Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (14 page)

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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“Yes, a very good idea,” Arnaud asserted.

Laryssa gave Léopold one last glance as Arnaud escorted her out of the great room. A long hallway led to two doors, one on the left and one on the right. She caught sight of a second staircase which appeared to trail downward.

“Mademoiselle, this room here is the guest room.” Arnaud opened a solid oak door and flipped on a light switch. “The master’s room is across from yours.”

“The stairway? Where does it go?” she inquired right before they walked into the room. Water. She needed to get out to the lake.

“There’s a billiard and exercise area downstairs. Leads out to the pool. You’re welcome to a swim, if you want. I can unlock the back sliders for you.”

“Swim? Uh, yeah, that would be great.” Laryssa glanced around the room. Like the rest of Léopold’s home, it was stark white except for a Blue Dog painting that hung on the far wall. Its captivating yellow eyes seemed to follow her. She’d seen the brightly colored canines so many times when she’d passed the gallery in the Quarter but it was the first time she’d seen the artwork in someone’s home.

“You a George Rodrique fan?” Arnaud asked, sidling up next to her.

“Yeah, I love it. His work’s amazing, huh?”

“Yes, indeed. Monsieur loves his pieces as well.” Arnaud walked away, opening the door to the bathroom. “The towels are in here if you decide to go for a dip. I’ll go downstairs now and see to the lock.”

“Do you live here?” Laryssa asked, glancing at Arnaud. She wasn’t sure why she asked other than interest in what sort of person would work for Léopold. She laughed silently, thinking he must have the patience of a saint.

“Me? No. My boss prefers solitude. Besides, when he’s in the city, I live just down the street. But I’m available to him twenty-four seven when he’s home.”


“New Orleans.”

“He travels often?”

“Sometimes,” he hedged. “He also prefers his privacy. If there isn’t anything else I can get you, I need to attend to a few things before I take Sophie back.”

Laryssa’s breath caught, realizing that for a brief second she’d almost forgotten where she was. That and the fact Léopold was with another woman…dinner. As much as she wanted to pump Arnaud for information about his little ‘feeding’ arrangement, she could tell she’d already crossed the boundary of what he was willing to share about his employer.

“No, I’m fine. Thanks.”

“You’re very welcome, mademoiselle. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll see to the door.”

As Arnaud left the room, Laryssa admired the painting, thinking about how many times she’d considered purchasing a print. She’d often thought of keeping one in her tiny apartment but had decided she wouldn’t see it nearly often enough and had decided to display one in her shop so she could enjoy it all day.

Her store
, she thought with a sigh
After closing early, she’d forgotten to call her assistant manager to make sure he opened it tomorrow. She reached for her cell in her pocket and realized that she’d misplaced it. Rummaging through her overnight bag, she remembered she’d put the phone in her purse which she’d left in the kitchen.
As much as she loathed seeing Léopold feed, she needed to keep her business running in her absence.

Laryssa discreetly peeked around the corner, glancing down the hallway. Not seeing Arnaud, she kicked off her shoes and quietly padded toward the kitchen. Sneaking around in a dangerous vampire’s home was probably not the best idea she’d ever had, but curiosity bit at her, wondering if Léopold did more than
his dinner. As she tiptoed through the foyer into the kitchen, she eyed her purse. By the time she’d snatched her bag off the stool and turned around, movement caught her attention.
His black eyes pierced into hers, while he held the woman’s wrist to his mouth. Sophie writhed and moaned his name aloud, much as Laryssa had done when he’d pleasured her earlier. Except unlike Laryssa, she was most definitely climaxing, enjoying the sexual titillation his bite offered her.

A fresh rush of jealousy seized Laryssa’s chest at the sight. Unable to watch for a second longer, she ran out of the room, dropping her purse along the way. She stumbled into the guest room, tearing at her clothing, until she wore nothing but her panties. Remembering she’d forgotten to pack a swimsuit, she grabbed a towel out of the bathroom closet. She wrapped it around her as she took off out of the room and down the stairway. Hot tears ran down her face, embarrassed and hurt that Léopold could bring another woman to orgasm after what they’d done together. The splash of reality, that he truly was just using her for her abilities, slapped her. But she’d been so tired of hiding. Even though she’d been scared, Léopold, with his dashing looks and provocative personality, had seemed like he’d be the one person she could finally entrust with her secret. Bathed in confusion and shame, she fumbled through the darkness, guided toward the outdoor lighting.

