Lady Brittany's Love (6 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Downs

BOOK: Lady Brittany's Love
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Chapter Eleven



“Now you understand the importance of this particular copy. On a different topic, my feelings for your daughter are real, which is more of a surprise to me than you, I suspect,” Samuel explained, then he heard the office door open. With a glance over his shoulder he saw a terrified John standing in the doorway.

“Yes, John?” Eli said.

“Lord Samuel, Lady Brittany said she’d meet with you in the library. I don’t believe she’ll wait very long as she seems overwrought about something,” the butler stated.

“Thank you.” Then returned his gaze to Eli, “Bemming, with your permission, I’ll withdraw and lay my attention to Lady Brittany.”

“Brockworth, I look forward to hearing what happens with this meeting,” Eli said with a sly grin.

Samuel knew things would be interesting since he’d pointedly mentioned what he’d planned. Not completely familiar with one particular aspect of courting a lady he’d sought out advice from Eli and had selected a necklace for Brittany. Wanting to keep the gift a bit of a secret until he presented it, he’d not said any more. He looked forward to seeing her reaction first which would happen very soon, that thought made him slightly nervous.

Mentally squaring his shoulders he strolled from his host’s office and downstairs to the library.

Stepping in he saw the object of his affection already thumbing through the book and jotting down a few notes. What he found interesting Aggie, not the countess, would be their chaperone.

“Good afternoon, m’ lady,” he said, announcing his presence then nodded to her lady’s maid.

“M’ lord, I hope you don’t mind, but I started in trying to decipher the handwritten notes,” she uttered.

“Not at all. Have you been able to make any sense of them?” he asked, taking the seat beside her, then gently brushed his hand over hers. Again, he could feel the same warm tingle at the tips of his fingers as he’d previously experienced.

Studying her face he could tell she had the same emotional reaction to his touch, one of pleasant contentment.

“No, I haven’t which continues to puzzle me. I thought of suggesting we look at them from another direction. We both agree many of the comments are in the section devoted to Nigeria. What if we compare them to a map of the area? That way we might find a pattern thus the key to solving the mystery,” Brittany declared.

“Lady Brittany, I do believe you might be on to something with that tact. If you’ll show me where the map section is I’ll hunt down the one we require.”

“Thank you for the kind offer, but as they will be most likely buried under others it would be easier for me to collect the folder,” she announced, then stood which brought him to his feet.

Samuel studied the elegant sway of her hips as the gown swirled around her, while she gracefully swept down the main aisle of the library toward the far end. Even a slight cough of annoyance coming from Aggie didn’t distract him. This he realized would be the perfect time to present her with his little token of devotion.

With a glare to Brittany’s maid, he withdrew the long thin deep blue velvet box from the inside pocket of his jacket. Carefully, he placed case in front of her seat. Glancing up on hearing her return he smiled seeing a large folder clutched to her breasts. Always the gentleman, he rushed to her aid.

“Please, m’ lady, allow me to take the bundle,” he begged, holding his hands out. With a nod from her, he accepted the package and waved her past him. Now, with her hands free she’d be able to easily open the present. He wondered what her reaction would be, hopefully one of excitement and joy.

Intentionally, he slowed his steps as she turned the corner to their work area. On hearing her cry out in happiness, he smiled, then glanced to Aggie only to be almost bowled over as Brittany rushed past him. Before he knew what happened she disappeared out the door. With a puzzled look he turned to her maid.

“M’ lord, I didn’t see what got my mistress so excited but I can assure you she was pleased. If I don’t miss my guess she’s rushing to show Her Ladyship the gift you presented her with, quite surreptitiously I might add,” Aggie pleasingly told him.

Setting the folder down, he turned to the maid and smiled.

“Would you be as kind as to show me where Lady Brittany rushed off to so I might be the recipient of her thanks?” Samuel asked.

“Certainly, m’ lord. If I’m not mistaken we will find Lady Brittany and Her Ladyship in the family parlor.”

With a gracious wave of his hand Samuel directed Aggie to lead. As he followed the maid to the first floor Eli stepped from his office. Considering the excitement expressed by Brittany it didn’t surprise Samuel seeing the earl waiting for him.

“M’ lord, it would seem your selection has been received quite well. Now would you care to inform me as to the trinket?”

“Only a simple necklace which she might wish to wear at the Christmas ball,” he declared, as they strolled down the corridor to the sitting room.

