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Letters to Penthouse XIV (33 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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One day it became obvious to me that the stakes in the game were getting higher. Rebecca was doing squats, with the bar behind her neck. On her final set George jumped over to help her.

In doing squats the spotter stands behind the lifter and helps him or her come up if necessary. George pressed his crotch into my wife’s ass and helped her with each up and down motion. This definitely wasn’t accidental contact; I could see him pressing his pelvis into the cheeks of her ass. Rebecca seemed to enjoy it as much as he did, if not more. She did fifteen reps instead of the usual ten. All the time George kept his arms around my wife’s waist to keep her from stumbling forward as he helped her.

When he stepped away as Rebecca racked the weights, I could see the bulge in his shorts. Instead of being angry, I was actually turned on, and I had to walk away to hide my own bulge. Mine was not as big as George’s, however, and I remember thinking that he must be much longer and thicker in the cock than I was. As for Rebecca, her breathing was heavier than usual, her chest was heaving and her tights were wet—especially between her legs.

That night I suggested to Rebecca that maybe we should take a break for a while. It had been a turn-on for me to watch my wife get excited, but I knew they were getting close to the point of no return, and I didn’t want to lose both a wife and a friend. Rebecca admitted that George had been getting bolder, and to her surprise she was enjoying it. She said he had really gotten to her that day. She even said that the feeling of his firm masculinity pressing against her ass made her so wet and horny that she hadn’t wanted to stop.

Finally my wife confessed that she had thought about screwing George, wondering what it would be like. As she talked about it she got so excited that when I knelt between her legs and tongued her dripping cunt, she came almost immediately.

On New Year’s day the gym was closed, but none of us felt like foregoing our workout, and since George had a key we agreed to meet there in the afternoon. I had to go to the office that day to complete a little paperwork, so I told Rebecca to go ahead and I would meet them there when I got finished.

Upon leaving the office I headed straight for the gym. It was locked, but I had a key which George had given me some time earlier—a fact which both he and my wife had evidently forgotten. As I came through the side door, which was partially hidden by some bleachers, I saw Rebecca warming up. She was wearing silk running shorts and a tight tank top. I had never seen her in such a getup, and she looked extremely seductive. George was at the other end of the gym, also loosening up. I was about to announce myself when I heard Rebecca call to George. When he went over to her, she told him that her knee had been bothering her. She said she wanted to do some knee bends, and wanted him to spot her in case the knee went out. I hadn’t been aware of any knee problem, but George quickly got into position to spot her. I stepped back behind the bleachers and peeked through them to see what would happen.

I couldn’t believe what I heard Rebecca say next. She told George to stand really close to her, as he had the other day, because her legs were wobbly. Obligingly, George stood so close behind her that his cock once again pressed against her buttocks. The only thing separating them was the cloth of their shorts. He wrapped his arms around her waist and the two of them did a few reps. I could tell by the way her breasts moved that Rebecca wasn’t wearing a bra, and I had a strong suspicion that she had no panties on either.

After a few knee bends, Rebecca took George’s arms from around her waist and slowly put one of his hands on her breast and the other over her crotch. I couldn’t believe it! My traditional straight-laced wife was turning into a vamp right before my eyes.

George slipped the straps of her tank top off her shoulders with one hand, while the other slid up under the leg of her shorts. As he pushed the shorts up, I could definitely see that I had been right about the panties.

As they stood there with George firmly pressed against my wife’s back, he slowly but methodically worked his finger in and out of her moist slit. My homemaker wife laid her head back against him and began to moan, doing a different kind of knee bend now as she rode up and down on his probing finger. Both of them were getting hot and sweaty. Every now and then George would remove his finger from her soaking-wet pussy, lick it, run it across her lips and reinsert it. As he finger-fucked her he kissed and licked her neck and ears, which she loves. In a short while Rebecca exploded into orgasm, panting and hollering in a way I hadn’t heard before. Her legs got weak and she almost collapsed to the floor, but George caught her.

