Life in Fusion (3 page)

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Authors: Ethan Day

Tags: #MLR Press; ISBN 978-1-60820-237-9; Sequel to Sno Ho

BOOK: Life in Fusion
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farther away from Wade Walker, I continued taking one deep

breath after another. My chest ached terribly, as if my entire

being, right down to the very core of my soul, was screaming;

Turn the fuck around, Boone Daniels!
All but ordering me to stop

before it was too late.

I smiled, relaxing my body into the seat; head nestled into the

curve of the head rest. My eyes were shut tight in an attempt to

16 Ethan Day

keep myself from crying. I’d never realized such misery could

make me so deliriously happy. But it made me believe the feelings

I had for Wade were real. They had to be. The way they cut

through me, making every inch of my skin burn. I’d finally found

the one thing I’d spent my entire life looking for, despite all the

apparent self-sabotaging I’d committed at every opportunity.

“It just might be love,” I said under my breath, smiling as a

tear escaped the corner of my eye.

The shuttle bus jumped, like we’d run over a pothole, and

I opened my eyes. It took a moment for them to adjust to the

bright sunlight as I reached up and wiped my cheek. We were

pulling into a small parking lot, and I wondered how I could

have been so lost in my own thoughts to have not noticed we’d

slowed down. What the hell were we doing back in town…back

in Summit City, Colorado?

“Um, excuse me?” I sat up a bit in the seat.

The driver glanced back at me through the rearview, but

didn’t answer.

“What the hell is going on here? Where are you taking me?”

We pulled to a stop alongside a single story cabin-esque

wood-sided building that had a steep pitched roof. It was rather

grand in scale, and had steps with thick iron railings that led up to

a concrete landing from the front and sides to the main entrance.

I jumped, just beginning to open my mouth again, startled by

the driver opening up the sliding door of the shuttle. I scowled,

wondering if he’d come in after me should I refuse to get out.

“Please, mister.” He held out a hand for me. “I’d really

appreciate it if you could go inside. It shouldn’t take too long,

then we’ll be on our way to Denver.”

He looked barely old enough to drive and I figured whatever

the hell was going on here, it was doubtful he was anything other

than an innocent bystander. I rolled my eyes as he looked at me

pleadingly, then pulled myself off of the seat and out onto the

pavement. The guy was smiling again, cheerful—as if we’d had

a spat and finally made up. I shook my head and marched up the

Life in fusion

steps, grabbing hold of the railing as I stepped onto a patch of

ice and my foot slipped out from under me.

“Careful,” I heard from behind me.

I turned and smiled sweetly, and the kid grinned back, taking

a seat on the floor of the van where the sliding door was open,

his legs dangling over the side, his shoes scraping at the salted

cement. I continued my ascent toward the door and decided I

was physically going to kill Wade if I walked into this building

and found him inside. The selfish, spoiled brat was not going to

keep me from leaving! It didn’t matter that I didn’t want to leave.

I’d made a decision, and by God I was going to stick with it.

I laughed a little over my own hypocrisy, and pulled open the

heavy wooden door, letting out a grunt. I hadn’t anticipated it

would be so thick and difficult to maneuver. I strode across the

threshold, realizing it was pitch black inside once the door closed

behind me.

“Hello?” I called out, afraid to move. It was dead calm and I

could’ve heard a pin drop as I stood there frozen, feet cemented

to the floor. I felt my heart rate pick up slightly and I started

to turn back to feel for the door when I heard a flick. A rush

of bright light cut through the black, shooting a spotlight down

onto an empty chair. I assumed I was supposed to sit, but I didn’t

make a move.

“Why yes, I’d love a seat…thank you for asking,” I called out

in my very own sarcastically sweet lilt. I began to move toward

the chair, hoping I wasn’t going to trip over anything on my way.

“What lovely gracious manners you have.”

I heard a giggle coming from somewhere followed by a

shushing sound. I stopped a few feet away from the chair as more

lights came on, flooding a decent sized stage. There sat the Quad,

all lined up at a long table, looking down at me from above.

“Take a seat,” Rita, the ring leader and high-school drama

teacher said in a flat voice that I was sure was meant to intimidate


I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. This entire scene

18 Ethan Day

looked like something out of a reality TV show. “Is the Donald

firing me—no wait—you’re voting me off the island?” I took

a seat in my light bath. “You can try ladies, but you’ll never


I winked at the one who giggled again, Sandy…if I

remembered correctly. She smiled back at me until Rita reached

over and smacked her.

“That really hurt,” Sandy whispered.

“Zip it.” Wade’s aunt, Deloris or Del as she was known, spoke

from the side of her mouth.

Maggie winked at me, but managed to keep the rest of her

person rigid and stoic.

Aside from the nagging irritation I had at the thought of

missing my plane, I was finding this all very entertaining. I

should’ve been nervous. I’d been ducking this foursome over the

past few days and now they had me right where they wanted me.

I smiled, feeling a bit like a spoiled child, making a solemn vow

to not tell them a damn thing. They’d been prying into my affairs

enough as it was, getting the employees of the lodge to spy on

me. Despite the fact I knew they’d meant well, the invasion of my

privacy pissed me off.

We all sat in silence for a few more moments as I looked them

each over, smiling as if I were the sweetest little boy that had ever

walked the planet.

“What’s all this, Peggy Sue?” I smiled and offered wide-eyed.

“I don’t have a whole lot of time girls. I just
be late for the

sock-hop…gee that Bobby Darrin’s

Del let out a snort, then seemed to catch herself.

Rita leaned forward across the table. “We’d like to speak with

you about Wade.”

