Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)
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Gesh brought them to another stop, this time at the opening of a clearing. It was small, but with that running brook a few yards away, it’d make a perfect place to camp. Just enough space to pitch their personal tents and settle in good before nightfall.

Gesh squatted down at the creek and scooped some water with his hands. Looking over his shoulder, he grinned at the team. “Reesa,” he stated, taking a hardy drink.

Alec eyed his empty water bottle, then gestured to Jamis. “Check it.”

Jamis nodded, pulled off his rucksack, and quickly rummaged inside. A couple seconds later, he found what he wanted and headed over to kneel down at the stream. Scooping up a sample of the liquid, he tested it in a small container. “Looks good. No protozoa. No bacteria. No viruses.”

Gesh paused and gave an indignant grunt. “Tah.” He nodded, scooping up some more. “Reesa bellah kai.”

Alec watched the Kríe drink for another few minutes before finally giving his guys the green light. “Alright. Fill your canteens, and a couple extras, too.”

Bailey was first to partake of the water. Noah wasn’t far behind. Sinking to his haunches right beside Gesh, the blond scientist smiled at the Kríe. Gesh paused and returned the friendly gesture, his gold gaze once again lingering. As if there was something about Noah in particular that intrigued him.

Chet replenished quickly while Gesh continued drinking, then got back to watch-dogging their guide. Alec smirked and shook his head as he made his way to the brook. Their hired gun was nothing if not efficient.

Gesh finished a second later, stood, and looked around till his eyes locked on a stand of purple trees. Dark gaze glittering, he approached them, lips curved. The scientists swapped looks, then followed him over.

“Tah...” Gesh rumbled, reaching for a deep maroon blossom—which there were tons of, running up each glossy trunk. Clutching one of its huge, plump petals, he squeezed it with his clawed thumb and forefinger. Thick juice instantly oozed from the spot, releasing more of that super-sweet scent. Gesh licked his fingers and looked at the trio. “Tukah?” he asked, rubbing his lean abs.

All three guys eyed the flower hesitantly.

“Um… Are we?” Bailey turned and looked at his colleagues. “Hungry for syrupy flowers?”

But before his friends could give a reply, Gesh barked out a deep, rich laugh. “Mah.” He shook his head. “Mah, moyos ochay.” Grinning, he pointed up to a cluster of eggplant-looking fruit.

“Oh.” Bailey chuckled.

Noah and Jamis cracked up laughing.

Observing from the creek, Alec watched Gesh scale the tree. A couple ticks after he disappeared into the canopy, countless globes started to drop.

Zaden stopped beside Alec and crossed his arms. “Drink and now food. He’s being very hospitable.”

Alec motioned for Jamis to check the fruit, then turned to look at his friend. “He makes you uneasy.”

Zaden nodded. “Yeah. He does.” He scanned the trees above as well as the surrounding brush. “Why is he out here all alone? And why was he so eager to befriend us?”

Alec crossed his arms, too, and gave a shrug. “Maybe he’s just curious about us, like we are of him. Maybe his species travel alone. Like male lions. Roaming solo instead of with a pride.”

“If that was the case, then again I ask, why is he so intent on being with us? Why not just watch us from a distance?”

Alec scratched his cheek, lacking an answer. “I dunno. I mean, while lion males are typically loners, they do hang out in groups from time to time.”

Zaden turned and pinned him with suspicious eyes. “Only when they want to mate.”

Alec coughed out a laugh. “Okay, maybe male lions were a bad analogy.”

“Fruit’s safe,” Jamis announced, holding up another vial. “No toxins, poisons, bacteria, bugs…”

Gesh dropped down, then settled against the tree and grinned at his ample pile. “Mah, mahn besh,” he rumbled low. “Senna`sohnsay bellah kai.”

One by one, he tossed them all fruit. The team looked at Alec. Alec looked at Gesh. All but rolling his eyes, the Kríe took a huge bite and started chewing away. Zaden shifted his weight restlessly. To their left, Chet’s stomach growled.

fucking starving,” their hired guard muttered. He looked at Alec. “And the stuff’s cool, right?”

Alec swapped looks with Zaden, then glanced back at Gesh. Gesh smiled and took another big bite. “Bellah,” he repeated. “Bellah kai.”

Noah watched their guide eat. “Bellah kai,” he mused. “Got the feeling that means very good.”

Gesh grinned and nodded at the golden blond. “Tah, Noah. ‘Gewd.’ Moyo eenta.”

Noah beamed. “I think he just called me smart.”

“Awesome,” Chet drawled. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a translator, Boss. Now, can I eat this purple thingy or what?”

Right on cue, Gesh chomped another mouthful, his strong jaw chewing away.