My dick was throbbing, and I had to struggle to control my breathing as I shot a load of jism into my shorts.

But Rebecca wasn’t through with George yet. As soon as she recovered her breath she reached down and opened his shorts. They fell down, and his swollen dick stood almost straight out. It was a good two to three inches longer than mine. Rebecca gasped and smiled when she saw it. Then she kissed him, ramming her tongue down his throat while she embraced his muscular body.

Then, grabbing his erection, she gently led him to the bench, where she lay down as though she were going to do some bench presses, asking George to stand behind her as if to spot her. As he leaned forward slightly, his cock pointed at her face. Grinning up at him, Rebecca told him she had thought of this many times. Then she took his huge shaft into her mouth and began to suck on it. She alternated between licking his balls and sucking his dick. When George started to come, she didn’t remove his dick from her mouth, as she does with me, but swallowed his whole load, then licked the last drops off the tip of his dick. She was actually moaning as she did this.

Then she went on licking him and stroking him until his cock got hard again. “Oh god, fuck me!” my hot wife said.

George moved around the bench, then bent down and pulled off Rebecca’s shorts. He parted her thighs and got down on top of her, and then became only the second man ever to enter my wife’s pussy. Her body arching off the bench, Rebecca told George breathlessly that he was the only man she’d ever had besides me, and that he was bigger, and she wanted it all. As she grabbed his buttocks to pull him deeper, George began ramming vigorously into her. Rebecca was displaying a passion such as I had never seen before. It was obvious that she was in pure ecstasy. She kept moaning, “Oh, you feel so good, fuck me harder.” She was bucking and grinding her hips into his. Sweating heavily, both of them exploded together wildly in what looked like an orgasm to top all orgasms.

And still it wasn’t over. George picked her up and carried her to the chin-up bar. She held onto it while he draped her legs over his shoulders and began to tongue her wet, squirming pussy. Hanging on to the bar for dear life, my wife writhed and twisted until she had climaxed again.

Now George was rigid again, so they screwed one more time on the gym floor before calling it a day. Afterward my wife told him that it had been the most pleasurable workout she had ever had.

Still trying not to make any noise, I eased out the gym door and returned home. When Rebecca arrived I told her I’d had to work a little later than I’d expected, so I hadn’t gone to the gym.

Rebbecca just smiled at me. “Really?” she said. “Did you think I forgot about George giving you that key? I knew you would be there, and when I saw you come in I figured you would enjoy what happened as much as I did. Only I didn’t expect to enjoy it quite as much as all that!”

“Neither did I,” I said. We grinned at each other. We were both so turned on that we fucked right there in the living room, and I came into her freshly screwed pussy after only a few strokes. But that was just the beginning. From there we moved to the bedroom, where we fucked and sucked each other all night long.

George has now moved away, and we’re looking for a new workout partner. Rebecca is much freer in her attitude now, and she says she wouldn’t rule out having sex with him, if he’s attractive. I tell her I will make sure that he is.

Also, Rebecca went to the mall the other day and came home with a very sexy dress and some new high heels, saying that she thought we might now act out my fantasy about going out dancing. Kind of anti-climactic now though, don’t you think?—
K.A., Columbus, Ohio


My wife Sylvia and I are professional people in our thirties. Sylvia is five feet two and about a hundred and five pounds, with dark hair, a big beautiful set of breasts, a small waist and an ass that just begs to be fucked. I always took pretty good care of that.

I guess there are a lot of guys who fantasize about watching their wives get a big cock stuffed in their tight little pussies, and I’m no exception. Sylvia works in public relations, and I have a good management job in aerospace, and both careers require that we do a lot of entertaining and some traveling. I’m on trips about ten days a month, Sylvia a little less. At times I have said to her that I knew guys must hit on her sometimes during her trips, and kidded her about trying a little strange cock. At first she was kind of pissed that I would even kid about it. Then, one night while we were making love, she told me something that had happened on her most recent trip.

