Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (52 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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Albedo needed something, the power of the Elder or that power he felt when his eyes glowed, something. He thought about calling Aleister for help, but no, Aleister was his enemy. He didn’t want to use that power again, but the Elder wasn’t working properly. As the pain was getting harder to bear, he noticed Axil was running towards Drake as he saw Albedo in pain. “No.” Axil stopped and the Elder started showing itself. Albedo’s hand was once again engraved with its light. The pain in his heart had diminished; it was as if the Elder was absorbing it. He got up and, “Fire.” Drake moved out of the way and stopped his concentration. His ability was no longer inactive and Albedo’s heart went back to normal.

Drake moved out the way just in time before Albedo’s flare could reach him. He noticed the light in Albedo’s hands and arms.
of the Elder, there’s
. He looked ahead to see Sonia, Dante and Angelione approaching. “I guess that means the fun is over huh Albedo? We have to do this again!” with a smile upon his face.

Angelione approached them, and gave them a look of suspicious. “I think Aleister is on to us, it’s obvious he’s toying with us.” He knew what Aleister was after, Albedo; he wanted him and him alone. “The sun is gone, it would be best if we continued the search tomorrow.”

Chapter 26

Shattered mind


, have you found out anything about our young friend?” asked the queen as she sat on her throne. The Queen had an incensed look upon her face; this Aleister business was irritating her. It wasn’t bad enough that her kingdom was left to die by the noble family, but now Aleister had entered her kingdom, adding salt to the wound.

Drake had been ordered to find any information on Albedo. She had felt a different vibe from him, and she wanted to know why.

“As far as I can tell, he seems normal, very powerful but nothing out of the ordinary,” said Drake. He had witnessed Albedo’s Elder and wanted to fight him again.  But this time, one on one with no interference. If the queen finds out he possesses the Elder, she would want to fight him herself, but Drake wanted him for himself. He knew how strong the queen’s killer-lust is, and if she found out about Albedo, Drake will lose his chance on his one on one fight.

The queen frowned. She hated bad news, and most of all lies.

Before Drake could look up she had him by his neck.

“There’s one thing that I hate in this world, and that’s a liar!” said the queen.

Her grip was strong around Drake’s neck. “Wait my queen, he has the power of the Elder!” said Drake.

Do you want to kill him that much you would risk lying to me? Me who has been so kind and fair to you my son!” said the queen angrily. She threw him on the other side of the room, her strength was frightening. “I knew I felt something strange from him. A mere child possessing such a power is obscure.”
My Elder felt his presence that day
. She walked around the throne room, thinking how she could use this for her advantage.
What to do, what to do.”





was the middle of the night and Albedo once again had decided to sneak out of the castle. He could feel that Aleister was calling out to him.
I have to leave without being noticed
. He checked the bridge and the hallway for any sign of his teammates or any one. He was clear as he leaped from his window to the garden, quietly. There was nothing there but dead plants in the garden. He made his way across the bridge, thanks to his old black cloak he could blend in with this thick fog. He made it to the other side of the bridge, from there he continued on following Aleister’s presence.
I’m coming for you Aleister, just you wait.





spotted Albedo from the top of the castle. From there he could see Albedo jumping from his window to the garden. 
So Albedo, he finally called for you? It’s you that he
wants and you alone; if we’re with you then Aleister will not show himself
. Angelione quickly put on his black robe and red mask; hoping Albedo’s immaturity of controlling the power of the Elder will conceal his presence.





Sonia, is there something about Albedo that we should know? It’s no secret that one of the Kings of Awakening is after him, why is that?” asked Dante.

Axil and Dante were now more curious about why Aleister wanted him so much. Sonia and Angelione never did tell them the truth. They had knocked on her door in the middle of the night looking for answers, and she knew it was only a matter of time. She thought they had the right to know, after all they were a part of this team, and were very close to Albedo.

Sonia saw the look on their faces. They demanded answers. “It’s because... he’s one of the Kings of Awakening,” she hesitated a little.

Axil and Dante were not very stunned; they had suspected that was the reason. Why would a King of Awakenings be after someone like Albedo? They had seen the evidence, they had seen Albedo transformed. They had not seen him fully transform, but had seen enough to suspect the truth.

“It doesn’t matter to us if he is one of them, he is our friend and we’ll help any way we can,” said Axil.

They had not changed the way they saw him, to them he was still like a brother.

“I’m glad to hear that,” she smiled. She knew Axil and Dante would not feel any differently about him. Still, it was nice to hear it from them.





continued to follow Aleister’s presence. Unfortunately for him, Angelione had seen him leave, and had decided to follow him. Aleister’s aura ended inside a cave; there, Aleister was patiently waiting for him, sitting on a rock.

“Dawson, at last you’re here alone. I thought I was going to have to f
ight your friends to get to you,” said Aleister.

