Kissing Steel (18 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Kissing Steel
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he turned his head, nuzzling her with his cheek where his lips had touched her. He took a

deep breath, inhaling her aroused scent, a barely audible groan coming from him.

“I can’t smell any males on you.”

She arched her hips up, lifting her ass from the bed to offer her body to him. “Please,

babe. Stop teasing. I’m sorry, all right?”

He didn’t speak but his mouth did the talking for him as his tongue slid across her

clit, hot and wet against her bundle of nerves, making her aware of the differences

between a slight lick and then a slower one that applied pressure. Her fingers clutched for

the bedding but she had the urge to fist his hair to keep him in place as his tongue licked

her repeatedly from down to up.

“That feels so good.”

He stopped. “I should do this for a while to see how wet I can make you and to teach

you to never question my word. Make you wait.”

“Please don’t. I said I was sorry.”

“Ummm.” He licked her again, his tongue rasping across her clit in one slow, long


He was torturing her, Rena realized, making her pay for questioning his honesty as

he went at her as if she were ice cream, one lick at a time in the same repeated fashion

that was driving her passion higher but not enough to make her come right away. She

really wanted to get off in the worst way. She wiggled her ass on the bed but Steel’s hold

on her thighs pushed her flat. She was just able to writhe in need from the hips up, feeling

incredibly empty inside to the point of near pain.

“Please, babe,” she nearly whimpered. “More pressure, faster, or fuck me.”

Steel suddenly lifted up from between her thighs and threw himself on his back.

“Ride me now, my little siren.”

She was more than happy to do that now that she was free. Her gaze swept down

Steel’s sexy big body, loving every inch of him, thinking he was pure perfection as she

straddled his hips, her hand gripping his cock and guiding it to her pussy. She met his

gaze as she eased down. Rena cried out in rapture as Steel slid home into her welcoming

depths. Her body was on fire. She threw her head back, her hands opening on his chest

where she was slightly bent over. She started to move on him, frantically lifting up to

slam back down, taking him hard, fast, and as deep as she could.


Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

Her clit brushed against his body as she rode him, his hands gripping her hips to help

her move even faster, lifting her and jerking her down. His legs moved, his knees

bending, feet flattening on the bed, and then he was thrusting up into her quicker, his

hands gripping her and holding her still where her knees braced her. The sound of their

ragged breathing, their bodies slapping together, and Rena’s moans filled the room.

Steel’s cock was creating amazing sensations inside her and the faster he moved, the

better it was until her muscles quivered, her pussy clamping down around his cock, and

then a scream tore from her as the orgasm burst through her.

Steel roared out a loud sound that wasn’t exactly a word. Rena was too overwhelmed

by her frenzied climax and the resulting euphoria to do more than collapse on his broad

chest, panting, and smiling as his arms wrapped around her as he continued to come

inside her, jerking under her, a softer groan coming from his parted lips. “Wow.”

His hands ran from her back downward until he cupped both of her ass cheeks,

massaging them gently and then gripping them, holding onto her there. She enjoyed the

feel of his hands on her, loved the fact that she was totally on his chest but he was able to

breathe, making her body rise and fall with every deep breath he took. Her breathing

slowed along with his as the minutes passed and her vaginal walls finally stopped

twitching and her brain started to function properly now that she wasn’t gripped with lust.

“Did you call me your little siren?” She lifted her head, staring down at Steel, not

sure she’d heard him right.

His gorgeous eyes sparkled with amusement. “It is a term of endearment.”

“Siren? Aren’t those mythical creatures that lured men to their deaths? That doesn’t

sound too endearing.”

Steel chuckled, shaking his head, and looked even more amused. “A siren is a

seductress, a thing of beauty, charming, a temptress—perfectly descriptive of you.”

Rena couldn’t help but grin back at him. “That’s the nicest name anyone has ever

called me then.”

He tugged her down flat, one hand leaving her ass to curve around her waist, holding

her against him. “I do not lie, my little siren. You are all of those things to me.”

The side of her face pressed against his chest, his heartbeat music to her ears as she

relaxed on top of him, joy filling her slowly, spreading through her mind and her heart.

Her cyborg had just thought up a wonderful nickname to call her to express his affection

for her. Steel Cyborg was turning into Mr. Romantic and she knew her resolve melted

even more when it came to keeping Steel at a distance from her heart.


Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

Chapter Ten

Their time ran shorter and shorter, two days passed way too quickly for Rena. Steel

walked in the door looking frustrated and she hid a smile as she tried to not openly stare

at his messed-up hair. It was apparent that he’d run his fingers through it often.

“Frustrating day at the office?”

Steel paused, tilted his head and then slowly smiled. “You know I do not work in an


She crossed the room, just wearing one of his shirts. “I know, it was just a saying

that I thought would make you smile, which it did. I take it that you didn’t have a good


“No. The
has had some issues since we began our flight home and Fiona

refuses to allow one of our men to command her ship. She hasn’t been in charge of a

large vessel in twenty-five years but she refuses to relinquish control to someone else.”

“I’m sorry.” She walked right up to him until she could touch him. “I know what will


A grin easily curved Steel’s lips. “A kiss?”

