Killing Time (21 page)

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Authors: S.E. Chardou

BOOK: Killing Time
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I reached to slide down my pants but his hands were immediately at my wrists and pushing them against the wall as he continued to assault my left breast. My right breast felt overwhelmingly ignored but I learned the hard way even if Rory wasn’t as an extreme Dom as his brother, he still was one and it didn’t pay to do anything to be punished.

My heart thundered against my chest and I wondered how he would choose to punish me if I chose purposely choose to disobey him? This exquisite yet ostentatious suite didn’t exactly seem to be filled with sex toys, handcuffs and other fun sadistic items he used frequently. However, I knew how easily looks could be deceiving.

He grabbed my hands and held them behind my back with one hand while he walked us to the bedroom. His other hand teased and caressed my neglected breast, his index and thumb pinched the nipple past the point of pleasure and firmly into pain territory.

“Are your nipples extremely sensitive?” he whispered in my ear.

“What woman’s nipples aren’t sensitive?” I questioned back.

Rory held my face with a hand. “We’ll have to find out since you seem to incapable of answering sex-related questions.”

He pushed me back on the bed which like most hotel room beds, had already been folded back. I lay down as he slipped my sweatpants, thong included, off my body and undid my bra before he disposed of it on the floor.

He walked over to a drawer and opened it and grabbed a metal chain I didn’t get a good look at it before he strode back to the bed. “Are you scared?”

“A little,” I replied truthfully.

Rory smiled and leaned over toward my left ear. “You’ll just have to trust me but since I don’t want you to go into full hyperventilation mode, how about you wear a blindfold. I won’t handcuff your wrists because it’s a game of trust. I trust you to know I am fully aware what I am doing and you trust me not to go too far. As usual, no safe words, no stopping until we are finished, is that clear?”

I nodded vigorously as a tear slid down my cheek.

He kissed my face and his hands felt delicious against my naked body. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or cause any scars. I promise you will enjoy this but sometimes you have to lose yourself to find yourself. It’s a cliché but it’s true. It is about letting go. Allow yourself to belong to someone else and this will be a lot easier for you to accept. Does that make sense?”


“I won’t gag you either but I am trusting you to keep your volume level down, is that understood. And the same rules apply . . . no coming until I tell you.”


I bit my lip as he slipped the blindfold over my face. The room went black and he lay me down again. His fingers pinched my nipples again and although the feeling wasn’t pleasant, I arched against his touch. And then the first clamp was placed on my nipple and I gasped out loud.

“Breathe. Your nipples are remarkable instruments. They are meant to feed children . . . they are a lot tougher than you think.”

I tried to breathe normally as he placed the second clamp on my other nipple. The pain began to fade a bit but there was a weird chain as I could feel cold steel against my ribcage and on my stomach. Rory spread my legs and slid two fingers inside me before his hot breath teased my clit. I sighed and he gave the chain a little tug, which made my nipples sing with pain.

“Remember, no coming . . . under

I nodded my head again.

He tongued my clit and my hips bucked against his movements involuntarily. His teeth scraped against the nub before his whole mouth surrounded one of my most erogenous and sensitive pleasure centers, which made me moan out loud. I was close, so very close to coming until Rory squeezed my clit between his fingers and placed a clamp on it.

It was impossible for me to come now, not when I had a clamp on my clit that squeezed the desire right out of me. My breath came hard and fast now—completely and utterly beyond my control.

“Calm down and remember what I said, you have to breathe.”

“But . . . why would you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Every pleasure center of my body has been cut off and I can’t enjoy sex,” I moaned out loud.

Rory laughed at me though there was plenty of mirth involved. “What if I told you that is a far from the truth as possible? I have cut off three pleasure sources but believe me there are others and that is what this is about . . . learning you have so many other erogenous parts of your body. When they take you to the edge then I will just have to give a little tug at the chain and the pain will bring you back into focus.

