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Authors: JT Schultz

Laws of Love (4 page)

BOOK: Laws of Love
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, she is screaming Human Rights and is willing to bring some heavy hitting Ethnic Rights activists.” After delivering that news like he would a death sentence, Anthony gathered up his files. “She’s a real fireball and a vicious opponent. I have to go; you guys take care and I’ll place some calls and see who can put a stop to her.”

“This woman sounds charming
,” his father noted sarcastically. “Do whatever you have to. I refuse to lose a multi-million dollar deal because some woman wants to piss with the big boys.”

Anthony rose
and shook his head. “It’s worse than that. My guess is the little bitch is taking this personal. She grew up white trash in a foster home in that neighborhood. Made one hell of a name for herself and sunk her teeth into the corporate world as an environmental lawyer. She made huge money on a case that paid her millions. She’s a tough cookie; just be thankful I know all about her. She’ll do whatever it takes to win and will stop at nothing.”

“Get her under control
, and I don’t care what you have to do. That includes getting on the phone with whoever you have to at City Hall.”

His father’s words
, for some reason, made him think of Abby. She was fun and smart and he thought of the way she had given out money to the people in the neighborhood. Maybe she knew something about this attorney. If anything, Abby would be able to lighten his mood since despite his great evening and excellent start to his day things had turned stormy, souring his mood. He could only see things getting better where she was concerned. Not only would it be a good night, but he had no doubt, an enjoyable one.

Chapter 4


Abby was happy
that the day was almost done. Something about dealing with Anthony Frost always left angry and unsettled. Traffic moved slower than a group of tortoises lumbering uphill and didn’t improve her mood. How dare Anthony speak to her like she was trash, and who the hell did Hunter Industries think they were?

If they went in and built their monstrosity of a project
, there were going to be many people without affordable housing. The price jump in rent even six blocks over was three hundred or more a month.

It was companies like Hunter Industries
that had caused her to leave big business and use her law degree for something good. She’d made millions in the environmental battle and now, since money wasn’t an object, the least she could do was improve the lives of others. What did she care about the money? She had lots and by working for next to nothing or often for free, she was paying it forward.

No, the neighborhood wasn’t the nicest, but she had grown
up there, and after bouncing around to several foster homes, she had ended up with a woman named Anna Crosby. Anna had adopted Abby six months after she had gone to live with her and Abby never looked back, only forward. She had a mother who loved her and believed in her enough that she graduated high school and went on to law school with full scholarships.

, she moved her mother out of the neighborhood, but neither one of them forgot their friends and remained in contact. She thought of Mrs. Burlington, a friend of her mother’s and another foster parent in the area. The woman’s stress level was high with a sick three-month-old baby and now the fear that she would have to move to an area she couldn’t afford.

Maybe Marcie
is right.

had taken this case personally. She shook off the negativity of her day and the weight that wanted to settle on her shoulders as she walked into her apartment and got ready for dinner with Jack.


Now there was a man completely different from the other guys she had dated in the past. Jack was sweet and caring, even though his clothes indicated he was in the corporate world. His demeanor seemed down to earth; he was great in bed, and of course, drop-dead gorgeous.

e slipped on a short, fitted, black dress and twisted her hair up. A knock at the door scattered her thoughts and her stomach fluttered. As she hurried to the entrance of the apartment, her lips curled into a smile. She turned the knob and opened the heavy oak door. “Hello.” Her stomach fluttered again just from the sight of him standing there, looking down right delicious.

stepped in through the door and raked his gaze over her. The look was slow and deliberate. Pursing his lips together, raw lust heated his dark eyes. “You look incredible.”

’d have settled for a honey, I’m home,” she teased and stepped toward him. She took the bouquet of roses from his outstretched hand.

You look this sexy too many evenings and I
be saying it.” He enveloped her waist with his arms and carefully, so as not to crush the flowers, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You sound pretty confident about that
,” she whispered as her body came alive against him.