I looked down and held up my hand, as if blushing. “Girls…

, I already told you he tried several times at the drive-in

Saturday night but I wouldn’t let him touch me in my special


Life in fusion

They all laughed, including Rita. “I’m onto you kiddo.” Rita

pointed her finger at me.

“I let him pin me, that’s it!” I said, earnestly.

“I’ll just bet you did,” Sandy said before placing her hand over

her mouth as if embarrassed by having insinuated something


I raised my eyebrows, having a newfound respect for the

sweet, innocent looking Sandy. I’d have that one wrapped around

my fingers in no time, I thought.

Rita shook her head, glancing down at me. “You might be able

to charm most of the people, most of the time with your joking

around and little comedy bits—but we aren’t most people.”

“All this drama over my bits? Well, I hate to bring this up,”

I said, looking at them seriously, “but me and all my bits were

on our way out of town until the four of you hijacked me. Boy-

napping is a very serious offence.”

“Why are you leaving?” Del asked. “I know for a fact he asked

you to stay.”

“Look here, now.” I felt my skin get all creepy-crawly at

the thought of having a serious discussion about my feelings. I

desperately wanted to make a run for it. “I can’t just…it’s only

been a week.”

“So you’re planning on coming back?” Maggie finally jumped

in excitedly. She looked at the other women. “See, I told you he

wouldn’t just leave. He’s coming back.”

“You didn’t even let him answer!” Rita said, seeming overly

irritated with Maggie.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I just need some time—”

“You don’t have to be so snappish.” Maggie retorted, cutting

me off. “They’ve fallen in love with one another.” Maggie smiled

as she placed her hand over her heart. “It’s so romantic.”

“For God’s sake, Maggie,” Rita huffed, “I swear one of

these days I’m going to beat you to death with one of those silly

romance novels you always have your nose stuck in.”

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The other two women began laughing as Maggie tossed an

angry scowl in Rita’s direction.

Maggie placed her hands flat on the table and sat up a bit in

her seat. “It is a pity that we can’t all be just like you—screwing

them senseless before tossing some cash on the nightstand.”

Sandy’s mouth fell open, but her eyes widened, obviously

enjoying this new tiff immensely. Del let out a sigh. While I was

enjoying the first act as well, I began to wonder if I’d be allowed

to live should they start revealing the big secrets.

“It’s my fault I can’t seem to find anything interesting about

them aside from their penis?”

Hello…TMI people!

“Would you two please cork it,” Del said, trying not to laugh.

“Oh Del,” Sandy complained. “Can you for once stop trying

to be the peacemaker? You always stop them just when it’s

starting to get good.”

I noticed a bloodthirsty expression steal over her face. This

Sandy was revealing herself to be a whole lot more lethal.

“Do you have to be such a callous slut?” Maggie tossed back

at Rita.

I gasped before catching a hold of myself.
No! She! Didn’t!

“Maggie!” Del’s mouth fell open.

“That’s rich!” Rita squealed.

“I’m sorry Del, but she’s constantly on my case and I’m sick

of it.”

“Yeah keep out of it, Del.” Sandy agreed.

Oh yeah, that one’s trouble!

“Please remind me.” Rita scooted her chair closer to the table.

“Exactly how many husbands have you gone through? Men are

like Kleenex to you—callous slut indeed!”

“I loved each and every one of my husband’s
!” Maggie


Life in fusion

“We’re supposed to be examining Boone!” Del flung out her

arm toward me.

The room got very quiet and I smiled up at them as images

of alien probes flashed through my mind on hearing the word


“What’s the point?” Sandy shrugged and looked me over.

“He’s running out on Wade anyway.”

That bitch!
“I never said—”

“At least I’ve never killed any of my men with my vagina!”

Maggie said, pointing at Rita while looking at me and nodding

her head.


“Right…like the boy is just supposed to drop everything and

jump in face first?” Del asked, cocking her head to one side while

shooting Sandy a nasty look.

I raised my hand up to Jesus. Finally, someone was on my

side! “Thank y—”

“He had a heart condition!” Rita squealed, screaming it as if

she’d grown tired of defending her man-killing vagina, already.

“He’d stay if he really loved Wade!” Sandy snapped back.

Okay, that one stung, I thought as feelings of guilt

rushed over me.

“Will you shut up you silly, pot-stirring…hippy-dippy!” Del


I stood slowly, raising a hand into the air waiting to be called


“Why are you always on her case?” Rita asked Del.

“Because she’s constantly trying to stir up trouble,” Del fired


“Um…I, excuse me?” I called out.

They continued to snipe at one another while ignoring me.

“And don’t be jumping in over here, we may let you pretend

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like you’re in charge, but we all know I am!” Del folded her arms

and nodded while the other three ladies began either screaming

or laughing at the absurdity of it.

I shrugged, dropped my arm back to my side and turned

before heading toward the crack of light I spied coming from

under what I prayed was the exit. As I pushed on the door, the

shuttle driver looked up from his cell phone, cocking his head to

the side, able to hear the women going at it from inside.

“I swear, I didn’t—”

“No, they’ll be at it for hours,” he interrupted, seeming to be

unfazed. “Let’s get you to Denver.”

I climbed back into the shuttle.

He slammed the door shut and I laughed, now knowing full

well who was to blame for spoiling Wade. “I can’t believe the

audacity—they totally kidnapped me.”

q q q

I wiggled around in the chair, staring at the cobweb hanging

from the wood beam in my den. Once I settled into a new spot

and felt comfortable, I nodded, deciding I shouldn’t bring up

what the Quad had done, unless Wade did. Even though they

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