Licked (Devoured #1) (2 page)

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Authors: Hazel Kelly

BOOK: Licked (Devoured #1)
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closed the door of his white Camry and looked up the driveway towards the
house. Even though he hadn’t been thrilled at the idea of moving back to be near
Madeline’s hick family, he had to admit it was a beautiful area. The weather
was as warm as the people, and the tree lined street looked like an idyllic
place to start a family.


opened the front door of the house and waved to Kirk in the driveway. She was wearing
a short robe and her hair was dripping wet.


was your first day, babe?” she called from the doorway.




can’t wait to hear all about it!” she said. “C’mon in and I’ll make you a


smiled and started towards the house.


new wooden porch felt firm under his feet as he walked to the front door and
stepped inside.


cheese and crackers do?” Madeline called from the kitchen. “Or do you want
something else?”


great, honey,” Kirk said, removing his shoes by the front door. “Maybe some of
that vintage cheddar if there’s any left.” Kirk weaved his way through the
unpacked boxes towards the kitchen.


none of the soft furnishings up yet, the house still looked like a showroom.
Fortunately, they already had most of the big furniture where they wanted, and
with the exception of a few hideous hand-me-downs from Madeline’s folks, Kirk
was pleased with how the place was coming along.


Madeline slid the plate across the kitchen table. “I want to hear all about
your first day!” She pulled a chair up towards the half of the table that was
cleared and sat down.


for this,” Kirk said, leaning forward to give her a kiss. He couldn’t help but
notice the open boxes lining the counter tops out of the corner of his eye.


freak out, babe. It’s not as bad as it looks.” Madeline looked over her
shoulder at the open cupboards and unevenly stacked boxes. “The only reason I
didn’t finish it all today was because I went down to the shop for a while.”




but you first,” Madeline said. “How was your first day of class?”


sat back in his chair. “Good. Yeah. Better than I thought it would be.”


stood up. “Keep talking. I’m just getting you something to drink.”


of milk, maybe?”




the department head was really welcoming and totally sold me on the program.”


thought you were already sold on it? It’s supposed to have a fantastic


know. I was, but he sold me on it again.” Kirk popped a cracker in his mouth.


what about the campus? It’s prettier than the pictures, isn’t it?”


swallowed. “Yeah. You were definitely right about that. The old brick buildings
are really beautiful, and my office is pretty big, too.”


already have an office?”


so my students and the other teachers in the psychology department can find me


great. It’ll be nice for you to have somewhere to leave your work at the end of
the day.”


rolled his eyes. “I’ll do my best to keep my work and home life separate, honey.”




actually think the fact that the school is so small and close will be good for
me. I can teach my classes, do my research, and still be home in time for


so glad you like the school. I was worried you’d hate it and resent me for
wanting to move out here.”


going to be fine,” Kirk said. “I have a good feeling about it.” He slipped
another cracker in his mouth and covered it as he spoke. “How was the shop


straightened in her chair. “Great. And they can definitely use the extra help so
we’ll be able to save some extra money, and the second hand stuff they have is
actually a lot nicer than I remember.”




Check out what I got today.” Madeline got up from her chair and disappeared
behind some boxes in the corner. When she sat down again her hands were full.


candle sticks?” Kirk asked.


aren’t they?”


brass candlesticks.”


stop it.” Madeline put the candlesticks down on the table in front of her. “All
they need is a good polish and they’ll be lovely.”


time take the money.”


rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to spend all the profits,” she said. “All I’m
saying is that working there could really come in handy.”


smiled and ate another cracker.


Especially when it’s time for us to start a family. They get baby stuff in all
the time. I know we’ll be glad we moved.”


already glad,” Kirk said.


for the most part, Kirk was just grateful for every day that passed that got
them closer to the wedding day, or rather, the wedding night. Because as far as
he was concerned, the only real problem with Madeline was that she was as
virtuous as she was pretty.


course, he shouldn’t have lied to her in the first place. He didn’t have to say
he was “waiting” too. It just came out. He was only trying to impress her. Unfortunately,
he had. Just not in the way he’d hoped.


all the blood drained from his brain, he mistakenly thought that Madeline would
realize that she had found the perfect man, spread her legs, and give herself
to him in that moment, abandoning her religious convictions and commitment to
Jesus as quickly as Kirk could remove her underwear.


that first fumbly night became just one of many times he would be blue balled to
within an inch of his life. 


then he fell in love with her. Fast and hard. He knew it was crazy and he
couldn’t believe it himself. But he became completely enchanted by her laugh,
the way she organized her bookshelf, her extensive knowledge of two letter
Scrabble words, even her high pitched sneeze.


was the hottest cheerleader at SMU and the kindest, gentlest woman he had ever
met. And as soon as Madeline realized he was serious about her, she became his
number one cheerleader, too.


