Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (12 page)

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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As she tried to contain her excitement, exhaustion washed over her. She felt drained, in need of its healing. If she didn’t tell Léopold soon, she’d have to sneak out into the night air to find the restorative liquid. Like air, she needed the lake’s water to survive.

“You like to swim? You’re welcome to use the pool while you’re here,” Léopold commented, watching her out of the corner of his eye.


“The pool. You’re a diver. One can only assume you like the water if you dive on a regular basis,” Léopold said, taking the takeout container he’d brought from Logan’s. He walked into the kitchen, setting it into the microwave. Léopold worked in the kitchen, all the while aware of her every move.

Laryssa’s reticence hadn’t surprised him during the drive. He’d driven her to it after she’d asked about him having children. His response had been meant to silence her, and now that he’d done what he’d set out to do, he found he missed the sound of her voice. He’d turned on the outside lighting, thinking she’d caught a glimpse of the pool area. But she seemed preoccupied with something else altogether.
This woman, this creature, what was she?

She was clearly lost in her thoughts; he observed how she was bent toward the window, her hands spread against it. Her pert bottom peeked at him through the pair of skin-tight jeans she’d changed into at her apartment. Léopold shifted his legs as his dick hardened at the sight of her well-rounded ass. He inwardly groaned, picturing himself peeling them off then driving into her from behind while her firm breasts pressed onto the cold glass.

Merde, I shouldn’t have brought her here.
Léopold shook his head in disgust with his lack of discipline. True, he needed to get laid, but not with her. His instincts told him that there was something about Laryssa that would shake his carefully constructed world, and that simply could not happen. He wouldn’t let himself fall any deeper into her spell. Pulling out his cell phone, he tapped out a text to Arnaud. Food and a fuck would solve his problem. If he didn’t sate his hunger, it wouldn’t be long before he had Laryssa stripped bare, with his cock buried deep inside her.

The microwave beeped, thankfully distracting him from the tempting thought. He reached in and pulled out the bowl, setting it on the counter.


Laryssa turned her head toward him and glared.

“Sit please,” he replied with a sarcastic tone. “Come pet, you need to eat. See? It’s Wynter’s jambalaya. Smells delicious.”

“Are you always this bossy?” Laryssa asked, irritated that he continued to give her orders. She considered telling him to go to hell but her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she truly was hungry “Can’t you just say, ‘your dinner is ready?’ No, I get, ‘sit.’ Listen, Leo, if you plan on keeping me here, I’ll repeat it once more…contrary to your belief that I’m some kind of a dog or servant, I’m neither.”

“I can see quite clearly that you aren’t. As for being ‘bossy’ as you put it, I am the boss, no? It is what it is. You cannot change the moon or the stars, nor can you change the man.” Léopold sighed.
maybe I am an arrogant prick. Little rabbit better get used to it, though, because I’m not changing for a woman, especially one who won’t be in my life very long.

“Why am I not surprised that you’d compare yourself to the universe?” she huffed and sat down at the breakfast bar. She looked down and saw that not only had he heated her food, he’d given her a neatly folded cloth napkin, utensils and bottle of water. She closed her eyes and tried to quell the pang of guilt for calling him bossy. Despite his cavalier attitude, he was trying. “Thank you. It smells great.”

“Would you like wine?” Léopold selected one of his favorite reds from a wrought iron rack on the wall.

“No thank you,” she answered, picking up her spoon.

“Oui, I do think you need some wine. This is a lovely Pinot Noir I picked up in New Zealand a few months ago.” Léopold proceeded to retrieve a couple of glasses from the cabinet and opened the bottle. After pouring a generous portion, he slid the glass in front of her and smiled.

Laryssa watched as he completely ignored her answer.
Did he not just hear me say ‘no’? But of course he did.
Despite his actions, there was no denying how incredibly sexy she found his confidence. Acquiescing to his suggestion, she shook her head and picked the glass up, taking a sip. As the dark fruity flavors coated her tongue, she closed her eyes, enjoying its excellent pairing with her meal. It had been a God awful day, and she relaxed as the delicious nectar began to take the edge off. Her eyes snapped open and she silently swore.
Damn him. Did he have to be right about everything?
The soft rumble of his laughter filled the room and she knew she’d been caught.

