Lady Brittany's Love (4 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Downs

BOOK: Lady Brittany's Love
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Chapter Seven



After a pleasant afternoon accompanying Brittany around Hyde Park, under the watchful eye of her parents, Samuel collected his curricle and returned to his townhouse.

Stepping through the front door he was met by Stanley who took his master’s gloves and great coat.

“Has a package arrived?” Samuel inquired.

“M’ lord, I set the box on your desk. I couldn’t help but notice your jeweler sent it over.”

“It’s a little token of my affection for Lady Brittany. On that point inform Cook I’ll be dining out this evening then attending the Rucker ball. There are a few items I need to take care of first in my office before I bathe and change. The Earl of Bemming is sending his carriage over to retrieve me at seven.”

“Very good, m’ lord. Might I suggest the charcoal grey for this evening?”

“Yes, I approve of the choice,” he said, strolling into the office.

He saw the plain brown paper wrapped box placed in the center of his desk. He had a strong urge to rush over and tear the package away and examine the contents. Instead, he calmly strolled to the desk, sat and carefully, nervously, unwrapped it. Opening the box he smiled at the necklace he’d obtained for Brittany, three strands of pearls, all matching in size and luster.

After closing the top, he set the box aside and retrieved the several slips of paper he’d made notes on earlier. Spreading them out, he took a small key from his vest pocket. With it he opened the left side middle drawer of the desk and brought out even more sheets of foolscap. He placed them to one side and started reviewing and comparing them to the newly acquired information. Slowly, he began to see a pattern emerge. Many of the holes in the case were now being filled. Unfortunately, more gaps presented themselves. The primary one, the ringleader of the slave traders still remained shrouded in mystery.

He leaned back in his chair evaluating what he’d learned. Over the course of the next several days, the more he studied the Hersey book the gaps would be slowly filled in. Soon, he prayed the full picture would emerge. The one reward he hadn’t expected, spending pleasant time with Brittany.

One thing still mystified him. Why and how had this particular book been made available for sale? Wouldn’t Hersey have taken better care to ensure its safety?

Was it possible someone within the Hersey household wanted the evidence made public? Then, why had the book ended up at Mr. Winterbottom’s Book Emporium? Had Brittany’s purchase of this particular copy a stroke of luck on her part? These questions needed answered. He suspected there would be more attempts to steal the tome. The next time Brittany and her parents might not be so lucky.

From the middle drawer of the desk he brought out the decree which had started this hunt. Again, he read over the directive and received no hint as to how the Crown had learned of the reemergence of slave trading. All they told him, it was centered along the west coast of Africa around Nigeria.

Even this didn’t help as many English had settled the area and its ships traversed the waters. Samuel knew Hersey couldn’t be the leader as he’d never left England to the best of his knowledge. This Samuel gathered from what little he’d read in the tome. All the information the man had presented could easily have been gleaned from previous books. And how soon would Brittany realize that fact as well. According to her, she’d only had a little time to look over the book before he’d arrived.

“Yes, I’ll let her continue with her study and publish her work which will damn Hersey for the fraud he is. When that’s accomplished, he’ll gladly give up the name of his superior,” Samuel muttered.

After returning all the pages to the desk drawer he locked it then pushed back from the desk as Stanley entered.

“M’ lord, time is getting on. Your bath water awaits you.”

With a nod he stood and started for the door then stopped, returned to the desk and collected the velvet box.

“Wouldn’t be good if I didn’t arrive with this little gift in hand. I fear a certain lady would never forgive me,” he said, with a grin.

“Very true, m’ lord.”

Bathed and properly attired for the evening, with the case containing the necklace in hand, Samuel descended the stairs to the ground floor. Assisted into his matching cape he stepped outside and into the Bemming coach.

Walking up the stairs to the Sexton townhouse he saw the front door open with the butler waiting for him.

“The Earl and Countess of Bemming along with Lady Brittany are expecting me,” he told the man, handing over his cape.

“Yes, m’ lord. They’re awaiting your arrival in the family sitting room. If you’ll please follow me,” John told him.

After being announced he stepped in wondering if something had occurred preventing Lady Wallace and Cole from making an appearance. Bowing to the ladies, he accepted a drink from Eli with a smile and nod.

“Lord Samuel, Lady Wallace, and her son will be here shortly,” Barbara informed him.

“Thank you,” he replied, before turning to Brittany. “Have you been able to look through more of the book?”