“I always get what I want.”
The husky tone and the intent expression on his face hinted that he wasn’t teasing. She caught her breath. He looked truly powerful in his crisp and expensive suit. Somehow, he managed to come across more gorgeous than seconds before. Her breath stopped in her throat and her lashes fluttered closed as he lowered his head.

tasted incredible and she parted her lips. Inviting him into her mouth, she pushed her breasts harder against his chest. His arms slid from her waist and his hands slid down her back and over her butt. Her body hummed at his touch and she moaned softly as his velvety tongue slipped into her mouth.

Cupping her soft
, round butt in his hands, he groaned and pressed her hips to him. The bulge in his pants indicated his arousal, and just thinking of how he felt inside her the night before dampened her thong with desire. She lifted her lips off his and opened her eyes. “Now do I get a hello?”

He chuckled. “Hello.”
Letting go of her, he stepped back.

She glanced
at the roses and lifted her palm to his cheek. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

You’re beautiful.” His hand took hers and lowered it from his face. He kissed her fingers then smiled. “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all day.” Something in his tone hinted he’d had a day similar to hers.

Her grin vanished and she studied him a moment, hoping he would open up.
“Have a long day?”

“Oh yeah, one of the worst.”

Abby tossed him a wink. “Poor baby.” She reclaimed her hand and her smile returned. “I picked up a bottle of wine on the way home.”

up, he loosened his tie and undid the top button of the dress shirt.

aking the opportunity, she touched the skin of his neck. Everything between them seemed natural despite the short time they’d known each other. “Why don’t you open the wine and tell me why your day was so bad.”

Again, his hand took her
s. He slipped her palm to his chest and held it there. The steady rhythm of his heart beneath her touch made the moment more intimate—more personal and she stared up into his dark gaze.

His long lashes blinked.
“I don’t remember the last time someone ask about my day.” His other hand reached out and brushed a wisp of hair off her face that had escaped from the twist.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and her heart skipped a beat. There wasn’t any mistake. Jack was different.
“Well, it looks like you’ve had a long one, and I thought you might want to talk about it.”

His eyes scanned
her face as if memorizing every detail.

“Why are
you looking at me like that?” Nervous jitters fluttered in her stomach.

“I was just thinking that I’
m really glad you hopped on the bus yesterday. Maybe later I can convince you to wear just the ears.” Wiggling his brows, they both laughed.

withdrew her hand and leaned into the roses. Abby inhaled the scent and savored the aroma. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had given her flowers.

Turning, she walked towards the kitchen. “Could be fun.”

Jack chuckled and his footsteps followed close behind.
“I love a woman with an imagination.”


Jack had to admit, the welcome from Abby had improved his day significantly. Impressed by her choice of wine, the fact that supper smelled wonderful, and how the apartment had a comfortable and welcoming feel, he started to relax. He opened the bottle and poured two glasses, then passed her one.

She smiled and took the
goblet. “Thank you.”

He allowed
his eyes to rake over her again. She was beautiful, and from what he could tell, as taken with him as he was with her. “Thank you. After my day, this is a welcome relief.”

Abby sipped
her wine, then checked the rice and then back at him. “Your day—why don’t you tell me about it.”

Where to begin?

He should ask if she knew that attorney, but for the life of him couldn’t remember the name. The more he thought about things he wasn’t even sure he’d asked Anthony what her name was. He’d make it a priority to do that tomorrow.

, was it? Crosby what, though?

He shook h
is head. “I got news yesterday that could cost me a lot of money. Today was much worse and I don’t think there is anything anybody can do right now. It’s over some land we own.”

Why was he telling her this? She was gorgeous,
a wonderful supper was almost ready, and all he wanted to do was touch her. “How was your day?”

Mine was rough too. I thought of you several times, and I have to be honest, I’m really glad you came over tonight.” The warm smile she sent him relaxed him further,

sat his wine glass on the counter and stepped closer to her. “So, why was your day bad?”

