Kissing Steel (5 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Kissing Steel
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She gasped when the man under her suddenly jerked violently, his eyes flying wide

open as he tried to sit up with her on him. He couldn’t move much, the restraints holding

him spread-eagle the way she’d put him but it still made her feel terror. Was he strong

enough to break the bed or the thin chains that were attached to it? His startled gaze met

hers and in the next second she saw pure rage in his eyes as he jerked against the leather

restraints around his wrists and ankles.

He started to fight, bucking his hips, twisting trying to break free. Rena had to

squeeze her thighs tight against his hips to remain seated on him. She was hoping her

weight would help keep him down.

“Stop it!” She rubbed his chest again. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

He roared in rage, the sound loud in her ears. He didn’t calm. If anything he fought

harder but luckily the restraints held. She heard the wood creak as though it might snap.

She could see his muscles bulging and straining as he tried to pull the bedposts from the

frame. He glared at her, his mouth snapping closed as the angry sound died.

“Just calm down.”

“Calm down?” He snarled the words. “What did you do to me?”

He wasn’t twisting or trying to buck her off anymore. She relaxed, staring into his

fierce eyes. “I don’t want to be given to someone else.”

“So you knocked me out somehow and restrained me to the bed?” He growled at her

just as an animal would, surprising her. “If you think you can ransom me to get off the

ship, they will kill you the second you leave this room or they will come in here to take

you out. Your plan of escape won’t work.”

“I know that plan won’t work,” she admitted. “I’m also not stupid. I’m sure the

has escape pods but I also know that this ship is first class so it could easily

overtake a pod so leaving in one wouldn’t assure my freedom. I’m too damn far from


Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

Earth to make it anyway, even if you didn’t chase me down. We’re weeks out and while I

know a pod would eventually get me there I’d be a sitting duck for any pirate who

spotted me in one of those slow-moving things.”

He glared at her.

She took a deep breath trying to calm her frayed nerves. “Maybe this wasn’t such a

good idea but I’m desperate.”

“Release me now and I won’t kill you.” He pulled on the arm restraints but they


“No way in hell am I letting you up until we work some things out.”

He growled at her again, glaring. “When I break free you are going to be sorry.”


“If you kill me, they will kill you.”

“I’m not going to kill you. If I wanted you dead I wouldn’t have tried to wake you

up. I would have taken you out when you slept. I’m not a killer, damn it.”

“What did you do to me?”

She hesitated. “I’m not telling you that. Listen, Steel. I don’t want to be given to

your engineer. I want to stay with you.”

His eyes narrowed. He was totally irate and it showed. “This is your plan? You think

you can make me promise you under duress?” He paused. “Fine. Let me up and I swear I

will keep you.”

Rolling her eyes, Rena sighed. “Sure. Right. I’m stupid. The second I let you up

you’re going to hurt me.”

He scowled. “I don’t beat women and I won’t kill you, but you are looking at


“We could go with that plan but I don’t want to be locked up.”

“What will it take for you to release me?” His eyes narrowed dangerously again as

he glared at her. “What do you want?”

“I already told you what I want.”

“Then I promise to keep you.”

Sighing, she looked away from his eyes to let her gaze wander over his massive

chest. The guy had a body that didn’t stop. She hesitated and then reached for the bottom

of the baggy shirt she wore. She had to ease her ass up a little off him to remove it. She

let it drop on the bed next to them and tried to not blush since she was totally naked.

Risking a glance at his face, she saw his shock. He wasn’t looking at her but instead

staring at her bared breasts.

“What are you doing?”

She hesitated. “You think I’m too fragile to have sex with you and you think you

won’t enjoy it.” She paused. “I’m not really good with the seduction thing like I

mentioned before, but what the hell.” She bent over him, her hands bracing her upper

body on his chest until their noses were inches apart. “I figure if I show you that it’s

possible between us, that you will keep me.”

His mouth dropped open and then clenched shut. He glared at her.


Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

“That’s not the response I was looking for.” She smiled at him. “Isn’t it kind of hot

that you’re tied down with a naked woman on top of you?”

He growled at her.

“Okay. We’re going to do this the difficult way.” She pushed off him, lowering

down his body so she straddled him. Her gaze flew up and she stared into his beautiful

eyes. She wiggled a little on his hips, rubbing a thick, very stiff cock trapped under her in

his pants. “For someone not interested, you feel that way to me.”

He glared at her. “I don’t want you. My body reacts but it’s just a response, like


“Ouch. You know how to kill a woman’s ego, don’t you?”

“Let me go now, Rena Gates.”

“Just call me Rena since, according to you, I belong to you.”

“If you don’t let me up, it will make it worse on you in the long run.”

“Here’s the thing. If I let you go, you’ll lock me up, then probably hand me over to

someone else and I don’t want that.”

“It doesn’t matter what you want.”

She blinked. Her plan so wasn’t going the way she thought it would. She was into

improvising though. How hard could it be to seduce a guy who hadn’t gotten laid in a

long time who was hard? She could feel that bulge under her, no missing that Steel was

aroused. She swallowed to clear the lump that formed in her throat. She estimated by feel

that he might be scary large by her standards.

“You said you like aggressive women.” She smiled at him. “Has a woman ever taken

you out and tied you to a bed? Don’t I get points for that?”