“Yes, I have. If you don’t mind, I’d rather discuss what I have found tomorrow, when you return. What I discovered, and father will agree, is better shown than explained. All I can say, I’m greatly disturbed by my findings.”

Samuel glanced over to Eli, who nodded his confirmation. Turning back to her, Samuel requested to arrive earlier than scheduled so they could discuss the issues.

“I think that would be best and if you don’t mind we can postpone the outing for the next day as I feel my discovery is that important,” Brittany explained, then glanced to her mother.

“Yes, dear. From what I understand that would be the best decision.”

About to answer, Samuel stopped when John came to the door and announced Lord Cole and Lady Wallace.

He wasn’t surprised how easily Eli separated Cole from the ladies and the three moved to a corner of the sitting room. Samuel positioned himself so he could watch Brittany. He realized his attention seemed more on her than the conversation. Not that he’d admit to his developing affections, especially to Cole. Samuel believed the decision to approach the earl was imminent even though they’d only just met.

“Lord Samuel, did you take care of that little item we discussed earlier?” Eli asked.

“Oh, yes. I’m sorry as we got straight into discussing different topics,” he said, showing the velvet box to the earl.

“Don’t you think now that her godmother, who arranged the introduction, is here this would be an opportune time to present the gift to my daughter?”

“You’ve got to remember, m’ lord, considering his former reputation, bestowing a gift on a lady is an entirely new concept to him,” Cole taunted.

“As much as I’d hate to admit it, Cole is correct. Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me I’ll see if I chose well or not.”

With a calming breath Samuel marched over coming to a halt directly in front of Brittany. He smiled down to her.

“M’ lady, may I speak with you in private, without leaving the room?” he requested, holding out his hand to assist her in rising, if she chose to accept his offer.

From the look of wondering in her eyes he knew she’d agree to his, albeit unusual, request.

“M’ lord, you have me intrigued, so yes,” she replied, settling her delicate hand in his long-fingered strong hand.

Gently, he guided her to the far end of the room near the marble fireplace. Nervous at her reaction to what he would be giving her he waited until she settled herself on a pink satin covered divan before joining her.

“M’ lady, this afternoon before we took the drive around the park you along with the countess hinted the earl and I were up to no good. As you remember we denied your words but now I confess we were. The earl suggested I should bestow a small trinket upon you to show my affections are true.” With shaking hands he opened then handed over the deep blue velvet box.

The gasp of surprise from her affirmed he’d obtained the perfect gift. What he didn’t realize, the countess and Lady Wallace also heard. He watched in panic as they rose and stormed over to him.

“It’s so beautiful, m’ lord. Thank you,” Brittany blurted out.

“Darling, you must wear the necklace this evening as it will go lovely with your gown,” Her mother declared.

“Not to mention the statement it will make when the two of you are introduced at the ball. I can guarantee heads will turn and whispers will abound,” Lady Wallace declared.

Learning they would most assuredly be the center of attention Samuel could feel his face warm from embarrassment. He worried how she’d be able to handle the crush from the curious.

“Brittany, m’ lord. Fear not, for when you’re not on the dance floor I would strongly suggest you retreat to where I’ll be. No one will dare bother you unless you are so desirous,” Lady Wallace declared.

John stepped in announcing dinner.

After a pleasant meal and Brittany wearing her new gift Samuel handed her into the coach then waited as the countess was helped in by her husband.

Seeing his gift surrounding her slim alabaster throat Samuel knew it had been the perfect choice. He wondered how she’d look wearing diamonds. That would be something he’d have to find out soon.

Following the Earl and Countess of Bemming, as his title was younger, into the Rucker townhouse he handed Brittany’s cape to a maid and his to a footman. As they waited to be presented to the host and hostess Samuel could feel a nervousness overtake him.

“M’ lord, relax. Yes, I believe this is maybe the first time to be introduced with a lady at a ball. I can assure you there’s nothing to worry about,” he heard Brittany whisper right before being announced.




Chapter Eight



With Brittany on his arm, Samuel, as promised, returned her to the divan and her godmother. He had become more comfortable at the unusual looks laid on him by some of the matrons.

“Thank you, for an enjoyable waltz, m’ lady,” he said, bowing to her.

“My pleasure,” she answered back with a warm smile for him.

After seating her, he stepped around behind to ward off unwelcome callers. From the looks of several gentlemen he’d seen on entering the Rucker ballroom he expected them to stop over. He only prayed they’d not request a dance from her.

A slight tap on his hand, resting on the back of the divan, brought his eyes to the ladies sitting in front of him, in particular Lady Wallace.

