Lies in Blood (33 page)

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Authors: A. M. Hudson

BOOK: Lies in Blood
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I looked down at my hand: the fist was fused shut by melted flesh, my whole arm shaking violently. “Jase,” I said, panic rising in my tone. “Please. I don’t know how to make it stop.”

Drop the stone.”

I can’t.” My hand wouldn’t open.

Okay.” He took a step closer and the heat raged, as if his skin, his breath, maybe his soul, set the rock in my hand alight. “Ara, fun’s over. Drop it.”

I can’t.” I cried out, landing on my knees in the sand, digging and scraping at my hand to force it open. “What is this stone?”

It’s just a rock.” He knelt beside me. “Just a normal rock from the ground.”

Why is it so hot?” I practically screamed.

Your blue light, sweet girl. You’re on defensive—”

Don’t,” I yelled as he reached for my hand. “You’ll make it worse.”

Just let me—Ah!” He folded in on himself, his face going bright red. “Ara, stop!”

Just get away from me,” I said, pretty sure I’d just zapped him without meaning to.

I—” He tried to stand, tried to walk away, then sunk to his knees. “Ara, stop!”

I glanced up quickly to see him curled into a ball a few feet away. But I hadn’t done anything to him. He’d probably just stepped on a jellyfish or something, or maybe he felt the heat, too, as if my electric light had surfaced without colour and hit him hard. But I didn’t care. I needed to concentrate, needed to focus to get this stone out of my hand.

I phased Jason, the waves, the wind, the world, out, and imagined that the stone in my hand was just an ice cube, that the heat would melt it. “Focus, Ara. Focus,” I mumbled and, all around me, a shimmer of blue light parted the shadows, taking the warmth around the stone and sending it through my entire body, leaving my palm cool and tingly and suddenly free.

I unfolded my fingers, rolling my hand to tip the small droplet of water and the pile of sand grains onto the ground by my knee. The melted flesh bubbled and bled, then healed over, leaving the skin smooth and supple again.

My lungs expanded, contracting slowly as the long breath I exhaled cooled my limbs. “I melted it,” I said to Jason, my eyes filled with wonder, but his deep, almost restless groan snapped my thoughts back to the agonized screams still ringing in my ears. “Oh, my God. Jase!”

Ara.” He rolled into a tighter ball, cradling his arm in the circle of his body. “Get help.”

Jason. Why?” I touched his hip to roll him over, but my presence startled him; he raised his wrist to block me, revealing the twisted, awkwardly bent position of his other arm: the wrist had snapped back one way, the forearm broken clean in half, his arm held on only by a thin thread of flesh that refused to give way. My first instinct was to rush in and help, but my body took over, sending my hand to my mouth to cover the scream.

Falcon appeared beside me, quickly sizing up the situation, but as he bent down to help the injured, even
drew back in blood-chilling shock. “Vampire’s bones don’t break,” he said, grabbing my arm to move me away. “What have you done to him?”

I don’t know.” I looked down at my hands, covering my face with them after. “I don’t know.”

Run, Ara.” He pointed up the steep steps. “Get Arthur.”

Why is he laying like that?” I cried instead.

His arm’s broken.” Falcon knelt beside Jason to take a look. “He needs help. Go!”

Jason groaned, barely able to catch a breath, obviously suffering more agony than he’d ever felt. Despite every ounce of damage I’d ever seen him endure, this was, by far, the worst.


Now, Ara!” Falcon yelled.




I reached out and grabbed Arthur’s arm as he shut the bedroom door. “How is he?”

He’s fine.” He placed his medical kit on the ground by his feet and let out a breath through his nose, pulling me in for a very needed hug. “He wants to see you.”

Did he tell you how it happened?” I asked, stepping back.

He did.” Arthur nodded, his distant eyes finding a smile a few seconds later. “Telekinesis, huh?”

I. . .” I looked down at my hands. “I guess so.”

Arthur just shook his head, bending at the knees to pick up his bag, and walked away, shaking his head as a long whistle left his lips, carrying the sound of amazement down the hall with him. But I wasn’t amazed, or surprised. I’d nearly ripped off the entire arm of a vampire, whose bones were like iron-coated cement. How on earth did I manage to hurt him that way?

Ara?” Jason called, a mildly impatient tone coming out through the wooden door with his voice.

I pushed it open and poked my head in, showing my teeth in an apologetic grin.

Stop it,” he said, reaching his good hand out. “You don’t need to apologise.”

Yeah, but. . .” I nodded at his arm in its sling, closing the door with my foot. “I also kind of do.”

He looked down at the broken appendage and just smiled. “Well, one thing I can safely say is, I have never ever felt so much pain, physical pain, in all my vampire life, Ara.”

Oh, don’t.” I covered my ears. “I already feel bad enough.”

