Killing Me Softly (10 page)

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Authors: Leisl Leighton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Killing Me Softly
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Lexi reached out and grasped his shaking fist, gently taking the screwed-up letter from his clenched fingers. ‘Karl, it’s okay.’

‘It most definitely is not!’

She looked down at the letter in her hand. ‘You’re right, it’s not.’

He took her hand, squeezed. She looked into his kind eyes and saw the anger banked behind concern and knew he understood why she’d shared this with him.

‘But don’t you worry on this. You leave it to me and the boys,’ he said. ‘I’ll post a watch and double the roster. Put the boys on rotation. Make it difficult for him to get past our lines. And we should think of putting on some security.’

‘No! Please . . . I might be making more of this than I should.’

‘I don’t think so, lass. That letter poses a serious threat. We shouldn’t take it lightly.’

‘I know. But I don’t want to go into panic mode. I don’t want to give the bastard the satisfaction of knowing he got to me. And I definitely don’t want Bev and Billy worrying about it. They’ve got enough on their plates as it is.’

‘What about the band?’

‘I don’t want them to know. It’s got nothing to do with them.’

‘Well, you might be right about the band. But Bev and Billy . . . I don’t want them to worry either, lass, but I’m thinking we should tell them so they can be on the lookout, too. Especially seeing as they spend so much time with Cat and the threat is to her as much as you.’

‘And that’s why you can’t tell them. I don’t want their worry and fear seeping through to her. It’s essential she feels safe and if we’re all jumping at shadows, she’ll never come back to us. I trust you, Karl. I know you’ll keep us safe. So please. Until we know the threat is real and not just more words, don’t tell them anything.’

Karl rubbed his chin, pondering before slowly nodding. ‘All right, lass. I’ll do as you ask. For now. And in the meantime, I’ll tell the lads there’s been letters sent and indication of a trespasser on the property. None of them will like that one bit, I can tell you. They’ll know how to keep it quiet, too. But the minute I feel there’s more of a threat, I’m calling for extra support. I have an ex-army buddy who went into security. He’ll keep things quiet, if that’s what you’re worried about.’

Lexi managed a smile, wobbly at first and then blossoming, tears welling in her eyes. ‘Thank you, Karl.’

‘Aw now, lass, you don’t have to thank me. That’s what I’m here for. I’m just glad you felt you could come to me with this. Now, let’s do some work. That’ll help you feel better and I’ll talk to the lads when they get in for supper.’

They reached the north pasture and made quick work of rounding up the stock and herding them through the gates to the higher grassy meadow away from the river. Karl was right. As they worked, Lexi forgot about her worries and by the time they got back to the stables, it was as if a big weight had been lifted.

As they unsaddled and groomed the horses, she realised she was hungry for the first time in weeks. She put a feedbag on Viking and carried her saddle and bridle to the racks just as Karl hoisted a hay bale off the stack to put in the corral outside the stable.

She helped him lift it over the fence. He jumped in and with a couple of quick movements, cut the bale and began to loosen the hay. ‘You go on now, lass. Tell Bev I’ll be up for lunch as soon as I’m done here and get cleaned up. I hear Bev’s making Spotted Dick for dessert and you don’t want to miss that.’

‘Spotted Dick! I haven’t had that since I was a little girl.’

‘You’ll love it. Bev’s Spotted Dick is —’

‘The best in the country.’ Lexi laughed as he winked at her.

‘You’ve got that right, lass.’ He kept feeding out the hay. ‘My brother says he would have married Bev for it.’

‘But you got her first.’

The look he shot her was full of mischief. ‘I saw more in her than her cooking, I can tell you.’

Lexi kept laughing. ‘Why Karl, you rogue!’

He chuckled, the sound following her up the hill as she walked back to the house.

But then her chuckling died as a prickling sensation shot down her back. Turning, she scanned the area, certain someone was watching her.

Then she spied him, standing in the window of the guest accommodation.


He was too far away for her to be certain that he was staring at her, but she had the strangest feeling he was. Then he waved at her, the gesture casual but oddly intimate, and she saw the flash of his teeth. He was smiling.

The sensations she’d tried hard all morning to rid herself of came clamouring back; a dizzying rise of swirling emotions and rushing heat as she remembered how it had felt when his arms had held her close and steady. Swearing under her breath, she spun away and began to march out of his line of sight towards the main house.

Damn it! Damn him! And damn her stupid hormones for raising their stupid heads now, of all times. She didn’t need this. Not now. Not ever.

Chapter 8

He lowered his binoculars with a snarl.