Albedo hated the small talk, he wanted answers. He looked around and noticed something strange, this place wasn’t foggy at all. Outside you can barely see, but this place looked clear.

“Albedo, a fog is nothing more than a condensed water vapor. I possess fire ability, so you do the math.”
I know what you’re thinking before you thought of it

Albedo didn’t care for all that, “I know I was adopted. I know I was born with some kind of special ability. Is that why you’re after me so much? Is it my power that you want, the Elder?” Albedo wanted to put an end to Aleister chasing him.

Aleister laughed, “Is that what they told you? Yes Dawson, it’s true that Dragan and Cecelia adopted you.  Something else they forgot to tell you. You and I are the same! Both of us are Kings of Awakening!”

No, it can’t be
. Albedo was in a state of shock and panic, he wanted to scream. He wanted Aleister to admit he was lying, but inside he knew it was the truth.
It explains me turning into something like Michael. The Bloodhound and the Reawakening are almost alike. That thing that I felt was inside of me when I fought Michael was the Reawakening
. He looked at Aleister with hatred and shouted, “Say you’re lying! I can’t be one of you, you’re a monster!”

“Your real name is not Albedo, its Dawson, the name given to you by your true Father. Not Dragan, but your real father.”

“I don’t care about my real father. My father is Dragan, and why do you speak as if you know him?”

“But you should care about your real father Dawson. And as for Dragan, he
and I have a history of fight together.” He noticed Albedo looking puzzled, “Oh, he didn’t tell you.”

“If we are Kings of Awakening
, then where are the others?” asked Albedo curiously.

“Seventy years ago, someone found our slumber. They were trying to break our seal, why is that I don’t know. That seal preserved us for almost fifty thousand years, the awakening-seal. They weren’t unsuccessful in breaking the seal all the way through, but managed to break a small part of it. The two of us were free, but something happened to you. You lost your memory, your true power, and were turned into a toddler.” Aleister bit his lips in anger. “By them not breaking the seal properly, your body lost its memories and power. Whoever did this to us, they’re not done Albedo. I
don’t know what they were after. The only reason you haven’t seen any one of them is because your power was asleep, and they have yet to know of your current identity. They only know the infant that you were, not the man that you’re becoming. That day I lost you, I’ve been looking for you ever since. Now do you see why I need you next to me?”

For a few seconds, Albedo saw goodness in his eyes. “If you’r
e one of the Kings of Awakening, why do you need to hide? If ‘we’ have so much power, why not march and take back this world?”

“Do you really think our power is at its full level? This is only a small taste; our full power is still sleeping deep inside of us! You weren’t th
e only one affected by the seal’s effect!” said Aleister.  





was outside listening closely, making sure he was not spotted. He’d remembered that Aleister’s transformation did not last for too long fighting hi, and it looked as if his teleportation was somehow disturbing his Reawakening stage. Angelione concentrated hard to conceal himself. He was hoping Aleister didn’t transform anytime soon, if he did then sensing him would be easy. Without his glowing eyes, Angelione was just a figure hiding behind a rock. He looked at his sword, remembering that Aleister had almost broken in into pieces. 





me Aleister, in our past life, how many innocents have we murdered?”

Aleister smiled, “You were always concerned about others. It’s nice to see you haven’t change, Dawson. An answer to your question, it’s like asking how many raindrops have fallen from the sky.” He laughed, “Soon enough the others will come, and if you think I’m ruthless, then wait until you see them.”

I killed so many innocent people, I’m just like Michael
. The thought of being one of the King of Awakening was too much for him to handle now. The truth was hard for Albedo to take, his hands shook as he screamed. He wondered how many he had murdered in the pass. He could feel the Reawakening taking control, his nails and fangs growing, the glowing eyes. This was the same feeling, that time when Ethan’s mother died. His emotions took over him

“Now do you understand Albedo? You cannot control the Reawakening without your memories! You allow your emotion to control you! Who will stop your killer-lust when it happens around
the ones you love?!” Aleister knew he had to transform also. Albedo had lost control of himself; the Reawakening was now in control.

              Albedo attacked Aleister, his conscience was now gone, the only thing left was a mad dog. He swung his sharp nails at Aleister; Aleister blocked it and hit him in his face.

“Don’t let this power control you Dawson, you have to control it!”

Albedo used his fire; Aleister blocked it with his white flame. Thanks to the Reawakening, their ability had gotten a lot stronger.





was now witnessing some of their true powers.
his full power was still locked away. Is that why you couldn’t control the Reawakening for too long?
Angelione felt the shock wave from their power clashing. As he looked up he could see the rocks shaking.  He decided to move away from the fight. Still able to see, but kept his distance to stay safe.




continued to use his flare, which Aleister continued to dodge this time. His flare hits the wall, blowing parts of it off. Aleister did not want to use his power to make matters worse. He wanted to teach Albedo, not harm him, at least not this time. Albedo was nothing but a mad dog attacking with no conscience.

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