L'amore: The Luminara Series (13 page)

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Authors: SJ Molloy

Tags: #The Luminara Series - Book 2

BOOK: L'amore: The Luminara Series
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“Thank you, Rafaello. That would be lovely, and thank you for your kind words. I hope to make Lucca very happy. He has such a wonderful family.”

Armando smiles widely. “So this is the beautiful girl who is finally going to make an honest man of my brother, and not before time I may add. You must be very special, Lexi. I hear he is head over heels in love with you. It is about bloody time he settled down.” He pats Lucca on the shoulder, giving him a wicked grin, then leans over to double cheek kiss me.

Mortified, I blush then form an unsure smile while Lucca scolds him.

“Right, Armando. Point made very well, but you are embarrassing Lexi. You need to tame that bloody tongue. Armando and Anna could have been separated at birth; they both do not know when to shut up, and they both fight like cats and dogs,” Lucca informs me with sarcasm in his voice.

“Where is the little ray of sunshine anyway?” Armando enquires.

“I have no idea. Off gallivanting somewhere. You know how elusive she is.”

Jumping out of my skin, I feel two hands snake around my waist and a high-pitched squeal ringing in my ears. Turning around, Anna throws her arms around my neck.

“Um, lovely to see you, Anna. We were just talking about you.”

“Anna, for fuck’s sake, quit that squealing. It is fucking annoying, and you are too bloody loud.” Lucca shakes his head as Armando laughs with nothing but adoration in his eyes for his little sister.

“No show without punch, sis,” Armando smirks, raising his brow.

“Ah there are my favourite three Ragazzi e ragazze in the world, and Rafaello, you get more handsome every time I see you, but do not tell Nonno I said that,” Anna adds.

I glimpse at Lucca and he shrugs his shoulders. Anna is so like Marissa in personality sometimes, it’s uncanny.

“Anna bella, come and give an old man a kiss. You are your mamma’s image, do you know that? I am glad to see you are keeping the boys on their toes,” Rafaello says before Anna double cheek kisses him and throws her arms around him to embrace him fondly.

“Okay, I need to get back to work. You youngsters enjoy your evening. Anything you need, we will see to it. Lucca, your guests are upstairs in the private dining area. If I get a chance, I will join you later.” After patting Lucca’s back and kissing me and Anna, he walks off towards the back of the restaurant.

Armando guides us upstairs. I keep a grip on Lucca’s hand and Anna follows, jibing Armando about not returning her phone calls. Reaching the top, we’re shown into a separate room which is occupied already with Lucca’s work colleagues.

The men stand when they see us entering. Anna squawks in delight and throws her arms around a very beautiful young blonde girl whom I assume is Kimberley, the assistant.

Hmmm, not sure how I feel about this. She’s very pretty and sexy. It unnerves me, I think.

“Lexi, this is one of my very best friends in the world, Kimberley Franks. I did not know you were coming tonight.” Anna gestures towards her. Kimberley: petite, slim, pure blonde, very attractive, and dressed to impress. She shakes my hand rather coldly and gives me a half-hearted smile. Her taciturnity isn’t lost on me.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you finally. Anna has told me some very wonderful things about you,” she forces through a croaked voice.

Fake. I wish I could say the same, but I don’t know anything about her other than she’s assists Suzanne, Lucca’s PA.

“Thank you, Kimberley. It’s a pleasure. So how do you girls know each other?” I ask with uncertainty while I watch Kimberley burn Lucca with a smouldering look. I’ve got her sussed out after only a few seconds—she is protective of Lucca and aloof towards me.

He’s not hers to protect. Why is she being so hostile?


Anna fills me in briefly that they went to university together and became very close friends.

Noted and filed. I must quiz Lucca about Kimberley. I wonder if he employed her because of a loyalty towards Anna, or because he was fucking her.

Closing the space, she turns towards Lucca and kisses him on the side of his lips, holding just a little too long for my liking. Lucca clears his throat and steps back, trying to maintain professionalism.


File F for flirting. Flirting with the boss will need to stop.

After Kimberley sits, the rest of the table walks around to meet and congratulate us.

Overwhelmed, I try to remember everyone’s names and take everything in during the bustling chaotic introductions. I didn’t get the chance to meet them when Lucca and I were at his office; they were in a meeting. Suzanne Myers, Lucca’s personal assistant, is very warm towards me.

