Sundowner Ubunta

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Authors: Anthony Bidulka

BOOK: Sundowner Ubunta
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Praise for Anthony Bidulka’s previous books:

“Quant...makes for a riveting hero...the kind of friend you want to have-unless you’re a killer.”

Scene Magazine (
New York

“Few...could match [Russell Quant’s] over-the-top cleverness with words or archness of observation.”

Canadian Book Review Annual

“Bidulka is clear evidence that writing in the mystery genre does not automatically preclude character development or emotional connection with the reader.”
Wayves (Halifax)

“The best thing about Bidulka’s mysteries is the cast of by now well-developed, endearing chracters.”

Quill & Quire (

“...a novel that entertains and broadens horizons; something...all literature should do.”
New Winnipeg


“If you’ve missed the previous...novels set in Saskatoon and featuring gay sleuth Russell Quant, you’ll want them first.”
Globe & Mail (

“Bidulka is skilled at juggling a number of balls, keeping the plot and subplots spinning until the end, prompting the greedy reader to demand: ‘Where’s the next one?’.”
Lavender Magazine (

“Anthony Bidulka paints the Prairies a lighter shade of noir....”

The Georgia Straight (

“Bidulka treats the reader to enough red herrings to open a fish-market and more than one writer’s fair share of keen observations and appealing
bons mots
Outlooks (

“...the pages turn at frantic speed, each suspenseful chapter a chaser for the preceding.”
Swerve (


“...Quant is a delight to spend time with...”
StarPhoenix (

“Between Quant’s quips and hard-boiled comments and the colourful cast that includes enough suspicious characters to fill a rogues’ gallery, readers will find that Detective Russell Quant is a fun guy...”

tobe (

“...just about everything’s right with Anthony Bidulka’s fledgling series...”
The Free Press (

“Bidulka manages to spin a compelling detective story with colourful characters, hilarious situations, and touching relationships.”
Book Review

“Bidulka gives Quant an exceptional voice in crime fiction, not only distinct but distinctly Canadian.”


“...a Russell Quant tale is highly entertaining, from strange beginning to amusing, twisted end.”

Journal (

“...carries the reader along on an exuberant joy ride of action with sporadic pit stops for mayhem, menace and occasional romance.”

Wayves (Halifax)

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“One of the book’s most enjoyable aspects is its lively descriptions of foreign is clear that Bidulka has traveled there himself and his novel captures the flavor of those travels quite vividly.”

Magazine (
, NY

“...Bidulka’s Quant mysteries always crackle with action, suspense, intricate plotting...”
Planet S (


“Bidulka is no slouch when it comes to snappy dialogue and campy one-liners that more than tip the hat to classic noir...”

NOW Magazine (

“… Bidulka really comes into his own as a writer-the stakes are higher, the sense of menace much more realized throughout, and the deepening of the mythology of the series makes everything come that much more to life.”
Outlooks (

“This enjoyable series, which boasts an amiable and chatty...hero, really fires on all cylinders...”

“I don’t see my admiration for the writer or his character waning any time soon.”
CanadaEast (


“Bidulka is at his finest in his depictions of ordinary life...”

Lambda Book Report (
New York

the storyline brings a smile as pages turn with gorgeous images and smells of summer.…”


“…a mainstream mystery with an engaging protagonist and an exceptionally well drawn cast of characters that intrigue and captivate the reader.”
Spinetingler Magazine

“Bidulka’s skill makes the story so vivid that we feel as if we are the friend holding the flashlight while Quant explores the tunnel ahead.”
Wayves (Halifax)

“This thriller is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your beach blanket.”
Frontiers Magazine (


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Also by the author

Amuse Bouche

Flight of Aquavit

Tapas on the Ramblas

Stain of the Berry

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file:///D:/BOOKS/Anthony Bidulka - Russell Quant Mystery/Anthony B...

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Copyright © 2007 by Anthony Bidulka

Edited by Catherine Lake

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher or, in case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, a license from Access Copyright, 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1900, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5E 1E5.

Library and Archives Canada
Cataloguing in Publication
Bidulka, Anthony, 1962- Sundowner Ubuntu / Anthony Bidulka.

(A Russell Quant mystery) ISBN 978-1-897178-43-0

I. Title. II. Series: Bidulka, Anthony, 1962- . Russell Quant mystery.

PS8553.I319S95 2007 C813'.6 C2007-904516-2

The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council, the Ontario Arts Council and the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program.