“Okay,” Alec relented. “But don’t eat too much. We’ve got plenty of rations in our sacks.”

“Gonna be here for a while, Cap,” Jamis reminded. “Might wanna save those for later.”

Chet sat on a downed log and took a tentative bite. “Ohhh… Oh, my God. Tastes like peaches.”

“Damn,” Bailey moaned, trying it, too. “Like the perfectly ripe, super-sweet white ones.”

Noah settled into a spot between Bailey and Gesh, his own fruit clutched in hand. “No shit?”

“Oh, yeah. No shit. For reals.”

I fucking
the white ones.”

Alec shook his head and smiled, sitting down beside Chet. Zaden joined him while the trio remained with Gesh. Zaden still looked uneasy, but before too long, everyone was happily chowing down. Alec sighed, tension easing. Maybe with their big, strong guide around, surviving for a year wouldn’t be too hard. God, he couldn’t wait to pitch his tent, make a fire, and just relax.

Allowing his mind to wander, he gazed up at a tiny opening high in the canopy above, where two small, winged creatures flittered about. Kind of funny how they reminded him of over-sized betta fish. He watched them playing and didn’t look back down again until Gesh’s dark chuckle seized his attention. Alec eyed the male, then glanced at his team. Like him, each had finished nearly all of his fruit while Gesh sat smugly looking on. No, scratch that. He didn’t look just smug. That grin of his was downright leering.

Zaden stiffened at Alec’s side.

Chet cursed and raised his rifle. “Why the fuck is he looking at us like that?”

A louder, hardier laugh rose from Gesh’s chest. “Moyos mahneenta. Mahneenta kai.”

Face paling, Noah slowly turned to Alec. “I think he just called us stupid.”

Alec’s heart skipped a beat, then took off racing. But before he could even mutter,
oh shit
, a burning pinch lanced through his shoulder. Alec hissed as his teammates jerked in similar pain, alarmed shouts filling his ears. Alec looked down at his shoulder. What the friggin’ fuck? A tiny dart was lodged into his muscle. And the fucker stung like hell. Scowling he tugged it free, but the damage was already done, his vision darkening rapidly.

Beside him, Zaden groaned, then flopped to the ground. Chet was quick to follow. Heart fumbling in panic, Alec looked back to Gesh where the huge Kríe sat grinning bigger than shit.

Oh, God. Oh, no. They were so fucking screwed.

Then everything went black.





* * *



Alec roused to the crackle and popping of a fire… and the sound of more than one Gesh-like voice. Eyelids not quite ready to open, he shifted with a groan. Then froze. Somehow he was sitting upright but couldn’t move. Not much at least, thanks to something holding him secure by his throat and chest. Heart instantly back to hammering, he forced his eyes to open so he could get busy assessing what the fuck. Slowly, his blurry vision started to clear. It was nighttime and, oh God, he was tied to a tree.

Trying not to freak, he looked down at his body. Well, attempted to at least, which wasn’t easy with rope holding his neck against a trunk. Meaning, he couldn’t see the other rope, either. The one wound tightly across his chest, and underneath both of his armpits. Normally, a wrap like that would allow arm movement, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. Because with knees bent and open, Alec’s wrists and ankles were tied and bound together with only a scant bit of rope between them. Which allowed Alec to lift his hands a little, but not straighten out his legs.

Fucking great.

That’d definitely make escaping a challenge.

Instinctively, he tugged at his snugly tied hands. But when his wrists and forearms grazed his crotch, he made another startling discovery. His dick was literally hard as rock, and his nut sac felt kind of swollen, too. What the fuck? Had he been having a wet dream while knocked out cold? Talk about messed up timing.

Warily, he lifted his eyes to his surroundings. A half-dozen yards away, poking at a campfire, Gesh sat talking to…
Kríe. Alec sucked in a breath as his eyes focused more. Oh, hell. Make that
other Kríe. And all of them were ransacking the team’s rucksacks! Alec glowered.

Then five more Kríe strode into view.

Aw, fuck. Tied up and totally outnumbered.

Heart pounding faster, Alec looked for his men. Didn’t take him long to find them bound to trees, too. The science trio was still completely out. Most likely because their slightly smaller builds had yet to work off the sedatives. But Zaden and Chet were wide fucking awake, glaring poison daggers at their captors.

Zaden glanced his way and met Alec’s gaze, his dark eyes all kinds of stressed. As they should be. Their team was in big fucking trouble. And Alec had no clue what to do. Gesh and his buddies had stripped them of their possessions, so there was no chance a pocket knife would still be in his shorts. Not that he could reach it if it was. Truth be told, he didn’t really want to move his hands anyway. His cock was too sensitive to handle more contact; needed some alone time to chill.

