Laird of the Game (23 page)

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Authors: Lori Leigh

BOOK: Laird of the Game
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He hauled her back into the house and took her to the Drawing Room. Cynthia had been awakened by a screaming woman and walked into the room. Gideon asked her to make some tea.

“Why won’t you go after him?” Melissa screamed hysterically at Gideon. She was alternately furious with all of them for disappearing just when she needed them all the most and their cavalier attitudes about the capture.

“Where are the warriors? I’ll go myself if you won’t help me!” Melissa pounded on Gideon’s chest, trying to rouse him to save Alex. “Find them Gideon. Get him back. Please? I want him back! Don’t let them hurt him!” Her last cry was barely as whisper as pins and needles prinked her eyelids, and breathing became labored and shallow.

With a final sob, Melissa fainted.

Gideon sat down on the couch next to her. She was flushed, and dark circles were etched against her ivory complexion. Cynthia brought in the tea and left to calm the staff that had also been awakened.

“I need a brandy,” Gideon growled and poured a glass full. He gulped the fiery amber liquid and let out a long sigh.

Alex had met Cynthia in the kitchen when the catering staff arrived earlier that day and had told her all about the lovely woman that had stumbled into the game. At the moment, Gideon would throttle Alex for scaring Melissa.

He covered her still form on the divan with a tartan blanket. Gideon also took out his medical bag and his stethoscope found her strong, rapid heartbeat which relieved him.

He met Cynthia in the hallway and told her the plans for the day. She cried with joy. “Will your aunt, uncle, and grandfather also be here for the wedding?”

“They are arriving shortly,” he answered. “It’s going tae be one hell of a day, Cynthia.” Gideon followed her into the kitchen. Since the staff was wide-awake, she put them to work preparing for the festivities.

“That’s an understatement! I wouldn’t miss this party, and I will take care of everything.”

“I love ye, darlin’.” Gideon gave her a kiss on her lips, and Cynthia shoved him back, laughing.

“You MacKenna boys are going to drive me crazy with your
. Get out of my kitchen!”



Chapter Twenty-Three


The game of the season is nail-biting close with counter-measures taken on both sides. The Prince is ahead by over 100 points. The race is on to the finish, but who will be the Laird at the end of the game?

On the Streets, with Rosabel


Gideon had time to check in with his office before they rode out to meet William. Daniel’s computer booted quickly. He logged in to get his email and sat back to read through the information sent from his office.

Gideon couldn’t help breaking out in laughter. He logged off his email just as Daniel walked into the Drawing Room.

Daniel had returned to the house and kissed Cynthia on his way through to the Drawing Room so he could also check his email and waited for the courier to arrive. His cell phone beeped as he walked into the Drawing Room, and his courier arrived via helicopter. Daniel let out a long sigh of relief.

An hour later, Gideon went back to the parlor and woke Melissa, telling her to be dressed and ready to ride out with him in ten minutes. She ran up the stairs and said she would be ready on time. Her cheeks were still pale, but he hoped with something to eat and some fresh air, she would feel better.

The horses were waiting outside, and Gideon had a portable breakfast ready to go for her. Daniel had to stay at the house to finish up some business so he would miss the final battle.

Melissa was eager to see that Alex was unharmed. Now that they knew she could ride a horse on her own, she was given her own horse and saddle. Gideon set a slow pace so she could eat something, but when she finished, he urged them on at a gallop. They rode for nearly ten minutes before Gideon finally slowed the horses down to cool them off. He kept them near the trees and their approach was signaled to William.

Melissa rode beside Gideon through a stand of trees.

“This is where we stop,” Gideon explained.

They had a clear view of the valley below, and she noted the Prince and his men were circled around Alex. Alex was bound to a pole in the center of the clearing. Ropes tied his hands together and held him to a ring on the post. He looked relaxed and unharmed. Melissa was grateful. She wasn’t sure what she would do if something had happened to him. For the moment, she had to wait out the battle.

