Legal Artistry (14 page)

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Authors: Andrew Grey

BOOK: Legal Artistry
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"Can I ask you something?” Dieter inquired once they were moving, and Gerald nodded slowly. “Why did you tell them we met at Dance All Night instead of at your office?"

"I didn't want them to know you were a client,” Gerald answered.


"It's not that I'm ashamed of you or that you're a client. It's just that I wanted them to meet you as my boyfriend and not as a client,” Gerald explained. “I know it doesn't make much sense, but if I introduced you as a client, I guess I thought my family would treat you differently.” Gerald sighed loudly. “I'm not explaining this very well, but for today, I wanted you to be my boyfriend and nothing more. I hope that's okay?"

"I like that you said I was your boyfriend. I just don't understand why you left out that I was a client too."

"Because sometimes things have to be kept separate. At the office, you're a client, but I hope that at other times, you're my boyfriend,” Gerald said as he turned onto the freeway. “I know it's confusing, and I don't mean for it to be. It's just that there are things that I have to keep separate if you want me to be your lawyer. Besides, I didn't want your case talked about with my family. It's really none of their business."

Dieter nodded and sat quietly for a while. “I like your mother and sister. They were really nice, and your nephews were fun."

"They loved you, they really did,” Gerald said, and Dieter saw him smile.

"Will you come back to my house with me? As my boyfriend?” Dieter said, still not fully understanding, and he became quiet as he mulled things over. “I guess I don't really understand,” he said as they continued through town. “Should you not be my boyfriend and my lawyer?” He really didn't want Gerald to stop being either, but he also didn't want him doing anything wrong.

"We've both spoken to Harold, and as long as we behave properly, it's okay,” Gerald said as the streetlights cast moving swaths of light as they rode beneath them. “I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I just wanted you to know why I didn't mention that you were a client, because what was important was that you're my boyfriend.” Gerald parked the car in front of Dieter's house, and neither of them made a move to get out even after Gerald turned off the engine. “If I hurt you, I didn't mean to."

"You didn't. I was just curious,” Dieter said with a hard swallow, looking toward the dark house. A gentle hand touched his cheek, and Dieter turned his head slowly to look at Gerald.

"Dieter, you're the first person I've ever brought home to meet my family. They're a tough crowd, and I've never cared enough about anyone to actually bring them to meet my family."

Dieter watched as Gerald's face moved closer.

"The important people really liked you, and that means a lot. As for this client/boyfriend thing, I'll tell you this, if there's a conflict, I'll turn your case over to another attorney before I'll let you go.” Dieter heard Gerald swallow hard. “I want to do the absolute best I can for your case because I care for you, but you're so much more than a client."

Dieter felt Gerald's lips touch his, and the questions he had flowed away. All the stuff about boyfriend and client became instantly unimportant as Gerald kissed him. The seat made crunching sounds as Gerald shifted closer, and Dieter felt Gerald's hand cradle his head, the kiss deepening slightly and then gentling again before Gerald's lips slipped away. Dieter blinked a few times, wanting Gerald to do that again, but instead Gerald got out of the car, and Dieter opened his door as well.

Inside, Dieter turned on a few lights. “Would you like to see the house?” Dieter asked, and Gerald stepped closer, hands cupping Dieter's cheeks before kissing him gently.

"I'd love to,” Gerald told him as he took Dieter's hand. “So this is the house you grew up in?” Gerald looked around. “It's really something. I always drove by the homes in this area of town and wondered what they looked like on the inside."

"Gram maintained it as best she could, but after she died, I realized I couldn't live here and have it look the same as it always did. It was too painful, and the house needed work. I stripped the walls of all of the old wallpaper and pulled up the carpets. Thankfully Gram liked the woodwork natural, so she didn't paint any of it."

"This is beautiful,” Gerald said as he ran his hand along the smooth banister. “I bet you used to slide down this as a kid."

"Auntie Kate used to say it was butt polished,” Dieter explained with a smile, remembering how Auntie Kate would scold him when she caught him sliding down the banister. Dieter knew it was only for show because Gram didn't like it at all. “Look at this,” Dieter said, walking to the woodwork under the stairs, moving one of the panels to the side. “I doubt Gram ever knew this was here.” Dieter turned the hidden knob and opened the door. “I played in this house for years and never knew about it. The door locks, but thankfully it wasn't when I found it because there's no sign of the key, but isn't this amazing? When the door is closed, there's no sign of it at all.” Dieter stepped back and let Gerald peer into the empty space.