Entering, Samuel saw a beaming smile from Brittany. From what he could tell, from her action she wished to leap into his arms, but decorum prevented her doing so.

“Countess, always a pleasure,” he said, bowing over her hand. Next, he turned his focus to Brittany and laid a soft grin on her.

“M’ lady, you dashed out of the library so quickly, pray tell what was the reason for your sudden departure,” he asked, with a teasing tone to his words.

“Lord Samuel, you are infuriating. You know fully well what had and still has me excited, almost to the point of being speechless.”

“I’m pleased to hear you’re not, speechless that is.” Again he goaded her.

The stabbing glare she tried to set on him made Samuel want to chuckle but he knew better than to as it would only make her furious. Of course, he did appreciate the way her nose crinkled when she was mad. Again, something he chose not to mention for fear of his wellbeing.

“This beautiful necklace will be perfect for the upcoming ball at the estate,” she announced to him and her father as she displayed the opened case.

He heard a gasp from not only her father but he suspected another from the countess. He knew they approved of his selection, which made Samuel proud.

“Brockworth, now I understand why you wished to keep it a secret from us and I commend you on your decision,” Eli told him, and received a nod of approval from the countess.

“M’ lord, what on earth ever possessed you to obtain such a beautiful piece of jewelry?” Brittany asked, patting the cushion beside her on the settee so he’d sit with her.

“I would love to hear the reason also,” Barbara urged.

“I will explain, but first and my apology for what I’m about to say. Is there a possibility one of the staff might be passing information along to Hersey?”

He wasn’t surprised when after a few heartbeats Eli answered. “No. Everyone here has been with us and in some cases my parents before us for years. I would trust them with my life,” he declared.

“Again, I’m sorry but the question needed to be asked as I suspect you all were wondering the same thing,” he replied, then took his seat beside Brittany.

“Now, m’ lord, we are waiting to learn the meaning for this precise trinket?”

With a relaxed grin Samuel directed his attention to Brittany.

“As I will be visiting the estate for the Christmas season and the ball I needed something which would set the tone for you, m’ lady. What would do better than a necklace of alternating rubies and emeralds? Both of which, considering their colors, are associated with the holiday. Then, this afternoon on seeing you, Lady Brittany, in that gown I knew I’d made the proper choice. Does that answer your questions?”

“For me, yes. However, I will need a new ball gown.”

“Then, that’s the perfect venue to pass the book to Lady Wallace. When you visit your dressmaker invite her to join you. Cole, if I’m not mistaken, will accompany her as he tends to dote on her every whim,” Samuel explained.

“Yes, and if I was to hide the tome under my pelisse no one will be the wiser,” Brittany added.

“And since I feel comfortable in saying this, I should come along as well since I’m sure—” he cocked his head to the side where Eli was sitting. “—the bill will be sent directly to my townhouse. I should see firsthand what I’m buying.”

Laughter came from both ladies and Eli.

“Son, on that note, and bank note, you are more than correct. However, I would wonder at your sanity for wishing to join the ladies in a dress shop. Of all the years I’ve been married, not once have I been so bold as to venture into one and I don’t intend to now,” the earl emphatically announced.

“Ah, but my darling husband I do feel, even at this late hour in our marriage, the time has come when you do,” the countess declared.

“If that be the case, my dear, then I’ll have a brandy. Lord Samuel, would you care to join me?”

“Yes, thank you, then I must return home to dress for this evening.”

“As we’ll be attending the same ball would you care to dine with us?” Barbara asked.

Samuel peered over to the countess which brought Brittany into his range of vision and her smiling eyes. From the expression he knew what his answer would have to be as it seems he’d truly won her heart.

“It would be my pleasure to join you. I’ll come in my carriage so we can all travel together,” he suggested.

Later, with a promise to return at seven for dinner, Samuel climbed the front steps to his townhouse and was met by Stanley.

“M’ lord, you have several letters from your estates awaiting your attention.”

“Thank you. I’ll deal with them post haste. Also, I’ll be dining at the Sexton’s this eve. Have my town carriage in front a little before seven. Tonight have the bays set between the shafts as we’ll be attending the Allen ball.”

“Certainly, m’ lord. Which jacket and trousers will you desire?”

“I haven’t worn the black in a few days so set that one out. I’ll bathe and dress at six,” he instructed his butler as they climbed the stairs to the first floor.

“I’ll inform Cook and make sure your water is ready.”

With a nod Samuel entered his office, started to pour a brandy then thought better of it. Turning back he set to work on the letters from his estate manager.




