jeans slide down just enough, revealing a pair of well-fitted boxer briefs, and
before I can make even the slightest noise or movement, I feel my jeans somehow being
kicked out of the way.

My breathing is now choppier than before, and my hands manage to grab onto his hair
again as he lifts my tiny frame with ease to be even with him.

His large hands find the backs of my knees comfortably to hold me in place, and his
lips eagerly find mine again.

I moan, tugging at a tuft of his hair, causing that low growl to escape from him.

I let out a drawn out gasp as I feel him enter me.

I feel my eyes nearly roll back as I fight to steady my motions.

My hands shake as they grab and pull at his hair and leather coat

I close my eyes tightly, only to hear Ethan’s voice demand, “Look at me,” in my ear.

I obey as I feel my body climax quickly.

I let out a scream that surely frightens off anything else in the woods in a nearby

Ethan’s lips curl up, pleased, just before he leans in to smash his lips to mine.

The kiss is all but brief and leaving me wanting more before his head yanks back and
a low groan leaves his lips.

His head leans forward to find my shoulder.

His breathing is deep and ragged as he works to steady himself and brace me.

My trembling and weak body finally begins to relax as it settles on me what has happened.

Ethan finally raises his head to lock eyes with mine.

His eyes have changed.

They seem softer.

Relaxed and completely satisfied.

I can’t even open my mouth, despite having tried.

He holds his stance and keeps me in place as my body shivers

“You’re cold,” I hear him murmur

I manage a slight nod

He smiles, plants a kiss on the center of my forehead, and begins to reluctantly move.

I brace myself to be set on the ground, but instead Ethan changes my position, adjusts
his jeans the best he can, and begins to carry me back to the rickety, old shack

I stare at him, unable to help myself.

I purse my lips as he gives me a seat on the couch.

My body feels so worn that I immediately submit and sink into the faded blue fabric

“My jeans,” I stammer

He gives me a nod and rushes back out to the tree.

I attempt to adjust myself.

I straighten out my jacket and tank top that have gone askew.

I work on wiggling the peek-a-boo cut underwear to where they’re supposed to be, and
finally push my hair out of my eyes.

By the time I finish, I hear Ethan’s boots coming up the steps of the house.

I can see his cheeks seem slightly red underneath his scruff of facial hair.

It seems strange to see a man like him even slightly flush

He gives me a little laugh.

“Your jeans may have ripped.” He passes them to me, and I begin to inspect the damage.

Ripped is an understatement.

The button no longer exists, the zipper has been torn at the seams, and the seams
of the jeans have been split down the middle.

I find myself feeling less awkward and self-conscious as I begin to laugh.

“Well, that’s never happened before,” I say softly.

I look up to see Ethan is stripping his leather jacket to reveal his fitted black
tee shirt and is tugging his jeans on his hips to button and zip them again

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asks

I give my head a shake as I toss my now useless jeans off to the side

“I can walk back to your bike and grab your bags, if you like,” he tells me

I look up at him.

“You would do that?”

He nods and smiles.

“Do the bags detach?”

I give him a nod as he walks to the bed, grabbing the small blanket for me

“I can be back in no time,” he says, wrapping it around me

“I’d really appreciate it.”

He nods as I watch him pull on his jacket.

“I’ll be quick.” His lips curl into a sly smile.

“Wouldn’t want the big bad wolf getting you.”

I find myself laughing as somehow I’m at ease with him

“You should be comfortable here.”

I nod, begging myself not to stare at him.

Before he heads for the door, he steps toward me, bends down, and leaves one soft
kiss on my lips.

As he pulls away, I smile.

He returns the smile, and I, for once, feel alright with being at a loss for words.

Some part of me thinks he understands completely

I watch as he heads for the door and shuts it tightly behind him.

I look around; the candles have all been left glimmering in the darkness.

I take a breath and lean forward to remove my boots and socks.

With new clothes on the way, I can only hope this little shack has some source of
water nearby.

I laugh when I see the polish on my toes is a bright, candy apple red.


That should make Ethan laugh.

I bring my knees up to my chest and curl myself in the corner of the couch.

I reach for the other blanket and drop it over me as well.

The warmth finally surrounds me, and I close my eyes, feeling my body relax as I take
a few deep breaths.

I feel safe, for the first time in a long time.

I feel myself drifting to sleep as I hear the boots on the front steps.

It’s Ethan
, I tell myself.

Who else could it be? I slink off into slumber, only to realize my worst nightmare
when I feel myself being yanked with a great force from the couch




I barely have enough time to open my mouth, let alone scream as I’m flung into one
of the walls of the shack.

I groan as he holds me against the wall with one hand.

I look up into his eyes.

It’s not Ethan, but I see a man who, aside from his messier dark hair, could easily
pass for his brother.