“Oh, my God!” Melissa exclaimed. “That’s the Prince?” It was the same guy who had visited with her at the Kirk. “I had no idea. When he said he was your cousin, I thought he was fighting with you, not against you. He’s a very handsome man.”

Gideon smiled. “George is well liked by the ladies.” He should know. They had partied together on countless occasions, and George never went home alone.

William had all the pieces in place. Iain and Evan had thought of every detail, and it was now just a matter of timing. They had waited for Gideon to arrive and noticed he was safely tucked into the tree line while Melissa waited on horseback. William signaled to Alex, informing him that Gideon had arrived.

The Prince stood in front of Alex, and the warriors quieted down. “So I have captured the Laird at last. The game is finally won, and I will be the Laird. We have already called London and informed the Bookies of my victory this year. The upset will cost you millions.”

“Not exactly,” Alex commented. “Your challenge was victory if you captured the Laird. I’m not the Laird. I resigned last night. Daniel filed the papers in London this morning, and William was named my successor.” Alex gave the signal. He didn’t want to drag this out a moment longer. Melissa was frantic when he left her, and he was worried about her.

Prince George
and his army were completely surrounded. They made the mistake of thinking only of their victory, and that left them vulnerable. Iain and Evan were right when they had predicted every turn of events.

William rode at the head of his army and closed the circle around the Prince. William had learned to draw from the strength of his warriors, and they respected his command.

William no longer needed protection, Alex thought. He had stepped into the role of Laird, and Alex felt a wave of gratitude for his youngest brother. Alex was free.

William rode up to the Prince, flanked by Iain and Evan. “You are surrounded, George. Admit defeat.”

The Prince drew his sword. “I will not accept defeat, and I challenge the Laird for the title.”

William expected he would and drew his sword. It was the sword Alex had given him, the one his ancestor had carried. And William held it with pride, nodding to Alex before taking his position.

Evan rode up and cut the rope holding Alex to the pole.

The battle between William and George began with a clang of swords. Alex kept his distance and waited for the outcome. He watched every move his brother made and silently praised his skill. William was younger, faster, and stronger than George.

William attacked with a fury to keep his opponent on the defense. He landed shattering blows that reverberated in the air around them. He pushed the Prince back until George was panting and finally went down on one knee.

William’s army roared their approval.

Evan pulled Alex up behind him and rode to where Gideon and Melissa waited.

William would be remembered for this day for a long time to come. He was hardly winded, and George was panting heavily.

Melissa got down off her horse and waited for Alex. Gideon joined the warriors, and Evan brought Alex to her. Evan left them alone and joined the army. It was an important moment for William and the Bard in Evan didn’t want to miss a thing.

Alex took her into his arms and breathed a sigh of relief. He inhaled the scent of her, and his fears calmed. The day wasn’t over yet, his mind warned. Alex could feel her tremble.

Melissa’s eyes told him how grateful she was that he wasn’t harmed. “Gideon told me that you resigned, and William is now the Laird.” She could feel him tense up, and she smiled. “I was terrified you were going to be hurt. I can’t believe you gave up fighting for me.”

His mouth curled in a smile. “William will take over all of my duties. I am proud of him. He will make a formidable Laird, and I will be here tae support him.”

Alex bent down to kiss her. The feel of her warm lips against his left him breathless. He tasted and caressed her lovely mouth until he heard her moan softly. Her gaze for him today was brilliant blue-violet, and he couldn’t look away.

Melissa loved the way he looked at her. There was always a sparkle of mischief in his soft jade eyes that she knew was just barely under control. He flirted shamelessly with his gaze focused on her.

That quirky smile of his sent her pulse into hyper-drive. Her cheeks had to be hot pink by now, and she felt like she was glowing from head to toe. Her arms were around his neck. She needed to touch him and kiss him again.

“I know ye want me. But ye can’t have me yet.” Melissa teased.

