Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)
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I was in bed with Lori Ann, my girl, my best friend for all
these years.  She was naked, and she was finally mine.  Or at least I hoped she
was mine.  Every inch of her was perfect, even the bruises, which really played
games with my psyche.  I wanted that bastard dead.

But right now, I just needed to feel my Lori Ann under me. 
Needed to feel her wrapped around my cock and to drive into her so hard that I marked
every part of her as mine.  She was still healing, so I needed to be careful. 
But I was going to make her mine…no doubt. 

As I kissed her open, soft mouth and touched her wet folds,
I thought of all the ways I wanted to claim Lori Ann.  I quickly slipped off my
boxer briefs and pressed my cock next to her side.  Then lifting my mouth off
of hers, I said, “Naked.  This is new for us.”  She laughed.

“Yes, and I love it.” 
  “I need to see you,
though.”  I smiled, then leaned back slightly so she could look at me as her
words filled me with contentment.  “If I’m yours, then you are mine.  No
others, Jason.  Promise me.”

I turned my body and leaned over Lori Ann, our bodies lining
up, and said, “No others.  You and me.”  I kissed her lips and aligned my cock
with her entrance.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this, for us?”

She was panting, and the lust in her eyes told me the answer
before her words had a chance.  “Yes.”

“I want you without barriers, nothing between us.  Can I,
baby?”  She knew what I was asking.

“Yes, Jace.  Yes.”  I slowly pushed into her opening and
watched as her body arched off the bed.  “So.  Right.”

We fit perfectly together, my Lori Ann and I.  We were made
to be joined in the most intimate way.  I stilled my body when I was fully
inside, and as I laid my forehead against hers, I whispered, “I’ve wanted this
moment for so many years.  Never leave.  Please.  I can’t lose you again.”  I
hadn’t meant to lay my soul out for her to see, but all the emotions of the
last several weeks had caught up with me and stripped me raw.  She needed to
know my intentions, my heart.  I could never let her go again.

“I’m not going anywhere, Jace.  I want this too.”  Lori Ann
shifted and placed a sweet, gentle kiss on my lips as she rocked her hips
upwards into mine, earning a huge groan from me.

“Again,” I managed to say.  And she tilted her hips a few
more times, taking me deeper.  “My girl.”

“Yes. Yours.”  Her hands came up to cup my face.  “I’m so
happy to be here with you.  I never realized how much I missed you until this
very moment.” 

“I know.”  I kissed her lips and slowly pulled almost
completely out of her before pushing back in at the same pace.  She closed her
eyes and let her hands fall above her head.  She was so damn beautiful, lying
there fully exposed, open to whatever I wanted to do to her.  She had no idea
what that did to me, how much I needed control.  I made a mental note to tell
her, but tonight was not the time.  I wanted to savor our first time to make
love even if it was torture not to completely ravage her body, marking every
inch with mine, claiming her forever. 

“Jace…”  Lori Ann’s breathing was getting faster, more
erratic, and it was ripping at my control.

“Yes, baby?  What do you need?”  I asked between slow thrusts
as I placed a trail of kisses down her neck.

“I need faster, please.  This is torture.” 

I smiled against her skin and pushed my cock in deeper,
earning a small gasp.  “I like this torture.”

“Ahh…me too, but now I need release.” 

“Not yet.”  I pumped in and out several more times before I
felt her body clamping down on me.  The tight squeeze on my cock snapped what
was left of my restraint.  “So good.”  I couldn’t help myself as I thrust hard,
speeding up our rhythm.  I tried to focus on being careful of Lori Ann’s
injuries, but it was difficult when all I wanted to do was flip her over and
pound into her. 

“Jace, I’m going to…” she moaned, arching her back, causing
everything in my body to suddenly need release too.

“Yes, come for me.”  I felt my own orgasm begging to
explode, but I held on, waiting for Lori Ann.  “Now.”

“Yes…” she screamed, her whole body stiffening as she
grabbed the back of my head, pulled my lips to hers, and shoved her tongue into
my mouth.  Her frantic kisses and tight, warm body wrapped around mine had me
coming so hard, I had to break our kiss to catch my breath.  I hadn’t meant to
come inside her, but it was too late now.  And truthfully, I didn’t care.  She
was mine, and it made every one of my ancestral, caveman, testosterone-filled
cells pound on my chest at the thought of a part of me spreading all through
her, staying in her long after our love-making was done.  I smiled as our
breaths slowed and carefully rolled to the side taking Lori Ann with me, my
cock still buried in her. 