That bitch. How dare she be so happy when his life was a living hell! Didn’t she know how to feel fear like a proper woman? Well, something had stopped her from laughing. Maybe she’d remembered his letter.

He knew she’d received the letter. It was a good letter. He’d finally managed to frighten her. He’d seen the fear on her face as she’d given it to the old farmer.

What an idiot she was! As if that old man could protect her from what was coming!
I am a plague sent down to smite those set against me.

And if the old man got in the way, he’d just have to dispose of him too.

He freed himself from his pants, cupping his erection as excitement shot through him. It wasn’t a bad thought. Not a bad thought at all. Destroy the things she loved. Yes.

Rubbing until it was almost painful, he formulated a new plan. He would make her choke on her happiness and then they would see who had the last laugh!

On a suppressed cry of pleasure, he came, spilling his seed on the ground. Very soon, he would spill his seed into her and then, oh, then he would reap what his brother had sown.

Chapter 9

The day had not gone well. Daemon knew he was being foul to work with, but he couldn’t seem to help it. They just weren’t working on music he was really interested in. He just wanted to get to the good stuff but couldn’t until he saw Nigel and knew it was safe to hand it over to Alexia.

Not to mention that he was so goddamned tired.

Then Phil came in on the wrong beat again.

‘No. That’s not right.’ Trying not to yell, he gritted his teeth and raked his hand through his hair.

‘Well, stop changing the bloody tempo and it will be,’ Phil grumbled.

‘I didn’t change it. It’s just unsyncopated. Here, let me show you.’

Phil threw down his sticks. ‘So now you’re the drummer? Are you going to take over keyboards, too?’

Daemon blinked at him. ‘Since when did you become so precious?’

‘Since you turned into a bloody grump. Get some sleep or get some action. Either way, I’m done for now.’

Craig made a choking noise, taking a step between them as Daemon’s face darkened.

‘Hey! That’s enough in there.’ Alexia’s voice came through the loudspeaker. ‘Let’s call it quits for now. We could all do with a break.’

Daemon turned around to glare at her through the glass. She was sitting at that huge desk like the bloody Queen. ‘I want to run it one more time.’

She sat forward and spoke into the mic. ‘I said we take a break. No-one is going to do their best work until you cool down. We’ll pick this up after dinner. It’s a gorgeous day outside – not a storm cloud in sight. We should all go out and enjoy the last of the afternoon sun. Phil, why don’t you go for a ride with Melissa? I know she was planning to head out again with Karl, but Bev can pack you a picnic and you could take her down to my favourite dell next to the stream I told you about yesterday instead.’

‘Lis would love that.’ He’d stopped objecting to her horseriding after that first outing a few days ago when she’d come back smiling so blissfully, it was as if a mini sun had exploded. Craig began to turn off his keyboards as Phil marched out of the studio.

‘Where are you going?’ Daemon snapped. ‘We’re not finished.’

Craig shook his head. ‘Yes, we are and I’m getting you out of here before hurricane Daemon goes off and you upset Lexi.’

‘Don’t worry about me, Craig. I can handle Daemon,’ Lexi said through the mic as she continued to save their session and shut down the desk.

‘I’m not so sure.’

‘I think this is something better worked out between the two of us. Why don’t you go and see what Billy and Cat are up to? I think they’re in the pool.’

‘Don’t you dare walk out of here,’ Daemon grated out.

‘Craig, leave. Daemon and I obviously have to go over our agreement again.’

Daemon swore as the door closed behind Craig but didn’t move, glaring at the woman on the other side of the glass.

She had to feel his glare – she’d felt it when she’d been walking up to the house for lunch. But just as she had then, instead of looking at him and acknowledging his presence, she kept her head down, shutting off her equipment with a calm that drove his anger up another notch. He thought she’d understand how he felt. She seemed just as passionate as he was about music. He thought they’d connected over that, at least.

But no.

She’d brushed off his offer of help this morning and was brushing him off now.

Finally, she looked up, her gaze snapping straight to his. The air seemed to vibrate between them, just as it had when she’d burrowed into him this morning. Just as it had since the moment they’d met.

He watched as she took a deep breath and entered the studio. He tracked her every movement as she walked past him and switched off the mic. ‘Why don’t you take a stroll, Daemon? It’ll do you good to get out.’

‘I don’t want to “stroll”,’ he snarled.

‘A ride then.’

‘You had no right to stop us.’

She shook her head and he had to admire the way she managed to keep her voice calm.

‘I was afraid Phil was about to shove his drumsticks in your eye. You’re grumpy, he’s grumpy. You both need to take a break.’