“There are two ways to look at pain. You can detest it and therefore when I do bring you back into focus, you will start to hate the clamps I have put on your nipples and clit. Or . . . you can embrace it and learn to love it and understand it. Realize that pain is every bit as sexy and exciting as pleasure and it will allow you to cross a threshold and unlock more sexual satisfaction and enjoyment than you ever thought was possible. Do you understand?”


And I did understand but I had always been a bit of a coward when it came to physical pain. I wasn’t good with it and didn’t want to know it, become familiar with it or embrace it for the matter. Perhaps I would have been better off with the vanilla yet unsatisfying sex Grayson and I shared together. Then again, that bridge had been badly and irrevocably burned, and there was no way to turn back the hands of time.

I could feel his hands on my thighs and buttocks as he spread my legs and two of his fingers slid inside me again but this time, there was so much pleasure, I couldn’t take it. He was caressing my G-spot and although I knew how much a woman could get out of stimulation, I’d never tried it without added clitoral stimulation.

I spread my legs further and the position allowed him to manipulate his fingers against the spongy tissue inside me until I was on the brink of a monster orgasm. He tugged at the chain and despite the intense pain I couldn’t block it out and bucked against his hands and my whole body shook with ecstasy as if I was having a seizure.

He lay between my legs and I could feel his warm breath on my face, near my ear. “I did that on purpose. I didn’t want you to think I am a total sadist. If you’d held out instead seizing instant gratification, I would have actually taken the clamps off. However, you seem to be enjoying them so much, leave them on a while longer.”

A while longer?

My nipples were so sensitive to the touch, one tug and I was writhing beneath him. My clit felt like it was on fire yet the pleasure was so intense, it was the ultimate sadistic device!

Rory grabbed my left leg and lifted it onto his shoulder. I didn’t quite know what he was doing until I felt every inch of his thick, hard cock sink inside of me. I was so wet, I was embarrassed by all the slickness and noises my body made while he ground away inside of me.

It was a trip to another depth of sex as he thrust into me with slow, languid strokes and every time he was to the hilt inside me, his pelvis would hit my clit clasp and make me gasp. He was obviously doing it on purpose but it was no longer painful, just an incredibly tense form of orgasm delay as opposed to denial.

His body felt so firm against mine, when he laid his chest against my nipple clamps, I moaned without thinking. It was too much, my body felt overly stimulated and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it but take it. From his long, slow thrusts inside of me to his pelvis hitting my clit clamp and his chest firmly pressed against my nipple clamps.

“Look at your face, you are so fucking beautiful. I could watch myself fucking you all day and never come but I’d be so satisfied because I do believe this is the first time anyone has been able to bring out the real you. You’re a natural born submissive and you don’t even know it. You needed the right man to come along to coax you instead of forcing you but look at you.”

“I can’t look at you—I’m blindfolded, remember?” I inquired though I sought out his face based upon where his voice was coming from.

The contours were beautiful and the roughness of his five o’clock shadow gave way to the smooth lines of his forehead. My fingers traced his soft lips before his mouth opened to me and he sucked on my index finger. I burst into laughter as he tickled it with his tongue before biting the skin lightly with sharp teeth.

He slipped the blindfold away from my eyes and my vision quickly adjusted to the dim light, his face studying mine intently as the steady beating of our own hearts could be felt against each other’s damp skin.

I stared into his aquamarine eyes and pulled him toward me. He kissed me hungrily and the clink of metal from my clamps and the sound of flesh hitting flesh were blurred out by our intense make-out session where his mouth seemed to devour my own with a feverish urgency and intensity. Our tongues—swirled against one another as if they were one organism instead of two. We explored each other’s mouths and yet, the kiss we indulged in was so passionate and hungry too. I could feel myself on the edge of a delicious precipice where the end was so near yet so far away.

He ended our kiss way too prematurely for my taste and turned me over onto my back. My heart galloped in my chest and a sinking feeling hit my stomach. Not my ass, please don’t let him take me up the ass. I was sore and needed time before I could indulge in that activity again.

