Laird of the Game (27 page)

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Authors: Lori Leigh

BOOK: Laird of the Game
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Chapter Twenty-Eight


The ceremony began, and Alex stepped forward to announce William, his successor. “Many of ye already know I resigned my office and named my youngest brother, William, as Laird until a winner could be announced today.”

There was a lot of cheering, and William raised a mug of ale. “I was the Laird for a day.”

“We still don’t have the final scores for the game,” Alex announced. There was a heated debate going on at the Judge’s table, and the warriors waited with anxiety as the final points were tallied.

Evan and Prince George were called to the Judge’s table to review the points.

Alex joined Gideon and Melissa while they waited for the outcome.

“It’s too close to call,” Gideon said quietly.

The tension was thick in the air. You could hear a child cough from the hill it was so quiet. The argument was raging, and Evan was meticulous with his notes.

“What’s wrong?” Melissa was worried.

“I didn’t fight verra much this year,” Alex said softly. He knew the warriors were waiting for the outcome. There was so much at stake.

“Aye, and it’s a good thing ye have such a verra courageous wumman tae protect ye,” Iain grinned.

Gideon snapped his fingers, as if he had just remembered something important, and ran over to speak to Evan. From what they could see, Evan brought out his journal, and they entered the information. Gideon and Evan were satisfied and stood talking to George for a few minutes before returning.

Gideon stood beside Melissa and introduced Rosabel.  The Malaysian woman held out her hand and greeted Melissa with a smile. “I have written so much about you already it is nice to meet you at last. I hope you won’t hold the comments against me? I have readers to please, and they love the hot gossip about the MacKennas.”

Melissa could tell what attracted Gideon. Her exotic beauty and long, straight black hair and ruby lipstick could make any man crumble to his knees. Rosabel’s eyes were dark and a sparkle indicated there was much more going on than Gideon was willing to tell.

“I am delighted to meet you, Rosabel.” Melissa could see Gideon slowly exhale.

Gideon smiled at Melissa and nodded in an unspoken understanding that he would explain the odd comments at a later time. He had troubled over their meeting for some time, knowing Melissa may eventually read what Rosabel had written about her.

Amber and the MacKennas’ grandfather were in a heated debate about international politics at the punch bowl, and for a brief moment, Melissa worried if Sean could withstand Amber’s fierce temper.

Sarah was busy getting the entire day on film and being introduced to so many warriors she couldn’t keep track.

Alexander was called to the judge’s table and given the envelope to announce the winners.

The party hushed as hundreds of warriors waited for the announcement.

“Alex has won eighteen years in a row. The winner accepts the responsibility of Laird of the Game,” Gideon explained.

Alex swaggered across the stage, comfortable in his role as Laird for so many years. “We do have some verra important business before the winners are announced. Where is VixenBlade?” he asked the crowd.

“Where’s Robert?” One warrior called out from the crowd, and Alex smiled. It was obvious they were a hot item. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

Cynthia ran up to the stage and handed a microphone to Alex so every one of the twenty-five hundred guests would hear him.

Agotha walked on the stage, and Alex took her hand. “May I introduce the lovely VixenBlade. Agotha trains the warriors’ Florentine style fighting with scimitar swords. She is ruthless, relentless, and will kick your arse if ye don’t defend yourself.”

There was a lot of whistling and cheering as Agotha walked across the stage. She looked beautiful in a long black silk evening gown with spaghetti straps across her back and a deep plunging vee neckline that was held in place by a criss-cross row of rubies on her chest. No one would ever guess they had seen her sweaty and dirty from fighting and her hair in a ponytail instead of the delicate

Agotha was asked to say a few words to the warriors, and she walked to the edge of the stage. “Next year,” she began in earnest. “I won’t be so nice tae ye. I’m going tae kick your arse, ye miserable excuses for warriors. Don’t think for a minute ye get tae rest on your bums. We will work even harder!”

Robert walked on stage with them. He had already warned Alex about his plans, so Alex stepped back.

Robert took her hand in his. “Marry me.”

Agotha looked at him in shock. “Are ye out of yer blithering mind, Robert? We’re in front of a crowd!”

He ignored the comment. “Marry me, my sweet Agotha.”

,” she said and pushed him back hard. “Ye’ve been out in the sun too long.”

“I’m crazy about ye, luv, and I’m not giving up till ye say yes.”

“Robert ye’ve gone daft,” she proclaimed.

“I am, lass, crazy in love with ye. Marry me and put me out of my misery.”

“All right!” she yelled the words, and Robert stood to kiss her soundly on her ruby lips.

Agotha handed the microphone back to Alex.  She said quietly so that only he could hear her. “Next year I will be in the battle, or ye can find a new trainer.” She walked off the stage with Robert, and they got a rousing cheer from the warriors.

 “We have another person tae thank for our success,” Alex continued. “Where is Rebel?”

Daniel and Rebecca were walking toward the stage when Alex made the announcement.

