Librarian by Day (5 page)

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Authors: Paige Tyler

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Librarian by Day
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“God, you have the most gorgeous ass.” Nik’s voice was a deep, husky growl. “Like it was just made for spanking.”

A moment later, he lifted his hand and brought it down with a resounding smack against her right ass cheek. The slap echoed around the huge library, making it sound enormously loud, and Jennifer jumped as much from that as from the sting of the spank itself.

” she cried.

But once again, Nik ignored her protests and continued with the spanking, smacking first one cheek, and then the other until she was dancing from foot to foot. For some reason the spanks stung more than they had the night before. Maybe it was because she was bent over the table instead of draped over his knee. Then again, it could be because every once in a 29

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while her boyfriend would deliver a well-aimed smack to the tender area of her sit-spots. God, they were sensitive!

Yet despite how much the spanking stung, Jennifer didn’t want Nik to stop. And he didn’t. Instead, he continued to pepper her bottom with firm, even smacks. Good heavens, her ass felt like it was on fire! Once or twice, she was tempted to reach back and see if her cheeks really were as hot as they felt, but she resisted the urge. She didn’t want to do anything that might make him stop.

But then, all at once, the spanking did stop, and Nik went back to rubbing her ass cheeks again. Jennifer gasped, and then moaned as he gave her freshly-spanked bottom a firm squeeze.

“Do you like that?” her boyfriend asked.

“Yes,” she sighed.

Sliding his hand between her legs, he slipped his finger in-to her pussy. “How about this?”

Oh, yes!
” she breathed.

Jennifer waited expectantly, hoping Nik would move his finger inside her, but to her dismay, he slid out. Then she knew why. Behind her, she could hear him unbuckling his belt. Her pulse quickened. He was going to make love to her right here in the library! She had never gotten to the sex part in her fantasies, but her pussy was positively gushing at the thought!

For a moment, she wondered if she should push herself up from the table, but no sooner had the idea crossed her mind than she felt Nik’s hands on her hips. Her breath hitched. He was going to take her from behind! They’d had sex in that position before, of course, but there was something so much naughtier about doing it like that after she’d just been 30

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spanked! She blushed as she imagined how she must look, bent over the table, her freshly-spanked, very red ass on dis-play.

Behind her, Nik positioned his cock at the opening of her pussy. Jennifer waited breathlessly for him to enter her, but instead he teased her by running the head of his cock up and down her wetness.

Jennifer moaned. What he was doing felt delicious, but at the same time, she wanted to feel him inside her, and she cried out with relief when Nik finally slid his hard length into her pussy in one smooth thrust.

For a moment, he just stayed like that, his cock nestled deep inside of her. Then his hands tightened on her hips and he slowly began to pump in and out. Jennifer automatically rocked back against him, wanting him to thrust harder.

Nik took the hint. Tightening his hold on her, he began to move his cock in and out of her faster and faster. Her breath-ing quickened in anticipation of the mind-blowing orgasm she was sure was coming. But just when it felt like she might top-ple over the edge into oblivion, her boyfriend slowed his movements until he was gliding in and out of her wetness with an almost agonizing slowness. Now was not the time to tease.

Then again, she decided as he thrust his cock deep, maybe it was.

But then, to her dismay, Nik just up and slid his cock all the way out of her. She automatically opened her mouth to protest, but the words disappeared on her lips as he spoke.

“Turn around,” he commanded softly.

Confused, she gave him a curious look over her shoulder, but he was already turning her to face him. Putting his hands on her waist, he lifted her up on the table. The wood was sur-31

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prisingly cool on her stinging ass cheeks, and she gasped at the sensation. Nik chuckled and leaned forward to capture her mouth in a searing kiss before gently urging her to lie back on the table. She instinctively lifted her legs to rest her feet on the table.

Jennifer’s pulse quickened excitedly as he grasped her hips and positioned himself between her spread legs. Lying back on the table, she had a perfect view of his cock, and she watched from beneath lowered lashes as he slowly slid into her pussy. Dear God, that felt absolutely incredible! And it got even better when he began to gently thrust in and out.

