Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)
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Again, Naydo exhaled against Z’s skin. And again, Z shuddered in response.

Fucking hell. How could such a simple act look so effing erotic? Alec inched away from their two-person inferno.

But then Naydo lifted his hand from the water and bit off the tips of his first two claws. Alec frowned in confusion, but quickly understood when Naydo sank said hand down toward Z’s ass. All while taking painstaking care not to let their bodies touch. Probably because he knew that if he did, Zaden would snap to awareness.

Two seconds later, though, Naydo no longer seemed concerned. Boldly, he brushed his lips to Z’s ear as his lowered arm’s muscles
. Looked like Naydo’s fingers just made swift, direct contact to a very specific place.

Zaden jerked with a gasp, but his eyes stayed closed as he fell forward into Naydo’s chest. The huge male purred and pulled him closer. And then, as his free arm held Z in place, his other arm started steadily flexing. Presumably doing only God knew what to Z’s ass with those long, de-clawed fingers. Well, actually, Alec had a pretty good idea, considering the way his friend was suddenly writhing.

Alec cursed, knowing full well he should snap Zaden out of it, but shit, the expression Z was wearing looked so blissful. So filled with a pleasure like nothing else, that Alec just couldn’t make himself do it. Naydo wasn’t hurting Z. He was easing his pain. Or if nothing else, distracting him from his torment.

Again, Alec gripped his own rigid cock, enviously looking on. Watching as his co-pilot twitched and squirmed, rapturously trapped in Naydo’s arms. Alec’s asshole clenched, imagining the pleasure. Zaden’s features pinched tighter. His muffled moans quickened. Did Naydo have one finger inside him or two? Abruptly, Zaden jerked with a stifled grunt. Definitely had two inside him now.

Tiny waves lapped against their fevered bodies as Z pressed his face into Naydo’s chest. Naydo made a husky sound and flexed his biceps faster. Zaden grimaced in ecstasy, mouth falling open. But then he abruptly groaned in pain and bit Naydo’s beefy pec. Alec cringed, knowing why. Z was peaking but couldn’t come. As if understanding, too, Naydo growled super low and hefted Zaden higher up his body. Alec’s eyes shot wide. Oh, fuck. Oh, God. Naydo was going to impale Z on his—

“Whoa! Holy shit!” Bailey barked to Alec’s right. “Something just grabbed my ankle!”

Zaden snapped to awareness, then jerked in alarm, finding himself caged in Naydo’s arms. Naydo snarled, clearly frustrated, but let him go to turn and scan the waters.

Distracted by the sudden threat of danger, Alec nervously searched his surroundings. Not that he knew what he was looking for. Naydo did, though. Alec could tell by his expression. And the Kríe did
look happy.


Clearing his throat, Alec continued to look around. “Uh, correct me if I’m wrong, Naydo, but you suddenly look concerned. Please tell me your rivers don’t have piranha.”

Naydo paused to frown at him. “Piranha?”

Alec nodded. “Flesh-eating water creatures that travel in large numbers?”

Naydo grunted with a nod. “Ah, yes. We have those. But that is not what I search for.”

Alec swapped disturbed looks with Zaden and the others. Because, honestly, what the fuck could be worse than piranha? His heart sank as more possibilities came to mind. Alligators. Anacondas. Leeches. Eels. Suddenly, their river break didn’t seem all that smart.

“Then what exactly
you searching for?”

“Oonmaiyos,” Naydo muttered, starting them toward shore, eyes still scanning intently.

“Oon-what-ohs?” Bailey frowned. “What the fuck are those?”

“Water nomads.”

Chet scoffed. “What, like half man, half fish?”

“Yes. And a species with whom we do not get along.”

Bailey’s eyes went wide as they reached the bank. Then a huge smile spread across his face. “Holy son of a wombat-crazed whore. A merman just touched my leg.”

The science trio instantly fell into conversation, while Alec, Chet, and Z looked less enthused. But as they reached their clothes and started dressing, Roni’s warning bellow seized their full attention.

“Bellacoy! Tacha! Aussa shawní!”
Flyers! Quickly! Into the trees!

Immediately, every male dropped whatever he was doing and scaled the nearest stalk. Naydo, however, stayed with Alec’s team, ushering them away from the river.