"This is cool,” Gerald exclaimed as he walked into the small, angled roofed space. “Why would they build this?"

"Pirates?” Dieter quipped, laughing. “I suspect the person who built the house wanted a place to hide things from his wife or the servants. I doubt we'll ever know, but it's really fun.” Dieter closed the door and slid the panel back over the knob.

"Did you refurnish the house?” Gerald asked, as they wandered from the living room to the dining room.

"Somewhat. I kept some of Gram's things and used some of what I found in the attic. I needed to make things different,” Dieter explained, and he felt Gerald's arms slide around his waist, Gerald's chest pressing to his back. Dieter leaned into the embrace, soaking up the warmth and closeness. “Would you like to see the upstairs?"

"I want to be with you,” Gerald whispered into his ear, and Dieter shivered when he felt Gerald's lips on his neck. He didn't want to move, especially with Gerald holding him, doing those things to his neck that made his knees shake. “Will you take me upstairs?"

Dieter nodded, and Gerald's lips slipped away from his skin. Dieter moved out of Gerald's embrace, feeling the loss of closeness as he turned off the lights before leading Gerald upstairs.

Excitement and nerves warred for dominance as Dieter climbed the stairs toward the single light at the top. He could hear Gerald's footsteps behind him, and for an instant he wondered if he was doing the right thing. Was he rushing? Should he wait? At the door to his room, Dieter hesitated for a second and felt Gerald take his hand once more. Opening the door, he walked inside, switching on a small light on the dresser. When he turned around, Gerald embraced him, pressing them close, their eyes meeting. “I've never done this before,” Dieter explained softly, his voice steady in spite of his nerves.

"I know,” Gerald told him as he stroked his cheek. “We'll take it slow and easy. Nothing is going to happen that won't feel good and right for both of us, I promise,” Gerald said in a soothing, gentle tone that calmed the butterflies almost instantly. “Just relax and let me take care of you."

Dieter looked toward his bed, the same one he'd had for years with its handmade quilt and embroidered pillow cases. “Do you want me....” Gerald's hand gentled over his skin, and his voice drifted off.

"Wherever you're comfortable,” Gerald told him, and Dieter moved away, folding back the bedspread before turning down the covers. His arm shook and he hoped Gerald didn't notice. Gerald's hand soothed down his back, and Dieter turned into the touch. Gerald pulled him close and kissed him, lips touching his softly. “You're a stunning man,” Gerald said as he pulled Dieter's shirt out of his pants before tugging it up. Dieter lifted his arms, and his shirt slipped away before falling to the floor. Gerald's kisses continued as Dieter's pants fell to the floor, and Dieter nearly fell backward when he tried to take his shoes off.

"I'm sorry."

"Relax, honey. There's nothing you can do wrong,” Gerald soothed as he kissed the skin of Dieter's shoulder. “Everything is right because it's us together. You can't possibly do anything wrong, so relax and be happy."

Somehow Gerald helped him get his shoes off, and Dieter stepped out of his pants, standing in front of Gerald in only his white underwear that barely hid his excitement from view. Feeling a bit on display, he looked around for something to cover himself. Then Gerald touched him, fingertips skimming over his chest, the touch barely there and yet enough to make him ache in a way he'd never felt before. “Gerald,” Dieter said with a giggle as he tried wriggling away when Gerald lightly tickled his side. Moving close once again, Gerald held him, hands stroking his back while Dieter was kissed—a deep, achingly incredible kiss. Then he was moving, propelled in Gerald's powerful embrace toward the bed. of what happened until the back of his legs bumped the bed, and Gerald guided him down onto the sheets. “It's not fair,” Dieter groused lightly. “I want to see you too."

"You will,” Gerald said, lifting his lips away. Dieter propped himself up onto his elbows, watching as Gerald pulled his shirt over his head, his long, lean body stretching, and Dieter wanted to reach out and touch. But before he could move, Gerald's polo shirt joined the small pile of clothing on the floor. A light dusting of dark hair ran down the center of Gerald's chest, disappearing into the waistband of his pants, which Gerald's fingers opened, parting the fabric. Then they fell and Gerald got his shoes off, stepping away from his pants, wearing nothing but clingy, heavily tented black briefs.