‘I know better than anyone else when I need to take a break or not.’

‘Apparently you don’t.’ She held up her hand as he opened his mouth to argue further. ‘I’m not going to discuss this, Daemon. If you don’t do what I suggest, I’ll lock you out of the studio for a few days to force you to take a break.’

‘You can’t do that.’

‘As you said, I’m the boss. My studio. My rules.’

The air crackled between them.

‘I’m not kidding. Get something to eat, go for a ride or a walk. I don’t care. Just go.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ He saluted her.

She didn’t react to his mocking gesture other than to put her hands on her hips and meet his stare. ‘Are you going, or do I have to lock you out?’

‘I’ll go on one condition.’

‘What’s that?’

‘You’ll come and have a bite to eat with me.’

She blinked, apparently caught off guard just as he was by the complete turnaround. ‘I . . . I can’t. I have some work I want to do downstairs. Maybe another time.’ She backed away.

‘You have to eat.’ He stepped closer, backing her into a corner, scenting her unease like a wolf would his prey; or his mate. His body felt magnetised, drawn to her even as she unsettled him.

For a moment, he thought she felt it too, would give in, but with a wrench of will she walked away, breaking the connection.

‘I’ll ask Bev to bring me something later,’ she muttered as she hurried out of the studio.

Daemon followed her, unable to calm the hunter inside that made him want to claim her for his own. ‘She and Karl are going to town tonight.’

‘What?’ She turned the desk on. ‘Oh, that’s right. Their anniversary. Billy will bring something down for me then.’

‘I suppose you’ll have a quiet comfy dinner together, just the two of you. How romantic.’

At his tone, she turned slowly to face him. ‘What is that supposed to mean?’

‘I noticed how close you were the other day.’

Her eyes narrowed. ‘I think you need to go outside and cool down before you say something you’ll regret.’ She spoke slowly, as if keeping a tight rein on her temper. But he didn’t want her to keep a tight rein on it. He wanted her to explode, just like he felt he was going to explode if he got no relief soon.

‘Believe me, I won’t regret this.’

His hands shot out, grabbing her arms and pulled her forward, her body slamming flush up against his. She looked up at him, as if to order him to let go. And if she’d done that, said the words, he would have obeyed, because despite the strange mood he was in and the unreasoning jealousy slamming through him, he would never force a woman into something she didn’t want.

But the words never made it out of her mouth.

Hot, intense, her gaze fluttered to his and held there, caught like a trapped bird. She began to tremble, leaned toward him.

That was all the invitation he needed.

His lips touched hers and she opened to him, stroking his tongue with hers as his hands ran a fevered path up and down her back, crushing her to his length. Heat and softness overwhelmed him. Fevered, he tasted her mouth, her skin. The texture of her hair, soft silk, ran through his fingers. Her fingers tightened on the muscles of his arms, stroking up his neck, through his hair, pulling him closer, back to her mouth, making him want more. So much more.

‘Lord, Alexia,’ his voice a breath of sound against her silken skin. ‘I want you. I’ve wanted you since I met you. I can’t explain it. Do you have any idea how much you turn me on?’

The shove to his chest had him stumbling back. Her hand was to her mouth, eyes huge, skin deathly pale. She trembled, but not with passion. One glance at her terrified eyes had him stepping towards her. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she looked through him. ‘Alexia? What is it?’

She flinched, then seeing him, mumbled, ‘I think I’m going to be sick.’ She turned and fled down the hallway and out the front door.

‘Alexia, wait!’

She didn’t stop. The door slammed shut in his face. He ran after her, but when he opened the door, he was blinded by the bright sunlight for a moment and couldn’t see which way she’d gone. Swearing, wishing for the wild tumble of dark clouds that usually crowded the sky rather than the startlingly bright sun shining across the craggy grey peaks in the west, he glanced down the path at the stables and seeing nothing, looked back up towards the manor house. Squinting, he saw her run past Craig, who stood on the path between the house and the studio. Craig called out to her, but she kept running, stumbled up the back steps and with a slam of the door, disappeared into the house. Daemon groaned as, face grim, Craig marched down the path toward him. He didn’t feel like putting up with the third degree.

‘I thought you were catching up with Billy and Cat,’ Daemon said as Craig reached him.

‘Cat’s having a sleep. What’s wrong with Lexi?’

Daemon ran his hand through his hair. ‘I kissed her,’ he murmured.

‘You what?’ Craig looked as if he’d just been smacked in the face.

‘It’s no big deal. She kissed me back. I didn’t force myself on her or anything.’