Printed and bound in Canada

Insomniac Press

192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 403

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5T 2C2


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For our beloved Mocha & Bali

Missing you

Belly scratches and love Tony and Herb

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I am writing this late on a Friday afternoon, after a long week of work, happy to take the time to recall the many people and places, events and celebrations that are woven into the intricate patterns that make up this book. After five novels, I know that writing a book is about much more than sitting in front of a computer. It is about YOU the reader, and it is about:

The faces I see, from the first launch, the first book reading, the first book club, the first promotional appearance, to the last. I wish I could name all of you here, but I do remember you, and you are dear to me. You celebrate with me; you bolster me; you communicate so much by being there. Then you give even more: e-mails, calls, gifts, flowers, letters and cards. I am the luckiest man. From Humboldt to Houston, Swift Current to Seattle, and all the stops in between-it’s been a wonderful ride and what a pleasure to have been on it with you.

Everyone knows there is nothing quite like
feeling the love
from your hometown peeps. October 26, 2006: I still fall to wordlessness when asked to describe that night. You do me a great honour by continuing to show up…no, not just show up…by being a wave of support that washes over me and buoys me and gives me the confidence to keep on going.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Audit & Accounting, I worked for a firm called Ernst & Young. Our fearless leader was Shelley. Shelley led an incredible troupe of people, including Nikki, Karren, Bev, Rhonda, Ashley, Laurie, Donna, Lilly, Noreen, Sherri-Lynn, Trina, Cheryl, Gail, Janet, and sometimes, all the way from Regina, Ken. There are bits and pieces of our lives (and the people that go along with them) that stay with us forever, and thankfully, this is one of mine.

In a world full of news, I am especially appreciative when the women and men of print, radio, web, and TV give Russell Quant their time and attention. Be it a book review, broadcast or back slap, you have my gratitude. I hope you know that.

Special moments and people abound-did I mention how lucky I am?-the Pacific Palisades party in Vancouver; Bouchercon in Madison; Saskatoon launch special guest Rob Harasymchuk; tableside dinner readings of my work by Lynne, Jill, Kelly, Marv, Herb, Rhonda, Shelley; Fran making it to Humboldt over skating rink roads. Britainy and Ned, thanks for the great coverage;
readers, thanks for putting me on your favourite author list again-I’m shooting for #1 some day! Sandra, you tingled my spine in that under-construction hotel bar; Jessica and Steve rock; Pat and Mike,
; Kathryn and Gerard and Judy, thanks for always showing up; Leona and Jerry, I look forward to many more great meals together; Robert, you give good Archives; Richard for much more music; I finally met Nigel-you are one special guy; Gord, Mary, Heather, Andree, Bill-avuncularly yours; Debi- loved meeting you in Seattle; hi, Pat & Jack, Dan, Judy and Jim in Seattle too-what a treat to see you there; Holly-so glad you survived the Titanic; Jo-Ann, and especially Frances and cohorts, thanks for an evening below a sky of flying pigs; Farewell, Jim. Farewell, Dick. Travelling through Texas with Caro Soles-thank you to all the terrific people who proved that Texas hospitality is alive and well: Sue for a special day at Dallas’s Cathedral of Hope; Dan and Rosario for keeping Austin weird; Alex, Will and the incomparable Wayne Gunn for a fantastic night out in San Antonio; Paul for the great work you do with Saints & Sinners; Ellen-I’ll dine out with you in New Orleans any time! Thanks Mom and Moo for taking on New York with such style and grace; Gio and Norm for the rock star jacket; all the entrants in the Frances Morrison Library Seniors Writing Contest for sharing your wonderful stories; book clubbers for many enjoyable nights. Presenting a Lammy is always fun-thanks Charles. Congrats Dori on your new line of SOB undergarments. Thanks to the real Roy for ferrying us safely about South Africa and keeping us well informed; thank you to all our safari guides and companions, friends of David (Hi Craig and Vicky and Pookie, thanks for the pink champagne in Cape Town!) We wish all good things for you, Kumelo. Who doesn’t want to meet Arthur Drache? Thanks for supporting HRC, Steve O’Neill. Thanks to family and friends for an unbreakable circle of support.

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Africa introduced us to the spirit of
, which we will do our best to keep with us. From that experience grew new relationships with special children who needed help, and for that we are grateful.

Author! Author! So many writers who I admire, love and learn from have given me their time and the benefit of their wisdom and friendship over the past year. From conference panels to GWR to drinks to dinners out to joint readings to quick hugs as we find time for them; let’s do it all again soon.

And to the booksellers, I thank you for your hard work, dedication and creativity, for welcoming Russell Quant and for striving to keep the world of reading alive and well.

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