Legacy of the Mind (26 page)

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Authors: H.R. Moore

BOOK: Legacy of the Mind
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After Cordelia had managed to feed her some sugary water, Anita drifted off to sleep and Marcus, Cordelia and Cleo discussed what to do next.  They’d been debating if for some time when Cordelia put her foot down.  ‘It’s simple,’ she said finally, shutting down any further conversation on the matter.  ‘She will stay here, being looked after by me until she is better.  There will be very few visitors in that time and even you two can’t be here all hours.  She needs to rest, recuperate physically and spiritually, and come to terms with what has happened to her.  She cannot do that with people around her twenty four seven.  Do I make myself clear?’

Cleo and Marcus wanted to argue, but they could tell from Cordelia’s body language that to do so would not get them anywhere, so they nodded their silent agreement.

‘Good.  I’m glad.  Now thank you for your concern but I will take it from here.  Come back tomorrow and if Anita wants to see you I will let you in, if not, you’ll just have to wait until she’s ready for visitors.’  Cordelia could see they were gearing up to argue again, so fixed them with a look that made them think twice.

‘Ok,’ said Cleo, sensing that Marcus wasn’t happy with this arrangement and thinking it best that she intervene.  ‘Come on Marcus, I should think you’ve got some recuperating to do too, and there’s nothing more we can do for Anita at the moment.  Cordelia has it under control.’

‘Alright,’ he said in a strained voice, ‘but I’ll be back early tomorrow to see her.’

‘As I said, that’s fine, but I will only let you in if she wants to see you too.’

Cleo took Marcus’ arm and gently but firmly steered him out of the house.  ‘See you tomorrow Cordelia.  Let us know if there is anything at all we can do.’

Marcus and Cleo said goodbye when they reached the gate, Marcus climbing back into his car, Cleo resisting the temptation to ask for a blow by blow account of what had happened.  The car pulled away, Marcus slumped in the back seat looking tired and drawn.  This couldn’t have been easy for him either, Cleo thought as she made her way to the Temples to tell Alexander what she knew.

Alexander had rushed to Cordelia’s as soon as Cleo had told him what’d happened.  He couldn’t quite believe that Marcus’ plan had worked, but he was relieved that it had.  Cordelia, surprised to see a second Descendant on her doorstep, had reluctantly let him in, but only after he agreed that under no circumstances would he do anything to wake her up.  She reasoned that while Anita was sleeping, she wouldn’t know about the visit anyway.  Cordelia left them alone, satisfied that Alexander would keep his word.

He entered the sitting room and took in Anita’s battered body, lying lifeless on the sofa, her energy so low that it was barely recognisable as hers.  He walked slowly, silently to her side, crouching by her head and delicately moving a strand of hair off her swollen face.  There were no tingles now, no excitement at his touch, but Alexander felt her energy lift a little at the contact, or at least he told himself that’s what it was.  He sat by her side for an hour, not moving a muscle, willing her energy to start to recover, but it stayed where it was, with no movement at all.  Eventually, he got up, brushed his lips lightly against her forehead and left, thanking Cordelia and saying he would be back in the morning to see how she was.  As he was leaving he paused and turned back to Cordelia, ‘her energy is dangerously low.  We have to do this at her pace.  Don’t let Marcus force her into doing anything more quickly than she wants to.  She’s going to need a great deal of time.’

Cordelia nodded.  ‘Goodnight Alexander.  I will no doubt see you tomorrow.’




The following morning, Anita woke up and immediately sat bolt upright, the pain hitting her like an express train.  She hadn’t been able to feel it the night before, but now it was so strong she felt like she might faint.  She froze and waited for the pain to abate a little before more gingerly swinging her legs onto the floor and carefully standing up, testing that her legs would take her weight before fully committing.  Another shot of pain stabbed at her chest, but this time she was expecting it, which somehow made it more bearable.  She hobbled to the door and made for the stairs, but Cordelia heard her footsteps and headed her off before she could reach them.

‘Good morning,’ she said.  ‘I’m glad you feel well enough to walk, but what exactly do you think you are doing?’

‘I’m going to my bedroom,’ Anita said weakly, it was taking all of the energy and concentration she could muster to make it to the stairs.

‘May I ask why, when you have everything you need down here?’

‘I want to be alone,’ she said, now tackling the stairs, one painful upward step at a time.