Chapter Twelve



On waking to a warm sunny day Samuel ordered his landau so he would be able to drive Brittany around Hyde Park later. With his first meal of the day finished, he took time to handle the morning posts before setting off to meet her at the dressmaker’s shop. As much as he had second thoughts about joining the ladies pleas from Eli at the Allen ball that convinced him otherwise.

Climbing down from his open carriage he saw the earl sneak out of the dress shop and step up to him.

“M’ lord, you seem a bit hazard,” Samuel uttered, shaking the poor man’s hand.

“Lord Samuel, if I knew what ladies went through in selecting a gown, between the design and material, I’d never have married. How they ever come to a decision is beyond me?”

When Samuel saw his future father-in-law slump his shoulders he suspected things were worse than he could have imagined.

“Do you believe the ladies would miss us if we slipped away to White’s?” Samuel queried.

“Most definitely they would. I direct your attention to the window behind you. There you’ll notice my mother and your sister, Lady Wallace, glaring at the three of us,” Cole announced, as he stepped forward from the doorway.

Samuel wasn’t surprised when his groan was parroted by Eli, which brought the men to laughter. Fashionable ladies and gentlemen strolling by stared at them. Then, to all his astonishment Lady Wallace, with the countess behind her, stepped out of the door.

“Gentlemen, I would recommend you follow me back in as decisions need making and for some unusual reason my goddaughter requests your opinion Lord Samuel,” she demanded.

Discretion being the better part of valor, Samuel realized he’d met with defeat, not that he appreciated having to surrender, he did as instructed. From the footfalls following, he knew the other two were reluctantly joining him as well.

With trepidation, Samuel stepped into the dressmaker’s shop to be met by Lady Wallace and the countess, both wearing scowls. Looking around the front room he didn’t see Brittany but heard her angelic voice coming from the back of the shop. Starting forward, a firm hand on his arm halted him. He looked at Barbara.

“Don’t even think of going in there. Follow me and I’ll show you to the viewing room where you may examine the gown to see if it meets with your approval, which I doubt,” the countess instructed.

He turned and started to follow Barbara when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“Worry not, the Hersey book has already been handed to my mother and hidden in one of the packages of gowns she’s collected. Right now, it’s in my carriage and guarded by several footmen,” Cole told him in a lowered voice.

“Thank you,” Samuel replied in a whisper.

With that problem resolved now Samuel had to deal with a bigger one, trying to understand all the intricacies of a lady’s ball gown. In the past he’d been more interested in helping said lady remove the dress, now he had to assist in choosing the perfect one.

Stepping into the parlor Samuel examined all of the different fabric colors spread out over several tables. He wondered how anyone could choose the right one. At least with him and other gentlemen of the
the selections were simple; white for shirts and cravats, then blacks, browns, blues and greens for trousers and jackets. Not the rainbow he gazed upon.

“It would seem the countess has also decided she’s in need of a gown for the ball.”

Now, with this added encumbrance Samuel wondered if they would be able to depart the city as planned. His tailor could make a jacket and trousers in a day, but how long would the seamstress take to put together a multilayered gown?

“M’ lord, I can tell from your worried look something is bothering you? If it’s about being delayed in returning to the estate, fear not as we will. The Countess and Lady Brittany have used Mrs. Edgar for years. From what I understand, once the ladies choose the pattern and the primary fitting they won’t need another until it’s finished. The woman has already informed my wife she’ll be more than willing to deliver them to see if any alterations are needed,” Eli explained.

He started to reply when the curtain separating the changing area from the parlor opened. In swept Brittany. The air ripped from Samuel’s lungs. Between the gown she wore and her beauty, he became weak at the knees. The color of the dress matched the same shade of red as the rubies on the necklace he’d bestowed upon her. The gauze overskirt complimenting the emeralds, giving the illusion she was bedecked in jewels. Samuel grinned on seeing the bodice was just high enough to prevent any unruly gentlemen from gazing upon her breasts. Those, he swore, would only be gazed upon by him once married.

“M’ lady, you look lovely in that gown. It’s perfect for you,” he said, giving her a bow.

“Thank you, kind sir. I’m pleased you approve,” she answered, curtseying.

“Now, as we have a beautiful morning, I thought with the Earl and Countess’ permission, we’d take a drive around the park. Yes, I know it’s not the normal hour but with the weather being lovely, shouldn’t we take advantage of the day?”