As she grasped onto the sliding glass door, she yanked at it, easily pulling it open. While she should have been impressed with the elaborate outdoor pool and lounges, it was the vapor from Lake Ponchartrain that drove her onward. Following the patio, her feet eventually touched down upon the cool, dew-covered grass. Even though the yard was pitch-dark, she spotted a small light coming from a dock down by the water. She put one foot in front of the other, quickening her pace until she was awkwardly running, holding the towel in place. No one could stop her from reaching her asylum, she thought. But as she approached the water, the light flickered off, and she heard a low growl. Red eyes glowed in the distance.

“Who’s there?” she yelled into the night. Laryssa had never seen the eyes of the dark ones before, yet this had piercing ones that felt as if they were drilling into her gut. The heavy menacing presence she’d felt over the past months was undeniable and all too familiar.

“Laryssa,” it snarled, coming into her line of vision. “It’s time.”

“Time for what?” she asked, terrified at the answer. As it came into view, her chest began to heave as she fought for breath. The creature, covered in black scales, took the shape of a man. Horns curled from its skull, and its blood-red lips drew up in a sickening smile. It extended its claws, stretching and balling its fists.

“Did you think you could avoid me forever? Since you died, you’ve been mine,” it asserted, stepping closer.

“I don’t know you.” Laryssa’s feet inched backward toward the water’s edge, but she never took her eyes off of the menacing creature.

“Don’t lie!” It snarled, licking its tongue over its lips. “Your soul’s mine.”

Laryssa frantically began looking around for a weapon. The exhaustion of using her powers earlier had left her weak, but adrenaline could help her to summon it. In the darkness she saw nothing but a boat hanging off its dry dock. Her eyes darted to a log that had washed up onto the sandy beach. It was a small piece of wood. Slowly, she began shuffling toward it, hoping she’d have enough energy left to move it.

“Do you value your life?”

“Get away from me.”

“There’s nowhere you can go now. Did you really think the vampire could protect you? He has no wards to protect you, little Lyssa.”

“What are you?” she asked, focusing on her target.

“Don’t you recognize me? It’s been many years, I know, but you owe me your soul. And I’ll have it.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Sweetheart, you’ve always belonged to me. But I’d be happy to take little Ava too, if you’d like.”

“Fuck you!” she screamed.
How the hell does this thing know the baby’s name?
“You’ll never get her.”

“Oh, I’ll get whatever I want. You. Her. And the Tecpatl.”

“Tecpatl?” she questioned.

“One week. Bring me the Tlalco Tecpatl or I take the infant.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The dagger. You own it, and I must have it.”

“Please leave me alone. I can’t do this.”

“Remember your death, Lyssa? My sweet embrace, taking you home. That bitch stole you, made you into what you are. And now, I’ll take you back. We’ll be together. I can please you.”

The scaly beast transformed into a man. Devilishly good-looking and muscular, it took its cock into its hands, stroking itself. Laryssa felt her lungs cave at the sight. This demon wanted to mate with her? Keep her as its concubine? Shaking, she looked to the broken branch that had washed ashore. If she could gather enough energy to beckon it, she’d have a chance of making it into the water.

“No, no, no, no…” Laryssa repeated, trying to focus on calling forth her power.

She tried to ignore the sight of its growing erection, but found it difficult as the vision of it began to waver from human to demon, and back again. The putrid stench of ash and musk filled the air, making her cringe. It laughed as a greenish fluid began to seep from its hands. The surge of electricity pushed through her cells, singeing her fingertips. As she made her first attempt to bring the makeshift weapon into her hand, the beast lunged at her, its claws extending forward.

“Your skin tempts me. Show me your flesh, little whore,” it roared, swiping its talons at her towel.