“A kiss, getting you out of that uniform, and getting you into bed.” She put her hands

on his shirt. “You look like a man who could use a nap.”

She laughed as he lifted her off her feet and headed for the bed, his beautiful silvery

blue eyes sparkling with humor.

“A nap is for young children. The last thing I am thinking about is going to sleep

when we take our clothing off to share a bed.”

The door chime sounded and Steel sighed as he lowered Rena back to her feet. “I

almost forgot that I ordered a special meal for us.”

Rena arched her eyebrows as Steel walked to the door, opened it, and allowed two

cyborg men inside. She saw a lot of food and two bottles of wine as the men set two trays

on the table by the door, both taking a second to glance her way before Steel ushered

them quickly out of the room.

“Is that really wine?”

He nodded. “I thought since this was our last night together that we’d have a special

dinner and I know on Earth wine with the meal is symbolic for romantic.”

Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. “Tomorrow we’ll reach Outpost Five

then?” She’d purposely not asked, not wanting to know exactly when they would part


All traces of humor were gone from Steel. “We’ll be close enough in ten hours to put

you in a pod and send you on your way. I wanted you in range of the

enough to make certain you reach it safely so that is when I calculated that you’ll need to



Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

Ten hours? Oh god.
Rena nodded and turned away to blink back tears that filled her

eyes before he could spot them.
I don’t want to let him go. I don’t want to leave Steel.

Just the thought was enough to make more tears fill her eyes.
I’ll never see him again. I’ll



His voice drew her from her panicked thoughts. She blinked rapidly, forced a smile

that made her cheeks hurt, and turned back to face him. “Yes?”

“Flint and I discussed how to handle this and the plan we came up with is very

simple. One of his men flew Pod 3 from the
and docked it with the
so you

can have it when you go. The memory banks on it have been altered so anyone checking

the logs will see what we programmed them to reveal.” He watched her as he spoke, his

face expressionless. “That will fit the cover that we came up with for you. You said you

followed that pod’s signal so you will tell anyone who asks that you found the
but it

was damaged in the firefight your recovery team had with the pirates that helmed the

. You need to tell them that both ships were destroyed along with every life aboard

except you managed to get to the lone functioning pod and jettison away.” He paused.

“Can you say that? It will hopefully make your company stop hunting the

explain why you don’t have the
since we plan to keep it. Your recovery team

really spent a lot on upgrades we don’t have available to us to shield it so it’s virtually

undetectable until it’s within visual range of its target.”

“You’ve really thought about this plan,” was all she could manage to get out. “What

about when you contacted Outpost Five? Aren’t they expecting me?”

“I never told them why I wanted to know if an Earth transport was in the area. They

won’t associate my request with you showing up in a pod.”

“So everything is all figured out.” It depressed her.

“If you agree to go along with our plan to tie up all the loose ends it will be in our


“Of course I will.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t want anyone tracking you.”

“Thank you, Rena.” He waved to the food. “Let’s eat.”

“Sure.” She numbly moved forward and hoped he didn’t notice how dejected her

mood was, her mind fixed on the fact that she had a mere ten hours left with the man-

cyborg who had wiggled his way straight into her heart. “I’m starving.” She flat-out lied,

her appetite completely gone.

They sat at the small table that took up one corner of his room. Steel removed his

boots, socks and shirt, and sat across from her and opened up the bottle of wine. She

glanced at it and realized it was the same expensive brand her husband kept in his wine

cellar at their house, one she was never allowed to touch since Chuck said it would be

wasted on her. It reminded her again how much better Steel treated her as his property

than Chuck ever had as his wife.

Rena ate everything on her plate, barely registering that someone had gone to a lot of

trouble to prepare a really nice dinner for the two of them. She avoided Steel’s persistent

gaze as they finished their meal. She was careful to not consume more than a single glass

of wine, terrified if she allowed herself to get intoxicated that she’d become a fool and

beg him to keep her.


Kissing Steel – Laurann Dohner

“You are quiet.”

She stared into his beautiful eyes and knew they would haunt her for a really long

time. “I’m going to miss you,” she admitted. It wasn’t a confession of undying love but it

was something she could admit to without embarrassment or fear of him realizing just

how deeply she’d fallen for him.

“I will miss you as well.” He hesitated. “I considered asking you to stay with me.”

Hope soared just to be quickly dashed as he looked away from her, reached for his

wine to sip it, and then avoided looking at her as he focused on his dessert.

“You know how set I am on having a family unit with a cyborg woman. After the

past few months when I lost contact with my people while we were trapped on the

planet’s surface doing repairs to my ship, I realized that I would have failed my kind if

I’d died. It is my duty to reproduce so we don’t die out as a race.”

He looked up, glanced at her, before he gave his attention back to the piece of

chocolate cake. He took a bite, chewed it slowly and swallowed.

“The continuing existence of my race is a priority to my people and me, Rena, a

common goal we all share and one we value more than our lives. We must create a

future. We all must do our duty, and unfortunately, the females are few while the males

are many. We have lost a lot of male lives in the past ten years, ones who had not

produced offspring to replace their lives in our society. It burdens the rest to produce

even more and the strain on our females is greater, making it more difficult to be

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