Closing her eyes, she curled her fingers around the edge of the table and let herself go.

Jennifer was so lost in the pleasurable sensation that she barely even realized Nik had lifted one of her legs and rested it on his shoulder. The position allowed him to thrust even deeper, and she moaned in approval. Almost of its own accord, her hand slid down her body to the juncture of her thighs.

Finding her clit between the downy curls there, she began to make little circular motions with her fingers.

“God, I love it when you do that.”

Her eyes flew open at the sound of Nik’s deep, sexy voice, her cheeks coloring hotly. Embarrassed to be caught pleasuring herself, she started to take her hand away.

“Don’t stop,” Nik said softly, his dark eyes full of desire as he gazed down at her. “I like watching you touch yourself.”

Jennifer hesitated, shy now that knew her boyfriend was watching. She could do this. Very slowly, she began to rub her clit again. The tiny button immediately started to throb beneath her fingers. She was already close to coming, and she instinctively quickened her movements. The motion of her 32

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fingers, combined with Nik’s cock pumping in and out of her, was enough to send her into orbit within seconds, and she cried out as her orgasm coursed through her.

Groaning, Nik tightened his hold on Jennifer and began to thrust into her pussy harder. As he did so, he leaned forward ever so slightly, but the movement was enough to bend her leg back even further. It also put her at the perfect angle for a G-spot orgasm, and as the head of her boyfriend’s cock gloriously and repeatedly came into contact with that most sensitive part of her, she came harder than she ever had in her life. Her cries of pleasure combined with Nik’s own hoarse growl of release to echo around the huge library.

As Nik leaned over and wrapped his arms around her several long minutes later, Jennifer let out a dreamy sigh. After the lovemaking they’d just shared, she was never going to be able look at the library the same way again.


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Chapter 3

“So, how was your date last night?” Stacy asked the next morning.

The two girls were changing for their regular Saturday Pilates class they attended at one of Seattle’s many studios.

Jennifer glanced at her friend as she wiggled out of her jeans.

“Hot,” she said, then unable to resist, she winked and added, “Just like my bottom after Nik got done spanking me.”

The dark-haired girl’s eyes lit up. “Oh, do tell!” she said, sitting down on the bench beside the studio’s lockers.

Jennifer pulled on her yoga pants, and then, sitting down on the bench alongside her friend, told her all about the spanking. Jennifer paused for a moment when she came to the part about the mind-blowing sex that followed, but then blushingly continued.

Stacy sighed. “Nik’s a keeper, all right.”

Jennifer smiled. “I think so, too.”

It was true. They got to their feet and headed into the studio. Nik really could be “The One.” The way he effortlessly got her to talk about her fantasies, and then act them out, was something no other guy had ever been able to do. As cliché as it sounded, she was starting to think of him as her soul mate.

There was no other way to explain why she felt so completely comfortable with him.


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Though she tried to concentrate on doing Pilates, Jennifer couldn’t keep herself from thinking of the spanking Nik had given her last night. Or the sex that had followed. Besides on the table, he had made love to her in several other places in the immense library, including on her desk. God, that had been so hot! It had been like something out of one of her books! Only better! She could hardly wait for them to do it again!

* * * *

To Jennifer’s surprise, Nik didn’t put her over his knee the whole next week. Considering how incredible the orgasms had been after the spankings, she thought that he would want to make them a regular part of their sex life. Though the sex was still fantastic without that particular form of foreplay, she found that she really missed having her bottom reddened.

She wanted it so badly that she almost came out and asked for a spanking a couple times, but every time she tried, she ended up chickening out. She just wasn’t that bold.

By the end of the week, Jennifer was so frustrated that she finally confided in her friend about Nik’s behavior.

“Why not just ask him to give you a spanking?” Stacy suggested.

Jennifer felt herself blush and was glad that she and Stacy were having this conversation over the phone because her friend surely would have teased her otherwise. “I couldn’t do that!”

Stacy laughed. “Why not? I ask Craig all the time.”

