Leave a Candle Burning (44 page)

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Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Christian Fiction, #Widowers, #Christian, #Physicians, #ebook, #General, #Romance, #Massachusetts, #Fiction, #Religious, #Love Stories

BOOK: Leave a Candle Burning
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Already soaked to the skin, Scottie kept Corina close to her where they were huddled under a large tree. Scottie eyed the growing rivers of mud as well as the continued downpour. She knew that they could not wait it out—they were both shivering too hard—but she was equally uncertain of venturing forth.

“Sottie…” Corina’s voice wavered a bit, and Scottie knew they had no choice.

“All right, Corina,” Scottie spoke with more assurance than she felt. “I’m going to pick you up, and we’re going to walk fast in the rain. It might be cold, but it’s only water.”

The little girl only shivered against her, and Scottie decided not to waste any more time. She lifted Corina into her arms, left the protection of the tree, and headed back onto the road. They were making good progress when Scottie’s foot slipped. On her own she would have caught herself, but with Corina in her arms, they both went down hard. Corina began to cry, and all Scottie could do was wish they hadn’t walked so far from home.


“Scottie?” Iris called when she heard the front door and rushed from the kitchen, only to stop short. Dannan was dripping on the rug right inside the front door.

“Scottie’s not here?” he asked.

“No, Dannan. She’s on a walk, and Corina is with her.”




“Where did they go?” Dannan asked Iris, planning to head out and find them.

“I don’t know,” Iris admitted, her mouth looking strained. “Scottie said only that they were going for a walk and they would be back soon.”

“So you didn’t notice if they went toward town?”

“They didn’t,” Iris realized. “They went out the back of the yard past the chickens and then toward the road and trees.”

“I’ll head that way,” Dannan said, moving toward the kitchen. Iris was on his heels, planning to heat water and gather blankets, when the kitchen door opened.

Gasping and shivering, Scottie stumbled in, Corina still in her arms. The little girl was crying, and Scottie was talking.

“Look, Corina, we made it. We’ll be warm now. Oh, Dannan,” Scottie exclaimed, suddenly spotting him. “We took a fall.”

Dannan took Corina from Scottie’s arms and began to give orders.

“I’m going into the buttery to undress Corina. Get out of those things, Scottie, and over to the stove. Iris, stoke that fire and put extra kettles on to heat. Where’s the tub?”

“In the buttery,” Iris answered, bustling between Scottie and the stove, grabbing blankets and towels as she went.

Dannan had disappeared with Corina, and Scottie was trying to work the pins on her dress, but her fingers were too cold. Iris stepped in, and just a minute later, her dress lay in a sodden heap at her feet. Mud was soaked through to her underclothing, but Iris didn’t help Scottie out of those until she’d closed the buttery door. By the time Dannan returned to the kitchen, planning to put Corina in a warm tub of water, Scottie was wrapped in a large blanket next to the stove. Her face and hair were still muddy, and she was shivering, but at least she was home.

Iris had put a towel over Scottie’s head and now stood behind her to dry her hair. Scottie closed her eyes, willing herself to stop shivering. Plopping Corina into the tub, Dannan told her she would be warm very soon.

“Tea for Scottie,” Dannan said next. “Make it hot and strong, Iris.”

“Coming right up,” that lady agreed as she left the towel with Scottie and began the preparations. At the same time, she began to talk to Corina in a way that was familiar to that little girl.

“How are you doing, Miss Corina? You haven’t had a bath in Iris’ kitchen in a few weeks. Do you need a cloth in there to wash yourself?”

Through her shivers she managed to nod, and Dannan took the one Iris handed to him and began to sponge Corina’s small shoulders and head. She was warming fast, but he could still see the upset and confusion on her face.

“Were you hurt when you fell, Scottie?”

Scottie opened her eyes and peeked out at Dannan, the towel still draped over her head.

“I’m not sure right now. Is Corina all right?”

“She’s got a bruise on her back, but I don’t see anything else.”

“We fell in the road. There might have been a rock.”

Dannan touched Corina’s skin, satisfied to feel the warmth returning, and looked over to see the fresh clothing Iris had laid out. Dannan dried her briskly, rubbing more warmth back into her skin, and then helped her into her clothing. Iris had a blanket to go around her after that, and then Dannan’s attentions shifted to Scottie.