‘Alright.  I’ll bring you some water and some breakfast.  You need to get some food in you.’

Anita didn’t answer, she knew it would be futile to argue and she was more concerned with reaching the top of the stairs on her own than with Cordelia bringing her food.  She reached the top and paused to let the pain lift a little before pressing on to her room.  Luckily, given the size of the cottage, this didn’t present too much more of a challenge.  She reached her bed and climbed on top of the covers, it seemed like too much effort to crawl under them.  She curled up, bringing her knees to her chest and began to cry.

Anita stayed in her room, refusing to see anyone but Cordelia for a full week.  She fluctuated between sobbing uncontrollably and staring blankly into space for the first two days, the sobbing doing nothing to help the pain in her ribs.  When she slept, she had flashbacks of Amber torturing her and Austin’s cruel face seemed to loom in the back of her consciousness.  When she was awake, she was consumed by her stupidity at not seeing through Helena and her guilt at having lied to Marcus.  She didn’t love him, not yet anyway, and Amber had been right, she had been manipulating him.  She heard Marcus and Cleo downstairs demanding to see her, but Cordelia sent them away day after day, saying they had to do this at Anita’s pace; they couldn’t force her to do things she didn’t want to do.  Alexander’s visits were different, instead of demanding to see her, he asked if she wanted visitors and asked questions about what she was eating and if she seemed to be getting her energy back.  Anita’s energy was coming back slowly, however it was nowhere near its normal level.  She heard Alexander explaining to Cordelia that it would probably take a while for her to recover, given that she was a Body and currently unable to exercise, something that would normally lift her spirits.  He suggested to Cordelia that she could encourage Anita to meditate instead, as this may help with her psychological healing.

Cordelia was careful to always speak to those who came at the bottom of the stairs, so Anita could hear what was said if she wanted to listen.  That way, Anita would know what was going on and could decide for herself what she wanted to do and not do.  Taking Alexander’s advice, she began to mediate after a few days and it did start to help clear her mind, her anger at herself fading and becoming less consuming.

After a week confined to her room, Anita ventured out and headed downstairs to the kitchen, the pain in her ribs having mellowed, the cuts and bruises starting to heal, and the swelling in her face gone.  She made herself a sandwich and took it to the sitting room, where she sat down by the fire.  As she finished, the first whole meal she’d eaten since she’d been freed, there was a knock on the door and she heard Cleo’s voice calling to see if Cordelia was around.

‘Cleo,’ Anita called out, her voice cracking as she spoke.  Cleo heard her and came rushing into the sitting room, embracing Anita when she saw she was alright.  ‘Ouch,’ said Anita, Cleo a little overzealous with the pressure of her hug.

‘Sorry, but I’m so happy to see you up and about.  I’ve been so worried about you, we all have, Marcus, Alexander, Bas, Cordelia, Alistair, everyone.  How are you feeling?’

‘I’ve felt better, obviously, but I’m getting there.  My energy seems to be properly picking up now.  That’s been the worst thing really, I just haven’t had the will to get out of bed.  Until this morning I felt either totally empty, or full of anger and loathing, but for some reason today I woke up and started to feel a bit better.  It’s really good to see you Cleo.  Thank you for all your help, it must have been terrifying trying to get out of the Archives.’

Cleo laughed, ‘probably not as terrifying as being tied up and tortured though,’ she said frankly, then, realising what she’d said, quickly followed it with, ‘sorry, didn’t mean to bring that up quite like that.’

Anita laughed, ‘it’s alright.  It is what happened after all.  So, what’ve I missed in the last week?’ she asked, changing the subject.  ‘Fill me in on all the gossip.’

‘Well to be honest everything pales into insignificance next to what happened to you, but Marcus and Alexander seem to have kind of made up, or at least they can tolerate spending time together now, so that’s good I suppose.  A couple of Council kids had a party and trashed their dad’s three hundred year old energy meter, it was a particularly fine piece apparently, Austin and Amber have gone to Kingdom and everyone is speculating as to why, sorry, didn’t mean to bring them up again.’  She paused, ‘to be honest Anita, I’m more concerned with how you’re doing and if there’s anything I can do to help?’

‘Not at the moment.  I need to work out what to do about Marcus and Alexander, but I can’t face them at the moment.  You could come for a walk with me though?  I’m dying to get out of the house and do some exercise.’