, she blinked up at him. “I had a run in with my ex fiancé’s father. The man hates me with a vengeance for dumping his son. His son, of course, was a control freak who hated that my career really took off and I was making a lot of money. The fact that I eventually made more than him caused problems and we broke up.”

Who wouldn’t want a successful woman?

He shook his head. He thought of the women he’d dated in the past and understood what it meant to be successful. People either wanted something or resented the fact. “The ex and his father sound interesting.”

“You have no idea.
Because I moved ahead in my career quickly, and was good at what I do, they accused me of horrid things—things I wouldn’t ever do. Unlike them, I have ethics and am honest in my dealings.” She cast him a crooked grin that gave her a mischievous demeanor and in turn making her sexier than hell. Her head tilted to the side and she pondered a moment. “I always said that my ex-fiancé hated my success and always felt inferior because he was unfortunate enough to have a small dick.”

Jack laughed.
“Good thing I don’t have an inferiority complex.”

She s
et her wine glass down next to his. Her smile dissolved and she leaned in close enough for him to smell her perfume. “You don’t carry anything small in your pants either.” She batted her eyes innocently. “Unless of course, you have change in your pockets.”

day had just gotten a hell of a lot better. His groin stiffened and the urge to give her a replay of last night aroused him further.

She placed her hands on his chest and
he wrapped his arms around her. Abby’s blue eyes grew darker as desire peered up at him through long lashes. He lowered his head to hers and her eyes fluttered closed. He absorbed the soft fullness of her lips as his made contact. Her hands caressed his dress shirt then wrapped around his neck. His tongue thrust into her mouth and he tightened his arms around her, pulling her closer to his body. He slipped his hands down then brought her flush against him and pressed the ache in his groin against her belly.

She moaned softly against his tongue whil
e it probed her mouth further. Abby lifted her lips from his and opened her eyes. “Supper is almost ready.”

“I’m almost tempted skip that for the
moment and move on to dessert.” The lust in her eyes told him that she was tempted. Everything about the moment and woman in his arms turned him on. Remembering the night before did nothing but stiffen him further.

would almost let you convince me, but I hoped to have a long drawn out desert and most likely will want seconds.”

, he released her, though he really didn’t want to since he loved holding her in his arms. “Maybe I’ll stay the night again.”

winked. “And how would I qualify for a chance at that?”

was gorgeous, witty and so far everything he could ask for in a woman. “I know you told me last night you don’t tell guys what you do, but since I’m completely taken with you and want to know as much as I can about you, I am curious.” He couldn’t take his eyes off the pretty blonde. “For the record, I don’t have an inferiority complex. I do well for myself and make a ton of money. I’m intrigued I’ve finally met a woman who shares those qualities.”

e tilted her head to the right and sighed, then nodded.

He hadn’t said anything that wasn’t
true. There was also no doubt that he was crazy about her. Patiently he waited as she debated, and admitted to himself he’d never fallen for a woman so quickly.

She pursed her full lips and nodded.
“I help people, and by doing so, it has paid me well over the years.”

A vague answer, but still progress.

“My father once told me to do what you love and the money will come.”

But money certainly doesn’t bring love.”

e stepped away from her and grabbed both glasses off the counter, pressing hers into her hand. “Then a toast to the hope that maybe that will change.”

lifted her goblet and Jack was positive this was going to be one of the best nights of his life. “To love and money,” she suggested quietly.


The glasses made a ‘tink’. Beyond doubt, meeting Abby was one of the best things that could have happened to him and he knew this was the start of something great—if not lasting.


Supper and conversation had been delightful and fun. Abby really liked Jack. They sat in her living room talking, and she had to admit, after the day from hell and having to deal with the jerk who’d almost become her father-in-law, this was better than she could have imagined. “So Jack, has your day improved?”

BOOK: Laws of Love
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