Lily White Lies (37 page)

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Authors: Kathy Reinhart

BOOK: Lily White Lies
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“Better than I hoped.”

“Did you get all the answers you were looking for?”

“Most.”  I propped myself up a little.  “There are a couple little things...  what was wrong with your grandmother that she was so sick for so long?”

“You know,” he said, “I really can’t tell you.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Can’t.  I know she had a nervous breakdown when I was young but she recovered from that.”  He shook his head and continued, “My grandfather never talked about it much but when I was a teenager, she just seemed to be having bad days more and more often.  She lost her mind but whether it was caused by an illness... you know, something like Alzheimer’s or whether she just went crazy, I don’t know.  He never would say.”

Remembering the conversation I had with Gramp a few weeks earlier, I recalled what he told me about how when you’re in love you can tolerate and even overlook someone’s shortcomings and flaws,  and thinking aloud, I said, “He really loved her.”

“What’s that?”

“Your grandfather... he really loved her.”

He said, “In his own way I guess,” as he brought the car to a stop in a densely wooded area.

Reaching into the glove box, he pulled out a handkerchief and motioned me to turn around.

I turned hesitantly, and asked, “What’s this for?”

“I want you to see Wisteria Falls all at once, not bit by bit as we approach it.”

The sun was beginning to set and being deep in a heavily wooded area, I wouldn’t have seen very much without the blindfold, but the suspense he was bringing to the evening heightened my excitement.

With the blindfold in place, he wrapped an arm around my waist, held my hand with his free hand, and led my deeper into the woods.

I knew we were getting close when I began to hear the falls as they ran off the mountain and the smell...  I had never smelled anything quite like it before.  It was flowery, woodsy and a bit musty but at the same time, it smelled fresh.

Giving me a squeeze, he said, “Almost there,” as he slowly guided me to our destination.

Pulling back on my waist, we came to a stop and he moved behind me.  Before he removed the handkerchief, he said, “As my grandmother said, ‘heaven on earth’,” and then let it fall from my eyes.

It took several seconds to focus in the dimming light, but when Wisteria Falls finally came into view, it astounded me and I whispered, “Oh my God...”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

Looking through the spray caused by the falls, I took in the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.

Rocks glistening against a liquid backdrop formed steps that led to the top of the falls.  Several flat rocks lined the edge of the small body of water that once cascaded down the side of the mountain.  Wisteria grew up the tall trunks of mature trees and hung from their mighty branches, purple blooms adding color to the green and brown wonderland.

On the other side of a narrow, wooden bridge sat a small stone cottage covered in so much wisteria; it escaped my view the first time I looked in that direction.  In the dim light of dusk, I could easily see the glow of candles through the cottage windows.

I murmured, “This is amazing,” before my breath caught in my throat.

His moist lips kissed the back of my neck while his hands skillfully unbuttoned the front of my blouse.  My head hung forward as my blouse inched its way off my shoulders with each button he undid. 

With my shoulders bared, I tossed my head to one side as he kissed his way down my neck, across my left shoulder and began to work his way down my back.

I felt myself tense as he kissed the top of my scar.  Bringing his head close to my ear, he whispered, “You never have to be embarrassed with me,” and then continued where he had left off.

Pushing my hair aside, he slowly kissed his way down every inch of my back following a finger that traced the length of my scar.  As he began his way up my back, his hands cupped my breasts, which were aching for freedom.  I let out one, soft moan as the currents of desire intensified and as if on command, he lifted me in his arms and began long strides to the cottage.

I released his lips long enough to whisper, “I want you so much,” and felt his grip on me tighten.

He breathed, “I’ve dreamed of this day...  I love you...  I will always love you,” into my ear before taking possession of my mouth again in a sensual kiss.

I tightened my grip around his neck when I felt him bend to open the door.  Closing it behind us with a kick of his foot, he took several more steps and we softly fell to the bed together.  He never broke our union as he undid the hook in the front of my bra, exposing my bare breasts and causing me to squirm underneath him.

With my arms around him, I pulled on the back of his shirt, sliding it out from underneath his jeans.  His mouth worked even harder to keep me aroused as his tongue caressed mine and his free hand fondled my breasts.

We had worked ourselves into a rhythm of pushing and arching and I was desperate to have him fulfill my growing need.  I couldn’t recall when he unbuttoned my jeans, but I realized he was trying to pull them off, his laying on top of me making his task harder.  I lifted myself from the bed to aid him while I pulled his shirt over his head. 

As we slowly freed each other from the few remaining articles of clothing that kept us from becoming one, our hands and lips continued to kiss, tease and probe in eager anticipation of the moment we’d both waited for.

When the last of our clothing was lying on the floor, I looked deeply into his eyes and tenderly said, “I love you now and I will love you forever.”

I saw the spark in his eyes ignite into raging passion and he lowered his mouth to mine.  His kisses began tender, teasing, exploring my mouth and pulling away when he felt me press into him.  I wriggled underneath him as he shifted himself between my legs.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he ran his arms underneath me, propping himself up on his elbows.  He gazed at me through loving blue eyes and then deepened his kisses, pressing me further into the soft bed.

The cool breeze blew freely through the open window and I let out a moan of desire as he gently entered me, my back arching to meet him.  He quickly fell into a rhythmic pattern of thrusting and pausing, bringing cries of ecstasy from deep within me as my eyes rolled back under closed lids and I became lost in his lovemaking...


We brought each other to a euphoric climax several times before the sun came up and I found myself wishing we never had to leave the cottage where we had consummated our love.

Feeling sexually drained but emotionally alive, I readily agreed when he suggested a shower underneath the falls.