Gerald stalked closer to the bed, and Dieter saw heat in his wide eyes. At first, he slid back on the bed, not sure what the look meant, but then he recognized it as desire and the realization took him by surprise—that look was for him. He did that to Gerald. The bed tipped slightly when Gerald joined him. Then Dieter was kissed, hard, fully, Gerald's tongue exploring, devouring his mouth, and Dieter hugged Gerald, holding on like he was starting to fall and couldn't stop. Then Gerald's skin touched his, their chests pressing together, and Dieter sighed, relishing the feeling of skin-to-skin touch.

At first, returning Gerald's kisses was all he could do. Holding Gerald tight, he put himself in his lover's hands, letting him lead where he would as his mind floated on the pleasure of new sensations. “Scoot back,” Gerald said as he guided him back onto the mattress, his head resting on the pillow. Dieter took the opportunity to place his hand on Gerald's chest, fine hair lightly scratching his palm, and he thought he could feel Gerald's heart thundering beneath his hand. “What would you like?” Gerald asked, and Dieter shrugged.

"Not sure what to ask for,” Dieter explained, a little overwhelmed, but in a good way.

"When you were alone in your bed at night, what did you think about? What did you dream about?” Gerald asked him, and Dieter turned away, not able to look into Gerald's eyes. He felt a light touch roll his head back. “There's nothing to be ashamed of. All you have to do is tell me."

Dieter didn't know how to answer—his fantasies seemed so boring compared to having the real, live Gerald with him. “Did you dream about this?” Gerald asked before swiping his tongue over one of Dieter's nipples, and Dieter's breath caught in his throat.

"Yes,” he hissed softly in response, and Gerald did it again, longer this time, sucking lightly, and Dieter gasped softly.

"How about this?” Gerald asked before kissing his way down Dieter's chest and stomach, tongue and lips tasting his skin before skirting just above the waistband of his briefs. Dieter inhaled and stilled, holding his breath as he willed Gerald to go further. “Is that what you dream of?"

"More,” Dieter begged softly, and Gerald stroked a finger along his now-throbbing length. “Gerald, you're being mean,” Dieter gasped when Gerald's fingers slipped beneath the cotton fabric, gently sliding near his cock, but not actually touching it.

"No, I'm not. All you need to do is tell me what you want. What is it you always wanted to know?” Gerald questioned as he tugged away Dieter's underwear, leaving him naked and panting.

"I want you to use your mouth, please.” Dieter thrust his hips forward a little to accentuate his point, spreading his legs, his breath coming in shallow pants. “Gerald, please touch me.” Gerald's fingers closed around his length, and Dieter gasped and moaned softly at the first intimate touch of another person. His hips thrust, and Dieter's eyes drifted closed, his body already reveling in the sensation. “Yes!” Then the fingers slipped away, and Dieter groaned, his eyes flying open as Gerald kissed him hard.

"I know what you want,” Gerald told him, his lips and tongue teasing Dieter's lips before pulling away. Dieter tried to muffle his cry, but failed as Gerald's tongue swiped up his length from base to tip. Dieter didn't know what to say or do. His hands needed to grab something, so he clutched the bedding in his fists, swallowed hard, and waited, his breath stuck in his throat, and then he whimpered pitifully.

"Jesus, do that again!” Gerald did, again and again, before taking him into his mouth and sucking hard. Dieter thought his head would explode, and he didn't know what to do, with anything. Was it okay to move? Should he touch Gerald's hair? Should he moan or cry out? Dieter had no idea, but when Gerald took him deep, Dieter did it all. Running his fingers through Gerald's hair, he thrust forward and made some unclassifiable noise that he could hardly believe came out of him. Gerald took it all as encouragement, sucking harder and deeper until Dieter could take no more. Letting go of the last of his control, Dieter clamped his eyes closed as his release built. He must have made some sound, but Dieter heard nothing. All he could see and feel was Gerald making him happy, showing him pleasure he'd never known. Opening his mouth, Dieter threw back his head and let his release wash over him.

When Dieter became aware of himself again, Gerald was lying next to him, Gerald's hand stroking his forehead. “You okay?"

"What happened?” Dieter asked, snuggling closer to Gerald.

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