Laryssa screamed as its red-hot barbs scraped across her chest. The searing pain and horror provoked her power, commanding the log. As it flew into her hands, she swung it at the creature’s head, cracking its lip open. The beast snarled and bared its teeth at her but before it had a chance to attack, she jerked her knee up into its aroused groin. Crumpling to the ground in agony, it released a high-pitched wail. Laryssa gasped for breath, faltering down the bank until she reached the water’s edge.

“One week,” it screeched at her.

Terror brushed her mind as she reached to the gash on her chest. Falling onto her hands and knees, Laryssa crawled into the lake. Letting her body sink into its curative depths, she closed her eyes. Water rushed into her nose and throat, reminding of her of who she was, what she sought to hide. Deliberately she opened her mind to its curative waters, taking in its energy, healing her wounds.

The positively charged ions danced from one molecule to another infusing their energy within her chest, into her bloodstream. As the vital force permeated every cell, her skin began to glow, casting a dim aura around her entire body. Over the years, she’d learned how to control it, retaining the full effect of the water and its illumination. Careening her own strength into focus, she compelled her light. If the creature came at her in the lake, she’d kill it. How she knew she could do so, she wasn’t certain. But with every breath of the cold fluid, in and out, the energy built and her confidence in her ability escalated in tandem. Floating down into the lake bed, she rested in quiet apprehension, waiting for her enemy to strike.

Chapter Six

Léopold immediately stopped feeding after Laryssa had witnessed Sophie in the throes of her orgasm. Remorse, a distant emotion that he’d long buried, burned through him. It wasn’t as if he was ashamed to feed off a human, to be nothing more than he was, a vampire. But he’d deliberately hurt Laryssa, aggressively discouraging her from seeking companionship from a man who wasn’t capable of reciprocating.

“Leave it on. Arnaud is going to take you home,” Léopold told Sophie, noticing that she’d begun to adjust the blindfold, attempting to see, obviously sensing his discontent.

“But I thought we would…”

“We would what? Have sex? We have a contract through the agency, Sophie. I pay for your services as a donor only. If and when I decide we are to go further, it may proceed. The blindfold stays on. We’re finished with our business.”

“But you always want to…”

“Tais toi. Not another word. We aren’t dating. What happens between us is merely a completion of the food chain. Pay per bite, as you will. If you aren’t able to live within the confines of said agreement then I suggest you contact the agency when you return.”

“You’re a bastard,” she huffed, fumbling to adjust her negligee.

“Oui,” he responded, unfazed. As soon as she left, he’d request that she no longer be sent to his home. As a result of the pleasure he gave, the donors, both male and female, too often began to develop unhealthy expectations as a result of their exchange. Sophie had become increasingly demanding over the past weeks. Léopold met eyes with Arnaud, who was tidying up in the kitchen. “I’m finished. Please get her out of here.”

He felt like an asshole for taunting Laryssa with his donor. He’d specifically chosen Sophie, aware that her physical attributes would draw Laryssa’s ire. While there was no denying her outer beauty as defined by societal standards, her lack of personality dulled her allure. No, it was Laryssa who drew his fascination. Léopold reasoned it was merely chemical attraction, driven by pheromones combined with the practicality of the situation, that must be driving him mad with desire for his little rabbit. It amused and impressed him that she’d thrown a piece of furniture at him, standing up for herself, undaunted by his dubious reputation and the reality that he could kill her within seconds. He knew he could have shaken it off, called her foolish for doing so. Whether she’d been conscious or not of the explosive power she was capable of harboring and utilizing on a whim, she’d almost clocked him with the ottoman. But it was her caring nature, selflessly agreeing to walk into the Alpha’s den and further, challenging Luca that had displayed her true intrepid nature.

Yet, the woman frustrated him beyond reason. Why wouldn’t she just tell him what she was, so they could leverage her abilities? It seemed the prudent and rational thing to do. She was driving him insane with need, and forcing him to extreme measures.

Léopold walked over to the windows, glancing down toward the pool. He’d heard the door slam and known she’d gone swimming. Scanning the veranda, he searched for her lovely body, expecting to see her plotting to inflict torture on him or perhaps a slow miserable death. But instead of finding her brooding on a lounge chair, he saw nothing but the calm blue water shimmering back at him. Where was she?

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