Kiss of Fire (St. James Family) (9 page)

BOOK: Kiss of Fire (St. James Family)
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I saw them, lovely. I saw them.” He squeezed her breast and bumped his hips against hers.

Why did you leave me in the hospital?” She wished she could stop the words from pushing to the surface, but she couldn't. “I needed you.” She felt his body tighten around hers, and he dropped his hands. She let out frustrated whimper as he pulled the warm heat of his mouth away. “O'Donovan!” His name passed her lips as a low moan, and then light flooded the room as he flicked the switch. She blinked in the bright light, disoriented. By the time her head was clear, he was already across the room, kicking off his boots as he went.

Toni, get lost,” he said, disappearing down the dark hallway. She pressed her hand to her chest, feeling her heart beating a mile a minute beneath her skin. She knew she should go. She should turn and run from the infuriating man, catch the train back home, and never think of him again. But, dammit, she was hot for him. How dare he get her all worked up with no release? She wanted him to fuck her. Hard. Relentlessly. He could pour all of that anger into her, and she wouldn't mind. Not one bit.

However, he was drunk. She wouldn't take advantage of the situation. No. That would be wrong. She could ignore the ache in between her legs. She could ignore how her body responded to his. She adjusted her bra and pulled down her shirt, willing herself to relax. Telling herself she was just going to check on him and make sure he didn't pass out and hit his head on something hard, she followed him down the hallway. A lamp flicked on in the bedroom as she entered it. “You can't take a hint?” O'Donovan said, from next to the bed.

Toni bit her lip when she saw his jeans were unbuttoned. In the light she could see every muscle, every tattoo, every scar on his chest. Her fingers itched to explore his skin again. But it was not to be. Not tonight, anyway. She took a breath, and tore her eyes away from him. She took in the room instead. It was sparsely furnished, taken up mostly by a big king-sized bed covered in light blue sheets. The only thing hanging on the wall was a small brass crucifix. She ran her hand across the cool cotton of the top sheet. The sheets were high thread count, and smooth to the touch. He liked some luxury, it seemed. A breeze blew in through the open window, and Toni felt goosebumps prickle on her arms.

I just want to make sure...” Toni trailed off.

I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself,” he said. She turned away, needing a moment. Her hand found the doorknob to the closet.  She opened it, and glanced inside, not looking for anything in particular, just needing something else to focus on. His work shirts hung in a row. His boots lined the floor. “Toni,” he said, his voice harsh. “Why did you come here?”

I don't know.” She shrugged, touching the sleeve of one of his shirts.

Why won't you leave me alone?” he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Because I can't,” she said, dropping her hand to her side. She heard the rustle of his jeans hitting the floor, and Toni let out the breath she was holding. How had things gotten so out of control? She wanted him, but not like this.

Look at me,” he said, his voice leaving no room for disagreement. She turned to face him and felt her eyes widen in their sockets. He was naked, very naked, his cock long and hard between his legs. He certainly was a big boy. She also noticed he had a large bandage on his thigh. She wondered vaguely if he was in pain? “I don't need any more friends, Toni.”

Sure you do,” Toni said, forcing herself to look him in the face. His body was too tempting. Her panties were soaked, and the ache between her legs was like a siren call.

You don't owe me anything. I was doing my job.” He ran his hand over his stubbled chin. “Leave me in peace, Toni.”

But I want...” she trailed off. What did she want, other than to fuck his brains out? All she knew was that she felt an irresistible draw to him. And she was tired of being lonely. And that, maybe, he needed her too, somehow.

If you don't get the hell out of here right now, I'm going to fuck you,” he said, matter-of-factly, and she appreciated his ability to cut the shit.

O'Donovan—” she began, but she didn't get to finish.  In a flash, she found herself on her back on the bed. He held himself over her, on all fours. She was struck silent, every thought in her head fleeing.