Stepping into a heavy spray just off to the side of the falls, I gasped as the cold water drenched me.  Goosebumps flowered across my skin and Con wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm.

He looked deeply into my eyes, and said, “You were amazing.”

Offering a loving smile, I replied, “Haven’t you heard—you’re only as good as the one you’re with.”

He returned the smile before running his hands down to the small of my back, letting them rest there.  I tipped my head back and my lips parted slightly as he lowered his mouth to mine.  His kisses were as intoxicating as they had been the previous night and before long, we were lying in a grassy spot next to the falls, enjoying each other again.


It was late morning and the sun was high when, with reluctance, we finally made our way back to the city.  Barely more than an hour since the last time we made love and already I yearned to feel his body pressed into mine, his lips sending me over the edge and his hands causing me to stir with desire.  On the heels of the most incredible night of my life, I was looking for another.  I had to find something else to occupy my mind or we would never get back to the city. 

After making a call to Marco to check on things, I brought up something that had suddenly become very important to me.

“I’d like to plan a get-together for our families soon, if you’re okay with it.”

He looked at me skeptically, and said, “Now that should prove interesting.”

“I think they’ll be fine.”

“They can spend the rest of their lives fighting like little boys, but promise me, it won’t affect us,” he said.


There was one more thing I felt I had to do before we could embark on a life together.  I asked him to turn off the northeast extension and head toward Brickway.

Con knew of my mother but we had never discussed her in any detail.  It was only recently that I began to feel any connection to her myself.  I didn’t want there to be any secrets between us.  I wanted to share every aspect of myself with him—the good, the bad and even the hard to explain.

I gave him the condensed version of her past and told him how his grandfather paid the bills at Cherry Hall in return for my grandfather confessing to Wesley’s death.

He shook his head in disbelief.  “Your grandfather is an amazing man.  I’ve never seen such selflessness.”

Nodding with pride, I said, “Yes, he is.  I just wish I had seen that a long time ago instead of wasting so many years being confused about him.”

“Well, it may have been a sad story, but at least it had a happy ending.”

I took hold of his hand and leaned back in the seat until we pulled up in front of Cherry Hall.

He held the heavy door open while I passed through.  I was beginning to make a habit of coming on non-visitation days, so I stopped at the lobby desk to clear it with Norma.

“Ms. Embry...”  Norma greeted me with surprise in her voice.  “Nobody informed me that we were having an Embry reunion today,” she said teasingly.


“Why yes.  Your grandparent’s are in with your aunt...  I’m sorry; they’re in with your mother as we speak.”  Giving Con an admiring once over, she added, “And who would this be?”

Turning my attention to Con and then back to Norma, I said, “I’m sorry, Con, this is Norma.  She’s been the desk nurse in my mother’s wing for as long as my mother’s been here, Norma, this is Con Ellis, my special someone.”

Norma gave me an approving nod, and said, “Nice to meet you, Con.  Now why don’t the two of you go down and join the party.”

As we made our way down the long hall, I whispered, “It takes a little getting used to,” when I caught the sympathetic look he offered to some of the patients that lined the walls.

I knocked once and turned the doorknob to my mother’s room, but before I could take my first step in, Gram met me at the door and pushed me back out.

“What’s wrong?  Is she alright?”

Gram dismissed Con’s presence, looked directly at me and said, “She’s fine, child, but I don’t want you making him feel uncomfortable.  It took a lot to get him here and I don’t want anything scaring him off.”

I shook my head in confusion.

“By the good grace of God, for the first time in over twenty years, your grandfather is in that room visiting with his little girl.”

“How did you get him to agree to come here?”

“We traded off.”  Turning her attention to Con as if she just spotted him behind me, she said, “It would take a special kind of man to accompany my granddaughter to a place like this.  Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure, Mrs. Embry.”

As Gram fumbled for the knob behind her, she replied, “Oh, you can stop with that Mrs. Embry stuff... makes me sound so damn old.  You call me Cybil.”

Gramp sat next to his daughter on the bed, never turning around when we entered.  As Gram took a seat on the other side of her, Gramp said, “Listen Cybil, listen to this.  Karen, who am I?”

She kept her head toward the floor and rocked back and forth slowly.

“Oh, you old fool; she hasn’t seen you in a coon’s age.  Don’t be expecting her to fall all over you.”

“Dammit woman, I heard her say ‘dad’ I tell you.”

“And don’t you be cussing in front of my little girl or her guests,” she said, motioning behind her.

When he turned to find us standing there, his expression became thoughtful as he stood to face us.  I walked farther into the room, never letting go of Con’s hand.  Gramp took several steps from the other side of the bed and stood directly in front of us.

He said, “It seems I owe you a bit of an apology for my behavior the last time we met,” as he extended his hand.

Shaking his outstretched hand, Con replied, “I suppose we should have warned you instead of surprising you in your own home.  I’m sorry, too.”

With the last of the apologies made, we visited with my mother for almost an hour, in which time we never did hear her say ‘dad’ but Gramp left Cherry Hall insisting that she had said it.  We made plans for a get-together for the following weekend, said our goodbye’s and headed back to Upper Darby.


~ ~ ~


The following week went by quickly.  I closed on the building for my new bakery and that night, Con and I christened it.  We met Kevin and the girls at Sal’s for dinner one night.  Charlotte and Kevin had finally cracked under Cory’s pressuring and agreed to a small wedding.  Cory had enrolled in her classes and we were surprised to learn that her father had her take courses for everything from advanced accounting to mechanics.  It seemed like a lot to go through, but her dream of working with her father meant more to her than anything else she’d ever done.  Besides, as she informed us with her trademark smile, most of the students in her classes were men and they were more than eager to help her with whatever she might need. 

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