Librarian by Day

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Authors: Paige Tyler

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Librarian by Day
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Paige Tyler


Published by


Whiskey Creek Press

PO Box 51052

Casper, WY 82605-1052

Copyright © 2009 by
Paige Tyler

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work
is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without mone-tary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in
federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN 978-1-60313-425-5


Cover Artist: Rika Singh

Editor: Sara Kent

Printed in the United States of America



“The first sentence of LIBRARIAN BY DAY captured my interest immediately, and every word that followed, delivered a delicious erotic tale, oozing with sensuality. This is a book that will make the most staid, reserved reader, want to beg their partner for a well delivered spanking, or—gasp—ask for permission to give one! Paige Tyler completely enthralled me with the blatant and yet innocent, gentle sexual fantasies of Jennifer, and Nik’s firm but loving deliverance of what she wants most. The wording and writing style, used by Tyler, is beautifully phrased and draws the reader in. I personally enjoyed the soft meshing of the focus, spanking, into the characters love story in a way that was both romantic and edgy at the same time. Tyler’s characters are fresh, entertaining and enjoyable to get to know, with dynamic byplay between them. LIBRARIAN BY DAY is one red-hot book! I will definitely be looking to add more of Paige Tyler’s work to my library.”

Dark Angel Reviews

Recommended Read!

“This book is ‘Hot’, just like Jennifer describes to her best friend Stacy: ‘Hot—Just like my bottom after Nik got done spanking me’. I had never thought that spanking was something that would interest me, but this book definitely kept me interested. The library scene where when Nik comes in after closing and acts out some of Jennifer’s deepest held fantasies, on the tables and desks between the stacks is very stimulating to say the least. This is a fun story, enjoyable and a pleasure to read. It is well written and edited and a good story for those that are curious about spanking and light bondage play. This one is definitely highly recommended.”

Long and Short Romance Reviews (Whipped Cream)

5 Cherries

“LIBRARIAN BY DAY definitely delivers by exploring fantasies that many women would never dare to admit to craving. Jennifer and Nik complement each other beautifully especially since they’re both so willing to step outside their comfort zones and try something new. I admit I’ve often wondered how or even if spankings would be something I’d enjoy, however I also believe it would depend on the partner and so therefore, I’ll live vicariously through Jennifer and Nik’s story and keep my own deep dark desires hid-den—for now.”

Romance Junkies

4 Blue Ribbons

Librarian by Day
was an enjoyable story exploring Jennifer and Nik’s initial forays into kinkier lovemaking. I think most of us can relate to having a few naughtier fantasies that we might not have shared with a previous lover, so it was fun reading about Nik’s initial reaction to spanking and how he showed Jennifer that he was willing to try something that clearly fascinated her. I also enjoyed Jennifer’s shock and curiosity as to whether something she’d fantasized about for years would turn out to be as exciting as she’d hoped. Nik was well up to the challenge as he was very in tune with Jennifer’s reactions and found to his surprise that he really enjoyed this activity, too. The sex scenes were detailed and well written and had a sense of novelty about them in that for these two, this new form of foreplay really put some heat into everything that came afterward. There was also a scene featuring exhibitionism as Nik and Jennifer put on a show for another couple. If you’ve ever been intrigued with a spanking scenario, pick up
Librarian by
and enjoy.”


4 Stars



EPPIE Finalist!

Animal Attraction
is paranormal romance writing at its finest. I really loved the interaction with Eliza and Hunter. They have this initial attraction that sizzles. Paige Tyler is an author with a knack for creating a werewolf who is sinfully sexy and she kept me totally engrossed right from the beginning. I am hoping for an additional story featuring Hunter’s brother Luke. I also look forward to more offerings from Ms.Tyler in the very near future. I would recommend
Animal Attraction
to anyone who enjoys stories of werewolves and shifters!”

Joyfully Reviewed

“ANIMAL ATTRACTION is scorching hot. I blushed being witness to the sheer animalistic attraction shared by Eliza and Hunter. The love scenes were erotic but romantic, forceful but sensual, and naughty but playful. The feelings and depth of emo-tions were believable and so very sexy. I will never again look at a hot tub without remembering this risqué but thoroughly entertaining novel. Paige Tyler is now on my list of authors to watch for and I know that other readers will feel the same way!”