“Yes, m’ lady?”

“As expected, your presence with my goddaughter on your arm is continuing to cause a stir.”

“I wonder what
The Tattler
will have to say about us tomorrow. I’m sure they’ll paint an interesting picture for those not in attendance,” he answered with a chuckle.

“Agreed, now brace yourselves children as I happen to notice several rakehells, who I’m sure are friends of yours, m’ lord, winding their way toward us,” Lady Wallace whispered.

“Fear not godmother, Lord Samuel if they request even a country dance, I’ll not partner with them,” Brittany announced confidently.

On hearing her words Samuel leaned close. “A wise decision as I do know them. They’ll attempt to get you alone at their first opportunity.”

“Then, I suggest we relax and see what they will do. I’m sure a glare from you, Lord Samuel, or with a scowl from myself, we can send them scurrying back to whatever hole they crawled from,” Lady Wallace uttered.

Samuel noticed Miss Sally Crocker approach, a concerned look in her eyes.

“M’ lord, and ladies, what a pleasure to see you this evening,” she announced, curtseying.

“Excuse me, Lady Wallace, as I’m only acquainted with Miss Crocker from afar would you be so kind as to introduce myself to her?” Samuel requested.

“Miss Sally Crocker may I present to you Samuel, Earl of Brockworth,” Lady Wallace pronounced, not rising from the divan.

“Miss Crocker, a pleasure to meet you after all this time as I’ve seen you on occasion at many social functions,” Samuel declared, bowing over her offered hand.

“As I you, m’ lord,” she replied, giving him a curtsey appropriate to his rank and title as her father was a baron.

“Dearest Sally, your timing couldn’t be more perfect as Lord Samuel has only now offered to escort me to the terrace for a bit of air,” Brittany whispered.

“And to escape the several rakehells who seem to be charging down on you?” Sally teased back.

“Yes, that also,” Brittany whispered, as she let Samuel assist her in standing.

Samuel, with a young lady on each arm started for the French doors at the far end of the ballroom. What he found interesting, the stares from several matrons and grins from a few gentlemen, one in particular, Cole. Coming to a halt in front of his friend Samuel gave him a disarming smile.

“Since you find this so amusing why don’t you partner with Miss Crocker?”

“I would be more than happy to since we’ve been introduced,” he answered back, relieving Samuel of the young lady.

As they stepped out to the veranda Samuel settled his hand on the small of Brittany’s back getting the same warm feeling as before when they touched. He wondered why it happened now and not when dancing. After taking a few steps he realized the sensation had to be the closeness of her which he needed. With a soft sigh he guided her to the balustrade and gently turned her so they were facing one another.

“Is everything all right? You appear a bit perplexed?” Brittany asked.

He tried to voice his feeling but the best he could do was weakly nod. Never in his life, of eight and twenty years, had he been so addle-brained or tangle-tongued when dealing with emotions in regards to a lady until now and her. All he knew, she wholly and truly had him in her spell.

Fortunately, seeing Cole with Sally on his arm approaching brought his mind back to where and who he was with.

“Lord Samuel, a country dance followed by the midnight buffet is about to commence. Miss Crocker wondered if you and Lady Brittany would care to partner with us.”

Not wishing to overstep his bounds by answering for Brittany, he turned his attention to her and grinned when she gave him a head bob.

“Yes, we would love to join in filling out the square then share an intimate table afterwards,” Samuel spoke, as he offered his arm to Brittany.

After enjoying a pleasant time dancing they adjourned to one of several anterooms set up for the buffet. With unspoken direction Samuel escorted Brittany to a table set along one of the walls and were joined by Sally and Cole.

“Rest while Lord Cole and I collect a varied selection from the table. Lady Brittany, what would be your pleasure in satisfying your thirst?”

“M’ lord, I would love a glass of lemonade. For the tidbits, I’ll leave the choices to you.”

Not surprising, Samuel noted Sally made the same requests of Cole which proved interesting to him. Could his friend might have, by accident met his lady, too? This he’d have to inquire at the earliest possible time, such as now.

As the two made for the tables laden with food Samuel cocked his head to his friend.

“If I’m not mistaken Cole, you are smitten by Miss Crocker’s charms?”

“No more than you are by Lady Brittany?” Cole badgered back.

Samuel was more than besotted. Though this he wasn’t about to admit to Cole.

“That may be so, but as you well know I’m more interested in the Hersey book at the moment. Have you been able to learn anything more about the man?”

