Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (26 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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When did he become so strong? He’s finally able to control it
, thought Sonia. “Albedo please let me fight with you!” He looked back at her surprisingly. “Please, I have to redeem myself!”

Albedo had used all that Jarvis and Sonia had taught him. He was becoming smarter and better as a Pureblood.  “C’mon, let’s finish this!”

Aleister got up with one last effort. “White Flames!”

“Albedo, be careful, if those hit you then you--” before she could finish Albedo released his flare. White Crimson Flame against Red Crimson Flame. As the flare clashed against each other the room lit up and a powerful wind started to blow.  Thanks to the Elder Albedo’s Red Crimson Flame was able to go head to head with Aleister’s White Crimson Flame.  Sonia stood and gasped in utter shock, wondering when he learned to use the power of the Elder to its fullest. 

The lightning in his hands could only mean one thing
, she thought,
he was becoming the Elder’s master! He also possesses the Red Crimson Flame. Albedo, how strong are you becoming?

Albedo looked at her standing there and said, “Are you just going to stand there and watch? I know about his white flames already trust Me.” said Albedo in amusement.

Sonia stood next to him and released her fire.  She used her flame as well, their flames combined as one.
Albedo, when did you learn all this, when did you learn how to use my ability

The clash of fire created a powerful explosion, smoke covered inside of the castle and their flames came to a halt.

As the smoke cleared, an evil smile appeared on Aleister’s face. “Good, Albedo! Your power is growing as expected!”

              Sonia took out her daggers ready for him to use his teleportation. With Albedo on her side she was cockier than ever. Albedo’s newfound strength had taken Aleister’s grip off her heart. She even wondered why she was so afraid of him anyway? Albedo had no fear in his eyes for him, he was fearless.

“That won’t be necessary,” said Aleister. “If this fight continues, the two of you will turn into ashes.”

              Albedo wondered what he meant by that. “Oh really, Aleister,” said Albedo inquisitively.

Aleister replied, “You notice
d I didn’t use my transformation right? Just like you I possess one of the Excitaret Quad. I’m stronger than you and not to mention my Crimson White Flame is hotter than yours.” 

“You’re bluffing.” said Albedo

Sonia put a hand on his shoulder. “He’s right Albedo. His flame is more powerful than ours. There are four types of fire abilities in this world known as the Crimson Flames. Blue is the strongest, then there’s the one he has, the white, green is the third strongest, and then last there’s ours, the red flames,” explained Sonia.
Even if his fire is hotter than ours, we can still beat him

“Albedo, the next time we meet I won’t be holding back my power.” Aleister’s body began to breakdown to white ashes and floated away.

“I’ll be looking forward to it,” said Albedo eagerly.

Half of Aleister’s body was gone and the only thing left was the right side of his body and face.  Aleister said before he disappeared, “I’ll see you around, Dawson. Remember, a king can never reach a God. In the mean time Sonia, you’re doing a great job teaching him, but know this; I will come for him again!” Aleister was now gone.

Sonia stared at Albedo as he did the first time he’d met her. He had a smile of excitement on his face. He could have died, but did not care. It was as if he was enjoying the battle, just like Aleister was.

“That was only half of his strength, I can’t wait to fight him at a hundred percent one day,” said Albedo with joy on his face.

Sonia continued to gaze at him, surprised at how much he had changed over such a short time. “I only left for a week or two, and look how much your power has grown.” said Sonia.

Albedo didn’t care about his power or abilities; he grabbed Sonia and gave her a hug, he was happy to see her. She hugged him back, and as they hugged under the red moon, they both felt harmonious. Whenever he was around her, his world was at peace. Nothing mattered to him.

“Ok, ---you---can let go now.”  “It’s nice to see you too,” she said with a smile as he suffocated her.

He started to blush. “Sorry didn’t mean to hug you that long.”

Deep inside of her, she knew she was starting to feel for him what he felt for her. Everything Aleister had told him a few minutes ago was all irrelevant to him.

Chapter 13

Enter Dante


king had asked Dante and Axil to go back to Inferno for a while. In the mean time Sonia had left Albedo after a long battle against Aleister and went back to the castle to report to the King. Dante and Axil now makes their way to Albedo’s house.

“I can’t believe we have to go babysitting. When are we going to go on a mission?” said Axil annoyed. Small veins appeared on his forehead, he wanted to test his strength against a formidable opponent.

Dante noticed the vein and looked away quickly. All this stress will make Axil an old man one day. “We’ll get our chance one day. In the mean time; let’s enjoy the fact that we don’t have to train with Master Angelione. His training routines are brutal; the guy has no compassion for the body.” 

“I don’t understand why we have to be his body guard,” said Axil angrily. They passed by the cherry blossoms. Axil not even concerned with how beautiful or how good it smelled.

“Don’t you remember what Sonia told us? Some powerful guy is after him.”

Axil was not very happy about the fact that he had to be Albedo’s bodyguard. A Pureblood of his caliber should be a Black Reaper by now, not a bodyguard or an apprentice. Dante on the other hand, loved the idea. He was known for being a bit lazy, so a job that meant he could sit and do nothing was perfect!

“Think of it as vacation for all the hard training we’ve been doing. Let’s face it, my beautiful face can use it,” said Dante as he smoothed his skin with his hand. Dante was also known for been a good looking fellow according to the ladies. Women old and young could not keep their hands off him; he wasn’t too fond of the idea of fighting all the time. Once he’d joined the Army, they soon realized he wasn’t average. He was quickly asked to train with Angelione in hope of one day becoming a Black Reaper. The King had seen potential in him. After years of training and shaping his skills, his ability to control ice was outstanding. His speed and strength surpassed most of King Victor’s Purebloods.



