Licked (Devoured #1) (7 page)

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Authors: Hazel Kelly

BOOK: Licked (Devoured #1)
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The heavy rain drops were falling so hard and fast it only took a
few minutes for Julianna’s white top to get soaked through. She looked down.
Without a bra, her nipples were visible and poked through the thin fabric of the

She looked up through the warm rain at the only window with the
light still on and smiled.  There was only one kind of professor that would
still be in his office this late after the last day of finals: a new one.

Her exam hadn’t gone well that morning. She’d given into peer
pressure and gone out the night before. Now she only had one chance left to get
the A she wanted. And she intended to earn it. She was going to make Professor
Kirk believe in extra credit the only way she knew how.

She entered the building and climbed the stairs to the second
floor. The hallways were dim and there was no one else around. She was
confident that the only thing Kirk was expecting less than a visitor was what
she had in mind.

She knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

She opened the door, stepped inside, and stood dripping on the
floor of his office.

“Julianna.” Kirk was sitting at his desk over a stack of papers.
“What are you doing here?”

She swung the door closed behind her and stood up straight so he
could admire the way her wet shirt clung to her breasts.

“You’re soaking.”

She took a few steps towards him.

He stood up.

“This is what you do to me,” she said. “You get me soaking wet.”
She stood in front of him, her breathing exaggerated so he wouldn’t be able to
ignore her chest.

He looked her up and down and swallowed, keeping his hands down
at his sides. “Why are you here?”

“You know why I’m here. I didn’t do very well on my test this

“There’s nothing you can do about that now.”

“Isn’t there?” She took his hands in hers.

“I don’t believe in extra credit.”

She raised his stiff hands until she was holding them so they
were nearly touching the outside curves of her breasts. “I’m not interested in
extra credit. I’m interested in earning an A in the class.” She let go of his

He held them there and stared at the way they framed her breasts.

She fixed her eyes on him. “There’s nothing I won’t do to get an

He let his palms gently graze the outside of her breasts and
closed his eyes.

She didn’t have to touch him to know he was hard. She could tell
by the look on his face. She waited for him to wrap his curious fingers around her
breasts, to rub her nipples with his thumbs.

But he opened his eyes and dropped his hands back to his sides.
“Please, Julianna.” His voice barely escaped. “You know you’re very sexy. You
don’t need me to tell you that.”

“Don’t I?”

He took a step back. “What do you really want?”

She looked at him with the most serious face she could muster. “I
want you to drive me home.”

Kirk exhaled and his chest collapsed with obvious relief. “Great.
I’d be happy to. Let’s go.”

The thick rain was still falling in sheets, and they didn’t see
another soul in the parking lot as they crossed to the car under Kirk’s

He opened her side first and she climbed in. It was clean and
still had that new car smell. He opened the back door and threw the umbrella on
the floor before sitting in the driver seat.

“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Julianna asked, looking at his cock.
Her mouth watered.


“The rain,” she said. “It’s falling so heavily.”

“It looks like we’re in a car wash.”

“Yeah. No one can see us in here.”

He turned to look at her.

She was sitting sideways on the seat, leaning forward on the
center console so that he could look down her shirt.

“I think you should wait a few minutes in case it lets up,” she
said. “So it’ll be safer to drive.”

He exhaled and stopped reaching for his seatbelt. Instead, he
took off his glasses which had fogged up.

“Can I see those?” she asked, taking them from his hands. “Can
you see without them?”

“Fairly well.”

“Can you see how badly I want you?”

Kirk reached for the glasses and slid them back on.

Julianna put a hand on his belt buckle. “Lean your seat back.”

“No,” he said. “I thought you said you wanted a ride home.”

“I lied. That’s not all I want.”

She unhooked his belt and slid his zipper down. “You see, this
weekend I’m going to graduate. And then I’m going to disappear from your life.”
She reached in his boxers and put her hand around his cock. She smiled as it
came to life in her hand. “I just want you to give me a graduation present.”

His breathing was shallow and everything about him was stiff. “What
is it that you want?” 

She leaned over and whispered. Her breath was hot against his
ear as she began stroking him lightly. “I just want to taste you. Like you
tasted me.”

Kirk exhaled all the air from his chest.

Before he could object, Julianna leaned her head down into his
lap and licked once across the tip of his dick before twirling her wet tongue
around his pink head. Then she wrapped her lips around her teeth and pushed her
head down on him slowly, one inch at a time. She could feel the blood pumping through
him against her thin lips as he swelled in her mouth. She slid back up his shaft
only to discover that her hint of what was to come was all it took.

Kirk leaned his seat back a few inches before pulling his pants
and boxers down around his thighs so she could continue.

Julianna eagerly French kissed the tip of his head again. Then she
slid her mouth and hand up and down his slippery cock. She knew he was
sensitive. She knew she would have to take it slow if she wanted him to last.

She moaned to express how much she was enjoying herself, and
when he felt the gentle vibration from her mouth, he moaned, too. The sound of
his pleasure filled her with energy. It was the first unplanned sound she’d
ever heard him make and it turned her on. She was desperate to hear it again.

She slipped one hand underneath his balls and massaged them
gently for a while, sucking him harder and harder all the time. Finally, she
slipped her fingers into the space behind his balls to the real base of his
cock and rubbed back and forth, in time with her pumping mouth.