On first impression, Suzanne is sophisticated, smart, and obviously a very clever woman. She wears her caramel blonde-brown hair to her shoulders … straight and tidy. A straight, dark grey tailored dress and fitted suit jacket looks as though it could be her business attire and flatters her hourglass shaped figure. Height wise … I tower above her, but then I am wearing high heeled shoes. The navy blue spectacles she wears accentuates her dark blue eyes and I notice she has freckles, a ruddy complexion, and doesn’t wear a lot of makeup. There’s something very pretty about her because she looks honest and natural. At her greeting, I notice she has a northern rasp to her accent, very similar to my mother’s actually.

Suzanne shakes Lucca’s hand to welcome him and then my own. I instantly like her, preferring her use of social skills.


She maintains professionalism and decorum, unlike Kimberley’s flirtatious ways. I think Suzanne may be in her late forties, and I can’t put my finger on it, but she reminds me of someone. I must ask Lucca about later.

She smiles at me for a long time, it’s not intimidating, it’s sincere and genteel because there is a kindness and warmth in her eyes. They are filled with compassion and almost appear motherly. It’s weird; it’s as if she understands that I’m broken. And for a moment, I think she wants to say something but hesitates.

“Suzanne, thank you for all the arrangements you’ve made for us. We really appreciate it,” I say with sincerity because she has been exceptionally helpful and has worked hard fulfilling all Lucca’s requests. I know there must be more important responsibilities to her job than making reservations. If anything, she probably delegates them to Kimberley. That thought makes me shiver. I don’t like that Kimberley might know personal details about Lucca and me.

“Of course, you’re very welcome. No problem at all, I’m happy to help.” She smiles and places her spectacles on her head. I’m fascinated because her smile and mannerisms seem quite familiar.

Andy Johnston, his project manager, is first to make pleasantries. Andy is a slightly older man with a round face, bald head, and a well-proportioned body. His scent is distinctive—musky. He appears quiet and seems like a private person.

Lyle Graham is next in line. He has fiery-red, wavy hair, a reddish tinge to his complexion, and some rough stubble around his jaw. He wears spectacles which compliment his look. Lyle is Lucca’s head of contractors and has worked for him for a long time. He has a large team working on various projects Lucca is developing.

“Miss Robertson, welcome. It’s an honour to meet you.” He kisses my hand, and I’m intrigued with his debonair English accent.

The next two gentlemen have clear hunger in their eyes as they rake over my body making me a little uneasy. They have both been burning me with their heated gaze since we entered the room.

Greedy-eyes introduces himself as Chris McCarron, Lucca’s accountant. He has big blue eyes, shaggy blond hair, and is probably the same age as Lucca. He places his hand around my back, holding his hand just over the dimples at the top of my ass, and kisses me.

“Holy shit, you really are beautiful. Lucca is a lucky man. I hope he has you insured because he needs to protect his assets,” he says assertively.

I’m sure it’s meant as a compliment, but he’s far too close for me, and I start to squirm. Lucca looks irate. He growls under his breath as he places his hand on Chris’s upper arm to release his embrace.

“Too close, mate.”

Chris immediately releases me then mumbles something as he sits down next to Lyle and Andy leaving the last and equally as lascivious man to introduce himself.

Wanting-eyes is Omari Farid, Lucca’s solicitor. He strides over to me looking devilishly handsome and intrigued. He is also very attractive with dark, smooth skin, striking features, and a very good physique, evident by the way his black fitted shirt clings to his every muscle.

My heart starts racing when he approaches me. He’s affecting me, and I’m sure it’s his Australian accent provoking unsettling memories. He places his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek before whispering into my ear, “Hey, if you ever get tired of that persistent fucker Lucca, I’ll be waiting.” He pulls away chuckling before Lucca can object.

He has rendered me speechless. I know these are Lucca’s friends and they enjoy friendly banter, but I’m a little surprised with how relaxed and informal they are.

“Baby, go sit next to Suzanne. I will be back in a minute,” Lucca suggests to me softly, then turns around, flicking his suit jacket back as his hands enter his trouser pockets.

He is serious.

“Omari, Chris, got a minute?” There is no real question—he’s demanding their time. They both follow him out of the private dining area.

“What was that all about?” Anna asks.