It had been one of those times when nothing had gone right, and the customer she’d been dealing with had been a real jerk. One of the customer’s assistants happened to run into her the first evening, when she was nursing her misery over a drink at the bar. His name was Gil, and he was a good-looking guy about her age, with a great body. Sylvia said they hit it off pretty well. He apologized for the hard time his boss had given her, but explained that he treated all females that way at first. If they didn’t back down, he generally ended up signing the contract. Gil gave her some suggestions as to how to handle him the next day. They had a couple more drinks together, and he took her to dinner at an upscale restaurant. They had some good wine with the meal, and after dinner he said he knew a nice place that played great music, if she would like to dance a little. He promised he would get her back to her hotel early.

Sylvia was really feeling the booze, and she figured what the hell, go for it. Gil seemed like a nice guy, and he was looking better as the night went on. They drove in his car, a little sports model built for two. She had a little trouble getting into the small car, and her dress slid up around her ass, giving Gil a good look at her little white panties before she was able to get herself arranged in the seat. She noticed a large bulge in his pants as he stood looking down at her. When she embarrassingly mumbled something about small cars, he just smiled and said they did have some advantages.

All the way to the club Sylvia was thinking about the bulge in his pants, wondering what his cock looked like and what kind of lover he would be. Once they got to the place they found a small table and ordered more drinks. She said she knew she was getting a little drunk, but by then she didn’t really care.

After a couple of close dances and a couple more drinks, Gil was openly running his hands up and down her back as they danced, moving them lower and lower until he was playing with the cheeks of her ass, and pushing his rock-hard cock into her belly as he held her close. Her panties were sopping wet and she was getting horny as hell. Gil suddenly bent down and kissed her, a long wet tongue-sucking kiss that took her by surprise. At the same time he took one of her breasts in his hand and tweaked the hard nipple between his thumb and fore-finger.

At that point Sylvia reluctantly broke away from him. With an effort, she reminded him that she was a married woman, and did not have sex with other men. She said she was sorry if she had misled him, but she wanted to go back to her hotel.

I guess Gil must have been a real gentleman. He said he was sorry if he had done anything to offend her. He was also married, but had been so attracted to her that he’d gotten carried away.

The next day her meeting was a success, due to the instructions Gil had given her on how to handle his boss. She got the contract and headed home.

After Sylvia told me that story she apologized, saying she was sorry she had let things go as far as she had. I’m sure she expected me to be pissed; but instead I found it very exciting. Just thinking about my wife with this strange man gave me a raging hard-on. Unable to hide my arousal, I told her that this was one of my favorite fantasies.

Sylvia looked at me for a long time, and finally said, “You mean you
me to fuck another man?” She was almost in shock. She said I didn’t love her any more, and carried on like that for a few minutes. I told her I loved more than ever, and that all I wanted was for her to get as much pleasure as she could from sex. I told her that thinking about her taking another man’s cock in her mouth or pussy excited me very much, but that if she decided to do it, she had to promise me that she would tell me all the details, and not keep any secrets.

Sylvia said she didn’t want to talk about it any more, and the subject didn’t come up again until a few weeks later, when we were invited to a dinner party hosted by a guy named Ray, who worked for another company. Ray and I had run into each other on business trips from time to time, and had become good friends. We would generally get together whenever he was in town. Ray was a horny bastard and never missed a chance to get some strange pussy. He had females in damn near every town he had ever visited.

On this particular night, Ray and one of his partners had just closed a big sale and were planning to celebrate. Ray called me at my office and invited Sylvia and me to join them.

Ray had never made any bones about how sexy he thought my wife was, and he had told me a number of times, more or less kiddingly, that if he ever got the chance he was going to fuck her. I generally didn’t pay much attention to that, because I knew Sylvia was not very impressed with him; she said he bragged about his conquests too much.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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