Well, I’m sure some people around here would praise you for it.” He offered a timid smirk, to which I replied with a pout. “Take a seat,” he said and patted the bed. “I want to show you something.”

I sat down, eyeing the brown leather-bound journal tucked in beside his leg.

When I first started developing my powers, the telekinesis was the worst—the hardest to control or accept.”


Yes.” He held the book up. “I started taking notes, assessing myself, testing my limits. This—” He passed it to me, and as I took hold of it, could actually feel the ancient energy within its pages—could almost see the past. “I’m sure this will help you on your journey, too, Ara. I want you to have it.”

This is your journal?” I frayed the pages with my thumb, flipping it open to the first page.

Yes. And it contains many secrets about my powers, so you must promise to keep it safe.”

I hugged it to my chest. “I promise.”

Good.” He nodded once and shimmed down a little deeper into his covers, closing his eyes, though he didn’t give the impression he wanted to sleep. “You did good today.”

I broke your arm. I hardly think that’s good.”

Don’t you?” He opened one eye. “Because I think that’s pretty damn amazing.”

True. It
kind of amazing. A little. If I really thought about it. “Well,” I said lightly, standing up. “Next time you’ll think twice about making bets to win a kiss from me.”

Your Majesty,” he scoffed, laughing, “If that’s the pain I have to go through to kiss you, then, no offence, but I’ve got better things to do with my time.”

I laughed. “Good. So do I.”

Yes, you’ve got a whole lot of reading to do now.”

That, I do.” I held the book up, laying it on the bed after, my thoughtful gaze falling on its leather binding.

How’s your hand?” Jason asked softly.

It’s okay.” I unfolded my fingers as he took it in his and traced a line down my palm.

I didn’t do it, you know?” he said.

Do what?”

He drew my palm to his lips and kissed it. “I didn’t heat that stone.”

I know.” I smiled. “I’m sorry I thought you did.”

Don’t apologise, Ara.” He left my hand in his lap, still holding it. “As soon as the pain stops, I’ll figure out how you did what you did, and then we’ll get started on mastering it.”

Without David’s approval, huh?”

He has no say in this.” His green eyes bore into mine with stern appeal. “You’re showing signs of a power he knows nothing about. Husband or not, he can’t stop me from helping you.”

When he finds out what happened, I’m not sure he will.”

Well, I hope not. Because you melted that stone, Ara. I was in agony, never hurt so much in all my life, but I still saw you tip the water and sand remains away.”

I looked down at my hand, reliving that moment. “Do you think that’s another power? Melting things?”

No.” He closed his eyes and readjusted his head on the pillow. “I think your blue light heated the stone—almost like a reverse fulgurite.”

What’s that?”

Ever seen what lightning does to sand?”

I shook my head.

It strikes the ground at such a high temperature for such a short time that, when it retracts again, the ground cools quickly and the sand turns to glass. I think maybe you heated the stone enough to basically melt it back to sand again.”

Whoa. That would have to be pretty hot, right?”

As hot as lightning. About three-thousand-two-hundred-and-seventy degrees Fahrenheit to be exact.”

But you’re not sure yet if that’s what it was?”

Not yet.” He winced, scrunching his eyes tight. “But I will figure it out, Ara. I promise you.”

When I looked up from the journal, his eyes were open again, swearing that promise to me with all his heart.

Okay.” I leaned over and planted a kiss to his cheek. “Get some rest, Jase. I’ll see ya later.”

Later, Ara,” he said, and I closed his door behind me, shaking my head as a smile passed my lips for a moment. I knew I needed to go up and speak to Arthur about all this now. I knew he wouldn’t just walk away, amazed by it all. But I needed to tell someone more important first.



You did what!” David’s shock came right through the phone line and made me grin.

I . . . it just broke, David. Like, just snapped in half.”

Ara.” I heard him sigh. “I took a tour through the Vampiric Institute of Science a few years back—saw the Brokemon Test.”

The what now?”

The Bro…it’s a demonstration, really, more than a test, where they pit vampire against machine. And these were powerful machines, Ara. They’d lay the vampire’s arm under it and attempt to break the bone. The test was conclusive each time, sweetheart; One hundred per cent conclusive. The machines always failed. Now, I’m not trying to undermine you here, but are you sure it

I just laughed to myself a little. “You can talk to Arthur, if you want.”

I. . .” He went quiet for a second. “Damn, Ara.”

My smile grew.

That’s amazing.”

That’s what everyone says,” I chirped.

Everyone? Who else have you told?”

Just you. I mean, Arthur and Falcon know, and obviously, Jason, but no one else.”

David went quiet again. “He’s okay, though, right?”

Yeah. He’s healed now. It only took about six hours.”

Six hours? Why didn’t you call me the second it happened, Ara? If that much time has passed—”

I did. But we haven’t been able to get hold of you. No service in the dungeons, remember?”

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