Kyros' Secret (Greek Myth Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Kyros' Secret (Greek Myth Series Book 1)
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Minstrels struck up the music as the meal ended. People chose partners and took to the floor to dance. Thera, downright miserable and a bit nervous, felt Pittheus’ lust for her body every time he looked at her over the brim of his raised tankard. She also couldn’t help but notice the bulge under his tunic as he stood up to ask her to dance.

“I don’t care to dance,” she said and looked over to Kyros still bound to the chair. He looked upset, but she also felt something different in his gaze now. She felt a certain strength that hadn’t been there earlier. She couldn’t identify it, but it gave her a false hope of comfort. The contractions in her belly stopped for the time being. And although she welcomed the break from the pain, she’d almost wished they would start up again just so she didn’t have to dance with Pittheus.

“Get up, Thera,” he ordered her and she just sat there, looking at Kyros. “You’re my wife now and will do as I command. Get to your feet and dance with me now.”

Thera obeyed, just so he wouldn’t think to hit her and harm the baby. He held out his arm and she laid her own hand atop it as he led her onto the floor. The crowd parted and one of the soldiers yelled, “Hail to the new king and queen of Trozen.”

“Not yet,” Thera reminded him and saw Pittheus reach for his waist. He weaved back to the dais, obviously having too much ale. He then picked up the sword and scabbard and fastened them around himself.

“Careless of me to leave the sword at the table. Thank you for reminding me with your words.”

If she had known it was going to remind him of the sword, she wouldn’t have said anything. Now with it fastened around his waist, Kyros would have no way of laying his hands on it. It was almost nightfall and his transformation would take place soon. If he was going to do something, why didn’t he do it already?

Pittheus twirled Thera around and she thought she was going to be sick to her stomach. Her eyes focused once more on Kyros and she saw him jerking his head toward the corridor. What was he trying to tell her? She didn’t understand any of this.

“Remove this damned shawl so I can see those big, beautiful breasts.” Pittheus lowered the shawl from her shoulders and it hung again from the straps on her arms. He ran his cold hands over her bare shoulders and let them wander lower and lower to her cleavage. She jerked away but he only pulled her closer. The sword at his side was nothing compared to the one she felt pressed against her from under his tunic.

“I think it’s time we go to our bedchamber, wife. I need to instruct you in your wifely duties.”

“No!” Thera was terrified of being alone with him. Horrified of what he’d do to her in the bedchamber and how helpless she was to stop it.

“Yes!” cackled the crone’s old voice beside her. “It is time to retire for the evening to the bedchamber. I’ll take your bride and prepare her for you, my lord.”

Pittheus gave a nod of approval and grabbed a tankard from the table and downed the contents. “Good, old woman. But make it fast as I’ll be right behind you. I can wait no longer to sample what my wife has to offer.”

Thera didn’t understand. The old weaver was her friend and yet she was the one bringing her to the bedchamber so Pittheus could have his way with her. She passed Kyros sitting on the chair and paused. He looked at her but didn’t say a word. No,
I love you, Thera
. No,
I’m sorry
, or
I’ll rescue you somehow
. Instead he’d only given her a little smile. A smile she wanted more than anything to slap off his face.

“Come along, child,” said the old weaver and led her up the stairs into the bedchamber that would seal the act of her becoming Pittheus’ wife.



Kyros waited until Pittheus had followed Thera upstairs before he attempted his escape. The guard was too well into his cups to notice what Kyros was doing and with any luck wouldn’t notice him missing for a while. Hopefully, long enough to give him time to steal the sword and stop Pittheus from coupling with Thera. Then, somehow they’d have to find a way to escape and make their way back to the centaurs’ village.

He held the dagger edge up between his knees and rubbed the ropes of his hands against it. It cut the rope in two and he quickly looked over at the guard to make sure he hadn’t noticed. The guard had a whore on his lap and thankfully would be distracted for some time. Everyone was in the midst of merrymaking, and with the flow of the wine and ale, this was going to make his escape even easier.

He reached down and cut away the ropes at his feet and then the ones that held him to the chair. Hiding the dagger in his boot, he backed toward the corridor and ran up the stairs to Pittheus’ bedchamber.



Thera broke down into hysterics when the old weaver closed the door to the bed chamber.

“How could you suggest he bring me here?” she asked. “And how could Kyros just sit there and do nothing to help me?”

“Hush, child and jump into bed. Pittheus is anxious and right behind us. We don’t have much time to talk.” She pushed Thera over to the bed and took the flowers from her hair and started to undo the braids.

“But Kyros - ”

“Is doing all he can to help you,” she assured her. “Now just do your part and keep Pittheus’ attention off the door. Hopefully Kyros will use that dagger I gave him to cut himself free and get up here without the guards noticing.”

“So he is coming for me?” she asked, feeling a new hope within her.

“If he can,” she said as her nimble fingers undid the last braid and she picked up a brush from the bedside table. “Now just play your part and help him out.”

Thera didn’t really know what her part was, but didn’t have time to ask, as the door banged open and Pittheus walked in with two of his men right behind him.

“Part your legs wife, as I’m bigger than a bull and hotter than the fires of Tartarus.”

“She’s not ready yet,” said the weaver as she ran the brush slowly through Thera’s hair. “And what about those other two?” she asked, somehow knowing two men entered with him.

“It’s the custom to watch the lord on his wedding night,” blurted out one while the other one snickered.

Thera was horrified to think she’d have an audience when Pittheus claimed his husbandly rights. She looked at the old weaver who was taking her time brushing her hair. She wished the woman could see her so she’d see the fear in her eyes and do something to help her.

“It may be awkward mounting her as you must remember she’s heavy with child,” reminded the weaver. “Not that your lordship would have any problems being pleased, but I just thought you’d want your privacy since this is a new experience to you as well as to Thera.”

