Legacy of Blood (30 page)

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Authors: J. L. McCoy,Virginia Cantrell

BOOK: Legacy of Blood
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I did as he suggested, as silly as it seemed, and envisioned a door closing off all the painful parts of my past.  I locked it in my mind for good measure and took a deep, cleansing breath before I opened my eyes again.

Archer leaned into me with a smile and delivered one of those devastatingly good kisses he was famous for.  This was one of those rare times I was glad for the Empath power I absorbed from Trey’s blood.  I felt the overwhelming love Archer had for me and the strength of his love took my breath away.  I had never felt or experienced a love as complete as his before and it made me weep with joy.  Maybe my life would feel complete now that I had him in it; only time would tell, but I was already feeling better about things.

Archer pulled back with a smile and gently caressed my face.  “I’ve got some news I think you’ll want to hear.”

“News?” I asked, my forehead crinkling in confusion as I dabbed my eyes.  “Good or bad?”

“Good, of course,” he smiled excitedly.

“What’s the news?”

“Cardinal Flannigan, our cardinal bishop in Massachusetts who happens to be the only one in the United States that is a Day Walker, wants to personally preside over your sacred vow ceremony.”

“Sacred vow ceremony?  Uh… I hate to burst your bubble here, Archer, but I’m not Catholic.  I don’t even know what a sacred vow ceremony is.”

“You don’t have to be Catholic,” Archer chuckled as he took my hand and ran his thumb over the back of it.  “It’s just tradition.  Day Walkers receive a ceremony after their rebirth.  Back in the old days, a rebirth was seen as a blessing by God and was something to be celebrated.  The ceremony is mainly done as custom today, though we do thank God for the rebirth.  You can just think of it as a party welcoming you to our community if you want.”

“Well,” I hesitated a second, thinking it over, “since you put it that way…  I do like a good party.  What do I have to do?”

“All you have to do is get dressed up and repeat some words,” Archer smiled excitedly.  “It’s all very simple really.”

“Why am I getting the feeling this is bigger than you’re making it out to be?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

Archer laughed and the sound sent a thrill through me.  He hadn’t laughed in days.  I couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed and actually meant it.  “Okay, it might be a little bigger,” he conceded.  “It’s just that everyone has heard of you now and has been told stories of your capabilities.  You’re a phenomenon; a virtual rock star in our race.  This is a huge honor, Skye.”

I smiled and looked up into his devastatingly handsome face as I held his hand in mine.  “Well, if this ceremony is important to you, then it’s important to me too.  When do we leave?”

“How’s next Friday sound to you?”

“Sounds like we’re going to Massachusetts,” I smiled as Archer leaned in and kissed me.

Skye’s story will continue.

Look for book 5 of the Skye Morrison Vampire Series coming in late 2013!

Legacy of Blood Music



As many of you know, I am a massive fan of music and have been my entire life.  You may have noticed that music has a place in each of my books.  This is because certain songs have inspired me to write a scene or in most cases, many scenes.  A lot of you have asked what songs/bands influence me, so I have compiled a list of songs or albums that played a crucial role in the writing of Legacy of Blood.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.  Xo!


(In no particular order)


Mazzy Starr – Fade Into You

The Rolling Stones – Wild Horses

Linkin Park – Powerless

The Black Keys – Brothers (Album)

Lady Gaga – Born This Way (Album)

Belly – King (Album)

The Cure – Just Like Heaven

The Cure – Pictures of You

The Cure – Love Song

The Cure – Boys Don’t Cry

The Cars – My Best Friend’s Girlfriend

Godsmack – I Stand Alone

Godsmack – Awake

Cowboy Junkies – Sweet Jane

David Bowie – As the World Falls Down

Halestorm – Here’s to Us

Halestorm – Break In

Character Index



  Father of all vampires; obsessed with killing off Cináed’s bloodline.


(Deceased) First Day Walker; blessed by Saint Fionán of Cluain Eraird; reborn in 541A.D. in Ireland; father to Cináed, grandfather to Archer; great-great grandfather to Skye.


  (Pronounced ee-fa) Works as the second floor bartender at The Mausoleum; blood child to Archer; married to Archer for 600 years before they split up in 1899; her Divine Power is detecting spoken lies and truths.


Archer Rhys: 
Owner of The Mausoleum located in Austin, Texas; born in 672A.D. in Ireland; reborn as vampire in 704A.D.; went by Fearchar before modernizing his name; blood son of Cináed and blood father to Aoife, Hunter, Jameson, Lochlan, Quinn, Seamus, Trey, and Skye; has the Divine Power to read human and vampire minds.


  (Deceased) Blood son of Treasach; was made vampire a few weeks before Jameson and ultimately grew up with him; Divine Power unknown.


  (Pronounced KIN-awd) (Deceased) Blood son of the original Day Walking vampire; blood father to Archer and Treasach; Divine Power unknown.


  Works at The Mausoleum as a cage dancer; brief object of Martin and Jameson’s attentions.


Dan Kennedy:
  Skye’s old boss and forever friend; owns Drop Kick Dan’s bar in downtown Austin, Texas.


  Cage dancers at The Mausoleum; known dancers are Courtney, Seth, Staci, Peyton, Brian, Eden, Rachel, and Alex.


Dark One:
Nickname given by Day Walkers for vampires who cannot go out in sunlight; once a dark, depraved, morally corrupt species who are under new leadership.