Rebecca wore a beautiful evening gown of long blue silk that had a lace overlay that touched the tops of her high heels. With a shawl over her arms and her red hair in long ringlets, she was a stunning sight to behold and received lots of whistles and cheers from the warriors.

Alex handed her the microphone, and she turned to address the warriors. “Next year, ye will beg for mercy,” she said with conviction, “because I will be here tae kick your arse every day.” She handed the microphone back to Alex and glared at him.

“Weel then, we have a change in the program for next year. It seems our most beautiful and prominent trainers will be joining us for the game.”

The reactions ranged from stunned to cheers. Eventually the cheers overwhelmed the groans. Agotha and Rebecca had earned the right to fight in the game.

“Are they going tae strip nekked and jump into the Lock with us?” One warrior yelled.

“We can only pray,” William yelled back.

“At least we’ll know where tae find Robert,” another warrior shouted.

“Yeah, in the hospital after Agotha gets through with him,” another responded, and whoops of laughter echoed through the crowd.

The winners were announced starting with third place. Evan and Iain jointly won that award for outstanding battle tactics, and together swaggered forward to claim the statue of a bronze warrior.

George and his brother, Richard, moved to the side of the stage in preparation for the announcement of George’s retirement and replacement.

“Ye canna be serious!” Rebecca whispered to Cheri, but the anger in her voice was unmistakable. “Richard is a Sassenach! He is the enemy. Ye canna do this tae me, Cheri. You’re my best friend in the world!”

Cheri was determined to meet the new Prince. “He is absolutely beautiful,” she whispered back to Rebecca. “Why would I care if he’s English? I’m from New York, and it doesn’t matter to me where he comes from.”

“How can ye say ye’re my friend and then run off with—him?”

“You are holding an ancient grudge,” Cheri said, and rolled her eyes. “This is the twenty-first century not ancient Scotland. He’s tall and handsome.”

“He’s blonde and English!” Rebecca felt the sting of betrayal. “How could ye not honor my wishes?”

Cheri had already decided she was going to meet Richard after the introduction. Rebecca wouldn’t understand her interest in Richard, but no matter what it took, she was going to meet him.

“Second place goes to Prince George for extraordinary battle tactics,” Alex announced.

George accepted the award and bowed. Alex handed him the microphone, and George made his announcement.

“This is the last year I will be Prince of the Game. I have many fond memories over the past twenty years to take with me into retirement. My lovely, Niki, and I thank you for the years of loyalty and support. My brother, Richard, will now take my place.”

Richard waved from the crowd in response.

Alex put his arms behind his back and stood with his feet braced apart. They waited for the final envelope to announce the winner of the game. He winked at Melissa. The judges brought him the envelope, and Alex tore it open. The astonishment on his face was evident to the crowd.

“The winner and Laird of the Game—is William MacKenna! The Laird’s team wins again this year!”

William accepted his award and the responsibility. There was a great deal of cheers as Alex stepped aside, and William stepped forward.

Alex bounded off the stage and wrapped Melissa in his arms! “You did it, lass! I didn’t fight—but you did!”

“What are you talking about, Alex?” Melissa was equally astonished. “I didn’t fight.”

“Yes, you did,” Evan and Gideon corrected her. “That night when you and Iain went frolicking around the countryside, you held a sword in your own hand, and you landed the blow that saved Iain from capture. The score was tied between the Laird’s warriors and the Prince’s army. Since you were listed as a warrior, you claimed the winning fifty points for the team! William had the highest-ranking points and won the Lairdship, but it’s the Clan that wins the money! You just won £10,000 pounds for every member of the Clan!”

The warriors went mad with excitement and cheered their Angel! She had brought them to victory after all.

Alex took Melissa in his arms and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I love you.”

They were first in line to swear their fealty to their new Laird of the Game. Alex explained the custom, and she was enchanted. Alex told William he was proud of him, and Melissa kissed his cheek with tears in her eyes as she congratulated him.

William strolled through the crowd with his arms clasped behind his back. The swagger was every bit a MacKenna, Melissa thought.

The ceremony concluded, and the dance began. There were so many people packed into the area that Melissa hadn’t seen her sisters for an hour.

Alex took Melissa outside to the garden. “Now I have all the time in the world.” He captured her small hand and kissed her fingers. The ring slipped on her finger and fit perfectly. “There.” He said. “You are properly engaged.”

The diamond was stunning. She looked at the ring and gasped, “Alex! We could buy an entire house with that ring. Might I remind you that you that we are both unemployed at the moment.”

He smiled. “Don’t worry, love. We can afford it. I wanted tae give ye that ring last night but ye fell asleep on me.”

“Oh Alex, I’m so happy.” She kissed him soundly.

The warriors were all in high spirits. It was hysterical to see them get down and funky to sing about William’s first defeat.

“He was in the right place, must have been the wrong time.”
William took the jest with a good-natured shrug.

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