Keys to Love (5 page)

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Authors: S. J. Frost

BOOK: Keys to Love
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Brandon rocked against him. “Now, there’s no need for that.

I know you like Shun.”

“I do like Shunichi, very much.” Julian exhaled a sigh. “I’m just jealous.”

Brandon gazed at him, a soft smile on his lips. “It never would’ve worked out between us, Jules. We both know that.”

“Of course I do. I didn’t mean I was jealous because he has you. I’m jealous of the action I know he’s getting. I mean, my God, Brandon, you’re phenomenal.”

Brandon’s smiled brightened. “Why, thank you. I think I’m quite good myself, and Shun doesn’t seem to think I’m half bad either.”

Julian chuckled. “Yeah, I’m sure he doesn’t.”

He glanced at Brandon, the memories of their nights of intimacy filling his mind. The first time happened over Christmas while Conquest was on their first tour. Whether it had been not wanting to sleep alone over the holiday, or their attraction for each had built to a breaking point, he and Brandon couldn’t resist falling into bed together. He had suspected Brandon would be good, but how good still stunned him.

After the New Year, when Brandon was forced to return to Chicago to continue playing the Phantom in
The Phantom of the
and he had to move on with the band, they parted under the belief that while they both enjoyed what happened between them, it wouldn’t happen again, and neither wanted a commitment from the other. So when Brandon caught up with them on the road in Japan while they were touring with Evan, going to bed with him again was the last thing on Julian’s mind, until they all went out. He, Evan, and Brandon sat in a bar drinking
and trading sex stories while Jesse and Kenny played video games in an arcade across the street. The stories left all of them hot, but Evan had an outlet and took Jesse straight to their hotel.

At that time, neither he nor Brandon were seeing anyone.

When they returned to the hotel, Brandon followed him to his room, accepting the unspoken invitation. But once again when Keys to Love

they parted ways, both knew their experience was nothing more than a good time.

The truth of it was, even though the sex between them was amazing, it was more of a comfort thing for him. Brandon was a friend, and at the time, it was nice to be with someone he’d known longer than having just met backstage. But for all Brandon’s attractiveness, kindness, and bright personality, he simply didn’t fulfill what Julian wanted in a permanent partner. Brandon was just a bit too refined. With regards to Brandon’s type, Julian knew it was even more true concerning himself. Brandon’s type was, well, Brandon had already found his perfect match.

Julian grinned at him. “There was also the Jesse factor. He would’ve killed us if he had found out about our adventures.”

“Actually, he knows.”

Julian’s grin withered. “What? How?”

Brandon gave him a light push on the shoulder. “Don’t look so horrified. He didn’t care.”

Disbelief claimed Julian’s countenance. “Really?”

“Really. When we hooked up over Christmas, I was coming out of your room and he was walking down the hall to take Achilles out. At first he stopped and just stared at me. Then he got that little smirk of his and as he walked by, asked, ‘Did you boys enjoy yourselves?’ I said, ‘Immensely.’ He chuckled, said ‘good,’ and went on his way. Then I told him about our time in Japan, and he found it pretty hilarious since he knew damn well how horny Evan had gotten from our chat in the bar.”

“But he always reproached us for flirting.”

“Yeah, but that was because he knew it wouldn’t work out between us in the long run, and he didn’t want to see either of us get hurt.”

“I wonder why he never said anything to me.”

“Well, even though he’s a nosey thing, he’s also capable of being discreet. He probably figured he wouldn’t bring it up unless you did.” Brandon gave him a nudge with his elbow and a wink.

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“Besides, I already told him all the dirty details.”

“Oh, wonderful. And here I thought
were capable of being more discreet.”

“Not with Jesse. You know he and I tell each other everything.”

“And you see? That’s another reason why we never would’ve worked out. That’s all I’d need is Jesse snickering at me every day over my naughty bedroom habits.”

Julian glanced to the side and saw Brandon’s partner, Shunichi Miyamoto, walking toward them. Shunichi’s refined features, dark eyes, black hair, and slender body of solid muscle made him absolutely stunning, topped with a gentle and playful disposition.

“And what are you two giggling about?” Shunichi asked.

Brandon stood up to greet him. “I just told him that Jesse knows about the flings he and I had.”