I kissed the end of her nose.  “You are so beautiful.  God,
how I’ve wanted you, wanted this.”

She smiled and stared into my eyes.  “All these years, I’ve
wondered what would have happened had we
tried at a
relationship.  I know it was me, my fault.  I pushed you away back then because
I was scared.  I was so afraid of screwing up our friendship, and I needed
more at the time than a boyfriend.  But I’ve always thought about it.”

“I know.  I’ve always known what you need, Legs.  And back then,
well, I knew you needed a friend.  I guess that’s why I never got upset or
angry about you pushing me away.  I could’ve easily been so hurt or embarrassed
that I ruined our relationship.  Hell, I wanted you, was so in love with you,

Lori Ann kissed me, stopping me mid-sentence as her lips
opened, inviting me in.  I pulled her closer and pushed my tongue inside.  I
didn’t know for sure what the sudden need was, but I had an idea. When she
pulled back to look at me, I saw it in her eyes.  Regret.  

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, Jace.”


“I never told you that I felt the same way.  I loved you
too.”  A small little smile crept across her face.

“What?  You did?”

“Of course I did.  You were my best friend.  We did
everything together, talked all hours of the night, and shared more than just a
few secrets with each other.  I suspected you had deep feelings for me, but I
didn’t know if I should bring it up.  Then, when we kissed…like really kissed
that first time and ended up half naked a few weeks later?  Well, I freaked
out.  Those few months that we tried to date each other were so good.  I loved
holding your hand, having you kiss and touch me, but all I kept thinking about
was what if we ruin
?  I was moving across the globe and you were
leaving for training, and I knew how much we would need each other.  It was so
hard to walk away from having
of you.  Even when Antonio came along,
I kept thinking, ‘What would Jason think?  Would he be jealous, tell me not to
marry him, come find me and stop the wedding?’  I know that sounds crazy, but
it’s true.”  The grin on her face was so cute.

I smiled and let out a little laugh.  “I was jealous…hell, I
was out of my mind with it…and pissed, and hurt but I couldn’t tell you that. 
I thought you were happy, and I was a world away.  Just for the record, I
nearly did fly to Italy when you told me you were engaged.  I wanted you to
look me in the eye and tell me you loved him and not me.”

“What stopped you?”


“He did?  Why?”

“He told me I needed to get a fucking life.”

“Sounds just like him.”  Lori Ann chuckled. 

“Yeah, he was right.  But damn, it was hard.”

“Well, in hindsight, I wish you would have stopped me.” 
Sadness washed over her face.

I leaned in and said, “I know.  I’ve been thinking that very
thing for weeks now.  I’m sorry, baby.  I hate that he hurt you.  It kills me
to think about you being scared for even one second.”

Lori Ann kissed my lips and said, “I’m so glad to be here
with you.”

“Me too, more than you know.”  I deepened our kiss and
rolled us over as I ran my hands through her hair.  I was still inside her, and
as I got harder, she groaned.  “Now, I need you again before I take you to the
shower and curl up next to you all night long.”

“Yes, Jace.  Yes.”


Chapter 13
Lori Ann

My whole body hurt.

Mostly, the pain was from all
the twisting and turning of my broken body during my incredible night with
Jason.  I worked hard not to show any of the pain, and for the most part, it
was easy to ignore.  Jason worshiped me, made love to me three times, the last
being in the shower, before crawling naked into my bed.  He firmly gripped my
body next to his as if I might vanish into thin air.  I slept better than I had
in over a year. 


I grew up in an incredibly loving home, the only child of
second-generation immigrants from a small town in Italy.  My grandparents, my
father’s parents, had had an arranged marriage, which I always thought was
completely crazy, but my grandmother used to tell me how much she respected my
grandfather even from the beginning.  She’d told me that together, they’d made
the decision to leave Italy, immigrate to the United States, and start a life
here, away from all the traditions of their families.  They wanted to love each
other, to start fresh.  And a few years into their marriage, she said she fell
head over heels for her husband.  My grandfather used to get the biggest grin
on his face when she’d tell the story.  He’d shrug his shoulders and say, “What’s
not to love?  Look at me.”  Then, he’d laugh, walk to my grandmother, and kiss
her so tenderly just before giving her a swat on the ass. 