“I’ve no objection and since I saw you brought your landau a chaperone will not be necessary,” the earl stated.

Samuel watched Brittany sweep from the room, astounded at how the gown seemed to flow with her every step. At the Christmas ball he’d have to keep a close eye on her in case there where a few swains around who might attempt to set their eyes or claws on her, proving to be interesting and not to mention a challenge.

“Dear brother, normally I would agree but considering, and this is nothing against you Lord Samuel, his new found behavior I feel my goddaughter should be accompanied by another lady. To that end and to aid in cementing the relationship between the families I will accompany them. With His Lordship being in agreement, of course,” Lady Wallace declared.

“My dear lady, we would be honored if you joined Lady Brittany and me on our drive,” Samuel said, bowing over her gloved hand.

“Wonderful. Then, everything is all settled.” Lady Wallace turned to her son. “If you would take the carriage home and make sure my maid packs both gowns. After which, inform Cook there will be two extra for luncheon as I feel a need to spend time with my goddaughter and Lord Samuel.”

“With pleasure, Mother. It will be interesting to see Palmer quake at the interrogation I’m sure he’ll be receiving,” Cole joked.

Almost immediately Samuel could feel his stomach churn as panic overtook him, considering the look he got from Lady Wallace, if his friend might be kidding or not. His die had now been cast and he must face whatever came his way. Samuel also had no idea exactly what Brittany and Eli had shared about her godmother. Right now, his primary concern, continue to woo Lady Brittany while discovering the secrets held within the pages of the book, now safely entrusted to his friend.

He wanted to attempt a counter at what Cole said, that no challenge would defeat him when Brittany stepped back into the parlor. As he watched her sweep up to him, Samuel noticed she was just as beautiful in a simple pale blue carriage dress as in the ball gown. With this vision standing before him and his physical reaction he was truly and wholly smitten.

Offering his arm to her, and the other to Lady Wallace, he bid her parents adieu then escorted the ladies from the dressmaker and to his carriage.

As they slowly made their way through the streets to Hyde Park, Samuel took the time to look not only at those out for a stroll but to Brittany. On several of their drives either around town or to the park he’d noticed she had been a bit reserved. Today, on the other hand, she radiated an absolutely brilliant smile. He wondered if her happiness might have to do with the necklace or the new gown. Of course, he prayed they paled to being in his company.

They entered the park and Samuel directed his driver to pull into the line behind the other carriages. With some of the grass still white with snow he didn’t wish to risk Brittany catching a cold so, as agreed, they’d stay in the landau.

When they came to the turn in the carriage path, Brittany appeared startled. She was craning her neck to the right. Curious, he looked in the same direction to see Mr. Winterbottom. The man couldn’t be missed considering his shock of unkempt red hair and puffy cheeks. His jacket appeared slightly oversized, in a light grey with black splotches, probably ink, on the sleeves. The trousers were of the same color and looked like they’d been slept in not for only a night but several.

What made Samuel curious, the gentleman Mr. Winterbottom seemed to be having a heated discussion with. This person, taller by a foot, had neatly trimmed hair in one of the latest styles. His face was deeply tanned, the look of bronzed leather. Due to the distance Samuel couldn’t see the color of his eyes. Could the man be Lord Hersey?

Samuel could easily see from their tense body language, they shared a heated conversation.

Turning his attention back to Brittany, he noticed she seemed as puzzled at the scene playing out before them as he.

“Lady Wallace, I’m familiar with the owner of the book emporium but not the gentleman he’s talking with. Might you know who he could be?” Samuel asked, wanting to confirm his thoughts on the name.

“If you’re talking about those two men, the one with the unkempt red hair, the other is that horrible Lord Hersey. To speak the truth I’m surprised to see him in town as the Grande Dames have all but banned him.”

For a moment Samuel thought of inquiring but considering the stabbing glare from her he knew better. Mayhap at a more private time he’d ask as he’d not been informed of this fact in the reports he’d received on the man. This in and of itself told Samuel whatever Hersey had done struck at the heart of the
while not criminal.

“Yes, Lady Wallace, I remember him from a few years ago when he gave a lecture prior to his departing for Africa. The man tried to lure me into a corner but Aggie stepped in, sending him scurrying with his tail between his legs,” Brittany added to the discussion.

With this information Samuel decided they should depart the park before he did something he might regret. With a word to the driver they took the first path to Kensington Road then to Lady Wallace’s townhouse and what he knew would be an interesting luncheon.

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