Julian gasped. “Brandon!”

Shunichi laughed and wrapped Brandon in an embrace, his gaze settling on Julian. “It’s okay. I already know about them.

Brandon and I don’t have any secrets between us.”

“Yeah, but still, no one wants to hear about their partner’s past…

Shunichi shrugged. “The past is nothing more than the road traveled to the present. What matters are the steps we take today.”

Brandon placed a tender kiss on Shunichi’s lips. “Says the holder of the Philosophy degree.”

Shunichi chuckled. “Okay, then I’ll just say it doesn’t matter to me because you’re mine now and I know you will be forever.”

He delivered another kiss to Brandon, this one deeper than their first.

Julian looked away. As wonderful as it was to see them happy, just how many couples glowing in monogamous bliss were going to be paraded before him? He knew flaunting their perfect relationships wasn’t any of their intentions, but it didn’t ease his loneliness.

Keys to Love

Brandon and Shunichi slowly pulled apart. Brandon looked to Julian. “Are you joining us for lunch?”

Julian shook his head. “No, I have other plans.”

Brandon took Shunichi’s hand and turned to leave. “Then let’s make sure we all get together before you guys hit the road.”

“We will.”

As they walked away, he saw Shunichi pull his hand from Brandon’s to slide it into the back pocket of Brandon’s jeans, Brandon gave Shunichi’s ass a rub before copying the movement, putting his hand in Shunichi’s pocket. With a sigh, Julian shoved away from the piano and headed for the back exit. He felt guilty for lying; he didn’t have plans, but he really didn’t feel like watching Jesse and Evan, Brandon and Shunichi, loving on each other while he was trying to eat.

A single, humorless chuckle escaped him. It seemed he should add bitterness to all the other quirks he had going on lately.

Julian hastened through the backstage, hoping with each step he wouldn’t bump into any of them. He reached a back door, flung it open, and paused. Rain poured so hard he could barely make out his car in the distance. For mid-September, the weather already held a chill, and a blast of wind sent a shiver through him.

He realized in his haste, he’d forgotten to grab his coat, but if he went back now, he was certain to run into everyone. He decided it’d be better to just brave the weather.

Julian sprinted forward. He reached his silver Audi Q7 and grabbed the door handle. It stayed locked. Cold rain soaked his hair and shirt. He cursed under his breath. This wasn’t the first time his keyless entry hadn’t worked recently. Julian dug in his pocket for his keys, unlocked the door, and dove inside, slamming it closed. He let out an annoyed breath as he shook his fingers through his hair and gave the car’s start button a hard push. Nothing happened. Just as the keyless entry refused to work, it seemed the keyless start was following the same pattern.

He shoved the key into the ignition and cranked it. The SUV

remained lifeless.

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Julian collapsed back in the seat. He glanced at the switch for the headlights and saw he’d turned them off before going inside.

That pretty much tapped out his knowledge of what could be wrong with it. From minor annoyances to major, it seemed nothing was going right for him lately.

Despite knowing he wouldn’t be able to decipher the problem, Julian popped the hood and grudgingly climbed out. He stomped around to the front, well aware of each icy raindrop pelting him.

He raised the hood and peered inside. Just as he suspected. It looked like a car. No little red flags or flashing lights signaled what was wrong.

The rumble of an engine made him glance over his shoulder.

An older model black Jeep Wrangler pulled up next to him and the window rolled down. As he looked inside, he no longer felt the cold.

“Is everything okay?” Morgan asked. “I saw your hood up.”

Julian blinked through the rain at him. “It’s completely dead and it’s not the battery. At least, I don’t think it is. I didn’t leave my lights on.”

“Well jump in before you freeze to death. You’re already soaked.”

Julian paused for a brief instant, then grabbed the Jeep’s door handle and climbed in. “Thanks.” He glanced around the Jeep’s interior, worn, but clean and well cared for.

Morgan saw him looking things over and smiled. “Yeah, not exactly an Audi, is it?”

Julian let out a snort. “No, it runs.”

Morgan laughed, and Julian felt the last bit of chill melt from his body. He faced forward, needing to give himself, and his cock, a respite from Morgan’s attractiveness.

