Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (17 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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The other one who came with Aleister said, “Smart woman.”

William was dead in an instant; he stood no chance against Aleister. Aleister looked at his partner and said, “I have to say Dmitri, this was pretty fun.” said Aleister with evil in his voice.

The man next to him, Dmitri, was known for traveling with him and considered very dangerous.

              Samuel was not intimidated by Aleister’s presence. After all, he was himself a notorious killer like Aleister. William’s men were too frightened after realizing this was the real Aleister; one by one they started running.

“Cowards, all of you!” laughed Dmitri.

Angelione was now watching a legend living up to his reputation.
It’s him, the real him
.   “You knew didn’t you? You’ve been watching us all that time, but why have you decided to show up now?” Angelione looked calm; he had no fear for the great Aleister. But Sonia on the other hand, she had the same look as a mouse staring into a snake’s face.

Aleister responded to Angelione, “Well I must say, it was pretty entertaining. He used my name and my face to bring fear to a Kingdom. It was a must-see show.”

Samuel was not pleased at Aleister comment. “So you’ve been watching all along? For years they said the Five Kings of Awakening are the most notorious killers to have ever lived. What do you say Aleister? Let’s see which one of us is the better killer.”

What is Samuel thinking? He dared challenged Aleister, the great Aleister to a duel?
“Samuel, you don’t know what you’re doing, he can kill you before you move!”

Samuel ignored her warning, as he was about to command
his clones to attack. Aleister vanished in a blink of an eye. He reappeared behind Samuel and delivered a strike that ended William’s life with the same sword.

So he can teleport after all, this is going to be a problem, and did I just see his eyes glowing before he teleported?
Thought Angelione

Samuel was shocked, he had no idea what just happened, it all happened in a blur. “Did you just… teleport?” he said quietly, his mouth filled with blood.

              Angelione quickly looked at Sonia, realizing they’re next.

Sonia had expected the real Aleister to be fast and strong, but she had not anticipated this teleportation ability. Angelione himself was amazed how fast his teleportation was. Aleister was truly powerful! 

“Sonia, I know we’re faster and stronger, even our vision and reaction is twice better than Samuel, but don’t let that fool you. Watch my back and I’ll watch yours,” said Angelione.

Dmitri shook his head, “Master Aleister had teleported so fast that it was impossible for a low level Pureblood to defend himself.”  He walked closer to Samuel’s body. He grabbed him by his neck and he pierced his fangs into it. “Now you know what it feels like to have your blood sucked,” he wiped his mouth.

“Why did you drink his blood?” asked Angelione. It wasn’t common for a Pureblood to drink each other’s blood.

“Who knows,” Dmitri replied.

Sonia and Aleister were staring at each other; she was still shaking in fear. Those blue and red eyes felt as if they were staring into your very soul.

Sonia’s eyes became weary. “So tell me Aleister, are you one of them, are the rumors true?”

Angelione had to come up with a plan fast. If he’s one of them then they would stand no chance.

“That power that you used when your eyes started glowing, it’s the power of the Reawakening isn’t it? If that is so, then you truly are one of them,” said Sonia.

“Yes, it is,” responded Aleister. “The Reawakening is even stronger than the power of the Elder, the Bloodhound, and even the Twin’s Blood. These four are the most powerful powers in this world, known as the Excitaret Quad.
Some Purebloods are born with abilities and they think they know what strength is! Fools! It’s not until you can taste power that you can truly feel like a god! Abilities are limited; sure they get stronger as its wielder becomes more powerful. But a power is something much difficult to wield, its very assets intimidate its opponent! It brings out your inner demon and turns you into a killing being! I must say, I love it!” The look on his face was terrifying.

“Poor guy, he never stood a chance,” said Dmitri as he watched Samuel’s body lying on the ground. Samuel’s blood dripped from Dmitri’s mouth as he spoke. His fangs were

The Excitaret Quad, they enable you to increase your strength, energy, speed, even your abilities becomes stronger when you’re on that stage.
Thinking Angelione.

Aleister started to approach them, Sonia and Angelione slowly came closer to each other.

“The reason I was able to kill Samuel so fast is because he was weak. A low level Pureblood had no chance anyway against the Black Reapers. It’s been so long since I fought one of you. So tell me, how is Dragan doing? When he and I fought, he was so powerful, for a second I thought he was a High King.”

Angelione always knew his old master was strong, but to be able to make Aleister acknowledge his ability, it’s unreal. 

Sonia looked at Angelione and she wondered how strong Albedo’s father was.

Aleister started swinging his sword, playing with the tip of it as he ran his fingers across it. “I think I want to send a message to him,” said Aleister as his eyes started to glow; his fangs and nails grew longer.

! Thought Sonia, he was transforming fast.

“As easy as it was too killed Samuel without my full power. I won’t take that chance against the two of you.”

As powerful as he was; The Black Reapers were not to be underestimated.  Aleister looked back at Dmitri and said, “Stay out of it.” 

Dmitri threw Samuel’s body by the door way, next to William’s body. He gave as much space between himself and Aleister as he could.

Angelione quickly said, “Sonia, remember what I said.”

She stood back to back with Angelione, this was their way to counter attack his teleportation.

their smart
, thought Aleister.

As Angelione took the sword from his back, Aleister was already gone. The man had teleported so quickly it was almost impossible to follow.

“Above us!” shouted Sonia with her quick eyes. This reminded Sonia of the time when she and Albedo fought Vincent.

Aleister launched down with his short sword. Angelione block it in the nick of time
. Aleister’s short sword was as strong as Angelione’s big sword.

How can a short sword like this stand against my sword
? Thought Angelione as he struggled.

