Leave a Candle Burning (48 page)

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Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Christian Fiction, #Widowers, #Christian, #Physicians, #ebook, #General, #Romance, #Massachusetts, #Fiction, #Religious, #Love Stories

BOOK: Leave a Candle Burning
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“Danna, I sleep here,” Corina told him when he arrived to get her on Friday.

“Yes, you did,” he agreed. “The night Levi was born.”

“No, Danna. I sleep here.”

Dannan looked at her in confusion and then to Iris.

“She’s been saying it all day. I believe she wants to spend the night.”

“Is Scottie here?”

“Not right now.”

“Not tonight, Corina,” Dannan had no choice but to say. “We’ll have to ask Scottie about that some time, but not tonight.”

The little girl was not convinced. She turned toward the kitchen, calling Scottie’s name. Dannan went after her.

“No, Corina. It’s not going to work. You cannot stay here tonight.”

The expression of disappointment gave way to stubbornness and anger. Dannan didn’t wait for tears or an outburst but knelt down swiftly to speak into Corina’s face.

“You will not pout or cry about this. Do you understand me?”

Corina did understand. She was sober as she said goodbye to Iris and thanked her. There was no scene. Dannan had brought the buggy, so they arrived home swiftly, and as Dannan expected, Corina put the whole thing behind her.

Not until they’d had tea and cleaned the kitchen did Dannan realize he’d been so concentrated on Corina’s behavior he hadn’t even asked Iris where Scottie might be. Wanting to see her and wondering how she was spending her evening stayed on his mind the rest of the night.


“Have I made any sense, Finn?” Scottie asked that man as the two walked along the road.

“You love Dannan,” Finn stated plainly, and Scottie stopped.

“I guess that is what I’m saying to you, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but something is still bothering you. I can hear it in your voice.”

Scottie’s brow furrowed with concern, but she didn’t speak.

“I think I know what it is,” Finn offered.


“Eli. You feel disloyal to him.”

“Yes.” Her voice wobbled slightly. “I never had this feeling with him. We were friends, and we cared for each other, but it wasn’t like this.”

“And he didn’t expect it to be like this, Scottie.” Finn began to walk again, not moving fast but wanting Scottie home before it grew much cooler. “He struggled with his inabilities at times, but for the most part, he knew what he was capable of and rested in that. Do you know what peace it gave him to have you take over the accounts and learn them so well?”

“Why was that?”

“He knew you would know what to do in the future and how to manage it all. He was constantly correcting his mother’s mistakes. She was terrible with ciphering, but he rarely had to correct you. In fact, you caught his mistakes more often than you made any.”

Scottie felt a little better, but there was still a weight.

“Have you told Dannan?” Finn asked.

“No, but I want to soon.”

“Good. After the wedding he can move into the house, and from then on his house can be used for his office.”

Scottie stopped and stared up at him.

“You’ve thought this all out.”

“Of course. Iris and I have been working on it for weeks. You and Dannan will take Mrs. Peterson’s room, and Corina will go into Eli’s. Your room and my room will be free for any new little ones who arrive.”

Scottie couldn’t keep her mouth closed. When Finn saw her stunned expression, he only laughed without apology. He also told her to be done worrying about the issue. He left her at her front door with a final word about telling Dannan and took himself home.




“Mrs. Greenlowe was here again?” Conner questioned on Saturday night.

“Yes, it’s the third time,” Reese said with a pleased laugh. “She’s utterly taken with your son.”

Conner’s smile matched her own as he looked down at the baby in his arms. Reese watched them for a moment, amazed over the miracle of Levi’s birth.

“I think he looks like my nephew, Blaine,” Conner mentioned. “Did you meet him?”

“I think so.” Reese took a moment to remember. “Actually, I’m glad you mentioned your family. I hope you know that as soon as Dalton gets your letter about Levi’s birth, he’s going to be here.”

Reese was talking about Conner’s oldest sibling, a huge man like Conner with a heart and personality to match.

“I’m sure you’re right. And he might bring the family. Will you be able to manage?”

“I think so. I’ll have to tell you if I can’t.”

“I hope you do. Oh, my,” Conner exclaimed. “Someone is wet.”

“I can take him,” Reese offered.