Morgan slowly moved his gaze over him. Julian’s pale blond hair looked slightly darker with moisture. His light blue shirt clung to him, his perked nipples visible through the thin material.

A soft scent touched Morgan’s nose, one he had smelled the Keys to Love

first time he met Julian. He savored it then, wondering if it was a cologne Julian wore often, and now realizing it must be. The fragrance was light, subtle, fresh. It gently took over his sense of smell, then moved on to arouse the rest of his body. To his mind came a vision of sliding an arm around Julian’s lower back, pulling him close and burying his nose in Julian’s neck, licking his scented skin.

Morgan quickly turned his eyes away. He reached to turn up the heat and adjusted the vents toward Julian so all the warm air blasted on him. “Were you going anywhere I can give you a lift?”

Julian held his hands toward a vent. “Just out to lunch.”

Morgan gazed at Julian’s hands, his fingers long and graceful.

“I can take you wherever you want to go. If you don’t mind hanging out with a lowly roadie, of course.”

Julian looked at him, a smile came to his lips as he met Morgan’s eyes. “I’d like that very much.”

Morgan threw the Jeep in gear and pulled away. “Where would you like to go? You look like you could do with something warm.”

“Anywhere is fine.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t go out with the rest of the band.”

“Well, sometimes it’s good to get a break from each other.”

“I thought maybe it was because of that guy you were talking to earlier.”

Julian slowly turned his gaze on him. “What guy?”

Morgan shifted in the seat, his eyes focused ahead. “The guy who came up on stage. He had black hair. It just seemed like you guys were, uh…enjoying each other’s company.”

“You were watching us?”

“Not intentionally. I was about to change a chord with the keyboards, and…” he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel in an anxious beat, then gave Julian a quick smile. “And it’s none of my business. Forget I brought it up.”

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Julian took in Morgan’s discomfiture. Was Morgan put on edge because he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of two men together, or was it something more? He wanted to believe it was something more, perhaps a touch of jealousy, but so far, he didn’t have any reasons to even believe Morgan was gay. He got a slight vibe from him, but he also got that feeling from Brad, who insisted he was straight.

The whole thing was starting to give him a headache. He was half tempted to plainly ask Morgan if he’d be interested in sucking him off. Though, if the answer didn’t come out the way he wanted, it could leave for a little bit of awkwardness.

“Brandon is Jesse’s older brother, and a dear friend,” Julian said.

“That’s fine. It’s not like it’d matter, anyway.”

Julian winced internally, and nearly externally, at Morgan’s words. That pretty much summed things up. If Morgan was straight, he didn’t care if he was gay. If Morgan was gay, it wouldn’t matter to Morgan if he was seeing someone, which equated into, he had no interest in him. Hurt and frustration at Morgan’s blunt words filled Julian with each second of uncomfortable silence that ticked by, until he couldn’t contain it.

“I’m glad it doesn’t matter, and since you’ve already assumed I was trying to flirt Brandon’s pants off, I’ll just admit I’ve already had them off, but he and I ended up going separate ways. He has a partner who he’s very devoted to. Does that satisfy your curiosity or would you like more details?”

Morgan snapped his head toward him, his mouth dropped open. Only a stutter came out before he found his voice. “I…I wasn’t implying anything like that.”

Julian huffed and turned his gaze out the passenger window.

Morgan looked back to the road. He mentally chastised himself for his big mouth. He couldn’t believe he’d mentioned Brandon. It just slipped out, pushed from his mouth by jealousy.

When Remmy was going over the keyboard setup with him, they noticed the coating on one of the wires was cracked. Remmy got Keys to Love

called off to take care of another issue, so he returned on his own to replace the wire, and when he walked on stage, all he saw was another man standing behind Julian, his hands over Julian’s eyes as he whispered to him.

Instant jealousy had filled him, but even more, inexplicable hurt. Seeing the other guy, Brandon, made it sink in even harder that he wasn’t the type of man Julian was interested in, especially learning they had been lovers in the past. Brandon had pretty boy good looks, his hair was perfectly styled, his clothes classy and immaculate. And now knowing Brandon was Jesse’s brother, he vaguely recalled hearing about him being an actor. How could a schoolteacher, and an unemployed one, compete with that?

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