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Letters to Penthouse XIV (32 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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When I got up, with my dick sticking straight out, she said she wanted me to fuck her from behind. I had no problem with that. I got behind her and slowly stuck my dick in her pussy. It had been a while since I’d fucked some real cunt, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to last too long. As I balled her I played with her clit. She was really fucking herself on my dick, matching my strokes and banging my prick hard. I was fucking her like a madman, and the small sounds she was making told me that she loved every second of it. In a few minutes she screamed and came again, and I shot off, filling her hole with so much come that the shit ran down her legs.

After getting some paper towels to wipe off with, she planted a big kiss on my lips then pulled her pants back on and left the storage room. We were able to get together a few more times after that, but then she was moved to another unit. I still see her around the prison from time to time, but I know I’ll never get another chance to have that sweet pussy again. I’m trying real hard, but so far I haven’t caught the eye of another female officer. I guess it’s back to reading
Penthouse Letters.

Name and address withheld


I’d had my eye on Chet ever since he was transferred to my office. He’s big and blond and incredibly sexy, plus he’s very nice and a complete pleasure to be around. As fellow workers, we naturally struck up a friendship, which gradually became more and more intimate—and more and more flirtatious. With each encounter our conversations became increasingly daring, and I knew it was only a matter of time before our relationship would eventually become physical.

One day, coincidentally, we both found ourselves at work early. There were only a few other people in the office, so I went over to his desk to get in a little flirting before the workday began. After a few minutes of sexy banter, Chet came right out and said that he would love to reach out and put his hands on my big, beautiful breasts. I was a little bit startled, but I played along, saying that maybe we should go into the conference room and discuss it in more detail. To my surprise, he jumped up from his desk and led the way!

We stepped into the conference room and he locked the door behind us. The shades were still drawn over the windows, but he didn’t turn on the lights. He reached out and his hands found my body in the dimness. He began to shower me with kisses, and as he thrust his tongue into my mouth, my nipples became thick and erect. I felt my pussy begin to pulse as his kisses became more intense and his hands roamed over my body, caressing my shoulders and tickling me along my rib cage. It was almost too much to bear. Oh god, I thought to myself, I have to feel this man’s mouth on my cunt!

Almost as if reading my mind, Chet lifted me onto the conference table. He gently removed my nylons and began massaging my inner thighs. The feel of his fingers trailing up my legs and the way he clenched my calves when he spread my legs apart were so distracting that I almost forgot we were in a (semi) public place where we could be seen at almost any moment. But that only helped to make the experience more exciting for me.

By the time he turned his attention back to my breasts, my snatch was absolutely dripping with anticipation. I wanted to cry out, but I knew that others would be arriving for work and I didn’t want to be heard. I wanted him to hurry, but at the same time I also loved the way he was gliding his hands slowly over my legs and stomach.

I could hear his breathing becoming more rapid as he drew my panties down and off, and soon I felt his warm breath between my legs. And then his tongue was on my clit, licking slowly, teasing me. I began to moan as his mouth engulfed my flesh, unable to keep quiet as his talented tongue brought me to an amazing orgasm. He then lifted me up to my feet and kissed me so we could share the wonderful taste of my come together.

Chet then turned me around and told me to bend over. I placed my hands on the table and spread my legs for him. He slipped his dick into me and began a slow, rhythmic pumping. Oh, how I wanted to scream out! His big cock was almost more than I could handle. He held onto my waist and picked up speed, slamming his prick into my cunt over and over again with a determination that I’d never experienced before. He reached around and grabbed my nipples, kneading them as I rocked back and forth on his massive rod. I was ready to feel his come burst into me. I felt another orgasm coming on and was thrilled when we came at the same time, our juices mingling and spilling out of my pussy and onto the edge of the table.

