Let Loose the Dogs (4 page)

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Authors: Maureen Jennings

BOOK: Let Loose the Dogs
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Chapter Seven

, M
.” Walter Lacey stamped off the snow from his boots. “Where’s Jessica?” He’d brought a waft of cold air into the cottage, and Mrs. McIsaac made a point of pulling her shawl up closer around her neck. She was seated in the nook by the fireside, Sally asleep in the cradle in front of her.

“She said she was tired, and she’s gone up to bed.” Her disapproval was obvious.

Lacey took off his hat and coat and hung them on the hook behind the door. Mrs. McIsaac was mending a shirt, and she put it aside. “You look perishing. I suppose you’ll be wanting some tea?”

He blew on his cold fingers. “That would be appreciated, ma’am.” He came closer to the fire and crouched down to look at his daughter. She insisted on sleeping in this crib even though she was too big for it and had to curl up to fit. He’d made the crib himself, an apple box, sanded down and painted bright yellow. Jess hadn’t wanted him to. “It’s unlucky to prepare too soon,” she’d said, but swayed by his enthusiasm, she had finished the box, lining the sides with flannel and goose down and a cover of blue-striped cotton.

“How’s my Sally been today?”

“Mardy. Nothing contents that bairn. She greets from dawn to dusk. Thank the Lord, she’s gone asleep now, give me a bit of peace.”

Lacey wanted to snap at the woman, but he didn’t dare antagonize her. She was a dour and sour-faced Scotswoman, but she was the only person he could find at such short notice who was willing to come up to their cottage in the afternoons to “help out,” as he had euphemistically called it. What this meant, in fact, was to make sure the child was looked after. Twice in the past week, he’d come home to find Jessica gone, God knows where, and Sally alone. Once she was asleep, but the other time she wasn’t, just sitting in her crib bawling her eyes out. When he’d confronted Jess, she’d been remorseful but said she’d just gone out for a walk while Sally was asleep and hadn’t noticed the time.

He bent down and kissed his daughter lightly on her forehead. Asleep she looked angelic, but since the incident she had become fretful, prone to night terrors, wetting her bed every night. She screamed when he had to leave her and clung to him with the tenacity of a savage animal when he returned.

Mrs. McIsaac hadn’t yet made a move to make the tea, so Walter stood up and went to fetch the teapot from the cupboard. She watched him.

“Tea for you, ma’am?”

“No, I’ve got to get goin’. I have things to tend to.”

Her tone was aggrieved, as if he was imposing on her, even though he paid her as much as he could afford. “Mr. Lacey, I dinna think I can come much longer. I am a charitable person and will do an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, but I see no real need to be here. Your wife is quite capable of looking after her own bairn and her own husband.”

Walter busied himself with making the tea. “She caught a chill, and it makes her tired a lot. I’d prefer to take some responsibility off her shoulders until she’s quite better. She’s delicate, Jess is. And she’s still keening over the baby.”

The woman sucked on her lip as if she’d tasted something rather good. “That’s as may be, but there’s not a woman born who hasn’t experienced some sorrow. Most of us just carry on with our duties.”

“Jess has done that, Mrs. McIsaac. But it was a sad loss to both of us.”

“There’s no denying that and it a boy, but it’s going on four months now. She should be better than this. I myself have known sorrow, as I’ve told you.”

“Many a time,” Lacey couldn’t resist interrupting, but Mrs. McIsaac was oblivious.

“A husband struck down in the prime of his life, and me with nine children to raise. I buried five, Mr. Lacey, five little ones. So I know what it is to keen. But your wife is a young lass. She’ll have lots more bairns, I’m sure.”

She glanced over at him rather lasciviously, and he thought for a moment she was going to ask him if he was fulfilling his manly duty.

He went over to the table and sat down. Mrs. McIsaac pursed her lips. “What I don’t understand is why she’s had such a setback. I thought she was getting over things. She must have had some kind of shock. Did a gypsy come by? Or a beggar?”

Lacey gulped down some of the tea. “Not that I know of.” He ran his fingers through his hair, making tufts stand up about his ears. “I’m sorry, Mrs. McIsaac. I know it’s hard on you, too. Sally can be difficult. I’ll try to give you a bit extra at the end of the week.”

“Where are you going to get extra? I know what wages you’re making. You havna got no extra.”

“Then I’ll make it up other ways. I’ll bring you over some more firewood. I’ll chop some first thing tomorrow.”

“That’ll be a help, no denying, but I’m no telling you these things so you’ll do more for me. I’m telling you because you should know. She looks like she could go into a decline, and then there’s no saying what would happen.”

“It’s on account of this weather. Jess never did like days like this. She used to say the grey got right under her skin and made her mind the same colour.”