Cleo jumped at the offer, she’d felt entirely useless for the past week, desperately searching for something she could do that would be helpful, so she wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity like this.




Anita spent the next couple of weeks building her strength both physically and mentally, going for long walks with Cleo and spending hours meditating in the garden.  However, she was refusing to see either Marcus or Alexander until she was feeling more like herself and had had time to think about what to do.

She’d told Cleo everything; how Helena had approached her asking for help and that Helena had known about Anita’s parents all along.  She thought Cleo deserved to know after everything she’d been through.   Anita had expected Cleo to react badly, to tell her that she was stupid to have gone along with someone as dubious as Helena without really knowing what she was getting herself into, but she didn’t.  Cleo had said she totally understood.  She’d said Anita was the kind of person who felt the need to act if everyone else was shying away from action and as Helena had offered her a way to do that, it wasn’t surprising that Anita had taken the bait.  Cleo had said that if it’d been her, she wouldn’t have turned Helena down the first time, she would’ve bitten off Helena’s right arm to have found out information about her parents.  Furthermore, when Anita was beating herself up for having believed Helena’s story, Cleo told her that everyone makes mistakes, that nobody’s perfect, and that as far as ruses went, Helena’s was pretty believable, so she shouldn’t be so hard on herself.

After a couple of weeks, Anita started to feel more like herself again and decided she was ready to start letting people back into her life.  The time was fading the scars, Anita was starting to forgive herself, and she turned her attention to what she should do about Marcus and Alexander.  They both still came to visit every morning, having settled into a routine of who arrived when, so as to avoid being there together.  Cordelia turned them away every time without fail, saying that Anita would let them know when she was ready to see them.  She’d had a couple of near misses, where one of them had altered their visiting time for some reason or other, and once Anita had had to duck behind a tree to make sure that Alexander didn’t see her.  Of course he would’ve felt her energy and known it was her, however he’d respected her wishes, continuing into the house to see Cordelia as normal, returning, again without stopping, a couple of minutes later.

After a great deal of consideration, Anita decided it would be best to see Marcus first.  She was supposed to be his girlfriend after all, he’d been the one to rescue her, and although he didn’t know it, she had deceived him.  She owed him at least that much.

The following morning, Anita sat in the garden at Marcus’ normal visiting time, on a bench near her usual yoga spot, and waiting for him to arrive.  She heard and felt him before she saw him and steeled herself as the sound of his footsteps disappeared onto the grass.  As he rounded the corner of the cottage, he saw Anita and stopped dead, blinking a couple of times to make sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him.  When he was sure it was really her, he flew across the lawn to where she sat and dropped to his knees in front of her, hugging her round the waist and pulling her head to his shoulder.

‘Anita, thank the Gods you’re alright.  I’m so, so sorry.  How are you feeling?’ he garbled into her hair, still not totally convinced this wasn’t some cruel mirage.

She pulled back and smiled at him, running her hand down the side of his face.  ‘Marcus, this wasn’t your fault.  It was mine.  I should’ve respected that you took me to a place of great importance to your family and should’ve known not to pry.  I was extremely privileged that you showed me the picture, if anyone should be sorry, it should be me.’  Tears of guilty regret welled up in Anita’s eyes before they burst free and trickled down her pale cheeks.

Marcus couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  Austin had locked her up and tortured her when she’d done nothing wrong, and she was sorry?  He moved to sit next to her, pulling her back into his arms, softly stroking her hair, willing her to come to her senses.  ‘Anita, please don’t blame yourself.  Dad’s reaction was crazy, it was unforgiveable.  I’m just happy you’re still able to stand the sight of me.’  His kindness caused the tears to flow vigorously and she pulled herself closer to his chest, Marcus wrapping his arms more tightly around her, bowing his head forward to kiss the top of her head.  The flow of her tears finally abated and Marcus helped Anita up, taking her inside.  He made them a pot of tea and sat them down on the old, worn sofa next to the fire, Anita cuddling up to him and Marcus gently calming her, stroking her hair.  They talked intermittently, sitting for periods in silence, just enjoying the contact with the other, until Marcus told her quietly that he had to leave.  She sat up and kissed him, his lips soft and comforting.  She felt protected with him there; she didn’t want him to go.

