Learning to Live (6 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole

BOOK: Learning to Live
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After my run around campus the next day, I go with Jazz to grab
our books since she has a car—BMW convertible I might add—and I
know I’ll have a crap load to tote back to the dorm. Besides that, I
really like her bubbly personality and her stories about her family. I
won’t admit it out loud, but I love the stories of Jaxon the most. They
seem to have an awesome relationship, and it’s nice to imagine how a
real family interacts with one another.

After we get back to the dorm and unload the ton of bricks we
have to carry to and from class every day, I go and grab my stuff to get
ready for job hunting. I bought a pair of black slacks and light green,
sleeveless button up shirt that is dressy and professional looking at a
yard sale for $10. The lady even threw in a pair of black one inch,
pointy-toed pumps for free. They’re a little big, but beggars can’t be

“Do you want me to drive you around to look for a job? Afterward
we can grab lunch and go over our schedules for the week,” Jazz asks
while sitting at my desk filing her nails.

I think about it for a minute and remember that I haven’t eaten
since the pop tart this morning. My stomach growls loudly before I can
say yes, and I want to die of embarrassment. “As you obviously heard,
I’m starving, so let’s grab some food while I look in the paper for a
job. I don’t want my future boss to hear my stomach talking over me.”
I laugh it off and she joins in.

“Goody! I’ll let you get ready and meet you out front when you’re
done. I need to call my mom because if I don’t she’ll come down just
to make sure I’m alive. And the reception seems to suck up here.” She
leaves with a skip in her step that I’m learning is just her natural

After I’m dressed, I put my hair in a low messy bun with my
bangs twisted to the side and a small black flower pinned above my
right ear. Some curls frame my face, and I glance in the mirror one last
time. I’m pleased with the turn out, so I slip on my shoes and go
outside. I see Jazz as soon as I exit the dorm, and she’s talking to

“Hey, are you ready?” I ask Jazz then turn to Jaxon while trying to
act as though the flutters aren’t in my stomach. “Hey, Jax.” I give an
awkward wave and instantly feel stupid. I know my nerves are

“Hey, Trudy. Where you headed all dressed up?” he asks while
eyeing me up and down and rubbing his neck. I see he’s wearing
basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt that’s covered in sweat. I should
think guy sweat is disgusting, but on him it’s sexy.

“Well, we’re headed to find this hottie right here a place she can
work her money maker,” Jazz says and winks at me. I could die of
embarrassment and guilt because I have literally worked my money
maker once before.

!” I give her the stink eye then turn back to Jaxon. “Sorry,
but what your
sister meant to say...” I eye Jazz again “...is that
I’m going out job hunting.”

“Oh yeah? Where are you going to apply?” He seems genuinely
interested in the topic.
“I don’t really know yet. We’re stopping to get a paper and then
heading to grab some lunch while I go over the want ads.” I don’t want
to seem rude and debate if I should invite him along. Before I can ask,
however, David runs our way, just as sweaty as Jaxon, stating they
better get going if they want to make it to practice. I’m not sure what
they are going to practice, but I’m sure it’s some type of sport.
I watch them both jump in a shiny red Jeep with its top down, but
before they pull away, Jax looks at me and smiles. They wave bye to
both Jazz and me, and I feel myself blush and that stupid flutter again.