Alex laughed.

“You need to get out there and help William.” She pulled back from his embrace.

Alex looked at her with shock. “I thought ye didn’t want me tae fight?”

“Not when I thought someone would kill you every day. That was horrible to live with that worry. Now get out there and help William send the Prince back to England with a complete victory.”

He hesitated, unable to move; he couldn’t believe she wanted him to fight.

Melissa gave him a smile. “I know you want to get out there and jump into that battle. I’ll bet it’s taking every ounce of your self-control to stay here with me while men are hacking away at each other just behind you.” She handed him the reins to her horse. “Here take this one. Just don’t forget where you left me.”

His smile almost made her weep with joy. It showed in his flash of white teeth and the light that came into his eyes. She sensed that Alex was no longer in mortal danger and wanted him to help support William. She could tell by the look in his eyes he didn’t want to miss the battle.

Alex leaned down and kissed her quick. “I love ye, darlin’.”

Alex found a scimitar sword already tied to her saddle. He drew the sword out and turned to enter the battle. No longer their Laird, he was going to have fun for the first time in eighteen years.

The battle had already begun with William and the Prince at the heart of it. Surrounding them Gideon, Robert, Evan, and Iain, held defensive positions around their Laird, protecting his flanks while William battled the Prince. Alex soon joined them, and the roar of approval from the warriors became deafening. Together, as brothers, they quickly turned the battle back on the Prince and had him surrounded. The Prince threw his sword aside and lunged at William.

William sidestepped George and knocked him to the ground. “Ye’re getting slow, old man.”

The Prince knocked William down with a boot to his mid section. Alex reached down and pulled William up with one hand while defending a blow from a warrior with the other. William spun and dropped the Prince with one kick to his gut, and George went down one last time.

William had a sword at his throat when the Prince looked up. “Admit your defeat, Prince George.”

The warriors all raised their swords, and their war cry became their roar of victory. They were warriors and had survived the game one more year.

The army descended upon Melissa with William, the conquering hero, at their lead. William’s smile was glorious. He had defeated the Prince and had proven to himself and everyone present, that he was a warrior worthy to lead their army.

Alex pulled Melissa up behind him for the ride back to the Manor House. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laughed with them as they told of William’s victory. It was a man’s world, and she shook her head in wonder. They all seemed so pleased at the outcome.

Alex, Gideon, Iain, Evan, and Robert rode behind William, their new champion. The warriors rode circles around them, shrieking and screaming in victory.

They had won! Now, the final scores would be tallied, and their new Laird would be announced. Since Alex hadn’t participated in many of the battles, they knew someone else held the high score. There were several other possible candidates, including one of the twins who might have won.

They laughed and enjoyed their victory all the way back to the house. Melissa was delighted that Alex was unharmed, and William was now their hero.

Alex helped Melissa down and took a moment to give William a hug.

William looked stunned at the affection. “Ye’ve been my hero and the only father I’ve ever known, Alex. Thank ye for kicking me in the arse and forcing me tae sober up.”

Alex shoved him hard. “It’s hard tae think of ye as my little brother. When they handed ye tae me, a newborn child, hell, I didn’t know how tae change a nappy. I’m very proud of ye today.”

Gideon stabled his horse and put William in a headlock on their way back to the house. “Don’t think for a moment that ye can order us around, little brother.”

William slipped out of the headlock and punched Gideon. “Damned right I can. And you will obey me, or I’ll have ye mucking out the stables for disobedience.”

Gideon rubbed his jaw. “Stables?”


Amber and Sarah arrived at the Manor House and demanded to speak to Alexander G. MacKenna. They were escorted into the Drawing Room and told to have a seat and wait. They had a copy of every tabloid they could find that depicted their sister naked in the arms of that barbarian.

“I can’t believe Melissa would be involved with a bunch of huge hairy men who run around in skirts and probably ripped the leg off a cow to eat for breakfast,” Amber said frostily.

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