We both composed ourselves as best we could, rearranged our clothes and quickly went back to our desks like nothing happened. I tried hard to concentrate on my job, but thoughts of work took a back seat to thoughts of pleasure! I can’t wait to get Chet into the conference room again, but with no one else around, so I can make as much noise as I want to!—
L.Q., Phoenix, Arizona

Open Season



Last spring I finally bought a new van at the behest of my wife Ginny. Complete with curtains, a cooler and a full-size air mattress, it became our own private box at one of the few remaining drive-ins in the area. We would go every Saturday night. It really didn’t matter what was playing, as the movie was secondary to the fun we had in the back of the van. It took us back to our days of courtship, and the anticipation that built up during the week was really exciting.

Usually Ginny dressed in tight terrycloth shorts or a slip dress, or some other sexy thing, for these evenings. One night she looked so sexy that I suddenly thought it was a hell of a waste to keep her all to myself. So I arranged to have Wally, a friend of ours who works with Ginny, meet us at the show later that evening.

You should have seen her that night. She wore a cut-off T-shirt that exposed the bottoms of her large breasts, and a pair of those form-fitting terrycloth shorts. Ginny is on the short side at five feet three, and most of her hundred and twenty pounds are topside. She has long brown hair and big brown eyes, and her perfume drives me crazy.

We arrived at the drive-in, got into the back of the van, arranged our refreshments and commenced to have our little party. Half an hour later Wally showed up, right where I told him we’d be.

By that time Ginny and I had had a couple of beers each, and Wally brought more. Ginny and I were lying on the air mattress, and after a while I suggested that Wally crawl in on the other side of her for the remainder of the show.

Although she hadn’t planned for this, Ginny was very congenial, not to mention buzzed, and more than a little horny. Still, she did her best to try to keep her shorts from riding up. Not easy, considering that we were all lying on our stomachs and elbows, watching the movie out of the back of the van.

After a while I put my hand on her back and lightly massaged it, working my hand under her shirt. I leaned over to kiss her left ear, and heard her swallow hard when my tongue touched her earlobe. By this time my hand had gone down onto her ass.

I heard her gasp quietly when she realized that Wally’s hand had found its way onto her leg, and was working into her shorts. She looked at me with dreamy, lust-filled eyes, and I smiled and nodded at her.

Wally was on his side now, his hand inside her shorts, and from her reactions I guessed he had one or two fingers in her cunt. After a series of soft, slow moans, she rolled onto her side facing me, and pressed her ass against him.

I pulled her shirt up, then sucked at her milky-white tits and sweet nipples as Wally’s hand continued playing deep inside her shorts. He removed it briefly as I reached down and pulled those shorts off her. As I’d suspected, she wore no panties. Wally’s hand quickly returned to cover her pussy mound, and she moaned deeply.

I lay back now, not wanting to miss anything, taking in the incredibly hot vision before me. Ginny was looking at me with half-closed eyes, moaning more loudly and twisting her body, squirming her gorgeous ass against Wally’s loins as he sucked on her ear and neck while his fingers probed her wet pussy. She turned to face him now, scrabbling at his zipper and pulling out his big cock. As she massaged it he put a hand under her leg and spread her cunt wide. Their crotches pressed together and I could see her rubbing her slit along the shaft of his prick.

Finally, the head of his cock disappeared between her tight pussy lips. With that Ginny’s eyes opened wide, and she grunted, “Oh yeah! Deeper!” Her body pushed forward to accept the massive tool that invaded her, filling her lusty cunt as Wally began to thrust. Moans and grunts escaped from my wife’s parted lips, his cock stretching her pussy walls as he went deeper than any man had gone before.

Ginny rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs wide to take even more of him. His movements were harder now, more forceful. Ginny was panting hard, and moaning, “Yes, fuck me, oh yeah!” Her large breasts bounced and shuddered with each stroke.

Then Wally cried out that he was coming and attempted to pull out, but Ginny wrapped her arms and legs about him and held him there, and in a moment they reached orgasm simultaneously, Wally filling my wife’s stretched cunt with his come.