“I’m going to take Corina into the parlor so you can check for cuts and bruises. Send Iris if you need me.”

“All right.”

When the women were alone, Scottie moved gingerly. She still felt a little cold, and she was beginning to ache.

“Why don’t we get the rest of that mud from your hair,” Iris suggested. “You lean over the tub, and I’ll pour the water.”

Scottie agreed, and in the process, Iris saw the bruises. Her arms were already beginning to turn black and blue, but there were no cuts.

“Dannan should look at those.”

“It’s just bruising,” Scottie returned, trying to dismiss her, but Iris wanted her to be checked.

“I’ll go and get some clothing for you, and then Dannan can look. How about the rest of you?”

“The rest of me is fine,” Scottie stuttered through chattering teeth, but in truth she could tell she was going to ache all over. However, she wasn’t going to mention this to Dannan or Iris. Still working to get warm, she dressed in the short-sleeved dress Iris had found her and then put on a sweater. Hair brushed but wet and hanging down her back, Scottie went to the parlor.

“How are you?” Dannan asked as he stood from his place on the sofa.

“Fine, thank you,” Scottie answered but then turned her attention to Corina. “How are you?” she asked, taking the other side of the little girl and sitting close on the sofa. “Are you warm now?”

Corina climbed into Scottie’s lap. Scottie winced but didn’t object, putting her arms around the three-year-old and holding her close.

“There you are,” Iris came from the kitchen saying.

“Yes, and leave those muddy things, Iris,” Scottie spoke. “I’ll get them later.”

“Have you let Dannan check your arms?” Iris had come with her own agenda.

“They’re just bruises,” Scottie argued, but Iris was having none of it. Dannan, it seemed, wasn’t willing to let it rest either.

“Here, Corina,” he directed her. “Sit here on the other side of me a minute so I can see Scottie’s arms.”

After Corina had been lifted out of the way, Scottie pushed her sweater sleeve up and extended her right arm. Dannan held her arm to inspect the skin. Dannan took his time as the room was growing dim. It would be dark soon, but more than that, the rain was still falling so the cloud cover was heavy.

“Corina,” Iris called. “Do you want to help me with the tea?”

The little girl didn’t hesitate to accompany the cook, and just moments later, Dannan and Scottie were alone. Dannan was still checking Scottie’s arms, but even when he finished, he did not let go of her hand. Scottie looked into his eyes.

“I was frightened today,” Dannan admitted.

“About Corina being hurt?”

“Both of you,” Dannan said, not able to put his thoughts into words.

“I wasn’t scared, but I regret taking Corina out. The storm came on so fast, and the temperature dropped with it. I could have kicked myself.”

“Thank you for bringing her home safely.”

Scottie realized now his hands still enveloped her hand, and her eyes dropped to study them. Dannan’s hands were larger and darker, his fingers long and lean, making hers look short by comparison.

“What are you thinking?” Dannan asked.

“That it’s nice to have you hold my hand.”

“Yes, it is,” Dannan agreed, wanting to hold her as well but mostly wishing he could explain what had happened in his heart in the last hour. He was trying to find the words when Iris called them for tea.

Dannan knew it was best to let it go, but as soon as he had some time alone with Scottie, he planned to tell her what was on his mind.


Scottie did not want to get out of bed on Wednesday morning. She was no longer chilled, but she ached all through her shoulders and back. Her knees were also bruised, and it hurt to bend them. However, it was morning, and the need to relieve herself forced her to move. Dressing, on the other hand, was a different story. Still wearing her nightgown and bathrobe, Scottie made her way down the stairs. Ready for a cup of tea, she thought this would be a fine day to let Iris handle everything.


“How are you?” Dannan asked of Corina when she woke, sitting on her bed to lean close and kiss her.



“Sottie wet.”

“Yes, she was.” Dannan laughed a little. “So were you.”

“I’n hungry.”

“Well that’s a good sign. Let’s head to the kitchen.”

Corina climbed from the bed, just remembering to grab her doll, and preceded Dannan down the stairs.

Dannan watched her move with ease, and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Scottie would not have fared nearly so well.

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