“Good, no?”

“Okay, yes, the wine is wonderful. And even though I said no, and you ignored me, you were right about it. What about you? Aren’t you eating?” Laryssa could’ve smacked herself right after she asked such a fatuous question.
Food for vampires? As in blood.
It wasn’t as if she was volunteering, but as she watched his mouth break into a broad smile, she couldn’t refute that she desired his lips on her skin.

“Brave one, mon petit lapin.” He held his glass up to the light and swirled it. “I do love the finer culinary delights of humanity but I’m afraid only sang will keep me alive. The wine is delectable, but it doesn’t suffice.”

“And the food…real food?”

“Real food?” Léopold laughed and placed his drink on the counter before catching Laryssa’s eyes. “It’s all a matter of perspective. Blood…warm blood from a living human is what I require…crave.”

“You don’t scare me,” Laryssa said, willing her hands not to shake.

“It’s not my intention. You asked. I’m answering. A simple conversation. Besides,” he returned to his wine. “I don’t kill to eat. I do, however, prefer live donors. I can afford it, so why not?”

“As in people?”

“It’s who I am. There’s no denying my nature.” Léopold circled around the bar until he was behind Laryssa. He set his glass next to hers and slid his fingers down through her hair.

“But why not just get bagged blood or whatever that stuff is they have at Mordez?” Laryssa asked but didn’t really care. The second he touched her, she lost her concentration, falling back into his hands, but stopped short of purring like a kitten.

“Why should I when I can have what I really want? When I want. How I want it,” he whispered into her ear. His hands fell to her shoulders. “If you could have what you want, wouldn’t you take it? Relish the experience. Just be who you are. No living in fear or shame.”

Laryssa could feel her muscles melt as he massaged her neck
. Oh dear God, I’m never going to be able to deny him. What was he saying? Did he ask what I wanted?
That’s an easy answer; I want him.
Ah, but it was that small detail about telling him who she was that was going to be a bit of an issue.

“I don’t know what that’s like,” she managed to say. Losing herself in his touch, she moaned. “I want to be free, but I can’t.”

“Tell me what you are, ma chérie. Free yourself.”

“Quid pro quo. Tell me why you got upset with me. I asked if you’d always been good with children and you shut me down.”

Léopold released her and walked across the room, gazing out the windows. Laryssa jumped up from her seat, following him.

“Oh no you don’t. Not again,” she scolded. “You expect me to tell you everything about me, but I ask a simple question, and you get angry. Well, I’ve got news for you. I’m not laying it all on the line unless you do the same. You want me to trust you with something that is really important to me, but you won’t even tell me why you’re so good with a baby that I’d think you actually had one.”

Léopold had a family? A child?
Laryssa knew instantly the minute she’d pressed the issue, and he’d gone as stiff as a board.
But why hide it? Were they missing? No, they were dead.

Léopold said nothing as her words fell through the air, tearing open old wounds. The woman made him crazy. He should have just left her in that damn antique shop. She hadn’t given him any reason to think she could really help him protect Ava. He’d never needed anyone, yet he was acting like he needed her. He contemplated grabbing his car keys and driving her right back to the French Quarter where she belonged. He was about to walk over to the door when he felt her hands on his back.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

“Really, I’m sorry. If you’d just told me…”

“Like you’ve told me what you are and how you got that way?” he snapped, turning to face her.

“That’s different. You don’t understand. I don’t tell anyone. There’s been no one. Don’t you get how badly I want to trust you? You don’t even know, do you?” Laryssa countered. She looked to the floor, wringing her hands. “I can’t just tell you what you want to know. I want to tell you but we need to have trust. Bossing me around isn’t trust, Leo. I need more.”

“More? I’ve brought you to my home. There are things about me you don’t know, Laryssa. I’ve lived a long time.”

“Yes, but when two people are building a friendship, a relationship…” Laryssa cringed at the use of the ‘r’ word but whether it was romantic or not, it was what she required in order to tell him the truth.

“Relationship?” Léopold threw his head back and wiped his eyes. “I cannot deny that I’m attracted to you, but a relationship? No, I don’t do relationships. I’m not who you need. And my past is dead and buried…where it needs to stay.”