After we’re done with baseball practice for the evening, we head
to the house to clean up so we can go downtown tonight. I want to see
if Jazz and Trudy want to go, but I know they can’t get into most
places due to their age.
Since Jazz is almost nineteen, I guess Trudy is around the same
age since they’re both freshman. I really need to talk with Mason
about getting them both fake IDs. People might think it’s lame to want
to hang out with their little sister, but I have an ulterior motive whose
last name is Love. Besides that, Jazz is cool to hang with, and it allows
me to watch out for her.
I run into Mason immediately when we walk through the door and
ask him about the IDs. He’s our friend and is pretty much a genius and
computer whiz. He acts like your average twenty-year-old until you
bring up anything technical. Then he turns into a kid at Christmas
time. He’s shorter than David and me by a few inches and is clean cut.
We tease him all the time about it because he can’t grow facial hair. Of
course he just laughs while giving us the finger and continues what he
was doing.
“Sure, Jax, I can take care of it. I just need an up to date photo of
both of them. I should have them done by next Friday.” He turns off
his PlayStation and follows me into the kitchen where David is sitting
at the bar, eating. I go ahead and pull out my wallet and dig for a
picture of Jazz that was taken over the summer.
“Here, man...” I hand over the picture “...that’s one of them, but
I’ll have to get Tru’s another way.” He doesn’t answer me but
continues to stare at the photo with a dreamy look in his eyes. I’m not
worried because Mason is no match for Jazz. She intimidates bigger
guys and ones that have way more experience than him without even
trying. She has a loud and big personality wrapped up in her small
body. Mason is so shy when it comes to the opposite sex it’s funny.
I guess he hears David laughing because he looks up guiltily at me
and swallows hard. “Sorry, Jax, but I wasn’t expecting you to have
such a hot sister.” His eyes get wide and he gets a scared look on his
face. I give him a dirty look, hoping my smile doesn’t show. “I…I
mean you two don’t look anything alike. Shit!” He takes a deep breath.
“I’m not saying you’re not good looking for a guy, but she’s just…
” I burst out laughing and he visibly relaxes.
“Aww, Jax! Did you hear that? Mason called you good looking.”
David’s still laughing and decides to put Mason in a headlock under
his sweaty underarms, which earns him an elbow in his gut.
After I catch my breath, I tell Mason how Jazz is adopted, along
with Drew, McKenzie, and Cohen. Afterward we make plans to go to
Jay Jay’s. It’s an older bar/club that has local bands playing on
Saturday nights, and if they aren’t playing on stage, a DJ takes over
the music. They also serve decent drinks at a good price. That’s always
a plus for us college students.
I know I have a trust fund, but I don’t like using it unless I
absolutely have to. I work at a plant nursery during the summer with
David until baseball practice starts back up, and we save what we can.
I don’t want to take for granted the hard work my parents do for me so
I can have nice things, and I think that’s one reason why Ashton and I
butt heads. Where she wants the best of the best, I just want what I
actually need. Yeah, I have a nice ride, but I bought it used. With the
help of my dad and brother, Drew, we were able to fix it up before I
came to school my freshman year. I throw on some faded blue jeans
and a navy blue button down with the sleeves rolled up. After I’m done
getting ready, I decide to text Jazz and see what she and Trudy are
doing tonight.
Her reply is instant.
Tru got a job & they wanted her to start
ASAP cuz they were short handed. Me? Nothin. Y?
I frown when I see Trudy is busy.
Few of the guys & I R going
d/t and wanted 2 invite Tru & u.
Aww that’s sweet. 2 bad Ur real reason 4 the invite has 2 work.
I can practically see Jazz’s smirk as she sends her text.
Am I that
I text her back.
Yes Romeo, but 2 get this Juliet u need 2 go slow and not kiss
other grlz. What was u thinking, fool? Lol!
Other girls? What’s she talking about?
Then it hits me in the gut
—Ashton coming up and throwing herself at me in front of Tru last
My fingers fumble over the keys, trying to explain myself.
tried molesting me in front of Tru last night. I pushed her off, but
Tru was already gone.
Ugh! I don’t like that grl. Now Tru thinks you have a G/F.
I tell Jazz I need to go because the guys are waiting downstairs
and that I love her. Truthfully I need to think. I still have to find a way
to approach the subject of Ashton with Tru, but I don’t know how just
yet. Then a thought hits me out of nowhere and causes relief to wash
over my frazzled nerves. If she is jealous, then that means she likes
me. I put on my black Chucks, grab my wallet, and walk out the
bedroom door with a smile on my face.
However the smile falls when I see Craig sitting in the kitchen
with Mason and David. “Y’all ready to head out?” I ignore Craig and
grab my keys. After last night I can’t promise I won’t lay into him.
David has his trademark smirk on his face, leaning back in his
chair with his arms behind his head like he has absolutely nothing to
worry about in life. “Sure, but Craig wants to talk to you, and I’m
really interested in seeing your reaction because I think Hell just
fucking froze over.”
Mason just nods his head and smiles as well. Finally
acknowledging the asshole, I turn my attention toward Craig. I don’t
waste my air on saying anything because I said it all last night, so I
wait for him to start.
He stands up and stuffs his hands in his pockets while looking at
his feet nervously. This is new because he’s usually too cocky for his
own good. “Um… I acted like a complete idiot yesterday and last
night. I’m sorry.” He continues to stare at his shoes, and it proves what
a coward he is.
“Hey, dipshit! Look at me, not your goddamn shoes. Besides I’m
not the one you should apologize to. Try Jen form last night and Trudy.
And I’m sure there are countless others.” I wait for him to say
something else but he remains standing there, and I see anger flash in
his eyes, but he doesn’t act on it. He’s up to something because I see
absolutely no sincerity in his face and hear none in his words.
“Anything else?” He shakes his head with a silent no. I walk out the
door ready for a beer.
“Are you still going to talk to the board?” Craig yells from the
door and the whole apology make sense now. His dad will take
everything away if he’s removed from the fraternity. He’s still the
selfish dick he was last night and wants to cover his own ass. I don’t
answer him. Let the fucker sweat over it. Cranking up Chevelle’s
I do a burnout, trying to get rid of some of my anger and head

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