His silver eyes spark with brightness under the candlelight and his five o’clock shadow
is dominant on his face.

He’s as tall as Ethan is, with an unbelievably large build.

His dark jeans and boots, like Ethan’s, are speckled with debris from the woods.

His shadowy tee shirt reveals two muscular forearms that, even under the dim candlelight,
I can see tensing as he clings on to me

“What do we have here?” His voice is low and taunting as I force myself not to fight

He leans in close; his nose twitches ever so slightly as he…smells me.

“You have Ethan’s scent on you.” He growls

My mouth drops as the pain in my back begins spreading from the forceful meeting with
the wall

“Where is he?” he grumbles

“He…” I stammer.

“He went to...”

“He’s right here!” I hear Ethan’s voice from the door of the cabin.

My eyes snap toward him, pleading for him to help me

“Really, Ethan?” The man says.

“Really? She hasn’t been in town all of…” he leans down, smelling me again, “a few

I feel tears beginning to sting my eyes.

The man slowly loosens his grip, but he doesn’t let go.

He reaches for my forearm where he holds me away from Ethan.

He’s using me as bait to taunt Ethan in some twisted game



Go, Aaron,” Ethan growls

“What?” The other man laughs.

“You mean to tell me she’s yours? This many years and you finally decide to...”

Ethan is quick to cut him off.

“Let her go.”

Before I can say anything, five men who match Ethan’s appearance run in.

One who is Aaron’s identical twin is the first to speak.

“Aaron, you fucking moron, what are you doing?”

I train my eyes on him for a moment.

Unlike his twin, his clean-shaven face presents chiseled features that are buried
underneath Aaron’s scruff.

His silvery eyes gleam under the candlelight, just as Aaron’s and Ethan’s eyes do.

His hair is dark, but much shorter and well styled.

His own white tee shirt, dark jeans, and large boots also suggest that he has been
romping around in the woods

Ethan’s eyes shift to the other men.

“She’s mine!” He growls loudly, letting his eyes shift back to Aaron who has managed
to tighten his grip on my arm

I feel my bottom lip begin to quiver as another man steps in front of Ethan.

He has the same dark hair that has been cut short and styled.

His face suggests that he’s used to shaving but presents itself with the tiniest traces
of stubble.

His gray eyes flash with the same brightness as he moves and catches the candle flames
at certain angles.

Though he seems to be a few inches shorter than Ethan and the twins, his build is
the same.

Defined muscles that are always visible trying to hide under his plain tee shirt and
loose jeans that I assume can only be splattered in mud.

“You all are fucking idiots!” he yells.

“You’re scaring her out of her wits.”

I feel Aaron’s grip on me loosen, and I seize the opportunity to wiggle myself out
of my red jacket and fling myself toward Ethan.

As of this moment, he’s the only one I can trust, if I can even trust him.

He places a hand on my cheek and takes my forearm for a quick inspection.

Aaron has left me unmarked, but he does see the five-inch scar that Josh had left
on me some years before.

It’s the entire reason I wear the jacket to begin with.

My bottom lip shakes as a few tears dribble down my cheeks.

He uses his thumb to brush them away.

“Are you okay?”

“No, she’s not okay,” the other man answers.

“What’s wrong with you, Aaron?”

“James, I -” Aaron begins

James doesn’t let him finish.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“I picked up his scent.” His eyes flash to Ethan, who quickly ushers me behind him,
using his own body to shield me.

“I found her! He’s the one who left her alone!”

“I left her alone to go get her clothes!” Ethan retorts

It’s then that I realize I’m barely covered, standing in front of seven men who are
complete strangers in nothing more than my underwear and a tank top

“All I smell is her!” Aaron screams, making me jump

James turns to Ethan.

“Give her your shirt.

Put your scent on her.” His beautiful silver eyes turn to me.

“I’m sorry we had to meet like this.” His eyes are soft, comforting, and not in the
least threatening.

“We’re Ethan’s brothers.

You’ll have to ignore Aaron, he’s a bit of a…” His lips turn upward to smile in the
same fashion as Ethan’s.

“He seems to think he’s the Alpha Male.”

This makes the other men laugh as Aaron scoffs.

By this time, Ethan has shed his shirt and is pulling it over my head.

I don’t move, and allow him to do as his brother has told him to do.

I feel a little more covered at least.

His shirt falls loose on me, covering down to the top of my knees.

Ethan’s eyes fall back on my completely exposed scar.

He traces along it with his fingertip.

I push myself a little bit closer, as I can now feel the other men’s eyes staring
deep into me.

I let my eyes shift around the room

“What’s your name?” James asks

Before I can say anything, Aaron, who is still clutching my red leather jacket, laughs.

“Why, it’s Little Red Riding Hood.”

“Her name is Sam,” Ethan shoots

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