Wild on Books Reviews

Other Books by Author Available at

Whiskey Creek Press:

Animal Attraction


With special thanks to my extremely patient and understanding husband, without whose help and support, I couldn’t have pursued my dream job of becoming a writer.

You’re my sounding board, my idea man, my critique partner, and the absolute best research assistant any girl could ask for!

Chapter 1

Watching his girlfriend’s sexy little ass wiggle as she hurried down the hallway and into her bedroom, Nik Evans was sorely tempted to say to hell with their dinner reservations, strip off his clothes, and join her in the shower, but he reluc-tantly decided against it. Jennifer had been wanting to go to this restaurant for weeks, and if they didn’t go tonight, it could be months before they’d be able to get another reservation.

Figuring it would take Jennifer at least thirty minutes to get ready, Nik decided to distract himself from thoughts of his naked girlfriend by hopping on the Internet to check the baseball scores. Going over to the kitchen table, he sat down in front of her laptop and clicked on the icon. As he waited for the Internet to connect, he noticed an open Word document on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. His brow furrowed at the title.
Her Lover’s Hand
by Kylie Blake. His mouth twitched. That had to be one of those mushy, on-line romance novels his girlfriend liked so much. They always had sappy titles like that. Curious, he clicked on the document to max-imize it. Who knew? Maybe there’d be some dirty parts to read. He was sure Jennifer wouldn’t mind if he looked at it.

Nik didn’t know much about romance novels, but this one seemed just as sappy as he’d thought they’d be. Girl 1

Librarian by Day

meets guy, girl hates guy, blah, blah, blah. He scrolled down the page hoping to get to a good part when he struck gold halfway through the second chapter.
Now we’re talking.
He continued to read.

Trish let out a little sigh of pleasure as Eric reached
out to gently cup her breasts in his hands. She could feel
the heat of his fingers through the silky material of her bra,
and she caught her breath as he rubbed his thumbs over her
rapidly hardening nipples. His touch was absolutely magi-cal!

Releasing her breasts, Eric took her hand in his and
gazing deeply into her eyes, began to walk backward toward the couch, a perfectly wicked smile on his handsome
face. Trish felt her pulse quicken with excitement. She had
been anticipating this moment all night and now that it
was finally here, she couldn’t wait for her boyfriend to give
her the spanking she’d been craving.

Nik stopped, sure he must have misread that last part.

But no, he’d read it right. It had definitely said “spanking.”

Completely intrigued as to where this was going, he continued to read. As he did, his eyes widened.
Holy crap!
The girl in the book got her ass spanked until it glowed and loved it the entire time! She was so hot by the time her stud-muffin boyfriend got done that she shoved him back on the couch and climbed on top of him, out of control with lust.

A grin spread across Nik’s face. It seemed his prim, proper librarian had a naughty side he didn’t know about. He scrolled through the rest of the pages, looking for some other sex scenes, and was surprised when he found that every one of them included spanking. And he had to admit that all of them 2

Librarian by Day

were flat-out scorching! Damn, who knew romance books could be so hot? Maybe he should read them more often.

Nik was just in the middle of an exceptionally sexy spanking in which a naked Trish was bent over the back of a couch, waiting breathlessly for Eric to start spanking her with a leather paddle for being a “bad girl” when the book just stopped in mid-page.
What the hell?
Who would sell a book that was halfway
Maybe it hadn’t downloaded correctly.
But as he continued to stare at the screen, another more logical, though altogether shocking, explanation came to him. Maybe Jennifer hadn’t downloaded the book off the Internet; maybe she had written it. Sure, she’d been an English major in college, but could his sweet little librarian write something like this? It would certainly explain why it was in the form of a Word document and not an Internet file.

He shook his head. No way could his shy, reserved girlfriend ever write anything so provocative. They had been dating for a couple months now, and everything was going really great, but if there was one thing he could say for sure about Jennifer, it was that she wasn’t adventurous in the bedroom. That didn’t mean the sex with her wasn’t fantastic; it was. It was just very vanilla. But maybe she had a naughty side she’d been hiding.

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