Day Walker:
  Nickname given by Dark Ones for vampires who can walk in sunlight; first Day Walker was born in 541 A.D.


Cousin to Dean/Dic Cruz; member of Dean’s Kaxaw werewolf pack; age and pack position unknown.


Dic/Dean Cruz:
  (AKA: Dean Ian Cruz) Owner of Tricky Dic’s Hookah/Head Shop/Beer Bar; frequent customer of Skye’s at The Mausoleum; Alpha werewolf to Central Texas’ Kaxaw  Pack.


Drop Kick Dan’s:
Austin, Texas bar owned by Dan Kennedy; Skye worked there for 4 years while going to school at UT.


  Barback at The Mausoleum; works the first floor bar.


  A member of the elite Army of An Dílis/The Faithful; appointed to Archer as a temporary protector to him and his family; age and Divine Power unknown.


  Recent friend of Skye’s; lives one block from her house.


Grace Evelyn Morrison: 
Doctor; Neuroscientist; human; mother to Skye Everleigh Morrison; lives in Houston, Tx.


Greyson Mead:
  (Deceased) Friend and business associate of Archer’s from Houston, Texas; Day Walker whose Divine Power was reading people’s minds; was murdered by Amun in the PVIP section of The Mausoleum; age unknown


  Works at The Mausoleum; human; restocks blood to The Mausoleum and Archer’s house daily; his relationship to Archer is currently unknown.


  (Pronounced HAY-gan) A member of  the elite Army of An Dílis/The Faithful for over 700 years; fierce warrior; over 900 years old; appointed to Archer as a temporary protector to him and his family; has the Divine Pbility to bring out a person’s true personality.


  Works the first floor bar at The Mausoleum; blood child to Archer; born in southern United States; age unknown; Divine Power is Blood Sight (sight through drinking another’s blood).


Jameson Doyle:
  Lead singer of The Manky Laner, a hard core Irish punk band in Austin, Texas; works part time at The Mausoleum in the VIP and PVIP sections; blood child to Archer; born in Northern Ireland in 1717; made vampire in 1744; Divine Power is Healing (both humans and vampires).


Jesse Prescott:
  (Deceased) Human ex-boyfriend of Skye turned creepy stalker; killed by Martin.


A member of the elite Army of An Dílis/The Faithful; age and Divine Power unknown.


Works the second floor bar at The Mausoleum; blood child to Archer; from Ireland; age and Divine Power unknown.


Lola Finch:
  Half-sister to Jesse Prescott.


  A member of the elite Army of An Dílis/The Faithful; age and Divine Power unknown.


  Nikki St. James’ current boyfriend; notorious Jain vegan.


(Deceased)  Dark One who worked with Amun to kill off Cináed’s bloodline; killed by Skye.


Nikki St. James:
  Best friend and next door neighbor to Skye; 27 years old; works at Drop Kick Dan’s and moonlights at Cherry Bomb Tattoo Shop as a skin artist; dating Lyric.


  A member of the elite Army of An Dílis/The Faithful; appointed to watch over Skye after her rebirth; age unknown; Divine Power unknown.


  (Pronounced PAW-drig) A member of the elite Army of An Dílis/The Faithful for a short time; fast, deadly warrior; appointed to Archer as a temporary protector to him and his family; currently dating Trey; age unknown; has the Divine Power to read human and vampire minds.


  Member of Dean’s Kaxaw werewolf pack; third in command; age unknown.


  Stands for Platinum level VIP; PVIP is located on the second floor of The Mausoleum and is only open to select vampires.


  Works the stairs leading to the VIP/PVIP second floor at The Mausoleum; blood child to Archer; age unknown; has the Divine Power of mesmerization (can alter one’s memories/make them do as he pleases).


  (Pronounced ROO-ark)  A member of the elite Army of An Dílis/The Faithful;  second in command of the entire Army and first in command of the field unit that visits The Mausoleum; known to Skye as Emerald Eyes (E.E.) before properly introduced; age/Divine Power/birth place unknown.


Saint Fionán of Cluain Eraird:
  Priest in Ireland visited by the original Day Walker before he was made vampire in a vicious attack; Saint Fionán and the Holy Father are credited with the creation of the Day Walker race in 541AD through prayer.


  Member of Dean’s Kaxaw werewolf pack; age and pack position unknown.


  (Pronounced SHAY-mus) (Deceased) Works the front door at The Mausoleum as a bouncer and takes admission; blood child to Archer; from Ireland; age and Divine Power unknown.


Sissy Schneider:
  Friend of Skye’s; attended the University of Texas with her; dating Zephyr.


Skye Everleigh Morrison:
  23 years old; ex-human; newborn vampire; born in Houston, Texas; moved to Austin, Texas to attend University of Texas majoring in Ancient History and Classical Civilization; roommate/best friend to canine Styvi Nix; works at The Mausoleum as Archer’s Executive Assistant and manages all human employees; best friend to Nikki.


Styvi Nix:
  (Pronounced STEEVY-nix) Miniature French Bulldog; 2 years old; canine best friend/roommate to Skye; other best friend is Nikki; loves treats, snuggling, and chasing butterflies; dislikes when her naps are interrupted, the green bits in her Kibbles n’ Bits, Archer and most other flighty vampires, except Jameson and Trey.


Sword of Saint Patrick: 
A sword that was blessed by Saint Patrick himself and is said to kill anything unholy, even immortals, with just one cut; currently in the possession of Archer Rhys.

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