“Yes, turns out when we thought he was hiding in the country he was in Nigeria,” Cole quickly and quietly informed him.

“Wonderful, more conflicting information. Send me what you’ve learned by post in the morning,” a frustrated Samuel said, then continued. “Now, let’s take these plates to the ladies before they think we’ve deserted them.”

“Not with those strands of pearls you bestowed on your Lady Brittany could she ever think you have disappeared. You are correct though considering the impatient stares they’re sending to us.”

After a pleasant midnight snack they returned to the ballroom as the musicians started to play the opening notes to a waltz. With a bow to Brittany he settled his hand on the small of her back, guiding her to the dance floor.

“This is our third dance together, you are aware?” she whispered.

“Not exactly. Considering the country dance of earlier we didn’t partner so we could consider this our second,” he answered, back with a smile.

“I wonder what the matrons will have to say about it now or later,” she replied, settling herself in his arms as the music swirled around them.

As they glided around the floor Samuel couldn’t believe they weren’t getting scowls or frowns from anyone. He did wonder what Lady Wallace would have to say. When the music ended he guided Brittany to where her godmother awaited them.

“Children, you are aware you have shared three dances together this evening,” Charlotte said.

Samuel waited until Brittany took her seat before answering.

“My dear, Lady Wallace, if you consider the dance before we partook of the buffet Lady Brittany didn’t partner with me but your son,” he said, hoping his logic would work as they’d not started the country dance facing each other.

Samuel watched her brow furrow in contemplation to what he’d said and seemed pleased when she relaxed and smiled up at him.

“That might be stretching the rules a bit but considering you, my dear,” he watched as Charlotte smiled at Brittany and glared back at him. “I agree. I will accept the fact you’ve shared two dances this evening. Now, you need to convince your parents as I see them approaching. Be pleased, though, they are both wearing smiles, although with my brother I believe his might be forced.”

Samuel glanced over his shoulder to where Lady Wallace looked and understood what she meant. Brittany’s mother appeared pleased, which came as no surprise, while her father not so. He knew if he wished to continue to court her he’d have to think quickly or not only lose her but a chance at studying the Hersey book.

“I’m sorry to make short our evening but I received a report of another attempt to break into the townhouse. As fortune would be with us the guards were able to grab one of the men and like the other isn’t talking,” Eli said calmly.

“Was anything taken, m’ lord?” Samuel asked, as Brittany’s hand tightened on his arm.

“Again, we were lucky. They didn’t get too far into the house before one of your footmen stopped the one man,” he answered.

“Wonderful, then we should go and see what we can learn from him,” Samuel suggested.

“The carriage has already been called for,” Eli uttered, then bowed to his sister and nodded to his nephew.

Samuel turned to Lady Wallace, “It’s been a pleasure as always. You have my assurance no harm will come to your goddaughter,” he declared.

“I have faith in your protection. Now off with you,” she said, sending him and Brittany away with a wave of her bejeweled hand.

A short time later Samuel, with Brittany on his arm, followed the earl and countess into the Bemming townhouse to be met by the butler along with several footmen.

“M’ lords and ladies, I apologize for having to notify you of the attempt. The man in question is in the cellar in a secure room,” John announced, taking capes and coats from them.

“Good. Has Bow Street been sent for?” Eli asked, starting for the stairs to the first floor.

“No, m’ lord. When we secured him I took the liberty to request assistance from Stanley and he sent over an interesting gentleman.”

Samuel smiled knowing who his butler had dispatched.

“Lord Samuel, this man of yours, is he excellent at obtaining the necessary information without direction?” Eli probed.

“Most assuredly, m’ lord,” he answered back, then patted Brittany’s hand which still rested on his arm.

“M’ lord, don’t you think this conversation would best be continued in the family sitting room?” Barbara requested

As they climbed the stairs Samuel started to wonder, two attempts in two days. Could the thieves have been sent by someone for the Hersey book? If that were the case, would the book be safe here or should the earl move it to their country estate. This he needed to broach but not until hearing what Quinn learned from the thief.

Settling Brittany on a light blue divan angled so they would be able to easily converse he noted a worried expression on Lord Eli. He chose to remain standing.

Out of earshot of the ladies Samuel turned to Eli.

“Yes, Bemming?” he chose the more formal to address him.

“Is someone after the Hersey book?” the man asked, softly so not to worry the ladies.

“If I were to hazard a guess I’d agree, but let’s wait until we hear from my man and what he tells us,” Samuel spoke with confidence.

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