“What’s going on?” Jamis blurted, nearly tripping.

Naydo grinned as he gestured them behind a tall bush. “Watch, little one, and see.” With deft agility, he climbed the trunk beside them and quickly tied their leash out of reach.

Jamis craned his head back, calling up to him with a frown. “But—”

“Stay here. Be quiet. And do not let them see you.”
And just like that, Naydo was off to join his pack, moving like a wraith through the trees.

A few seconds later, Alec heard the grating shriek of something big back at the river. His eyes shot wide when the creatures dropped into view. They were the same three dragons—or at least the same kind—that attacked their ship and caused them to crash.

“Son of a bitch,” Zaden murmured in awe. “Those fuckers are even bigger than I remember.”

Chet whistled low. “Look at the size of their jaws.”

Noah shook his head. “Look at the size of their
. No wonder they didn’t follow us into the trees. They’d never have the space to lift back off.”

The beasts touched down at the water’s edge where a few Kríe stood as bait. Patiently, methodically, they lured the flyers in, away from the open river into tree cover. The huge creatures lunged, jaws snapping at the Kríe’s heads. But before they could let loose another mighty squawk, the rest of Gesh’s pack descended. With perfect precision, they dove from the treetops, landing atop the flyers’ broad backs. The beasts reared back, but the males clung tight, even as taloned wings sliced their flesh. So fiercely focused. So deadly determined.

Captivated, Alec watched as the pack worked as one. Plunging daggers deep for makeshift anchors while shrewdly slashing every strategic location. Wing junctures, leg tendons, up under the ribs. Buying time until a Kríe reached their throats. The flyers thrashed and screeched. Their jugulars spewed, showering everything around them in blood.

The scene was incredible. Ferocious. Intense. Not to mention horrific and grisly. One thing was for sure, though. After this display of primal dominance, had Alec not already been sporting a boner, he definitely would’ve had one now.

Lasting a total of maybe five minutes, the takedown was over like that. Victory roars and celebratory howls tore through every inch of the forest. So bad, Alec wanted to go over and get a look.

But Chet’s curt snarl quickly yanked him back to reality. “Show’s over, guys. Help me find something to cut this rope.”

The whole team snapped to attention fast.

“Those might work.” Jamis pointed beneath a shrub.

Nice. Rock shards. And a lot of them, too. The guys snatched them up and got busy sawing, even as their minds kept on reeling.

“Man,” Bailey murmured. “That was some crazy shit.”

Noah shook his head. “Dragons… Unreal.”

Zaden frowned over his shoulder. “Makes you wonder if there’s anything that Kríe pack

Alec slid him a look, knowing exactly what Z meant. Even if they
manage to cut their leash in time, would they really be able to evade Gesh for long? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce the answer to that one.

Chet scowled, clearly coming to the same conclusion, and sped up the pace of his sawing. “We gotta fucking try. I refuse to just give up.”

He was right and Alec knew it. Hell, everyone did. Taking his lead, they all worked faster, steadily severing the fibers of their rope.

Jamis glanced toward the river. “They’re completely preoccupied. We should definitely have time to—”

“What are you doing?” came a velvety purr from above.

Alec froze, then discreetly shoved the shard into his pocket.

“Goddamn it!” Chet threw his to the ground.

Naydo’s chuckle descended like a warm, weighted blanket. “Do not fret. Had you not tried, I would have thought less of you for it. Perhaps next time I will let you run free, let you frolic a bit before rounding you up.”

“Fuck you,” Chet bit out. “You big purple dick.”

Naydo threw back his head and laughed some more.

Alec sighed. “Chet, seriously. Don’t encourage him.”

Beside him, the trio’s lips twitched.

Zaden, however, watched Naydo intently as he untied their rope and jumped down. There was a look in his eyes that Alec couldn’t quite place. But considering who he was looking at, Alec suspected it had something to do with Naydo—and what those two did during the team’s little swim. Alec still didn’t know what to make of that, but hadn’t really had a chance to mull it over yet. So it wouldn’t surprise him if Zaden was presently trying to wrap his brain around it, too.





