Laws of Love (3 page)

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Authors: JT Schultz

BOOK: Laws of Love
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Struggling for composure
, she grew even wetter between her legs from his touch. The driver stopped the yellow taxi in front of her building around the same time her desire to be wanton and go for sex in the backseat crossed her mind. Mind? No, she had officially lost hers. Jack paid the driver and they stepped out of the car. This was crazy and out of character. Never had she acted like this, and it was then the question hit her hard as Jack slammed the door closed. She turned and blinked at him. The question solidified in her mind.

What is so different about Jack?

Chapter 3


Jack walked into the apartment and admitted he was surprised. From what he could see of the condominium, everything was elegant, but not flashy and overpriced. The furnishings were tasteful, and from what he knew so far, very much like Abby. She slipped off his suit coat and rested it on the back of stylish leather chair. He raked his gaze over her and though she looked unsure, he knew by the way she had melted into the kiss, and the way her body had reacted to his touch in the taxi, she wanted him.

Her lips pursed together
and she stepped closer to him. “Can I get you anything?”

He glanced to her
lips before again meeting her gaze.  “All I want is to pick up where we left off kissing.”

cheeks warmed slightly as he reached out for her. Heat radiated up through his palm and traveled up over the rest of his body. He gently tugged her closer, and then lowered his head to hers as her hand rested on his chest. His body came alive beneath the innocent touch. He didn’t let go of her wrist as his lips came against hers with a hungry need. The other hand slid to her thigh and gently caressed the silky skin beneath her skirt. Her lips parted and his tongue slipped into her mouth.

Entwining his tongue with hers, the satiny skirt teased his hand as he continued moving up her leg to her hip an
d discovered she was wearing a thong. Releasing her wrist, he brought the other hand to her other hip under her skirt and curved both around to cup her bare bottom. His groin stiffened as her tongue explored his mouth with the same desire. Her fingers were already working the tie loose and opening the buttons. Jack groaned as she un-tucked his shirt. The fabric fell open and her touch grazed lightly over his skin.

The ache in his groin increased and he pressed h
er belly against his erection. Her hands explored his chest and shoulders, running over him completely. He groaned against her tongue as her hands dipped lower and found the buckle of his pants. His one hand held her firmly against him while the other caressed her skin and nestled between her legs. Her thong was damp and his fingers teased around the fabric. He was only mildly aware of his pants coming undone as he slipped his finger beneath the wet fabric. One of her soft hands stroked his length and he lifted his lips from hers.

“I’m going to take you
now.” His voice was a ragged rasp and she stepped backward and removed her hands from his body.

gently tugged and led him down the hall to her bedroom. Shutting the door behind them, she turned with desire blazing in her baby blues. She walked over to him and he reached for the hem of her silky, blue top. He pulled it over her head and revealed her perky, full breasts. Jack’s hands caressed lower and yanked at the elastic waist of her skirt. It fell to the floor, revealing a black, lace thong. Groaning, he ground against her hand as she quickly pulled down his pants. He tugged her thong down so it hit the floor. She stepped out of the delicate panties and stood before him in naked perfection.

His mind fuzzed as her velvety tong
ue licked and played his lips. He helped her remove the rest of his clothes and eased her back onto the bed as his tongue explored her flesh. Whimpered moans of pleasure escaped her full lips and the need to bury deep inside her increased. He flicked his tongue over her nipple and then took it in his mouth.

arousal brushed against the inside of her thigh and her legs fell open. He lifted his mouth from her breast and slowly shifted his body to reach for his pants. Her hand touched his arm. “Pill,” she panted out. “Unless it’s necessary?”

He grinned
, thinking she was incredible. “No.” He ran his tongue over her collarbone and shifted his weight between her legs. His tip teased against her wet folds then pushed inside of her.

Gasping, her body stiffened and he paused. Jack gave her a moment to adjust
; she was wet and extremely tight. She touched his shoulders and ran her hands over him, then moved her hips beneath him and pulled his mouth toward hers. He moved deep inside of her and his tongue entered her mouth. His thrusts picked up speed and he longed to be inside her deeper than he already was. Her breasts teased against his chest with every thrust and her soft wails of pleasure against his tongue drove him on harder.

e bucked her hips against his. It was all he could do to hold back when her walls tightened around him and squeezed. Her shoulders lifted up off the bed and her body trembled. A small scream left her and he slammed into her one last time before he climaxed hard inside of her. He fought for breath and grazed his lips against her neck as his release continued to empty into her.

He slowly slid off of her and to
uched her cheek with his hand. She looked completely fulfilled and turned towards him. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her tight. The sex had been hot and natural, as if they had done it a hundred times before. Her hair tickled his skin and he smoothed it back and kissed her head. Jack had no idea what it was about Abby, but he already knew he couldn’t get enough of her.


Abby woke to the sunlight pouring in through her window and turned her head on the pillow. It smelled like spicy musk, expensive, and like Jack.


She sat up in bed and glanced around. He was dressed and slipping on his suit coat. The top buttons of his dress shirt were open. He looked incredibly gorgeous.               


Jack grinned, moved over to the edge of the bed, and had a seat. Leaning in, he brushed his lips softly against hers. “Good morning. I hated the thought of waking you. You looked so beautiful.”

She smiled.
“I would have to get up for work anyway.”

kissed her lips again. “Not a problem. Unfortunately, I have to get to work as well.” His brow furrowed. “When can I see you again?”

“How does tonight sound?
I can make dinner here.”

His handsome face lit up as his mouth curve
d into a smile. “It sounds wonderful.” Again, he kissed her lips and desire twitched between her legs.

If he kept kissing her
, she was going to strip him naked and bring him back into bed with her. “What time?”