She could feel him losing control. She knew she had him on the
brink when he put one hand on the back of her head and began squeezing her
breast with the other, hard, in time with her rhythm and his moans.

She readied herself to drink him in and a moment later he grabbed
a fistful of her hair, dug his thick fingers into her fleshy breast and groaned
loudly, thrusting deep into the back of her throat.

She sucked him hungrily until she was sure she had swallowed
every last drop.

His hands dropped to his sides again.

She sat up satisfied and looked at him, aware again of the rain
battering the car. His head was back against the head rest and his eyes were
closed. His chest was rising and falling quickly.

She wiped the spit from around her mouth. “Was that okay for
you?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

He opened his eyes. “God yes.”

“You taste like red peppers.”

He turned to look at her. “Is that a good thing?”

She smiled. “Do you know anyone who’s only had red peppers

He dragged his fingers along her cheek.

She liked the way he was looking at her now. She thought maybe she
even detected a hint of affection in his eyes.

He wiggled his pants back on and put his seat up before taking a
deep breath as if he were an astronaut preparing to reenter the Earth’s
atmosphere. Then he gripped the steering wheel with one hand and slid the key
in the ignition.

Julianna put her hand on his arm. “That’s okay.”

“I thought you wanted a ride home?”

“I don’t mind the rain,” she said. “And I should walk anyway. It’ll
be good for me on such a full stomach.”

Kirk blushed. “Are you sure?”


Julianna put her hand on the door handle. “Kirk?”


She looked over her shoulder at him one last time. “Your fiancée
is a very lucky lady. I hope she appreciates every inch of you as much as I do.”

His lips fell apart but he said nothing.

Julianna got out of the car and shut the door. She walked across
the parking lot smiling as the warm rain spattered against her face. She had
enjoyed herself, and she had the proof in her belly that he had too.

Before she rounded the corner she turned and looked back at the
white car. Kirk was still sitting in it, no doubt feeling warm from head to toe
and thinking about her.

She was confident. Not only would she get her A, but Professor
Kirk Jenkins wouldn’t be forgetting her anytime soon.







Kirk pulled the towel down across his wet face and looked in the
mirror. He knew he was a horrible person. He knew he hadn’t tried nearly hard
enough to stop himself from betraying his fiancées trust.

But then he blinked again and all he could see was Julianna’s
tits through her shirt and those lips that had been on his-

He couldn’t even say it. His mind wouldn’t let him. As if by
naming what had happened there would be words in his mind that Madeline would
somehow be able to get ahold of and read.

Even if she read them it wouldn’t have been with lips like that.
He knew what guys called lips like Julianna’s. Dick Sucking Lips. It was like
he finally understood what all the fuss was about.

Madeline didn’t have lips like that. They were pink, soft, and
shapely, but they had never done what Julianna’s had done. He hoped they would
eventually, but it was hard for him to believe Madeline would ever be ravenous
for him like that, that she would ever suck him with that kind of enthusiasm.

And Julianna had swallowed him and liked it. It turned him on
just thinking about how satisfied she had been afterwards. He suspected there
were men who would go their whole lives without ever getting a blowjob like

Kirk stared down the drain. The part of him that wanted to stop
her had been easily overwhelmed. Surely, no man could have walked away from her
in the same situation. But how could something so wrong have felt so right?

Maybe it wasn’t a big deal. Was it really so wrong for him to
get sucked off? He worked hard. He looked after himself. Why shouldn’t a
beautiful woman want to pleasure him like that?

He banged his fist on the sink top.
No. No. No.

There was no spinning this, no justifying it, no making it okay.

He had cheated on Madeline and he had enjoyed it. He didn’t love
Madeline any less than before, but he couldn’t deny that he’d still enjoyed
pumping his own student full of his hot cum and squeezing her firm tits while
he did it.

There was only one way forward.

Now that he knew what Julianna was capable of, he wanted her
more than ever, and he hated himself more than ever, too.

He had to stay the course. He would marry Madeline. She was good
for him. She made him whole. He could think straight when he was around her,
and they would build a beautiful life together just as they’d planned.

God would forgive him his trespasses.

And Julianna would graduate. She would be gone. He would no
longer be tempted.

Eventually he would forget about her. This wouldn’t haunt him
forever. It was just another secret he had to keep.

Everything would be okay.

He knew exactly what he had to do.

He would give the dean’s daughter what she wanted, and she would
keep their secret to herself.

And that would be the end of it.




I knew before I checked my grades at the end of the semester
what I would find. But when I logged into my student portal and saw the A, I
wasn’t nearly as happy with my victory as I thought I would be.

At least, it didn’t get me high for days like the tryst in his car

Although it was a good mark, and the one I had initially set out
to achieve, I hadn’t gotten the score I really wanted.

I wasn’t satisfied. The reality was that I craved more of him
and more from him.

And it drove me crazy knowing that I couldn’t have him right
away. After all, I was used to getting everything I wanted when I wanted it.

But I knew he was worth waiting for. If patience was required, I
would have it. I would have whatever it took. And eventually, I would have him.

I wanted to believe that he was thinking of me, too, in stolen
moments. I hoped his feelings for me would grow the way he grew in my hand that
first day in the library, that he wouldn’t be able to help himself.

That’s when I knew. It was only the beginning.


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