‘Can’t you stay?’ she asked, willing his answer to be yes, her forehead furrowed with distress, ‘just for a little bit longer.’

Marcus faltered, his heart breaking at the prospect of leaving her, but he really had to go, he’d be late as it was.  ‘I’ve got to go, but I’ll be back as soon as I’m done, I promise.’

‘Where’re you going?’ she asked, hoping to find some logical argument as to why he didn’t really have to leave her.

He hesitated, fighting a battle over what to tell her, but reasoning lies had no place in their relationship, especially at the moment, and she’d find out eventually one way or another.  ‘I’m going to meet dad,’ he said sheepishly.

‘What?’ Anita breathed, her mind muddled at his words, her body sending a shot of adrenaline through her veins, her heart starting to race.

He looked guilty and embarrassed, but continued honestly.  ‘Since I blackmailed dad to make him release you, he’s developed a new found respect for me.  He’s starting to get me more involved with his business activities and Amber even has to take orders from me now.  The relationship is far from a good one with both of them, but I’m learning so much that’ll be invaluable when I’m a ruling Descendant.’

The little colour she’d had drained from Anita’s face.  She felt like she was in some kind of nightmare.  After everything Austin had done, how could Marcus be working with him?  How could Marcus be closer to him now than he had been before?  She felt cold and started to shake, Marcus trying to pull her back towards him, but she pushed him away, she felt numb, just wanting him to go.  Whereas moments before she’d felt safe in his embrace, now she was scared.  ‘I’ll see you later,’ she said, pulling her knees up to her chest, clearly indicating it was time for him to leave.

Marcus looked hurt, he wanted to say something to justify what he was doing, but he really had to go; Austin didn’t take kindly to having to wait around for anyone.  He’d explain everything to her later, even if he couldn’t tell her what Austin had been getting him involved with.  ‘Ok,’ he said, resigned, ‘I’ll see you later.  I’ll be back as soon as I can.’  She nodded and he placed a soft kiss on her lips but she barely responded, she was like a different person from the girl who’d kissed him just moments before.  He got up and made for the door.  She’d come round with some more time, he hoped as he left the room, Anita’s energy plummeting as he went.

As soon as Marcus left, Anita got up and headed for the door.  She needed to get out and do some exercise.  She needed some space to think.  She started to run as soon as she left the house, not thinking about where she was going, ignoring the dull pain in her chest.  She couldn’t believe it; was he choosing Austin over her?  After everything they’d been though?  After she’d been beaten to within an inch of her life?

Anita halted abruptly as she realised she’d run to the Temples, the ancient buildings climbing majestically into the sky ahead.  She ran straight past the Temple of the Body and headed to the Spirit Temple instead, feeling like meditation may help her.  She settled down at the back of the Temple, in the place she and Alexander used to meditate, and closed her eyes.

When she returned, she felt calmer and more composed.  The news from Marcus had taken her by surprise, but when she thought about it, it would be both difficult and dangerous for Marcus to cut all ties with Austin straight away.  Maybe he hated his father too and was stepping closer to him only because it would work to his advantage in the long run?  Or maybe he was just doing it to make sure Austin didn’t come after her again?  She’d overreacted to the news as it’d taken her by surprise.  She’d never, even for a second, entertained the thought that Marcus would go back to work with Austin; she hadn’t really even entertained the thought that they’d speak again.  She’d thought they might have a similar relationship to that of Austin and Amelia, with them avoiding each other.  But she should at least give Marcus a chance to explain what was going on before jumping to judgements.

Anita was about to get up to go back to Cordelia’s, when she felt Alexander’s powerful energy enter the Temple.  She closed her eyes and pretended to meditate, not ready to see him yet, especially as she was so confused about Marcus.  Alexander saw Anita and paused, leaning against a pillar and watching her rise and fall as she breathed long, slow breaths.  He toyed with the idea of going and sitting down opposite her, joining her meditation, but aside from that being a total invasion of her privacy, he knew he had to respect her wishes; she’d talk to him when she was ready.

Alexander made his way quietly to the Temple’s centre and descended into his chambers, Anita watching his graceful, flowing movements as he went.  She had such strong feelings for him, but after what she’d put Marcus through, it wouldn’t be fair to push him away now, especially now he seemed so vulnerable to his father’s influence.


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