‘Shit, Dae!’ Craig rolled his eyes then turned to go. ‘I better go tell Billy.’

Daemon grabbed his arm. ‘What does this have to do with Billy?’ His jaw hardened. ‘I was right. There is something going on between them, isn’t there?’

‘What are you talking about?’ Craig looked incredulous.

Daemon ignored him, began to pace. ‘You know, if they’re engaged or something, she really shouldn’t be looking at me the way she does.’ He didn’t know why he felt so upset, so betrayed. She meant nothing to him. Daemon wished Craig would stop gaping at him.

‘Billy’s not in love with Lexi.’

Daemon stopped pacing. ‘Yeah, right. I’ve seen the way they are together.’

‘He’s not here for Lexi. He’s here for Cat.’

Daemon snorted. ‘I know he’s here for Cat. He’s her therapist.’

‘That’s right, but that’s not all.’ He shoved his hands in his pockets. ‘You’ve seen what Cat looks like, so you know something terrible happened, but don’t let on I told you this, okay? Billy and Lexi don’t like it talked about.’

Daemon nodded.

‘Cat was kidnapped and raped.’

‘Shit.’ Daemon halted mid-stride. ‘Who?’

Craig’s mouth twisted. ‘I’m already breaking a confidence by telling you this much, so don’t ask me for more. All you need to know is on the night she was kidnapped, she and Billy were supposed to go on a date. Billy was running late. By the time he got there, she was gone.’


‘Yeah. He told me he loved her. I think he still does. That’s why I’m telling you this, so you know there’s nothing going on between Lexi and Billy.’

‘What if she never recovers?’ Daemon asked after a stunned pause.

Craig shrugged, opened his mouth to answer but his eyes narrowed instead. ‘Hang on a minute. If you thought they were together, then why’d you make a play for Lexi?’

‘I didn’t make a play for her. We were arguing. Then suddenly we were kissing.’ He looked up toward the main house, still confused as to how it had happened. All he knew was that after she’d run into his arms that other morning, burrowed against his chest, he’d wanted nothing more than to have her back there again. Which was insane.

Craig began to chuckle.

‘I don’t see what’s so funny.’

‘I think you need to work it out for yourself.’

Craig’s expression was so smug, Daemon felt like punching him. Instead, he curled his fingers at his side, turned and walked down the path to the Dower House. He punched in the code and opened the door, slamming it behind him. The thudding sound made him feel slightly better. Then as he stomped into the kitchen he began to laugh. His actions were that of a two-year-old, sulking over something he’d been told he couldn’t have. He never used to sulk. He must have learned from Darla. She could have won competitions with the excellence of her sulking.

Daemon realised with surprise that thinking about Darla didn’t hurt. He wondered what had changed.

Then the answer came to him. He no longer felt anything but indifference towards her. The realisation astounded him. It felt pretty bloody marvellous, actually.

What had he ever seen in her? After what he’d seen his father endure with his mother – what he himself had gone through – he should have known better. She and Darla were basically the same. Lying and manipulative. When Darla left he’d sworn he would never get involved with a woman who wasn’t open and honest with him. And yet, here he was again, falling for someone whose life was full of secrets.

The wayward thought brought him up short.

He hadn’t fallen for Alexia. It had just been a kiss. That was all. A kiss that hadn’t even ended well. He couldn’t get caught up in a kiss. A kiss was nothing.

She hadn’t acted like it was nothing.

The thought that she’d run from him in fear gnawed at him. Did that have something to do with what happened to Cat? If he’d frightened her, he needed to know why, needed to know she was okay, needed to apologise. They had to work together and he didn’t want to mess that up.

Why hadn’t he thought of that before he’d pulled her into his arms?

He sighed.

The kiss was his mistake. He had to deal with the consequences. And he’d better do it now before she had a chance to consider that breaking their contract was the way to go.

Lexi stared out the study window, watching the glorious colours of the setting sun against the lilac sky.

‘Lexi?’ It was Billy. She didn’t move. ‘Lexi?’

‘Isn’t the sky magnificent? I almost feel that if I opened this window I could breathe in the golden warmth. Wouldn’t that be a true balm for the troubled soul?’ She laughed, a hiccough of sound. She didn’t turn to look at him, just kept staring out the window, the golden glow outside casting the last warmth of the day upon her face. After a while she sighed and without turning, said, ‘What do you want, Billy?’

‘Craig told me what happened down at the studio.’

She bit her lip. ‘That was nothing. Just a little argument.’

Billy stepped further into the room. ‘That’s not what I’m talking about.’

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