Now both of his hands had his grip on the sword. Just like the wind Aleister was gone again, this time reappearing from Sonia’s left side.  He swung his sword towards Sonia legs, Angelione blocked it fast. While Angelione and Aleister’s sword collided, Sonia used her ability.

“Fire!” Aleister disappeared before Sonia’s flare could reach him. Her flare explode when it touched the ground.

Aleister reappeared in front of Angelione, “Fire,” Aleister noticed her releasing her ability was a distraction for Angelione to strike. Angelione swung his sword with all his strength. Aleister blocked it with his hand this time. The force threw him off balance and pushed him back a bit. If Aleister had not transformed, his hand would have been cut off by Angelione’s sword.

So this is what the Black Reapers are famous for. Distract and attack. Poor Samuel, he would not last five seconds against the two of them
, thought Dmitri.

Blood started dripping from Aleister’s hand; Angelione had managed to cut a small piece of his skin. The glow in his eyes was gone now.
They’re keeping up with my speed by syncing as one, impressive I must say

Angelione notices the light in his eyes was gone.
He started to think,
the glow in his eyes is gone. Should I take that as in indication that he cannot control his transformation as good as I thought. If this is so then this is our chance to finish him
. He looked at his sword, which had a crack on it from Aleister’s short sword.
Why is his sword so strong, it’s even stronger than mine

Angelione fixed his glasses and said, “You may be powerful, but even you can’t stand a chance fighting the two of us.”

Aleister grinned as he disappeared once again, his body turned into white ashes. This time his teleportation was different, it wasn’t as instant as when his eyes were glowing. 

“I haven’t had this much fun since I killed those bandits,” smiled Aleister. He teleported in front of Sonia, her eyes were fast and she ducked.

Angelione got the signal and swung his sword with all his strength. Aleister blocked it with his sword this time. The glow in his eyes was back now, which startled Angelione.
His teleportation was slower without his glowing eyes.

Dmitri could feel the shock wave, the cave tremble a bit by their massive force colliding.
The two of them fight well together, but it won’t be enough
, thought Dmitri.

While Aleister was blocking Angelione’s sword, Sonia came with a punch to his stomach, too late, he blocked it and grabbed her hand. Aleister threw Sonia to the wall fierce-fully. Now was his chance, he teleported.
A sardonic smile crept into his face! Sonia was on the other side after she hit her head hard on the wall. Aleister was now behind Angelione, without Sonia to watch his back it was impossible to counter his teleportation. Angelione turned around quickly but Aleister was already gone once again, reappearing from behind again.

Aleister outstretched his arm towards Angelione with his palm spread wide.  With one look he said, “WHITE FLAMES!!!”

Angelione turned around fast and watched the multiple shots of white fire balls coming at him. He wasted no time, on top of his sword was a hole; he stick his finger inside and started swinging his sword in a circle, deflecting the fireballs.

              Sonia slowly opened her eyes in disbelief, she thought about Albedo, how his nightmares had described Aleister. Was this all a coincidence? Did Albedo really dream of Aleister? Maybe he saw a picture of him and started having nightmares? But how do you explain him knowing one of Aleister’s abilities, the Crimson White Flame?

One of the white flames hit Angelione in his left shoulder. He started feeling numb,
so this is his Crimson Flame. An ability with an ability of its own. His is worst than Sonia’s
.  This time the fire hit his right shoulder, his legs, too many for him to block by himself.  His sword slowed down. One hit his chest, his head. It was hot, real hot.  He could now no longer swing the sword. Aleister saw his chance and hit Angelione with all he had. Angelione was left defenseless as the multiple fires hit him directly. Aleister teleported in front of Angelione and sliced him with his sword.

Angelione fell to the ground and
Aleister stopped fire.  “Do you like my White Crimson Flames? Not only does it burn, but if it touched you, you start going numb.”

Angelione lay on the ground in pain.

Aleister now turned his attention on Sonia; he went to her, slowly approaching her. She got up quickly with anger, watching Angelione gave her new strength. “Fire!” with her right hand. Her fires sprung out. Aleister blocked it by quickly grabbing her hand, not knowing it was a diversion for her to use her knife. Aleister pushed her right hand away just in time with his right hand and hit her with his White Flames. She flew back to the wall, leaving her mark on the wall. She felt her body grow a little numb.

Aleister touched his face; she had cut him a little. The glow in his eyes was gone
once again.

Angelione got up; he grabbed his sword and launched an attack. Aleister saw him coming from his left,
and shot multiple fire balls from his left hand. Angelione blocked with his sword, the fires were coming fast and impossible to block them all. One hit his left side of his stomach leaving him with a third degree burn. He started spinning the sword in circle again, deflecting more. He jumped up high in the air; he had to sacrifice himself getting burn some more by letting go of the blade. In mid-air he closed his eyes and asked his brother for forgiveness. A massive Bolt of electricity aimed at Aleister. Aleister quickly stop firing his white flames and blocked the electricity with both of his hands. The lightning caught him by surprise, if he had tried to teleport, he would have gotten hit. Without his glowing eyes his teleportation would not be fast enough. Dmitri had to close his eyes; the light was too bright to see anything. Angelione had put all his remaining energy to this last effort. Aleister stood his ground and deflected some of the bolt towards Sonia’s direction. She screamed in pain. Angelione stopped the electricity knowing he would kill her if he continued. He fell to the ground, he had no more energy.

Aleister started breathing heavily.
If I hadn’t used my Reawakening in that process, he would have damage me
.  The light in his eyes was gone once again.
This guy is not ordinary, that ability is too strong for a normal Pureblood to wield
. Aleister’s hands almost shattered from blocking that massive force. The skin from his left hand had peeled off a little.
At the last minute I used my Reawakening to deflect the lightning towards his partner. I was right not to hold back against them, especially him
.  “Impressive, you force me to my limit,” said Aleister while breathing heavily.

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