didn’t want to let her get away because she was too special. That and he became
obsessed by the idea that no other man would ever have her.  She was like a
prize he had to win, especially when the masochist in him realized the
endurance and effort it would take to win her.


he’d only met her later, everything would have worked out perfectly, but timing
had never been on Kirk’s side. Though he wasn’t a virgin on account of having
had a girlfriend in high school just long enough to learn his way around, he was
no lothario either. He thought college would give him ample opportunity to
acquire practical sexual experience, but meeting Madeline put the brakes on his


never meant to get serious about someone so young, especially someone so
serious, but her smile was like sunshine and her kisses became his life’s greatest
reward. So he tucked his dick between his legs and waddled all the way to


now he was ahead of himself again. He was going to marry her sooner rather than
later. Not because she wouldn’t wait for him -Lord knows he’d seen enough
evidence that she would- but because now that they were living together, he
wouldn’t be able to hide all the sinful masturbation it took for him to act comfortable
in the relationship.


his opinion, there was nothing wrong with a guy sharing a sensual experience
with the woman he loved. Sometimes her beliefs made him want to curse God. Other
times, Kirk felt really guilty about the things he wanted so badly to do to her,
the lies he had already told her.


even went to the college chapel once for confession. He told the priest that
not only had he lied to his girlfriend about being a virgin, but he wanted to
do stuff with her that “didn’t result in procreation.” Not surprisingly, the
priest suggested that Kirk tell his girlfriend the truth. The priest insisted
that if she really loved him, she would love him anyway despite his sinful
thoughts and actions.


Kirk asked the priest if there was a “second best option” he could consider.
The priest said that the only other thing to do would be to make a vow of
abstinence and be faithful to his girlfriend, withholding from sex until he
married her. As an afterthought, he also suggested that Kirk say The Our Father
to himself whenever he felt tempted.


to say, Kirk went with the second best option and hadn’t looked back. 


yeah,” Madeline said. “And my mother is insisting we go over for dinner on
Sunday when we’re all settled? Does that work for you?”


looked around at the boxes again. “I don’t think we’ll be settled by then, do


can’t avoid them forever,” she said. “Besides, you haven’t seen them since
Christmas, and I swear that’s the only time they act like that.”


shrugged. “Fine. Suppose we have to go over eventually.”


popped out of her seat and sat in Kirk’s lap. “Thanks, babe,” she said, giving
him a kiss.


wet hair smelled of Herbal Essences, and Kirk was always pleasantly surprised at
how beautiful she looked without make up on. He slipped one hand on the back of
her neck and kissed her again.


her tongue flitted playfully around his mouth, he slid one hand up her thigh
towards her crotch, his excitement growing with every inch gained.


Madeline said, crossing her legs. She pulled back from the kiss and whispered
in his ear. “Why are you always such a sex pest?” She traced a finger around
his ear. “Is that all you ever think about?”


we’re practically married, Madeline. What does it matter?”


stood up and took her bouquet smell with her. “We’ve waited this long,” she
said. “A few more months won’t kill us.”


didn’t say anything. Instead, he just stared at where her short robe cut across
her thigh, marveling at how he could be so close and yet so far away from what
he wanted so badly.








Julianna pressed redial for the fourth time and waited again for
the machine.

“Hi this is Dean Foster. Leave a message and I’ll call you back.”

“Dad, I know you don’t like it when I call you at work, but I
haven’t been able to get ahold of you or Mom for days. Anyway, just thought you
might want to know I’m alive. Call me if you care.”

Julianna ended the call and slid her phone across the desk.

She was looking out the window when she heard a key in the lock
ten minutes later.

“Hey,” Sam said, belly flopping on the couch and dropping her
bag on the floor.

Julianna swiveled in her chair towards her. “Long day?”

“Long night.”

“Oh yeah. Weren’t you out with Kevin last night?”


“I didn’t even hear you come home.”

“Cause I didn’t.”

A big smile spread across Julianna’s face. “Well that explains

Sam rolled her face until it was flat against the couch.



“Yes what?”

“Yes, we had sex.”


“I love him.”

Julianna laughed. “That good was he?”

“Yeah,” Sam said. “I didn’t have to fake a thing.”

“Good,” Julianna said. “Cause you know what I think about that.”


“Only bitches fake it.”

Sam turned her face towards Julianna. “Wait. Why are they
bitches again?”

“Cause they build up a guy’s confidence when he doesn’t deserve
it, thereby doing a disservice to him and every girl that sleeps with him after


“But you didn’t have to?”


“So what did you guys do?”

Sam rolled over until she was lying on her back and spoke to the
ceiling. “We went to dinner. At Geo’s.”

Julianna moaned. “How did you control yourself?”

“I wore a really tight dress.”


“Thanks.” Sam put her hands behind her head. “Then we watched
some horribly dated art house flick they were showing for free at the union.”