Zaden gestured to his own bound wrists and wiggled his index finger. Alec blinked at the thing, confused at first, until Z started to tap it in a pattern. Ah. Of course. Morse Code. Alec should’ve thought of that himself. In his defense, though, he was still kind of groggy around the edges. Intently, he tried to focus on that finger, frowning when Zaden stopped and made a strange face. But when Z shifted his hips awkwardly, Alec instantly understood. He looked back at Zaden’s hands, or more specifically, the straining fly he was trying so hard not to touch.

What the hell?

Alec glanced at the others, discovering they, too, were sporting huge frickin’ bulges. Even the threesome still snoozing away. Zaden cleared his throat, ready to resume, but Alec was still wrapping his brain around what was going on. Forcing his focus back on Z, Alec studied his friend’s tapping finger. But before he could make out a single sentiment, none other than Gesh sauntered over.

Grinning, the big fucker squatted down in front of him, his skin looking black in the firelight. “Alec,” he greeted, his rich timbre smug.

“Asshole,” Alec irritably returned.

Gesh canted his head, his expression amused, then reached out and ran a claw down Alec’s forearm. Not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to warrant Alec’s attention. Because that black little fucker was sharp. Alec watched it warily until Gesh used it to lift Alec’s chin, forcing Alec’s gaze back to his. Alec studied his face, his features inexplicably attractive, that tiny hoop through his nasal septum only adding to his exotic appeal. And God, up close, his golden eyes were amazing—even if Alec
pissed at the guy. Stunning. Damn near hypnotizing. Especially with his black pupils all dilated like that.

Again, Gesh’s lips curved into a grin. “I was impatient for you to wake, Alec. Was impatient for us to talk.”

Alec blinked, then froze. Holy shit. Gesh spoke English. But wait. No way that was possible.

Gesh chuffed out a laugh, his grin expanding until thick fangs dropped into view. Wow, for such a bastard, the Kríe had a great smile. The way those full, dark lips made the white of his teeth pop…

Alec squeezed his eyes shut and tried to clear his head. God, not only was he hearing things, but wearing rose-colored glasses, too. Gesh did
have a great smile. Gesh was a backstabbing dick.

Gesh’s next laugh came out noticeably deeper. “I never stabbed your back. And while my “dick” is substantial, I do not believe that makes me one as a whole.”

Alec’s mouth dropped open, the last of his haze evaporating. “Oh, my God. You’re translating telepathically.” He searched the Kríe’s face, unable to believe it. “But how are you cracking our language barrier?”

Gesh shrugged a beefy shoulder. “It is something we all do.”

Alec eyed him incredulously

Gesh tilted his head. “For a species with such advanced technology, your brains are not very developed.”

Alec narrowed his eyes. “Uh huh. Nice dodge. Do you even know how you do it?”

Gesh relented with a chuckle.
“Yes. Of course. Our minds break down discourse, process words into basic sentiments. In turn, we project our own thoughts back on a brain wave that is compatible to all species.”

Alec frowned. “So how come we couldn’t understand you before?”

“I suspect because you had not yet eaten Niran food.”

Alec stared at him blankly, not quite following.

Gesh grinned and shook his head. “When it entered your bloodstream, it woke a part of your brain that your kind has not yet started using. The part that enables higher communication.”

Whoa. The trio was going to have a field day with that. But unfortunately, Alec couldn’t. Not while they were in such dire straits.

He glanced at Zaden, who was watching them intently, then turned his attention back to Gesh. “Fine. Whatever. Nice fucking trick. Why were you waiting on

“You are leader of your unit, are you not?”

Alec pursed his lips. “Why are you doing this? Why trick us and hold us captive?”

Another idle shrug. “Because I can.”

Gesh looked down to watch his claw resume its roaming. Along Alec’s inner elbow, back down his forearm, then across the meaty base of his thumb. But it wasn’t until that claw grazed Alec’s straining bulge that his body gave a head-to-toe shiver.

Gesh looked up and smiled. “You are sensitive here.” Slowly, he ran his finger up Alec’s fly.

Alec moaned. Then glared. “Yeah. I am. So stop touching and give me a better answer.”

Gesh smirked and inched closer. “I tricked you because I want your team. But you were skittish. And had many weapons.”

being the operative word. They didn’t have shit now but the clothes on their backs.

Alec scowled. “But
do you want us? Maybe we can make a deal.”

Again, Gesh chuffed. “Moyo ochay.”
Funny creature
. An utterance Alec remembered from earlier. Gesh lifted his paw and ran a knuckle along Alec’s jaw, then slid his fingers into Alec’s hair. “I want your team because I find you delicious. Your species is very alluring.”