Life was not always easy and relaxing for Dante, he was born on a farm close to Inferno. His family was proud farmers. Each morning, Dante would get up and go feed the animals. He hated that life, but thought there was nothing out there for him. At eight years old, he started showing signs of his ability, just like his brother, Adam.

Adam had been training his whole life, in the hopes of one day pursuing his dream of becoming one of King Victor’s warriors. However, Adam was born with a disease, when he used his abilities; it took a toll on his health. Adam quickly noticed Dante’s ice ability surfacing at an early age and wanted to train him. Their parents, who are Purebloods, were not born with any ability. Their grandfather however was a great ice wielder, a great warrior who served under King Victor’s father.

One night
Dante was asleep as Adam walked into his room and said, “Hey little brother, I have something to show you.” Adam took Dante to the lake; there he put his hand in the water, turning it into ice. “Impressive, huh little Brother? I can freeze any liquid that I touch.”

“Wow, that’s amazing!” said young Dante. “You are going to be a great warrior like grandpa.”

Adam laughed. “That’s nothing. Grandpa was able to create ice with no water, and one day you will do it too.”

Soon enough Adam started to teach Dante how to control his ability; he knew he could not be the warrior his grandfather was, but thought Dante could. With his training, he could turn Dante into a powerful force.

Two weeks passed since that day and Dante and his brother
sat on the grass and gazed at the moon.

“Hey Dante, look at the moon, see how beautiful it is. One day, if you work hard, you might become a Black Reaper,” said Adam.

Young Dante looked at his brother and said, “Was grandpa a Black Reaper too?”

“Yes he was. He was even an acquaintance of Dragan; the most powerful Pureblood the organization had ever emitted.”

              Dante loved his brother, but he did not care about his ability, or the training. He was just happy he had a means of getting closer to his brother. However, their parents were not happy about Adam’s decisions to train Dante.

“You will not use my son to fulfill your ambitious dream Adam!” said his father angrily.

“Why can’t you understand, I’m doing this for him. Do you want Dante to be a farmer for the rest of your life?” said Adam.

“What’s wrong with being a farmer, son?” replied his father.

Adam wanted more out of life for himself and Dante than to be a farmer’s son. He had tried to join King Victor’s army, but was told no because of his condition. They told him if he continued to use his ability, he would die. “Look father, Dante has the potential to put our family’s name back where it belongs; alongside one of the greatest Kings this land has ever seen, just like grandpa did.”

Dante was secretly listening to the argument.

As Adam continued to get angry, his chest started to hurt and blood dripped from his mouth. He noticed he was bleeding. The stress was too much for his weak heart as his chest started to hurt him. Dante quickly rushed in and they took him to his room to rest.

“Now do you see, son? Do you see what your ambition is doing to you? If you continue like thi
s, you won’t make it five years. Your heart was not meant to take this type of stress.”

His parents had made him swear not to continue to train Dante, or use his ability ever again. He was told if he stopped using his ability, he could live for at least five years. But to a Pureblood, five years is a hoax.

A couple days passed and Dante’s father sat at the table with him, hoping he could enlighten Dante more on Adams’s situation. Dante knew what was going on, but he was still a child. “Hey father, how come you don’t have ability like me and Adam, you could’ve been a Black Reaper?”

His father answered, “Not all Purebloods are born with abilities Dante, remember that. And besides, to tell you the truth son, even if I did I don’t think I want to be a Black Reaper like father was.
Sometimes I would rarely see him. He was always going to foreign lands on missions. When I was lucky I got to see him once a month.” 

This had Dante thinking, he was glad his father was a farmer and thought it wasn’t so bad.

              “As sad as I was Dante, I was very happy. Thanks to his efforts he was keeping us safe, along side of one of the most powerful Purebloods, Dragan and Cecelia,” said his father with pride and admiration.

The next day t
heir parents were gone and Adam was making dinner.  Besides his mother, Adam was the best chef in the house. Dante helped him chop the potatoes and onions; cooking with his brother was always fun. 

“Hey big brother is it true that you’re going to die if you continue using your ability?” asked Dante with sorrow in his eyes. 

Adam didn’t know how to answer. “I’m not going to die Dante; it’s just a lie to keep me away from building our family’s name again.”

Even though Adam had promised his parents he would not continue to use his ability, nor train Dante, he broke his promi
se and continued to secretively. Fourth years had passed since then. Dante was becoming stronger, and Adam was slowly becoming weaker.

As Dante grew, he started to understand life more and more, he became more aware of Purebloods
, humans and vampires. On Dante’s twelfth birthday, his mother had thrown him a party. Dante couldn’t be happier, right up to the point where his brother fainted at the table.

“Adam, wake up, Adam!” Adam was taken to his room with Dante and his parents by his side. They could see it in his eyes, the end was near. 

“Hey little brother, don’t worry about me, I’m alright,” said Adam. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. At early dawn in the morning he woke Dante up and took him to the forest to teach him one last thing before he died. Adam knew this was the end for him and he was running out of time. “Attack me Dante, and prove to me all my days of training have paid off.” Adam wanted to fight Dante, for one final test.

“No brother, you’ve done enough. You need to rest or you…” Tears started to fall from Dante’s eyes.

              Adam attacked him. “If you don’t fight back, I will hurt you Dante.”

But Dante refused to fight back. All he could do was dodge and block.

“Dante please, I beg of you! This is my last request! As your brother and your master, we both know it’s over for me; let me die doing what I love to do.” Blood was pouring from Adam’s nose, the end had come for him, and fighting was his last wish.

e wiped the tears from his eyes. If this was his brother’s last wish, the least he could do is deliver it to him. As the fight got started, both ran towards each other, but before Adam could get there, his body gave up. He fell.

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