I need a good fuck and a good night's sleep,” he growled. “And your good girl act is getting real old.” Toni's heart thundered in her chest, but she shoved herself up on her elbows, and looked him right in the eye.

There you go, assuming you know me again. I never said I was a good girl.” She smoothed her hand up his neck and dragged her fingers through his hair. He moaned, his eyes rolling back into his head as she massaged his scalp. Then she grabbed a clump of his hair in her fist, forcing his head back. “But you're drunk,” she said, her tone hard. “It's not right,” she said. “So let me up.” With a moan he rolled them over and she ended up on top of him, her thighs clenching around his ribs. He chuckled to himself, his big hands on her hips.

You're saying you don't want to fuck?” he asked, his eyes hooded and his mouth in a grin.The abrupt change in his demeanor threw her off. Suspicious, she covered his hands with hers, trying to pry his fingers off of her. “You followed me in here, and you don't want to fuck?”

I'm saying, it's not right,” she said, not having any luck.

Not right for who?” He pumped his hips and she could feel his erection against her ass. Then he yanked her forward so that her ass slid onto his chest. She grabbed the headboard, trying to steady herself.

O'Donovan,” she said, warning him.

I want you,” he rasped, tilting his head so that his cheek grazed her jean-covered thigh. “I want to suck on your clit. I want to lick and taste and suck all of you. I want to thrust my cock deep inside you and fuck you all night.” Toni closed her eyes at his words and rocked against him as he lifted her camisole. He lifted himself up, pressing his face against her stomach to kiss a spot of skin below her navel. “I wish you'd worn a skirt,” he murmured forlornly against her skin. The ache was spreading down her legs and up her chest as his stubble tickled her. She bucked against him, involuntarily, wanting the exact thing he wanted. She wanted him to lick and taste her. She wanted him to fuck her all night.
Yes ma'am
. But he barely tolerated her when he was sober. And now he was all over her? She wasn't stupid. She knew he had the alcohol goggles on. She didn't want to do anything that one or both of them would regret in the morning.

Be strong!

“O'Donovan,” she said again, her voice faltering. “Let me go. Please,” she whispered, the last word pleading.

Fuck,” he said, releasing her abruptly and she scooted off of him. She pushed herself to standing, her knees feeling weak. He dropped his hand to his erection, and began fisting himself, his green eyes never leaving hers.

You are a freak, O'Donovan,” she said, shaking her head, feeling tingly and shaky all over. He laughed, the sound low and harsh and not at all amused, as he jerked himself off.

I want to fuck,” he growled.

Yeah, but you don't want to fuck me,” she said.

I do. Believe me,” he said, his voice pained. He stroked himself, the muscles in his chest and arms tight. She watched him, biting her lip. She was just as horny. It would be so easy to give in. But she had a feeling the second she climaxed, she'd fall in love with him. That was exactly what she didn't want. Loving Sebastian O'Donovan was the worst mistake she could make. She was already half-way obsessed with him as it was. And he was an asshole, she reminded herself. An obstinate, stubborn-as-a-mule, dyed-in-the-wool jerk.

I'm leaving,” Toni announced. She never should have come inside in the first place, she knew that now. He slowed his hand.

Taking a cab?”

The train.”

No.” He was off the bed in the blink of an eye, pinning her against the bedroom wall.  “Sorry. I can't let you go. If you got mugged or raped something, that shit would be on me.” Her eyes dropped to his erect member, pressed against her thigh, and she bit her lip. He slid his nose in between her neck and her shoulder and breathed deep. A shudder of lust ran through her and she pressed her palms to his bare chest.

Thanks for the concern. But I'll be fine.”

I'll drive you home,” he mumbled, his lips dangerously close to the sensitive skin of her neck.

You're drunk,” she murmured, his stubble tickling her.