* * *



Led back to the others, Alec finally got his eyeful. Talk about a massacre. The three dragons lay motionless, covered in blood, as a handful of Kríe skinned and sectioned them.

“You eat
meat?” Bailey asked Naydo as he stared at the carnage.

. A voice that
Naydo’s. But a voice Alec recognized all the same. He turned in its direction as Miros arrived, Roni coming to a stop by his side. “We do not eat meat, but we do trade and sell it.”

Jamis coughed in surprise. “You don’t eat meat?” Incredulously, he eyed Miros’ bulky frame. “Then how the hell do you stay so big?”

Miros shrugged, his gaze flicking over to Alec. “We find what we need in other things.”

Alec shifted under his stare, then noticed his bleeding arm. Looked like a flyer got him good.

Naydo lifted his chin to Miros and Roni. “Does Gesh want to take all that meat to the homeland?”

Roni nodded. “Yes, but preparing it for transport will take some time and Gesh does not want to wait. Some will stay behind and meet up with us later.”

“What’s the hurry?” Chet muttered.

Roni slid him a smirk. “Gesh is anxious to sell his
wares.” Slowly, his gaze roamed down Chet’s body. “Wares I will certainly miss.”

The whole team immediately stilled at his words.

“He’s going to fucking
us?” Alec bit out in disbelief.

Roni shrugged. “Or give you as gifts.”

The science trio paled.

“Give us as
” Chet balled his fists. “Over my dead body.”

“To be given as gifts is the highest compliment, especially when gifted to our king.”

Holy what the fuck?

Alec’s eyes shot to Zaden, who looked equally floored.

Roni smiled and rubbed Chet’s skull-cut head. “Do not worry. You and I, we will still have our fun.”

Chet seethed and shoved his hand away, then flat-out lunged at the male. “Don’t you fucking touch me,” he barked, his bound hands gunning for Roni’s throat. “Or, swear to God, I’ll—”

Roni dodged and slammed Chet’s back into a tree. Alec and the team stumbled with them. Hello, still attached to the same lead! But neither Chet nor Roni seemed to notice as Roni pinned Chet’s body with his own.

“Or you swear you will do what?” Roni purred super smug.

“Untie me, bitch, and I’ll show you.”

Roni chuffed in amusement and licked Chet’s cheek. “For some reason I like when you call me bitch. Soon I will call you the same.”
Stepping back abruptly, he removed Chet’s collar, then glanced at Alec as he untied Chet’s hands. “I am going to help your friend release some tension. Do not worry. I promise not to kill him.”

Alec stiffened. “Uh, yeah, thanks, but I don’t think so. The size difference is—”

“Boss,” Chet grit out, eyes flashing fire. “For the love of God, let me fucking do this.”

Alec shouldn’t have been surprised. Chet was practically part Pitbull. One of the reasons Alec hired him on. But he couldn’t afford to risk the guy getting injured. Chet was vital to the team’s survival.

“Chet,” he chuckled tensely. “Come on, man. You’re angry. And clearly not thinking straight.” He gestured to Roni. “He’s freaking huge. No way you could—”

,” Chet persisted. “He’s been nothing but a punk. Gimme a chance to put him on his ass.”

Roni crossed his arms and smiled at Alec. “You are smart. Understand that your kind is inferior. At least one in your unit shows intelligence.”

Alec’s blood boiled at the insult. But even though he knew Roni was blatantly goading him, he couldn’t tamp back human pride. Eyes narrowing, he gave Chet a single nod. “Have fun,” he muttered. “Don’t make me regret this.”

“Yes,” Chet hissed, his excitement palpable.

A sly grin spread across Roni’s face. “Bellah. Nenya.”
Good. Come
. He led them to an open space.

As Alec’s team looked on, Gesh and some others came to watch, too. Honest to God, if Chet wound up dead, Alec was going to fucking kill him.

Slowly, the two males began to circle, eyeing each other intently.

Roni raked another hot gaze down Chet’s body. “Will you give me a prize, warrior, if I win this exchange?”

“Sure. But if I win, I want the same deal.”

Roni’s fangs flashed wickedly. “Agreed. Name your prize.”

“Alright… If I win, no more tying me up.”