“I don’t know.” Although my suspicion is that Lucca is setting them both straight for flirting with me.

Suzanne shakes her head. “Those boys … sometimes they don’t know how to behave and when to grow up. They need to settle down and invest all their hard earned money into a family instead of this single, adventurous lifestyle they’re accustomed to. They need to take a leaf out of Lucca’s book. I don’t know how those two get through their business. But Lucca trusts them implicitly and they are very clever boys. They are comfortable around Lucca, and perhaps it’s too forward for meeting you for the first time. I can see how it would be overwhelming,” Suzanne comments about Chris and Omari.

Anna laughs at Suzanne’s explanation while Kimberley chokes so hard Anna has to pat her back. I feel Kimberley’s eyes scrutinize my every move. I can barely bring myself to strike up conversation, and I must appear very rude. I suddenly wish this night would end very quickly. Marco has joined us, and I am glad of the distraction.

It’s extremely intense.

Andy, Lyle, Suzanne, Marco, and I chat while Anna and Kimberley catch up.

Lucca, Chris, and Omari return. Lucca walks around the table, takes his suit jacket off, and hangs it over the back of the chair. He sits down next to me, wrapping one arm around my shoulders as the other clasps my left hand. He rubs his thumb over the large blue diamond of my engagement ring, and I wonder if this is to remind the boys that I belong to him. Maybe it would be nice for Lucca to wear a ring from me marking our relationship, so all those women know he’s taken.

Hmmm …

Kimberley drops her face towards the table when she notices Lucca’s intimacy with me. She stares at my ring then excuses herself to use the restrooms. Anna follows her. They return just as the bottles of wine are being delivered to the table. Kimberley’s eyes are red and wet—she has been crying.


File P for predicament. Predicament to be in even before we have wine.

“Are you okay?” Lucca whispers in my ear, sensing I’m tense. His hot breath warms my neck, causing sweet flutters in my core because of his compassion and protection.

I relax, lowering my shoulders, and turn around to face him. “Yes, I’m fine. I love you,” I whisper back, suddenly feeling very possessive of him in this moment. Embarrassed by my confession in such a public place, I drop my chin, but he automatically lifts it, leaning over to kiss me softly on my lips. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

“You got it bad, mate,” Omari says. Chris chuckles and Lucca scoffs at the two of them.

“Can you two give it a rest? Honestly, you cannot even stop touching each other at dinner,” Anna blurts out, drawing attention to us.

Kimberley looks green and I’m sure I’m flaming red.

I straighten up to look at the menu once Lucca has removed his lips in his own time, ignoring Anna’s remark.

After a beautiful meal of antipasto, breads, oils, Carpaccio, scallops, mushroom risotto, and a generous amount of Pinot Grigio wine, we are all more than satisfied. The conversations are in full swing, and I feel more relaxed. Kimberley has loosened up, but she glances every now and then towards Lucca and continually seeks approval. This is really irritating me, even more than Omari with his wanting eyes, absolutely intrigued with Lucca and I. Maybe Omari is just protecting his mate the same way my girls are with me because our relationship has progressed very quickly.

I excuse myself to use the bathroom, and when I stand, all the men stand with me. “Please, sit down. Thank you, but there is no need to stand,” I nervously direct towards the table.

Suzanne smiles and the remaining company nod. Lucca brushes his fingers across my wrist before I walk off.

As I’m applying some gloss, the restroom door opens, and Kimberley joins me. Reluctantly, I break the ice. “Did you enjoy your meal?” I ask her.

She stares at me before answering, “Yes, and you?”

“Very much, thank you. How long have you been working for Lucca?”

“Long enough to have history,” she replies dryly.


This is not going well. I hate history; it always has a way of biting you on the ass.

“Kimberley, I’m not sure what’s going on here, and I’m embarrassed to bring it up, but I can’t help notice you’re uneasy and a little off with me. Have I done something wrong?” I ask with tightness in my throat.

“Nope.” She brusquely passes by me to enter a cubicle. I shake my head and leave. She’s not worth the effort, but she has definitely rattled my cage this evening.

Walking back to the table, I sit down next to Lucca. He moves to wrap his arm around me, but I face the other direction to speak directly to Suzanne. I’m angry and worried about Kimberley’s attitude, and I just don’t know what to make of it.

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