Idly, he grazed his claws along Alec’s scalp. Goosebumps instantly flared to life. Alec shivered again. Damn. He was super-sensitized everywhere. He tried to dislodge Gesh’s fingers from his hair but couldn’t move his head enough to do so.

Frustrated and restless, he glowered at his captor. “So what does that mean? You want us as some kind of yummy little prey to play cat and mouse with in your jungle?”

Gesh lifted a dark brow. “Intriguing, but no. That is not what I have in mind.”

“Then what,” Alec grated. “Gonna kill us and stuff us? So you can stick us up all pretty on your mantle?”

Gesh’s fangs flashed in the firelight as he leaned in closer, his woodsy scent enveloping Alec’s senses. “What I want is much more indulgent than that.” He dragged his hot tongue up Alec’s cheek.

Alec froze. “Oh, God. You’re gonna eat us.”

Gesh stilled, then leaned back and let loose a laugh. A big, deep, jaunty one, and genuine as hell. “You are comical, human. But not very bright.”

Alec bristled. “I don’t know your fucking culture. You could all be a bunch of cannibals.”  He paused and eyed Gesh warily. “You’re not a bunch of cannibals, right?”

“No.” Gesh resumed his lazy lapping, this time up Alec’s jaw to his ear.

“Ah!” Alec grimaced. “Stop fucking licking me. Goddamn. And just tell me what you want.”

Gesh growled against his skin. “As if I owe you an explanation. You are nothing more than playthings, Alec. Playthings to delight in as we wish.” He cupped Alec’s crotch and bit down on his lobe.

Alec gasped, his junk going bat-shit crazy as every drop of blood drained from his face. “Holy shit,” he rasped. “You… Your team… You’re going to force yourselves on us sexually.”

Gesh jerked back as if offended, then slowly grinned. “Oh, no, delicious creature. You will gladly consent. In fact, you will
us for our cocks.”

Alec grit his teeth. “Never gonna happen.”

Gesh lifted a brow, canted his head, and eyed Alec’s obvious bulge. “You do not think?”

“No,” Alec snapped. “I do not fucking think.”

Gesh’s lips twitched. “We shall see.” His thumb brushed Alec’s crotch—right atop his sensitive glans.

Alec inhaled sharply, then paused in realization, nailing Gesh with another irate glare. “
did this to us, you twisted fuck.”

Gesh’s big eyes gleamed.

Alec seethed harder. “How.”

“Senna`sohnsay,” Gesh purred.
Fruit of unrelenting fire

Alec blinked. “You mean, that fruit you fed us? But… I watched you eat it, too.”

Again, Gesh shrugged. “It is not poison.”

“Yeah, but you’re obviously immune.”

“Am I?”

Gesh curled his big paw around Alec’s bound hands and pressed them against his own crotch. Then, as if to hammer things home, he slowly moved them up his length. Alec gaped. He couldn’t help it. Was too fucking floored. Because not only did Gesh’s cock feel harder than steel, but longer than a fucking pole. The distance from its base to its bulging crown seemed to go on forever. Easily twelve inches, probably more, with the girth of a baseball bat on steroids.

Alec shook his head as much as he could move it. “I don’t understand. Why would you subject yourself, too?”

“Because it was the only way to convince your team to eat. And besides, I like the feeling.”

Wholly disturbed, Alec shifted his hips, his own cock growing more sensitive. “Great. And how long does “the feeling” last?”

“It will not relent until seed has spilled.”

Alec exhaled in relief. Oh, thank fuck. He could easily rub one off. As could his team.

Gesh’s eyes bore into his. “So you see, you are not alone. I too ache for release.”
He dragged his tongue slowly down his fang.
“Would you like to help me with this?”

Alec stilled, then grimaced. “Ah, God, dude. No. Go jerk off behind a damn tree.”

Gesh canted his head, brows furrowing at Alec’s words, a hint of confusion flickering in his gaze. “But that will not do any good.” 

Alec chuckled darkly. “Hey, not my problem. You got yourself into this mess. Untie me and maybe I’ll help you find a woman.”

” Gesh repeated, eyeing Alec oddly. Standing up, he squeezed his junk. “You speak no sense, but I do not care. It is too soon for you to truly understand. Tonight I will sate my body’s needs elsewhere.” Pivoting on his heel, he called to one of his pack. “Roni. Reckay óondah. Nenya rhya may tai.”
Roni. I need release. Come fuck me now

Gee, how nice of him to translate that, too. But wait a minute. Gesh wanted
to fuck him? He wasn’t going to find a female? Alec supposed he shouldn’t be surprised with the way Gesh had acted. The massive Kríe must swing both ways. Which made sense in a way, since he only traveled with males. But hold up. Shouldn’t
be fucking
, and not the other way around? Gesh was the one who needed to come.

BOOK: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)
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