His beautiful pale eyes almost completely closed as his eye narrowed. He took a

deep breath, making his impressive chest expand even more. She actually saw little hair

on his upper body, just a small amount under his arms, and of course the hair on his head.

He either had shaved his face or he didn’t grow hair there. She didn’t know enough about

cyborgs to know if they grew facial hair.

Steel’s body tensed under hers and then he started to pull again on the restraints.

Shock sizzled through her, realizing when the bed creaked in a few places that he was

strong enough to break the damn bed if she didn’t stop him.

She lowered against him and went for his left nipple, happy he didn’t have hair on

his chest. Her mouth opened and his large frame jerked under her as she started to suck

on his nipple. She let her teeth rake over the hardening areola. He stopped pulling on the

bed frame, going still under her.

She suckled on him, doing to him what she enjoyed having done to her. She really

was bad at this seduction thing but she’d learn if it saved her from the life as a whore. She

saw the irony of it but if she had to sleep with a guy, she wanted it to be the guy under

her, who could protect her, who preferred to not share a woman, and he was damn


Her hands started to explore his skin, opening on his stomach and sliding lower. Her

hands brushed material and then her fingers slid inside the waistband of his pants. Steel


Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

softly groaned, his hips arching just slightly, lifting her entire body a few inches off the

bed, her knees leaving the mattress. It made her realize again how damn strong he was.

Her hands worked on his pants while he was arched up, tugging them down to reveal

more skin. Her mouth left his nipple and she peered down to watch what she was doing.

He had hair from a few inches under his bellybutton that left a silvery thin trail lower.

She tugged his pants down more until she freed his cock. The sight of that made her gasp

softly. She swallowed as she stared at it.

His hips lowered back to the bed as his body went rigid again. She heard the bed

creak and her head rose to stare into a pair of furious pale blue eyes that glared at her. He

was tensing up again, the muscles in his arms bulging as he pulled hard on the bed frame.

Her shock over his thick, long cock—its skin a darker hue than the rest of his body—took

a backseat suddenly to the sound of wood popping as he tried to break the posts on the


Her hand went for his cock instantly, her much paler, pinker skin a shocking contrast

to his darker shaft as her fingers tried to curl around it. He was thick enough that her

fingers weren’t even close to touching her thumb. He was so wide that she wondered if

he’d even fit inside her. He went still as she gripped him, his eyes narrowing dangerously

as she stared into his handsome face.

“Don’t,” he said in a deep, rumbling voice.

She licked her lips. They were suddenly dry. His gaze tore away from her eyes to

watch her tongue moisten her upper and then lower lip. She saw his chest expand as he

took a sharp breath. She paused and then ran her tongue over her bottom lip again. His

breathing picked up. His thick, impressive cock twitched, revealing that she definitely

had his interest.

She tilted her head, staring at him until he met her gaze. “I’ll do whatever you want

if you promise to keep me.” She ran her tongue over her lips again. “Anything at all.”

His eyes closed as his mouth settled into a grim line. “I want you to let me go.”

Damn, he was stubborn.
She lifted her leg and moved so she wasn’t on him anymore

but between his thighs where his pants bunched just under his exposed cock. She

wouldn’t be able to free him of his pants unless she unbuckled the restraints on his ankles

to close his legs. She wasn’t about to do that. Having his legs free would be enough for

him to seriously hurt or kill her if he wanted to. His eyes opened and he watched her with

narrowed lids and anger. She kept hold of his rigid cock the entire time.

She looked away from him to study his impressive erection. It was really a beautiful

one, shocking her since she never really thought a man’s sex could be attractive. It was

perfectly shaped. Human men’s penises got redder when they were really turned-on. It

seemed a cyborg’s cock turned a darker color of his skin tone. Steel’s cock was a

beautiful, burnished, almost pewter color. Several shades darker than his silver-toned

skin. She leaned over him, inching her mouth closer to it.

“Don’t,” he ordered her harshly.

She froze, her gaze lifting to lock with his. She ran her tongue over her lips slowly,

making a show of doing it. His cock twitched in her hand again. She saw his chest rise

rapidly, telling her he was definitely interested. She arched an eyebrow at him, smiling.

“Make me.”


Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

Shock tore across his face and Rena wanted to kick herself for saying that, taunting

the man, and even wondering why she had. Maybe she was a little tired of men

controlling her and ordering her around. This one was restrained, so she was in control. It

was kind of empowering and the sight of him tied down, muscles straining, turned her on

more than she wanted to admit, feeling the wetness between her thighs.

He was so damn sexy and the fact that he was under her power made her hotter. She

knew that was disturbing and wrong but it didn’t cool her down any. She looked away

from him to lower her gaze. She inched closer to his cock, her mouth opening, and

realized just how big he really was.

She hesitated, adjusting him in her hand, and then ran her tongue from the base of his

shaft upward to the thick crown. The cyborg went unnaturally still, even the sound of his

breathing suddenly suspended. She hesitated and then tested the limits of her mouth,

taking the tip of him inside. She heard him suck in air then. His cock jerked in her hand

and against her tongue. She took a few inches inside her hot mouth, her teeth gently

scraping against him since he barely cleared them.

Sweetness teased her taste buds. She licked at the tip of him, tasting a little more of

his pre-cum that beaded there. He didn’t taste human. She’d given head often to her first

boyfriend, although it had been a few years. She’d refused to do that for her husband. He

was an asshole and she’d never wanted to get that up-close-and-personal with him after

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