Read Laura's Light Online

Authors: Donna Gallagher

Laura's Light (12 page)

BOOK: Laura's Light
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“Mate, you’ve been making a difference in people’s lives forever. You help out with any and every fundraiser going, bring joy to lots of folks every week through your show. Don’t sell yourself short, Trev. You’re one of the good guys. I’m proud of you, buddy. Good job.”

“Brodes, thanks mate. Fuck, our conversations are getting really, really weird these days. Being married has turned you into a marshmallow, my friend. Toughen up, fella.” Trevor couldn’t hide the emotion in his voice, though, even as he joked to lighten the mood. His mates were solid. Not afraid to let you know how they felt, and the fact they were known as hard, tough men didn’t alter that fact.


Laura left Trevor and went in search of her son. She wanted to let Mitchell know that she would be going back to Trevor’s and staying the night. And though the upcoming conversation made her feel a tiny bit embarrassed, Laura had no doubt that her son would take the information in his stride, and not cause her any anguish because of it. He had been a conspirator in the night after all, fully aware of Trevor’s intentions to rekindle their short relationship. So if Mitchell had qualms, he could have not insisted she attend with him.
Bless his interfering heart
, she thought lovingly as she continued her search.

Laura found Mitchell sitting at a table, deep in conversation with a young woman. Laura had seen the woman—just a girl, really—around. She was the head coach’s daughter, Phillipa Rodgers. The poor girl had been saddled with the unflattering nickname ‘Pipsqueak’. Laura shuddered every time she heard the young girl called by the name, resigned to the fact that men could be so thoughtless when it came to the sensitivities of a young woman.

Mitchell had his back to Laura, but she could tell by her son’s relaxed pose, by the way his arms rested on the table, shoulders loose, and by how he leaned in close to Phillipa, that he was in no need of rescue. In the past, Laura had been forced to intervene to save Mitchell from the grips of fanciful young groupies. Her son had always been relieved when she had. But this time, Laura felt no sense of entrapment or panic from her son. She could see the adoration in Phillipa’s face, though—the girl was facing towards Laura as she approached. Eyes bright, cheeks flushed, Phillipa looked enchanted by whatever Mitchell was saying.

Laura had a brief moment when she thought that maybe she should intervene and remind Mitchell that Phillipa was very young, probably only seventeen—not that it was easy to tell these days, especially when girls dressed up. But Laura pushed the thought aside. Mitchell had proven himself able to act maturely, and he certainly didn’t need advice from his mother on this. Laura was convinced her son would act in a gentlemanly fashion when it came to Phillipa.
The fact she’s the coach’s daughter will seal the deal anyway
, Laura mused.
Not a good career move to upset your coach.

She cleared her throat behind Mitchell’s head. Phillipa quickly looked away from Laura, her cheeks flaming red and a little sound of dismay coming from her lips, but Laura smiled in her direction, drawing back the girl’s attention.

“Evening, Phillipa. Having a nice night?”

The poor girl nearly choked on her response. “Oh, yes, Mrs Harris. A lovely time, thank you.”

“That’s good, dear. Sorry to interrupt, but I’d just like to say goodbye to Mitchell.” Laura turned to her son, who was now leaning back in his chair, his eyes not having left Phillipa’s face throughout the exchange.

“Hey, Ma! What’s up?”

“I’m heading off now, with Trevor,” Laura said, lowering her voice as she mentioned Trevor’s name.
No need to advertise any further
, she thought. “Will you be right to get home by yourself? Have you been drinking?”

“No, Mum, on the lemonade tonight. Wanted to keep my wits about me just in case.” He winked. “It’s all good, Mum. You head off, I’ll catch you some time tomorrow, okay?” he added, taking the need for Laura to explain any further from her hands.

“Thanks, Mitchell.” Laura started to walk away, but couldn’t hold back a final comment, hoping that her son would understand her concerns.

“Hey, Rookie.” Laura used her son’s football nickname to gain his attention, saw him turn his head, a quizzical look on his face at her using the term. “Be good, and if you can’t be good, be careful, son!”

Chapter Seventeen




After making the necessary goodbyes to their friends and Laura’s son, then leaving said friends all smirking in their wake, Trevor finally had Laura to himself. They had made idle chit-chat on the journey back to his home. It wasn’t until they were sitting side by side in his living room that Trevor turned the conversation in a more serious direction. He held Laura’s hands in his as he told her in depth—being completely honest, leaving nothing unsaid—about his illness.