Jennifer sighed at the mention of her friend’s fiancé. Stacy and Craig had been going out a lot longer than she and Nik, so obviously her friend would be more comfortable saying 35

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something like that. Besides, Stacy had always been more out-going than she was.

“I’m not like you, Stacy,” Jennifer said. “I can’t just blurt out something like that.”

Stacy made a tsking sound. “Well, if you can’t bring yourself to do it, then you’re just going to have to wait for Nik to get the urge again.”

Jennifer frowned. “You’re no help,” she grumbled.

Her friend laughed. “Sorry,” she said. “So, how’s your writing? Are you going to put that sexy spanking you got at the library in one of your books?”

Jennifer hadn’t thought of that, but it was a good idea.

“Maybe,” she said, and then letting out another sigh, flopped back onto the bed. “If I can ever get myself to focus on writing. Every time I try, I end up thinking about Nik and whether he’s ever going to spank me again. I haven’t written anything in a week.”

“You’re letting your writing suffer because you’re too shy to ask Nik to give you a spanking?” Stacy’s voice was incredul-ous. “You need to get yourself together, girl.”

“I know,” Jennifer muttered. “But it’s hard.”

She and Stacy talked for a little while longer before Jennifer hung up. Maybe her friend was right. Maybe she should just come out and ask Nik to give her a spanking. How difficult could it really be? After all, she’d already shared her biggest secret with him.

Telling herself she would bring it up to Nik that night at dinner, Jennifer spent the rest of the day going over what she would say to her boyfriend. With all that preparation, it should have been easy, but halfway through dinner, she still hadn’t brought it up.


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Thinking that giving herself a pep talk might help, Jennifer went to the ladies’ room after the waitress took their dessert order. She definitely needed to take a page out of one of her books. If she were really brazen, she would do something sexy like take off her skimpy panties, then go back into the dining room and hand them to her boyfriend under the table.

Just the thought of doing that made her pussy start to moisten.

But since she wasn’t that bold, she would simply have to square her shoulders, march back out there, and tell Nik that when they got back to her place, she wanted him to give her a spanking. She could do it!

When she got back to the table, however, it was to find a neatly wrapped box, complete with a bow, beside her place setting. Confused, she looked at Nik to see him regarding her with an amused grin.

“What’s this?” Jennifer asked, eyeing the gift as she sat down opposite him.

His grin broadened. “Open it and see.”

Curious, Jennifer picked up the box, and after pulling off the bow, eagerly unwrapped it. Taking off the lid, she made quick work of the tissue paper, only to gasp when she saw what was inside. Nestled in the pretty blue paper was an oval-shaped leather paddle. Unable to help herself, she reached out and lightly ran her fingers over its supple surface.

“Like it?” he asked softly.

Jennifer lifted her gaze to look at him. “Like it?” she echoed. “I love it!”

Nik laughed. “I thought you might.”

She caressed the leather again. “Can we try it out when we get home?”


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“That was the plan,” he said, then grinned. “Unless you’d rather I put you over my knee right here.”

His words conjured up a vivid image, and her face reddened as she pictured her handsome boyfriend spanking her while the restaurant’s other patrons looked on. What would it be like to get spanked in front of other people? She’d be too embarrassed to ever do something like that of course, but the thought was definitely tantalizing. Before she could think about it more, though, the waitress came by with their dessert. Abruptly realizing that she still had the lid off the box, Jennifer quickly grabbed the box top off the table and shoved it back on. Across from her, Nik chuckled, and from the corner of her eye, she saw that the waitress had a smile on her face. Oh God, had the woman seen the paddle? She hoped not as she focused all of her attention on the dessert they’d ordered.

Jennifer was so excited by the thought of getting spanked with the leather paddle Nik had bought her that she could barely manage to eat the chocolate cake they’d gotten to share. And considering she was a serious chocoholic, that was saying something! It didn’t help that Nik kept giving her smoldering looks in between bites and telling her exactly what he was going to do to her when he got her over his knee. It was all she could do not to drape herself over his lap right then and there! Wow. This was exactly like something out of one of her books!

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