“Mebbe. You must be firm with her. If you’re too soft, she’ll just stay like this.”

Lacey shook his head. “She’ll come around, I tell you. She was smiling like her old self just a couple of days ago.”

Mrs. McIsaac stood up. “Have it your way, but dinna say I didna warn you.” She went over to the door. “I’ve got to be off fore it gets dark. I’ve put on some potatoes ready to boil, and there’s the pork you can fry up when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, ma’am. And Mrs. McIsaac, I do truly appreciate how much you’re helping me out, but if you can be back by six I’d be much obliged. I’ve been late getting to work. Newcombe is being kind seeing the circumstances, but I can’t afford to lose my job.”

Mrs. McIsaac shrugged. “I’ll do my best, but I have my own family to take care of.”

She pulled her shawl tight around her head and stepped out into the chill air. Lacey watched as she trudged down the path and disappeared among the trees. Then he went back to the table and sat down, his head in his hands.

Sour old tart she is, making him sweat for every inch she gives

Sally whimpered and he held his breath, listening. But she didn’t wake up, and he relaxed again. Jess had been glad when she found there was a second child on the way. She was softer, allowing him closer than before. He had even painted the name
on the side of the cradle. Jess had laughed. “It’s too old-fashioned a name, and besides, how do you know it’s going to be a boy?”

“I was told it means ‘dweller in the woods,’ which is where we live now. And besides, I know I’ve given you a son.”

She’d waved her hand at him dismissively, but he could see that secretly she was pleased. The infant was, in fact, a boy, but he was born three months too soon and he had died moments after he had entered the world.

Walter stood up, took another mug from the cupboard, and poured some hot tea. There was a bottle of brandy on the shelf, and he added a splash.

“Try to get her to take a tot as often as you can,” Mrs. McIsaac had said, “do her good.” But for the past few days, Jess had had no appetite.

He put the mug on a tray and added a dish of arrowroot pudding that Maria Newcombe had sent down. He was always trying to tempt Jess with dainties.

Nothing had been right since the miscarriage. Jessica took it as a punishment from God. She would not allow herself to weep or show her sorrow. The hurt was pushed deep inside where it festered, the way a sliver of wood that is buried in the skin is no longer visible but infects the entire body. On the surface their life proceeded more or less as it ever had. She tended to the cottage, prepared his meals, even allowed him connection with her, but he knew she had gone away from him. It was only with Sally that she showed any true emotion, grasping the child tightly to her breast several times a day until the poor mite would beg for release.

There were times when the unfairness of her behaviour filled him with rage. He shouted at her over trivialities; then overwhelmed by shame, he would leave the cottage and walk for hours down through the ravines as far as the harbour itself, until he could bear to face her again. But he thought he preferred even that half-life to the one they had been living recently. Jess had stopped even the most rudimentary care of the cottage; and even with her daughter, she was negligent.

He climbed the flight of stairs to the tiny loft where he’d made them a bedroom. The air in the room was stale. Jess hadn’t been taking care of her own person either. At the moment she seemed to be sleeping.

He placed the tray on the dresser beside the bed.

“Jess? Jess, I’ve brought you some tea. Just the way you like it.”

He turned up the wick on the lamp. She was lying on her side facing the wall. “Are you awake, my chuck?”

She murmured something but didn’t greet him or open her eyes. He touched his finger gently to her cheek. She had lost weight and the bones seemed sharp, and the lines from nose to mouth were those of an old woman.

“I’ve brought you some of Maria’s best pudding, the kind you like.”

She opened her eyes and gazed at him. “Please, Walter, I’m tired. I’ll come down shortly.”

He knelt down, took her inert hand in his, and held it to his lips. “Jess, you are my love, Jess. You must not leave me; I will not be able to bear it.”

She didn’t answer but shut her eyes again, pulled her hand away, and rolled over to face the wall.

Walter rocked back on his heels wondering whether or not he should rouse her out of her lethargy even if it meant a quarrel. Not that a barney would deter him if it brought her to life. Anger was preferable to this deadly indifference.

He stood up. Better leave it for now.

Lacey had lied to Mrs. McIsaac. He did, in fact, know all too well what had caused this relapse.

Chapter Eight

was so familiar that Murdoch had stopped listening. The Latin words slipped through his mind in a meaningless flow. He had been directed to the small chapel, where there were three other communicants, all women, all with black shawls covering their heads, almost indistinguishable from the nuns themselves. On the other side of the altar, out of sight, were the sisters. Susanna’s coffin was on that side. He had not been allowed to see her body, and he’d had to say his final good-bye through the grille.


The priest genuflected then stood and elevated the host. At this point in the Mass, the faithful were expected to say, “My Lord and my God,” but Murdoch was silent. He was close enough to the altar that the priest probably noticed, but Murdoch didn’t care. The priest, Fr. Proulx, had spoken to him directly after Susanna died, but he didn’t have much English and they were awkward with each other.