“I’m sorry for upsetting you, but yeah, I do need to have a relationship with you if I’m going to just tell you everything about me. I get that you have a past, but I have one too, and unlike you, I’m not some ancient badass. I’m just trying to survive. And I’m all alone. I can’t do this. If you can’t trust me…I don’t know.” The effects of the wine weren’t nearly enough to calm her; moisture filled her eyes.

Léopold saw her tears threatening to spill, and while he’d generally ignore if not enjoy the sight of fear and pain in another being, it felt as if he was absorbing her torment.
Why does she need me to show her my trust?
He didn’t want to do it. It was a bad idea, but she looked so defeated and he really didn’t want her to go.

“I was a father.” Saying the words out loud for the first time in centuries was surreal. He hadn’t said them since he’d been turned.

“Leo,” Laryssa’s voice cracked. He’d trusted her. She closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Rosamund. She was four. Maiuel, he was only a bébé…” It felt so foreign to say their names yet it was as if it was only yesterday that he’d held them in his arms. He could hear his daughter’s voice calling for him,
. “It was so very long ago…” Léopold closed his eyes, his face tensed.
Why was he talking about this?

“It’s all right. I’m so sorry,” Laryssa cupped his face in her hands. “I shouldn’t have pressed it. I just wanted to know you…”

When his eyes flashed open, the look of grief quickly turned into one of passion. With the exception of Dimitri, there’d been no one he’d shared anything personal with, let alone the death of his children. Laryssa had not only stirred his desire, but had renewed his memories and connections to the human world. It was as if her brief presence in his life had begun to strengthen the delicate fibers that remained of his compassion. He couldn’t bring himself to take her blood, but with her in his arms, he could no longer resist her body.

As his mouth captured hers, Léopold knew it was wrong. He didn’t deserve her, but couldn’t stop as he tasted the sweet innocence on her lips. Self-restraint slid away as he immersed himself in her, his lips deepening their luscious kiss. Reaching into her mane and taking command, he wrapped his fingers around her locks, and held her in place. He needed to have her, be in her. He’d regret it, but as she responded to him, giving herself to him, he couldn’t stop. With a gasp, he pulled his lips from hers and began to trail kisses down the delicate skin of her throat. Hungry for more, his other hand slid up her belly, pushing up her shirt until he’d found the swell of her breast. She moaned at his touch, encouraging him. More, they both needed more and fast. Léopold pulled down the lacy fabric of her bra until her swollen nipple released into his fingers.

“Leo, please,” she begged.

“I want you,” he breathed against her neck. Léopold leaned into her, his rock hard erection jutting into her. “Do you feel that?”

“Yes,” she responded breathlessly.

Léopold grasped her chin with his hand, until her hooded eyes met his. “This,” his fangs snapped downward and he bent his knees, pressing up into her with his cock, “is what you do to me. You make me lose control.”

“You don’t scare me,” she responded and licked the crook of his neck.

Is there nothing I can do to deter her?
Goddess almighty, this woman would be his downfall. He knew it as sure as he was standing there next to her. Léopold gave in and kissed her passionately, allowing his fangs to nick her tongue. A monster, he was. She needed to know he wasn’t safe. He’d hurt her just like he’d done to his family.

Laryssa sensed Léopold’s hesitation. He’d shown her his teeth to frighten her, and a small part of her was scared. But an even bigger part of her yearned to have his fangs pierce her skin, possessing her, in every way possible. As his tongue moved inside her mouth, she sucked and breathed, letting her own tongue brush over his sharp teeth.

“Off,” was all she heard before he’d ripped the fabric of her shirt over her head.

“Stay still,” he ordered, holding her upright. He glided his hands over the smooth skin of her back and he turned her body once again, this time so that she was facing the window. With a flick of his wrist, he slipped the hooks out of the eyes and her bra fell to the floor. “Much better, pet.”

“No,” she protested at the name he’d called her.

“Now.” Léopold reached his hand around her neck, and gently but firmly held her in place. His other hand found her breast. “This is what I’ve wanted to do to you. Lovely.”

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