Roni’s lips curved. “I accept. If you win, no more ropes. But if I win, you must fully submit.”

Chet’s brows furrowed warily. “Fully submit how?”

“By becoming my plaything. My bitch.”

Chet paled and glanced at Alec.

Alec groaned and shook his head. Roni just played them like a goddamn fiddle. No way would Chet’s pride let him fold.

Roni came to a stop and pompously smiled, giving a big beefy shrug. “If you are scared, it is not too late to change your mind.”

Chet bristled. “Fuck you, Roni. I don’t back down.” Without warning, he rushed him, plowing his shoulder into Roni’s gut, his arms snapping tight around Roni’s waist. At six foot three and two hundred and twenty pounds, that was definitely no lightweight hit.

Roni grunted, stumbling back, and damn near falling, as he tried to grab hold of Chet, too. But Chet just kept charging, boots chewing up the ground, until he slammed Roni into a tree.

Alec grinned. Gesh laughed.

Roni coughed up a chuckle, too. “Bellah kai, kensa. Reeka moonsah may.”
Very nice, warrior. Give me more of that

Chet glared as he pinned him, but before he could reply, Roni hefted him up and head-butted him in the face.

Alec cringed as the rest of his team winced in sympathy. Chet had to be seeing stars.

Cursing through a groan, Chet palmed his eye as Roni marched them from the tree and slammed him. Right on his back atop the unforgiving ground. Air punched from Chet’s lungs, but he was far from defeated. Roni loomed above him all arrogant and superior. Chet glowered and lurched to his feet.

“More?” Roni grinned.

“More,” Chet growled.

Again, Chet lunged with the exact same move. But when Roni anticipated and tried to dodge, Chet anticipated, too, and nailed him. This time, however, when Chet shoulder-rammed Roni’s midsection, he aimed the hit slightly further down. Enough that he could grab the backs of Roni’s knees and yank the things forward until they buckled.

Roni grunted as his back slammed hard into the ground.


Alec’s eyebrows shot high. Well, look at that. Though he probably shouldn’t be too surprised. Chet
played offensive lineman in college. The science trio whooped, blatantly jazzed, as across the way, Gesh and company smirked. Alec frowned at their expressions, but was quickly distracted when Chet scrambled up and sat on Roni’s body. Muscular thighs straddling the huge Kríe’s lean waist, Chet hauled back and clocked him in the face.

Roni stilled, then slowly grinned wicked wide. As if the pain Chet just inflicted turned him on. Chet snarled, cocked his elbow, and threw another punch. But this time Roni deflected Chet’s fist with his forearm and nailed Chet with a “snake strike” to his sternum.

Chet grunted, then grimaced and wheezed for breath. But that brief pause would be the beginning of the end. Roni’s big hand slammed the side of his face, sending him sprawling to the ground. And just like that, Roni was on top of Chet, pinning him flat on his back. Noses nearly touching, the Kríe bared his fangs. “Tah, Chet.”
“Your anger excites me.”

Chet cursed and tried to shove him off, but his efforts were hopelessly futile. Roni outweighed him by a good hundred pounds. Adding insult to injury, the Kríe reached between their bodies and cupped Chet’s tender nuts. Chet gasped. Alec cringed, knowing that couldn’t feel good. Didn’t matter that Roni wasn’t even squeezing.

Roni chuckled and grazed his fangs down Chet’s throat. Chet froze, then thrashed harder to get away. To Alec’s surprise, Roni actually let him go. Well, sort of. The second he lifted up and Chet rolled out from under him, Roni shoved him back to the ground on his chest. And this time he didn’t let Chet off the hook so easy. Grabbing his wrist, Roni twisted Chet’s arm and pinned the thing painfully against Chet’s spine.

“Ah!” Chet howled. “Goddamn it! Aw, fuck!”

Roni grinned and settled his body atop Chet’s, then ground his dick against Chet’s ass. A dick that was undoubtedly rock hard. “Do you yield?” he murmured, lips brushing Chet’s ear.

Features tight, Chet panted. “No way.”

Roni rumbled happily and licked Chet’s neck. “Good. I am so very glad to hear it.”