“No. Oh God no. We had beers at dinner and then snuck in a
fifth,” Sam said, “and we left as soon as we ran out of booze because it was
literally the dullest movie ever. Like, took ten years off my life.”

“You get what you pay for, eh?”

“Pretty much,” Sam said. “Then we went back to his place. He’s
got this super cute apartment on Fourth Street. We drank on his balcony for a
while, and then took things to his room when our behavior became unfit for
public viewing.”

“So is he a freak or what? It’s not like you to be so

“It’s too soon to tell. I think we were both kind of holding
back a little since it was the first time, ya know? But he’s had a few long
term relationships and that was readily apparent, if you know what I mean.”

“You mean when he fingered you it didn’t feel like he was just
looking for something that he dropped in your underwear?”

Sam laughed. “No, he definitely knew what he was looking for
down there and found it without a problem on more than one occasion.”

“I’m thrilled.”

“I know. Me too. We’re going out again this weekend.”

“Of course you are. I bet he’s already counting down the

“I hope so,” Sam said. “He’s a keeper.”

A text alert interrupted the girls’ joyful exchange.

Julianna looked at her screen.

Sorry. Can’t call. Paid your tuition. – Dad

“Who was that?” Sam asked, rolling onto her side.

“My dad.”

“You going to see him?”


“Mind if I sleep all afternoon?”

“Not at all,” Julianna said. “I’m going for coffee anyway?”


“Yeah. With that professor.”



“Damn. You don’t waste any time, do you? How are you having
coffee with him already?” Sam asked.

“I know. I couldn’t have planned it better myself. You aren’t
going to believe this.”

“Try me.”

“He actually said that he really likes to get to know his
students, and if any of us were interested, he’d be happy to meet us for a
coffee in the union anytime.”

“Jeez. How new is this guy?”

“I know, right? I bet it’s his first job on a college campus. I
mean, have you ever heard of another professor doing something like that?”

“No. Nothing even close. The most I’ve heard is
these are my
office hours
and then half of them are a lie.”

“I know.”

“So what? You said you wanted to get coffee?”

“Yeah. I mean, I just kept it friendly, ya know? It’s too soon
to come on strong. I have to figure out what makes him tick first, and I don’t
want to do anything to jeopardize being officially accepted into the class.”

“Cause then he’ll be stuck with you?”


“So what did you say?”

“Just that I was interested in taking him up on his offer to get
coffee so that I could learn more about him and the course.”

“That stinks like bullshit to me.”

“What was I supposed to say? I wanna fuck you in your office on
a dare?”

Sam smiled. “No, I guess not. I suppose you did the right

Julianna rolled her eyes. “Duh.”

“So what’s he like? Is he as geeky as Heather said?”

“Geekier. Like old-school dorky. We’re talking shirt totally
buttoned up. Thick black rimmed glasses. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a
pocket protector.”

“Is he even cute?”

“Yeah, totally. He’s just in desperate need of a makeover.”

“So no woman in his life then?”

“I wouldn’t think so.”

“What about his body?”

“Not as skinny as I thought it would be which is nice.”

“How long till you see it in the flesh?”

“Hard to say at this point,” Julianna said. “Plus the dare is to
seduce him. I don’t necessarily have to sleep with him.”

“Going for the slow burn method then?”


“So what are you wearing for this coffee date crap?”

“I was going to go all soft curls over heaving bosoms on him. I
want to see what he’s made of.”

“Mush by the time you’re done with him.”

“Only time will tell.”

“And what if he’s totally into it? What if you flirt with him and
find out the guy’s a total perv?”

“Well he wouldn’t exactly be a perv. I mean, he’s not even

“But you’re still sure he’s a challenge?”

“I hope so,” Julianna said. “He’s supposed to be anyway. If he
tries to stick his foot up my skirt right away I’ll be depressed.”

“We’d just have to find someone else then.”

“No. This is the guy. I can feel it.”

“Want me to do your hair?”

Julianna looked at Sam’s limp body strung out on the couch. “No
thanks,” she said. “I think you’re a bit too tired to be operating heavy

“Suit yourself.”

“But I will borrow your new perfume, if that’s okay?”

“The one you think smells like a candy factory?”

“That’s the one.”

“Serendipitous.” Sam pointed towards her desk. “It’s the one in
the rectangular bottle.”

“Thanks. It’s perfect. I can barely stop myself from licking you
when you’ve got in on.”

“Well if my results with Kevin were any indication, it hasn’t
lost its potency yet.” Sam tugged a pile of blankets off the back of the couch
and curled up under them. “But go easy with it. You wouldn’t want to overload
his senses the first time you meet him.”

“Actually.” Julianna lifted her hair and sprayed the back of her
neck. “That’s exactly what I intend to do.”








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