To her credit, Laura sat silently and listened to Trevor’s story. She squeezed his hand on occasion, but mostly she just listened.

“I want us to be together, Laura. More than anything, but you have to understand this doesn’t go away, and while I’m in control and haven’t had a bout for years, it could happen. I’m scared of being a liability in your life. What if being with me turned you into someone like my mother? I shudder at the thought, honey.”

“I understand you have fears about us, Trevor, but you have to remember, so do I. I am forty-two years old and you are thirty-four—that is a huge difference. I have done the family thing. Do you want children, Trevor? Because I’m almost past that stage of my life. Don’t you see? Relationships have difficulties on both sides. We just have to work through them together. If we talk everything through then maybe it won’t be so hard. You haven’t lived through my PMS yet—just ask Mitchell, I can be pretty dark myself. And I’m not making light of your illness, I’m just pointing out that I have my problems too, that you will have to live with.”

“We can do this, Laura, I’m positive. Stop worrying about the age thing—to me you are perfect, and to be honest I never thought about kids. Never really put too much thought into the future. I don’t think I’m father material, anyway.”

“Stop judging yourself so harshly, Trevor. You don’t know what sort of father you would be.”

‘It’s not really something I see myself doing, Laura. I think fatherhood is too much responsibility.”

“Being a parent is that, I can attest to it. It feels so different now, knowing that I don’t have Mitchell to worry about every day. Sometimes when he’s travelling with the Jets, the house seems so empty. It is time I resumed my life—Laura’s life—and I kinda hope you will become a part of that, Trevor.”

“So do I, honey, so do I. Come here, let me kiss you.”

Laura crawled into his lap and Trevor did not waste another moment. He took her mouth with his. Lips on lips, tongue to tongue, they were finally connected again.

Their kiss was all-consuming, hot yet tender at the same time. Their tongues explored and danced as Trevor changed the angle of his mouth to achieve an even greater, deeper access to Laura’s mouth. Their teeth clashed as their passion intensified. Sighs, moans, the slurp of a kiss made up the background serenade to their passion. Trevor could have kissed Laura all night. He loved the taste of her, and the mewling sounds she made drove him wild with need. He stroked the softness of her blonde hair, drifted his hands down the slope of her neck, her shoulders, to rest at her slim waist.

Trevor moved his lips from Laura’s to travel down her neck, nipping and kissing her delicate skin on his journey. She moved her head to the side, granting him easier access. Laura’s eyes were closed, her lashes fanned over her high cheekbones as she arched her back, pressed her body into his. Chest to breast, Trevor could feel her nipples, the hard buds pushing against his skin. He drifted his hands lower to clasp the round globes of her backside—he pumped and kneaded the softness, enjoying the feminine feel of her body. Laura was now kissing his neck, nipping at his ear, her bites sharp and the sting sending even more heat to his already swollen groin. His cock was so hard it was painful, pressed against the zipper of his pants. He needed relief before he caused himself a permanent injury.

“Lift up a little, honey. If I don’t loosen my pants I may be ruined for all time. I’m so fucking hard for you, I feel like my cock will break if I don’t allow it some freedom.”

“Quick, unzip.” Laura chuckled. “I certainly don’t want you disfigured or impaired in any way. I want you hard and raring to go. Make love to me, Trevor. Now.”

“Bossy much, Laura? I was enjoying myself just touching and kissing you. What’s the hurry? We have all night.”

“All I can say is that you obviously aren’t as hot or horny as me. I think I will die if I don’t get some relief…and soon. Please, Trevor.”

Laura was wrong—Trevor was in blissful agony as well. He could not ignore her plea, though. Trevor wanted to ease her need, wanted to give her an orgasm, then he could take his time to slowly build her up to climax again. Trevor figured he could probably last at least three of her orgasms before he would give up the fight and bury himself in Laura’s hot folds.

“Lose the dress, Laura. It’s so pretty—I don’t want to damage it. Plus I need to see you naked in my lap—bare, ready for me.”

Laura removed her dress without argument. She also unhooked her bra, but because she sat straddling him, she had not yet removed her panties. 