“Oh.” Pittheus rubbed his chin and looked over to his guards. Thera hoped his pride would get the best of him, not wanting to let his men see him fumbling with such a pregnant woman.

“You two can stand outside the door. Watch and make certain no one interrupts me.”

Thera could see they were obviously upset by not getting to witness the coupling act.

“But Lord Pittheus - ”

“Go!” he bellowed. “You’ll be able to hear our mating sounds from the doorway. I’ll be sure to leave it open a crack. That should satisfy you and you can still be a witness to the act that we’re truly man and wife.”

The guards seemed to be satisfied with that and took their places outside the door.

“Out of my way, old woman. Make yourself scarce as I have an aching need to itch.”

The weaver laid the hairbrush down on the bedside table and slowly made her way to the door. “Be gentle with her,” she warned him. “Any sharp movements can bring about more contractions and the birth of that baby.”

“I don’t care about the baby,” he grumbled. “I’ll have my way with my wife, baby or not.”

Thera lay fully clothed on the bed as Pittheus pushed the old weaver out into the corridor and left the door ajar. Thera could see the guards peeking in and felt a wave of heat and nausea hit her. Pittheus stood at the foot of the bed and unfastened the scabbard, letting the sword clank to the floor. Thera knew Kyros would never treat the weapon with such disrespect, and knew Pittheus had no business being king of Trozen.

He slipped out of his sandals and let his tunic wrap fall to the ground. The guards stood in the doorway, not guarding at all, but waiting for the show to begin. Thera gasped as she viewed Pittheus’ naked body and his fully stretched manhood that was already making her insides ache. She pushed herself up on the bed and tried to back away as he came closer.

“I guess you like what you see,” he sneered, “as you can’t seem to keep your eyes above my waist.”

She heard a small thud from the doorway and noticed the guards no longer peered in. She could only hope it was Kyros come to rescue her, and now she had to play her part as the weaver suggested. Pittheus lowered himself atop her on the bed and reached to her bodice.

“Wait!” cried Thera, wondering herself what she was going to say.

“What is it?” asked Pittheus. “I don’t like to have to wait for what is mine.”

“I … I just thought it would be more private if we drew the drapes around the bed.” She wiggled out from under him and pulled the heavy velvet drapes around them, blocking Pittheus’ view of the door. Hopefully that would give Kyros an advantage. The sword still lay on the floor at the foot of the bed and he’d be able to get it without Pittheus seeing him now.

“I like that,” said Pittheus and snuggled with ale breath close to her ear. “I like a wife who wants to be alone - all alone with her husband.”

Thera knew that was true, but not with him. She’d love being alone with her husband if her husband was Kyros. It disgusted her to be so close to this wretched man. But she only did it for Kyros and their baby. She tried to put her own fear aside as she did nothing to stop him from kissing her mouth.

“I’m going to have you now,” he announced and pushed her to the bed and mounted himself atop her. Thera’s mind screamed out but still she said nothing. He pushed up her tunic wrap and was about to enter her when she stopped him.

“Wait!” she called once again, and he looked up at her with angry eyes.

“What now, wife!” He was running out of patience and Thera was running out of excuses to stall him.

“I … I just thought you’d want to take pleasures in the rest of me before you thrust yourself within me.” She lowered the top of her tunic wrap and Pittheus forgot about what dangled between his legs for a moment as he reached out to touch her.

Thera closed her eyes and bit her tongue from crying out. Where was Kyros? Why wasn’t he stepping in to stop this? Had she made a mistake thinking he lurked out in the hallway? By the gods, she hoped not, for she didn’t know how much longer she could take Pittheus fondling her like this.



Kyros had no trouble knocking out the two guards at the door to the bedchamber with an iron candleholder he’d grabbed along the way. After all, they had been so engrossed in what was going on inside the room, not to mention their busy hands under their own tunics that they’d never even seen him coming. He stepped over their prone bodies and entered the room silently.

The bed curtains were closed and he could hear Thera’s voice offering her body to Pittheus. Had he heard wrong? Was she really offering herself to him of her own will instead of fighting him off like he’d expected?

He noticed his father’s sword lying on the floor at the foot of the bed. His eyes swept the room before he rushed over to pick it up. He was glad the bed curtains were closed so Pittheus had no idea of what he was doing. He strapped on the scabbard as he heard Thera’s delighted little moan of pleasure.

His heart sank in his chest at the thought that someone besides himself could pleasure her like he could. He wanted to rip open the curtains and kill his brother, but then again he felt he had no business doing that if Thera indeed enjoyed and wanted her now rightful husband.

He heard his brother make a comment about her breasts and then he heard her heavy breathing. He couldn’t help himself. As much as he respected Thera, he wouldn’t let his brother have her, even if it was what she wanted.

He raised the sword to his shoulder and ripped open the curtain. Thera had her hands on her belly as she lay there naked and Kyros realized he’d mistaken her heavy breathing and moan of pleasure for labor pains.

Her eyes met his and she cried out.


Pittheus removed his hands from her breasts and swung around. He was naked and weaponless and it would be so easy to kill him at that moment. Kyros had his father’s sword and knew one swipe would end his brother’s life. He reached out with the tip and pressed it under Pittheus’ chin.

“Brother!” Pittheus exclaimed. “What a surprise.”

“I bet it is, Pittheus. But then again, you were the one to invite me. Or did you mean to invite me only to the wedding? I should kill you right now for what you’ve done to Thera.”

“I haven’t even entered her yet, to my regret,” answered Pittheus. Thera was married to him but the marriage was not yet consummated. He’d gotten there in time after all.

BOOK: Kyros' Secret (Greek Myth Series Book 1)
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