As if reading my mind, he leaned into my ear. “Don’t worry, I won’t take you anally. Actually I can’t because you haven’t been cleaned out properly and I am not big on accidents happening back there so we will leave that area of your body alone until I have had proper time to teach you everything you need to know. We can explore that more when we get to France.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as he kissed my back and grabbed me by the waist. His cock thrust back inside me and I sighed as he entered my depths over and over again. As he fucked me, he managed to remove the clamp from my clit and that area, deprived of blood, flooded and engorged painfully. He slipped the nipple clamps from my breasts and blood flowed to the tips of my nipples and sent a shiver of pain straight through me.

“Tell me,
, are you ready to come?”

“Yes,” I gasped out loud.

“Good because I will help you on your way,” he whispered as he leaned over me and his fingers rubbed my clit, which felt sensitive and raw. How wrong I was, it was hard and the moments his fingers circled the nub, some sensual part inside me snapped like a rubber band. I came long and intensely, my vaginal muscles clenching his cock so hard, his orgasm followed mine while a low, throaty moan escaped his parted lips.

We were in that position for what seemed like forever before Rory withdrew and lay on his back. He pulled me to his chest and held me within his embrace as if he were afraid to let me go. His fingers played with silky strands of my hair and his breathing returned to normal until I barely felt the rise and fall of his chest.

“I thought I exhausted you earlier today,” I teased him before I laughed to break any tension my comment might have caused between us.

“Believe me, you have but…if I knew what the hell it was about you that drove me crazy, I would tell you to stop it so I can get some well needed rest. I haven’t slept much since . . .”

He didn’t have to say it. We both knew what he was talking about. The death of my sister had left him listless, unable to rest and all he wished to do was get lost in sex and lots of it. However, he wasn’t supposed to feel anything for his bed partner and I had thrown a serious monkey wrench in his plans though no more than he had done to mine.

I looked into his mesmerizing aquamarine eyes and never broke contact. “Tell me, what was it like when you and Trésor first began to date?”

He smiled slightly. “First of all, we never dated because I don’t ‘date.’ We fucked one another because we were attracted to each other and wanted to get off. I was a bit wary of the age difference since I didn’t want someone who would become clingy or overly emotional. I needed her to understand she was there for my needs, not the other way around. Her feelings weren’t important to me and . . . she seemed perfectly happy with that arrangement.

“I could never know it was because she was just as afraid of commitment as I was and that is why she never pressured me. That photographer really did a number on her and he killed a part of her soul when he did that to her. She was never quite the same after that. It took a while to wear her down but that came from the relationship we had. She was my submissive and she thrived while I was her Dom. I was very proud of all the work we did together and it really made me feel like I could give as well as I could get.”

I lay my head on his chest again. “What does that mean? Were you not always a Dom?”

“I was but for a long time I could be dominated as well by stronger Doms than myself. It might surprise you to know I have had consensual gay sex before and after the ‘Hamburg incident.’ It’s the lifestyle. You do have those who are strictly hetero or won’t participate with men while they don’t mind a bit of girl on girl action but most of us are bisexual.

“Once Trésor and became exclusive, I withdrew from the life for a while. I participated in enough club functions to throw Severin off or cause him not to become suspicious but it was just the two of us in our relationship. I lied to her and told her it was because I had to break her down until she eventually became a good slave but I had absolutely no inclination to make her my pet or treat her like a slave. It was an act because I realized your sister wasn’t good with half-measures. She lived her life in extremes and she had to believe she would have to be reduced to the lowest level to comply.

“You can rest assure the worst it got for us in our TPE was the whole chastity belt thing. That was a sadistic piece of equipment but ironically; she was the one who
it to
. She said I wasn’t giving her harsh enough punishments and what good was it for me to leave her in the cage when she could cheat and get herself off? I told her it was about trust but she didn’t get it. She told me I should never trust her and if I was smart, I would make it so she had to suffer more than the humiliation of the cage.”

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