It was left to Sister Agnes to instruct Murdoch on the procedure of the funeral. A High Mass was to be held at seven o’clock. Susanna’s body would be buried in the little cemetery behind the convent, but this, too, was enclosed, and he would not be allowed to visit the grave. “Monsieur Lavalle will take you to the station. Our Reverend Mother wishes me to extend to you her sincerest condolences. She also would like to inform you that Sister Philomena died shriven.”

Murdoch bit back a retort. He wouldn’t have expected anything else given she was a professed nun. God had called her and now had claimed her. He felt a momentary pinch of fear at his own thoughts, which were approaching the blasphemous.

Sometime in the early hours of the morning, the extern had ushered him into a tiny room adjoining the parlour where there was a couch. He hadn’t expected to sleep, but fatigue won out and he had actually fallen into a restless sleep, disturbed by dreams of pursuit and a monster that changed its shape every time he thought he had escaped. At six-thirty the convent bells began to peal. Sister Agnes returned, bringing him a slice of bread and a cup of strong, bitter coffee. She made no attempt at conversation, but her expression was kind. Shyly she indicated that there was a commode behind a screen in the corner of the room. On the washstand was a jug of tepid water and a razor and soap. When she left him alone, he felt an intense and childish pang of loneliness.

The priest had uncovered the chalice and was consecrating the wine now.


Again Murdoch’s thoughts drifted away. The chapel was austere enough, but the chalice was of an ornate gold and there was a life-sized crucifix hung above the altar. He wondered what Mrs. Enid Jones would think about such adornments. As far as he knew the Baptist Church wouldn’t even allow a wooden cross in the church, and the ministers wore black suits. He sighed. It was at times like this that he had to face how far apart they were in their respective faiths. Suddenly, he heard his sister’s name, her religious name that is. Fr. Proulx was reciting a prayer for the dead.

Memento etiam, Domine, famulorum tuarum.
, qui nos praecesserunt cum signo fidei, et dormiunt ni somno paces
. He looked in his missal, although he knew what the words meant. In spite of his anger, they gave him comfort.

Remember also, Lord, your handmaiden, who has gone before us with the sign of faith and rests in the sleep of peace

In a brief conversation with Sister Agnes, Murdoch realised that they believed him to be the sole remaining member of the family. In fact, he hadn’t heard anything of his father for many years, but he assumed he was still alive. He didn’t know if Susanna had deliberately chosen not to tell the nuns or if it was a misunderstanding. Neither he nor his sister had seen their father since Bertie’s death. A few days after he’d gone, Murdoch and Susanna, afraid of what could happen between him and his father, had fled. He was just thirteen; she was nine. They had made their way to their only aunt, their mother’s older sister, who lived forty miles away up the coast of Nova Scotia. Aunt Weldon was a spinster, a teacher who took them in because she had to – because our Lord commands us to have charity or we are as nothing. She had repeated this many times.

The priest was breaking the Host over the chalice, and the flat piece of unleavened bread made a snapping sound. Fr. Proulx was grey haired, well past middle age, and stooped. He had to peer shortsightedly at the book his server held in front of him.

The priest turned to face the communicants and held out the Host. One by one, the three women stood up and went to the communion rail. Murdoch followed them and they knelt together at the altar rail. He opened his mouth, and Fr. Proulx placed the bread on his tongue.

Corpus Domini nostri Jesus Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen

He then turned to the side of the altar to offer the Host to the nuns. They were all hidden from view, and Murdoch could see only the priest as he reached forward to the invisible woman at the prie-dieu.

Murdoch went back to the pew, trying to swallow the wafer of bread, which stuck to the roof of his mouth. The nuns were singing a Miserere. He knelt down and tried to say the Paternoster.

He heard a sniffle beside him. One of the women was weeping. At what? She couldn’t possibly have known Susanna. It was pure sentimental rubbish that she was crying like that. Murdoch’s own eyes were dry. He was too angry to cry.

The singing ceased and the priest completed his rituals at the altar, wiping the chalice with the cloth and replacing it in the ciborium. He kissed the altar and turned to face the four of them.

Dominus vobiscum

“And with thy spirit,” replied the crying woman, her Latin somewhat indistinct.

Both priest and server made the sign of the cross, and Murdoch did the same. The mass was over. Fr. Proulx and the server disappeared into the sanctum, and the three women slipped away without any talking or acknowledgement of each other or him. He sat for a moment longer, the pungent odour of the incense tingling in his nostrils. The candles in the sconces flickered. It was daylight outside but another snow-filled grey morning, and the light in the chapel was dim.

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