Using his own knees to spread Chet’s wider, Roni wedged his cock even deeper between Chet’s cheeks. Evidently his fun wouldn’t be deterred by Chet’s shorts. Chet cursed. Then stifled a needy moan.

Roni grinned and nuzzled the side of his neck. “You want my cock.”

Chet coughed. “In your purple fucking dreams.”

“Oh, no,” Roni chuckled. “Not in my dreams. In your tight little warrior ass.”

“Fuck you,” Chet bit out.

“I would rather fuck you.” Roni rocked his hips, slow and steady. “I think you would rather that, too.”

Another restless moan escaped Chet’s lips as his eyes rolled back into his head. Roni nuzzled him again, then nudged Chet’s wrist higher.

Chet’s eyes flew back open. “Ah, shit! Motherfuck!”

“Do you yield?” Roni repeated, biting Chet’s ear.

Chet’s brows pinched furiously, his mind clearly at odds. “No,” he grated. “I don’t fucking yield.”

Again, Roni chuckled. “Very well, when you are ready. But you will have to say the word. I will not be asking again.”

“Yeah?” Chet rasped. “And why is that?”

“Because,” Roni purred. “From here on out my mouth will be very busy.”

And that was the only heads up that Chet got.

Roni sank his sharp fangs between Chet’s shoulder and neck.

Chet gasped, eyes wide, every muscle going stiff. That is, until Roni started to suck. Once he did, holy freaking hell. Chet’s hips started thrusting like mad.

“Fuck!” he panted. “Aw, shit! Aw, fuck!”

Seemed Roni’s fangs were some potent little bastards. Chet fisted and clawed at the damp, lush ground as his eyes kept rolling back in his head.

Alec swapped uneasy looks with Zaden. Roni said he wouldn’t kill him, and Chet’s predicament didn’t look fatal. But what if Roni was sucking him dry or something, while everyone just stood around watching? No fucking way would Alec let that happen. Whether the stubborn fucker yielded or not.

Stepping forward, he readied to open his mouth, but Miros appeared and quickly intercepted.

“He is not in any danger. I assure you, he is fine. Kríe bites are very common practice.”


“Trust me.”
Miros slid him a roughish smile. “Chet will be yielding any moment.”

Alec frowned and looked back at the team’s pinned bodyguard. Face flushed, Chet was still trying to fuck the ground as Roni suckled and dry humped him from above. But just like Miros said, when Roni sank his fangs deeper, Chet arched in a howl of surrender.

“Ah! Okay! Goddamn it! I yield!”

Gesh’s pack raised their fists.

Chet’s team bit back groans.

And Roni loosed a long, happy growl.

Gently, he eased his teeth from Chet’s neck and lazily lapped at the wounds. “Such a good little bitch. Tonight you will submit, and lead the way for your team.”

“The way?” Chet groaned.

Roni grinned. “Indeed. To show them they have nothing to fear.”

“Nothing,” Chet repeated. “You sure about that?”

“Well… Nothing and absolutely everything.”


* * *


With festivities over and everyone patched up—compliments of the team’s first aid kits—the caravan was back on its way. Chet, however, stayed pretty quiet for the journey. And honestly, Alec was grateful for that. The guy’s predicament was uncomfortable to think about. Almost as uncomfortable as the fucking rope dragging back and forth across Alec’s balls. God, they were getting so engorged and heavy. If they—or his dick—filled any fuller, Alec feared something was going to split.

Yeah. Awesome visual.

Muscles tense, he ambled next to Zaden, since their leash lent a couple of yards between each prisoner. But Zaden wasn’t talking much either. By the grim look on his face, the guy was busy working shit out. Maybe like what happened between him and Naydo. Man, that shit was crazy. And hot.

Alec groaned up at the trees. He must be getting delirious. After all, they hadn’t really eaten much and this non-stop bodily torment was exhausting. And then there were the mental aspects. Every tree they passed—and being in the jungle, there were a lot—Alec sized up as a worthy object to grind against. And those huge-ass flowers? With their long, fat pollen tubes? He fantasized shoving those up his ass. Maybe a couple at once, in one big bundle. Which was such a foreign feeling to him. Never had he wanted things crammed up his rectum. But now he yearned for it even more than he yearned for a hot, wet hole to shove his dick in.

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