“This pretty little thing looks so sexy on you. But I would prefer them off. Are they particular favourites?” he asked.

When Laura looked at him in a confused way, Trevor decided that he didn’t care if they were her favourites—he would buy her more, bagsful if need be. Trevor grabbed the side of the fabric sitting high on Laura’s hip and ripped the seams apart, before doing the same to the fabric on the other hip. Laura gasped, then a little giggling sound escaped her lips. The sound was so melodic it reminded Trevor of the sound of wind-chimes in a summer breeze.

“Oh, that was incredibly hot, you getting all caveman-like and ripping my clothes. I could have stood up, you know.”

“Naw… I liked my way better, honey.” Trevor ended the conversation by attaching his lips to Laura’s left nipple. He gently bit down on the pebbled bud before sucking it into his mouth.

“Yes. Oh, yes, Trevor…”

Trevor continued the attention he was paying Laura’s breasts, while moving his fingers gently up and down the outsides of her slit. He could feel the heat, the moisture that had built in that heavenly place. With his finger, he probed her entry, then pushed in to her, then pulled back out. His finger was wet from her juices—he contemplated, for just a moment, spreading that juice around her clit, but thought better of it. A taste of her—that was what he needed.

He sucked at his own digit, licked all her sweet essence into his mouth. Then he repeated the gesture, this time plunging two fingers deep into and out of her moist cavern before licking them clean. Again and again he plunged, withdrew and sucked. Laura squirmed on his lap. His rod pressed hard against her, the pressure only slightly relieved by the opening of his pants. He needed to get naked as well, but he wanted to make Laura fall apart, scream his name as he brought her to release. But he also wanted to suck her sweet pussy dry, quench the never-ending thirst he had for her juices.

“Decisions, decisions,” he moaned.

“Mmm… Did you say something?” Laura hummed in his ear.

“Just deciding what I want to do to you first—whether to get naked with you, or just eat your pussy first. I can’t make up my mind. It all seems so good.”

“Get naked, Trevor. Let me feel the warmth of your skin against mine.”

“Are you cold, honey? I didn’t even think…”

“No, not cold—burning, melting for you. Definitely not cold, but I still want to feel your skin against mine. Flesh to flesh, no barrier between us.”

Trevor decided that Laura was right—no barriers between them sounded good—but he had to move her so he could achieve that goal. As he gently lifted her smaller frame from his lap, ready to place her next to him on the couch Laura began to struggle. Worried that he was hurting her, Trevor let her go, let her move herself, only to discover that she had a plan of her own. Laura slid between his thighs kneeling on the carpet. The grin she gave him sent lightning bolts of pleasure through his system. Trevor remembered that look—that wicked, wonderful look. And so did his cock.


“Here, let me help you undress. I promise I’ll be extra careful!” Laura giggled as she teased Trevor, purposely brushing her hand over the hardness in the front of his pants, then cupping him gently. “Hmmm, you feel kinda worked up again. Isn’t that how you described it last time? When you cautioned me on the zipper thing.”

“Oh, hon, I’m past worked up—I’m about to explode.” Trevor gritted out.

“Maybe I can do something to help, then,” Laura purred.

She leant forward so as to reach the opening of his pants. With one hand, she carefully lowered the zipper completely—it had already been at half mast from when he had unbuttoned earlier to give himself more room, but now he was completely open. Laura grasped the waistband of Trevor’s pants.


As he did, she pulled them down past his hips, repeating the motion with his boxers. Once freed, Trevor’s shaft stood tall, rigid. As if it were beckoning her, she could not refuse its call. She ran her tongue around the circumference of his erect penis, the mushroom-like head, the joining of his skin. She laved and licked, explored every bulbous vein, every satiny bit of skin that covered his impressive form. Laura loved the taste of him, the slightly salty, musky maleness. She lapped at the pre-cum that formed at the eye before swallowing his erection down into her throat, loving the moans and grunts Trevor was making.

When he took hold of the sides of her head and drew her away, she didn’t fight him. It was time he buried that hard cock—that part of him that differentiated his maleness from her femininity—inside her dripping wet and throbbing pussy, where it belonged. “I need you, Laura, need to bury myself in you, want to come inside you.”

BOOK: Laura's Light
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