Of course, my grandmother would chastise his behavior, but
always with a slight smirk and a wink.  So in love and committed, they died
within hours of each other during their sleep not long after Antonio and I

I still missed them. 

My parents were the same way.  Still married after forty
years and loved being together.  They were high school sweethearts and married
shortly after they graduated.  I loved being back home in New York for visits,
but after my full scholarship led me to San Diego State, I couldn’t imagine
going back to live there.  San Diego was really home to me.  Jason’s family was
my second family and took care of me from the moment he and I became inseparable
friends our Freshman year. 

I thought of his family and mine too every time I looked in
the mirror and saw a new bruise.  I couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone what
Antonio was doing to me.  It was only when I really got scared that I reached
out to Jason.  He hadn’t asked me any questions about my family.  I’m sure he
knew I wouldn’t want my dad to know what was going on.  But now that I was
safely back home and had Jace to protect me, I needed to tell them.  I worried
Antonio might go to them looking for me, and for their safety, they needed to
know the kind of man I married. 

I slowly crawled out of my bed, careful to guard my broken
ribs.  Jason was still sleeping soundly next to me, but I desperately needed to
get up and go to the bathroom.  And my stomach was churning on the verge of
pain and nausea.  I assumed it was anxiety at the thought of having to call my
parents.  As quietly as I could, I walked to the bathroom and closed the door
before turning to sit on the toilet.  Everything I did was in such a
ridiculously slow motion that it was

I sat for a while, not wanting to move a muscle, but I was
naked and feeling a bit too exposed.  So, I flushed and went to stand up, but a
sharp pain in my stomach sent my whole body to the floor.  I held my breath
waiting for it to pass, but it didn’t.  I couldn’t yell for Jason either, so I
lay there for who knows how long just trying to take short breaths.  Something
was seriously wrong with me.  Maybe my ribs had punctured something.  I tried
not to panic or cry, but I was scared.  I waited until I couldn’t anymore and
slowly crawled…no, I basically dragged myself by my right arm toward the closed
door.  When I was close enough, all I could do was hit it a few times and pray
that Jason would hear me. 

After a few more attempts at hitting it, I heard his angelic
voice.  “Lori Ann?”  He knocked.  “Are you okay?”

I started to cry and the pain increased, but instead of
screaming, all I could manage was to groan Jason’s name.  “Jaaaccceee…”

He pushed the door open and nearly hit me with it.  “Oh
God!  What’s wrong, baby?  Talk to me.”  Jason was kneeling next to me, trying
to help me up, but every time he tried to lift and sit me up, I held my breath
and shook my head as the pain so obviously registered in my eyes.  “I don’t
understand.  Where…where is the pain?”

I shut my eyes and reached for my stomach. 

“Okay.  Your ribs?”

I shook my head “no.” It was different.

“I need to call an ambulance, okay?  Let me grab my phone.” 
I felt the panic increase.

“Jace,” I whispered, “don’t leave me.”

He leaned down and kissed my lips.  “Baby, I’m not leaving. 
My phone is right there next to the bed.  Let me get it.  You need help.”

I started to cry again, but curled into my body when another
wave of pain hit.  “Shit.  What’s wrong?  God, help my girl, please,” Jason

He stood, grabbed his phone, and was talking to someone,
though I didn’t register much of the conversation.  I kept my eyes shut and
just tried to breathe.  Minutes passed.  “Help is coming, sweetheart, but I
doubt you want them to see you naked.”  Oh shit!  “I need to try and put some
clothes on you, okay?”

I opened my eyes and nodded my head.  Jason quickly ran to
the closet and was back with clothes.  I had no idea what he was putting on me
and didn’t care.  He moved my body enough to slip a tee shirt over my head,
then carefully maneuvered my arms through the armholes.  When he moved my legs
to help put on a pair of panties, I heard him gasp before he said, “Baby, um…I
don’t know…um, what do I do?  You’re bleeding.” 

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