Tomorrow morning,” he breathed. She felt her entire body clench when she felt his tongue dart out and taste her. He trailed his mouth down the curve of her neck and she suppressed a moan. She felt her eyes closing and her hands drifting down his chest. His hard body was impossible to not explore. His chest alone was a work of art. She traced the ridges of his abs as he sucked her skin between his teeth. She gasped, raising her chin so he could have more access to her.  His hips rolled against hers, insistent, and she dropped her hands to his dick, without thinking. She didn't want to over-think it. She just wanted to feel. She ran her fingertips up the soft skin of his impressive erection. She felt him tremble against her and a thrill of power ran through her. More confident, she took him in her hand and stroked him, slowly. He moaned and pumped his hips toward her. She quickened her pace.

Does that feel good?” she murmured.

Fuck, lovely,” he said, then flicked his tongue against her lips. “You feel so good.” His arm snaked around her waist and his hand gripped her ass. She opened her mouth to him, kissing him the way she did all those years ago in the hospital—hungry and needy. He gave as good as he got, moving against her like he was drowning in lust. She wasn't too far from that herself. She could hardly believe what she was doing.

But she didn't stop. She wasn't going to stop until she felt him explode. He thrust his hips against her, like he was pretending he was sliding deep inside of her. His hand tugged at her jeans, but she smacked his hand away.
No you don't, big boy.
She knew if those long, calloused fingers came anywhere near her most sensitive spot, she'd be lost. So she kissed him instead, distracting him with her tongue as she pumped her hand against him faster and faster, his pre-come moistening her palm. But he didn't let her distract him. He shoved his hand between her legs, working her body through her jeans. She shivered against him, not able to resist grinding her body against his unyielding hand.

With a pained moan, he pulled away from the kiss and jerked backwards. His warm release spurted into her hand. He called out, muffling his mouth against her neck. She continued to stroke him, milking him of every last drop. Finally, he came up for air and dropped his forehead onto her shoulder. “Goddammit, Toni,” he breathed. “You are too much.” She could only smile weakly and take a deep breath. Her whole body was throbbing, but no release had come for her. Of course.

Then O'Donovan, jerk that he was, stumbled back toward the bed. He flopped down on his stomach, closed his eyes, and promptly passed out.

Chapter 8




O'Donovan woke the next morning with a raging headache and a raging hard-on. He sat up in the center of the bed and his back cried out at the movement. He sat still for a moment, waiting for the pain to ebb. He realized he was naked, the sheet tangled around his midsection. He tried to recall the night before. He remembered Toni bringing him a peach pie at the bar. He remembered little bits and pieces, but that was about it. He ran a hand through the thick stubble on his face. Jesus. He had to stop drinking like he was still in his twenties.

Standing slowly, his back screaming in protest, he headed for the bathroom and took a piss. He glanced at himself in the mirror and grimaced. He looked like shit. He chomped down a few aspirin and stumbled out into the living room.

Motherfucker,” he mumbled to himself, stopping cold. Toni was asleep on the couch, her slender leg draped over the arm and an arm tossed above her head. A triangle of soft skin was visible where her shirt rode up. Shit. Why couldn't he get rid of this girl? She was haunting him. Grumbling to himself, he returned to the bedroom and carefully pulled on a pair of jeans. Then he headed to the kitchen.

He banged the cast-iron skillet hard on the stove, hoping to wake her with the noise. He glanced out into the living room. She was still asleep. He got the eggs out of the fridge and slammed the door shut. Still asleep. She slept through scrambling the eggs and frying up the bangers. She slept through the juicer making fresh orange juice. She only woke up when the coffee started brewing. She sat up and stretched, her long limbs graceful. He rolled his eyes at her beauty. Of course, she looked beautiful in the morning. All the better to torture him with.

Toni strolled into the kitchen like she owned it, running her hands through her hair. “You cook?” she said, her eyes heavy-lidded and dark-lashed. He felt his hard-on returning as he suddenly got a vision of her body pressed against his. He could feel her mouth against his, and her curves under his hands. What happened last night? Shaking his head clear, he pointed at the kitchen table with the spatula.

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