As he rolled off, I took his place, inserting my cock into what felt like a subway tunnel, big and wet. It didn’t matter though, because in only moments I shot inside her, adding my come to his.

I sure am glad my wife talked me into getting a van!—
F.P., Asheville, North Carolina


My wife Rebecca and I have been married for eighteen years. We have had a great marriage and a good sex life. But in any marriage, after a long time the sex tends to become routine, and for several years I had been trying to spice it up somewhat, but to little avail. Rebecca allowed me to buy her a few dildos, including a big thick one ten inches long, which she can take all the way. She enjoyed these, but on the whole her attitude toward sex was pretty traditional and straightforward.

I enjoy reading
Penthouse Letters
, especially the stories about a husband watching his wife seduce another man. I have a fantasy that I have told Rebecca about. It involves us going to a bar, but pretending not to know each other. Rebecca would dress very sexily, and at the bar she would find a good-looking man, dance with him and get them both excited with some belly-rubbing, hip-grinding slow dances. Then I would pretend to pick her up, and we would go home and have wild passionate sex. The good-looking stranger would stir up her emotions and I would reap the benefits. I tried to get her to act out this scenario, but she nixed the idea, saying that it was a fantasy and should remain just that.

Let me tell you a little about Rebecca. She is about five feet five inches, one hundred twenty-three pounds, and has a beautiful body, with small but firm breasts, and legs that are indescribable. She always gets second and third looks from guys, especially when showing off her body in something revealing—which I always urge her to do. She has bought lots of short skirts and shorts to display her assets. She says she does it for me, but I believe she enjoys it also. I am proud to be seen with her.

I work at a supply house, and had been there for many years when a guy named. George came along and was given a cushy outside sales job, with a high-dollar income and lots of other perks. He was about thirty, and he hadn’t worked his way up the ladder of success as I had, but was given the job because of politics and family ties. He was good-looking and a smooth talker, with a lot of charisma about him. I resented him at first, but after a while we became friends, and because of him my life became more interesting.

After we got to know each other, our families began spending time together. George’s wife’s name was Grade, and they had two children. Our wives enjoyed each other and our children played well together.

Shortly after coming to work with us George joined a local gym and started working out with weights and taking a karate class. Evidently he had done this before, because he was in tiptop shape already, lean and muscular, with very little body fat.

I had piddled around with weights before, but not seriously. George kept encouraging me to be his workout partner, and finally I decided to give it a try. George encouraged me to work hard at it, and after a few months the results began to show. My wife noticed this, and decided she wanted to work out with us, if we would help her. I discussed it with George, and he said to bring her along. By this time George had a part-time job as a trainer and overseer at the gym, and he said he would help bring Rebecca along slowly.

At first Rebecca dressed very conservatively for our workout sessions, wearing long loose shorts and one of my T-shirts that was about three sizes too big for her. The three of us worked out together, and George gave her some tips about proper diet and toning up.

As fine as Rebecca already looked, she soon started looking even better. In fact, she looked terrific. Working out seemed to agree with her, not only physically but mentally also. She began to dress more sexily, in tights and low-cut tops, and even in skimpy shorts. Needless to say, she had everyone’s attention. She had that sensuous, sultry look, and she loved it.

I soon noticed that George seemed to be paying extra-close attention to my pretty wife. Sometimes he would “accidentally” touch her breasts while helping her on or off an exercise machine, or brush her pussy through her tights while helping with leg extensions. When he spotted her as she did bench presses, he would stand directly over her, his cock just inches away from her luscious mouth.

When I mentioned this to Rebecca she just brushed it off as no big deal. She never tried to avoid his touch, and in fact she always asked him to spot her when she did the bench presses. She wouldn’t admit that having his cock that close to her was a turn-on for her, but I wasn’t fooled. They were playing a little game with each other, but I felt that I was the winner, because after every work-out Rebecca would be very horny, and would screw my brains out.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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