“No, thank you,” Conner replied, refusing the help. “We’ll get along just fine.” The new father, looking very pleased with the task, headed out the door and upstairs to take care of his tiny son’s needs.

Reese smiled at the sight of her very small son securely tucked in the arms of his large father. She could see Conner’s face in her son, and that gave her no end of pleasure.

Settling back on the sofa, knitting needles in hand, Reese had a chance to wonder how Scottie was doing in the other room.


“Thank you for coming.” Scottie spoke to Dannan in a formal manner as she paced the small parlor floor, sounding as though she were addressing a meeting.

“Certainly.” Dannan watching her carefully, nervous about what might be coming.

“I’ve been thinking about things. I even talked to Finn, and he said I should tell you right away.”

Dannan waited, watching her walk back and forth, wishing she would just say what was on her mind.

“I’m in love with you,” Scottie said, not stopping or even looking at him. “I think the realization came on me slowly. At first I felt so disloyal to Eli that I tried to ignore the reality of it, but Finn told me this was just what Eli wanted. He said it was right and good.”

Without warning, Dannan was in front of her. Scottie had no choice but to stop, her eyes looking up into his. Dannan touched her cheek with his hand, loving the soft silkiness of her skin. He looked into her eyes, saw how tense she was, and forced himself not to kiss her. Instead, he took Scottie’s hand and led her to the sofa. He sat down on the arm, leaving Scottie to stand in front of him, putting his head slightly below hers.

“Why did we come over here?”

“Because I think you’re a little afraid of our first kiss. I’m so much taller. This way, you can start or stop at any point.”

Loving his thoughtfulness, Scottie brushed the lock of hair from his forehead and saw the tiny scar she’d put there.

“Do you remember when I gave you this?” she asked, touching the spot with a gentle finger.

“Yes, I do.” Dannan smiled. “I was already taken with you, and then there you were, looking all concerned and adorable in that bonnet.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t find me dangerous.”

“Only to my heart.”

Scottie smiled. She was slowly seeing what a romantic he was. Unable to help herself, she put her hands on either side of his face. Bending just enough, she kissed him so briefly he thought he might have imagined it.

“I’ve never done this,” she whispered.

“Technically, I haven’t either.”

“What did that mean?”

“Just that I’ve
kissing you many times.”

Scottie smiled. “I have too. Yesterday for the first time.”

“And does this match what you imagined?” Dannan asked.

Scottie bit her lip and stepped back.

“Stand up,” she told Dannan. “Now, let’s try.”

The kiss they shared was slow and sweet, Dannan’s arms holding her close, and Scottie’s arms squeezing him tight. After a moment, Dannan pulled back enough to look into her face.

“Like you dreamed?”

Scottie just kept the teasing smile from her face. “Not quite. We’d better try again.”


“Scottie and I want to be married,” Dannan told Douglas on Sunday evening, Scottie’s hand in his. Both Douglas and Alison were in the parlor with their guests, Corina playing in the other room with the children.

Douglas smiled before requesting, “Tell me how this came about.”

“As a matter of fact,” Scottie began, “Eli instigated it.”

Douglas’ surprised face was comical to Scottie. She laughed a little and then waited to hear what he had to say.

“I’ve got to know more.” Douglas’ voice was very dry, and again Scottie laughed.

“He spoke to me,” Dannan filled in this time. “It was during one of his spells. He could barely talk, but he wanted me to know that when he was gone, I was to love and marry Scottie.”

“I must be honest, Dannan—I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“So he didn’t discussed it with you?” Scottie asked. “I’ve wondered about that.”

“No, he didn’t. I can’t think of too many topics we didn’t discuss, but—” Douglas suddenly stopped. “That’s not true. I do recall his telling me that he prayed almost daily that a man would come along to take care of you should he die. I’d almost forgotten about that.”

Dannan and Scottie watched emotions chase across Douglas’ face. They could tell his mind was casting back in time to his many visits with Eli.

“He spoke to Finn about this, didn’t he?”

“Yes, and that’s been very helpful.”

Douglas nodded and had more questions about Eli’s involvement, but eventually he began to question Dannan and Scottie about their relationship and the future. He spent a long time asking Scottie how she felt about marrying again so soon. It was good to hear the way they’d both been talking to Conner and Reese about the subject.

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