“What?” S
he shook her head and giggled. “Sorry, I was thinking.”

“I can only imagine what you were thinking about.”

She lifted her brows. “I’ll show you after dessert. How about seven o’clock for dinner?”

“Marvelous. I’
ll see you then.” Jack kissed her lips then winked as he stood and walked out of the bedroom.

Smiling to herself, she
glanced at the clock. Perfect, she would be able to go into work early today, as she had plenty of paperwork preparation on a new case. It was going to be a great day.

he front door closed and she quickly hurried to the shower. Within record time, she was dressed in jeans, a blouse with a blazer, and was on her way to the office. Grabbing a coffee at her favorite coffee shop on the way, she made her way towards the office through the thick stop and go traffic.

she hated the L.A. traffic, but today it hadn’t even fazed her. She kept thinking of Jack and how it was weird the way things worked out sometimes. Glancing at the run down office building, it reminded her how sometimes the impossible was not so impossible, and that things worked out certain ways for a reason.

“Good morning
, Marcie,” she greeted her secretary.

, Ms. Crosby. You look good.” The older woman peered over the top of her thick rimmed glasses. “Really good. I like the color in your face.” Her eyes sparkled and her brows lifted. “Don’t tell me you actually had a date.”

She sipped her coffee and decided to keep her friend in suspense for a moment
. “Originally no, but by the end of the night, yes, and I’m seeing him again. Maybe my luck with men is improving.”

winced. “I don’t think so. Mr. Frost called. Turns out he’s the attorney for Hunter Industries and told me—rather rudely I might add—to have you call him immediately and that he really doesn’t want to deal with your bleeding heart bullshit.”

She paused.
“Yes, those were the words he used. Your mom called, and Mrs. Burlington phoned to say she has to cancel her appointment again because the baby is still sick.” Marcie flipped through some notes on her desk then returned her gaze to Abby. “Also, she said if you don’t mind going to her, she can meet with you at the house.”

sighed and thought of Mr. Anthony Frost. “You realize, out of all the attorneys in the state, they chose the one attorney who hates me with vengeance?”

Her secretary’s lips thinned and she nodded
with an apologetic expression. “You shouldn’t have broken up with his son.”

“His son was a controlling ass
who is already on his third marriage.”

another sip of her coffee, Abby cringed, thinking of her ex-fiancé. “Marrying him would’ve been an extremely bad move on my part since I would’ve ended up just like his first wife.” She shuddered and a knot formed in her stomach. “No thanks, the selfish jerk has turned into the marrying man since we split. He certainly didn’t waste any time on finding a replacement for me.”

She turned on her
heel and headed to her office, thinking of Mrs. Burlington. She sighed. “Can you get Mr. Frost on the phone so I can tell him exactly what this bleeding heart bitch is going to do to Hunter Industries?”


Marcie never called her by her first name unless she was getting maternal on her. Apparently this was going to be one of those times. She paused and looked at the woman who had worked for her for years. “Yes?”

“You aren’t letting your person
al feelings interfere, are you? You know this is just business?”

Abby glanced around the office. She’d come a long way from her humble beginnings. “Business
personal, Marcie. Get the old bastard on the line.” That was the end of the subject and she headed into her office. She wished the day was over and that she was sitting over a great dinner with Jack. Smiling, the darkness that had tried to settle over her quickly vanished as she brought his handsome face to mind.


Jack strolled into the office late and couldn’t have cared less. Smiling at the secretaries, he headed to his father’s office with the full knowledge that he was grinning like a fool. He didn’t care. He was in an incredible mood and counted down the hours and minutes until he could see Abby again. It dawned on him that he’d never gotten her number so he couldn’t call her. He’d remedy that tonight, as well as find out where she worked so he could send flowers.

I wonder if she’s into roses or wild flowers.

His mind flashed to the night he’d spent with her and his grin broadened. He knocked on the door then walked into his father’s office, not surprised to see Anthony Frost, his father’s attorney, sitting on the expensive sofa, talking on the phone with a folder spread out in front of him.

“Good morning
, son, how are you?” His father stood by his desk and waved him in.

How are—”

“You listen to me
, Ms. Crosby. You have no idea who you’re tangling with. I’ll make damn sure I rip you to shreds. Richard and JW Hunter are not willing to stop their project because some poor people will have to relocate and find other housing. Life is hard—they should know that considering the rat’s nest they call a neighborhood.” He paused then continued with more bitterness and terseness in his voice. “By the time my client is done with them, they will be grateful.”

Shoving his hands in
to his pockets and turning from Mr. Frost, he looked at his dad. “Is he dealing with the Gibson Project?”

, those court papers you were served yesterday are going to throw a real wrench into the shopping center and high rise plan. I guess the people found a sucker attorney to take them pro-bono.”

! A lawyer with a conscience. Personally, I don’t trust them. I think they’re all sharks.”

His father
nodded then set his jaw. “We have a good one.”

“I don’t know who the hell you blew to get a hearing so soon
, but I’ll see your ass in court. Better tell your clients to start packing.” Anthony all but shouted into his cell phone then slammed it shut. “Bitch!” He scowled and nodded towards Jack. “You look good, JW.”

His mind brought the image of Abby this morning before he left her place. She’d looked amazing and he’d used every ounce of control not
to ravish her again. “Thanks, I wish I could say the same about you. I take it things didn’t go well?”

, the plaintiff’s attorney is a demonic legal nightmare. She won’t back down and I have no clue whose dick she sucked, but she’s pulled some strings to get a preliminary hearing for Thursday.”

“No, reschedule.
It’s a long weekend, Friday is the holiday, and nothing will be open. We’ll lose days if we have to file or counter anything.” Jack shook his head, this was unacceptable—this project was his pride and joy. “No.”

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