Keys to Love (4 page)

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Authors: S. J. Frost

BOOK: Keys to Love
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Julian gazed at Jesse, how dedicated he was in supporting Evan. He felt the familiar ache in his heart to have someone feel the same toward him. He took a breath, attempting to shake the feeling away. “It’ll be hard to find something I own of equal value to what you’re both laying out. It’s strange, for all the possessions I have, they all seem rather trivial compared to this cause.”

“I’ll be grateful for anything you offer,” Evan said.

Julian sat quiet, pondering on what he could donate. The room filled with silence as Kenny and Brad did the same. After a few long moments, the silence broke with Kenny snapping his fingers.

“I know what I can give! I’ll donate my lucky guitar pick!”

Jesse gave him an unenthused expression and spoke in a monotone voice. “Your guitar pick?”

Kenny nodded excitedly. “Not just any guitar pick. My

“And what luck has this all magical pick brought you?” Jesse asked.

“Hello, I’m lead guitar of the hottest band in the world.”

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Jesse sat silent for a moment, blinking at Kenny. “Okay, later I’ll explain to you exactly why our success has nothing to do with a guitar pick that can be bought in a pack of three for five bucks.

In the mean time, think of something else.”

Kenny frowned at him. “It’s a custom Fender pick and it cost me a lot more than that.”

“I don’t care if it’s made from diamonds. Find something better.”

Trying to speak through his laughter, Brad said, “Dude, Jess’s right. A guitar pick is so lame.”

Kenny turned on Brad. “So what are you going to donate?”

“I was thinking maybe I could offer private drum lessons.

Not like a year’s worth, but maybe once a week for a month or so. The only problem is, we’ll be on the road.”

“No, I think that’s a great idea,” Evan said. “We could have it as a stipulation to the auction that the buyer wouldn’t be able to collect until the tour is over. I don’t think that’d deter anyone.”

Jesse gave Brad a slap on the arm. “Good thinking! Completely selfless.” His gaze went to Kenny in a pointed look.

Kenny aimed his index finger at Jesse, his face holding a smug expression. “Yeah? Well how’s this for selfless? How about I offer
up? Completely! The winner gets to go on a date with me!”

Jesse smirked at him. “Sounds like a great idea. I’m sure there are a lot of rich old men who would jump at the chance to buy you and have you all to themselves.”

All smugness vanished from Kenny. He looked to Evan for help. “We could have a stipulation that only chicks can bid on me, couldn’t we?”

Evan took a deep breath. “I don’t know, Kenny. That really wouldn’t be fair and could limit the amount we might get for you.” He turned to Jesse. “What do you think?”

Julian looked back and forth between them, easily able to tell they were now teasing Kenny. He glanced at Kenny and almost burst out laughing at how he looked at Jesse as if his life Keys to Love

depended on Jesse’s decision.

Jesse nodded thoughtfully. “It certainly could limit the clientele. And we want to raise every penny we can.”

“Jess,” Kenny pleaded.

“I agree,” Evan said. “Of course, it wouldn’t do us any good if we get some guy storming back after a date with him demanding a refund.”

“Which could happen if there’s an unsatisfactory performance.” Jesse grinned at Kenny. “Okay, I guess we can put you up as a woman-only item.”

Kenny let out his held breath. “Awesome!”

Jesse lifted up an index finger. “But, if you’re not bringing in a high dollar, I
change it on the fly and open the floor to male bidders.”

Kenny stared at Jesse. “What do you mean,
you’ll open the floor

Jesse’s grin shifted to a wicked smirk. “I’m emceeing the auction.”

“No.” Kenny took a step back, shaking his head. “No, I’ve changed my mind.”

“Sorry, you can’t. You’ve offered your item and we’ve accepted. But don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you.”

Julian laughed along with Evan and Brad. He couldn’t help it at Kenny’s horrified expression over his fate now being in Jesse’s hands. He slowed his laugh and looked at Jesse and Evan. “Well, I’m not sure I can compete with Kenny prostituting himself, but I have an idea of what I can offer. What about a private piano concert?”

“I love it,” Evan said. “People will get into a bidding war over having you play a private concert for them.”

Julian nodded. “We can hope.”

Evan’s gaze moved over everyone. “Thank you, guys, for doing this. It means a lot to me to have your support.”

Julian stretched across the distance between them to lay his
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hand on Evan’s knee. “Of course you’d have our support. We’re a family.”

Evan lowered his gaze. His voice left him in a hushed whisper as he muttered another, “thank you.” For how expressive he was with his music and on stage, Julian knew Evan always became uncomfortable when his true emotions began to show in front of anyone other than Jesse, though he had steadily adapted to it around them.

Jesse wrapped his arms around Evan and laid his head on Evan’s shoulder. “Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me, too.”

Julian brought his gaze to Jesse. “When’s it going to be?”

“Not this Wednesday, but the following one.”

Kenny’s eyes widened. “So soon?”

Jesse turned to him. “Yeah. Isn’t that awesome? Less time for you to wait.”

Kenny clamped his lips shut as if not sure how to reply.

Jesse stood and turned for the door. “Really, we just want to do it before we hit the road. Ev’s already got the advertising lined up and after he makes the call, it’ll be all over the place.”

Julian looked at Evan. “Then you’ve worked on this for a while?”

Evan shook his head. “Not really. I talked to the foundation a couple weeks ago and when I brought up the idea, they jumped on it, especially with the connections and promoting power I have. And with holding it here in Conquest’s hometown, that’ll bring in a lot of local money.”

Jesse took Evan’s hand as they walked toward the stage.

“Yeah, and Brandon’s going to hit up the theatre community.

He’s going to offer something and get some of the other big actors in town to join in.”

“What’s Brandon offering?” Julian asked.

“I don’t know yet. We’re going to talk about it when he gets here later.”

Keys to Love

“He’s stopping by?”

“Yeah, we’re getting together for lunch.”

An internal sigh passed through Julian. Just what he needed to top the parade of beautiful men who didn’t want him. Of course, he didn’t know for certain that Morgan didn’t want him. He also didn’t know for certain Morgan was gay. When they met, he had been so busy trying to keep his cool, he hadn’t scrutinized him.

But with an ass like what Morgan had, it’d be one of the greatest injustices of the world if he wasn’t. Julian gave the thought a frustrated shove to the back of his mind. He needed to stop thinking about him. In less than twenty-four hours, it’d hit the point of obsessive.

Julian climbed the stairs to the stage, and as he rounded a stack of amps, stopped in mid-stride. Morgan stood at the keyboards with senior tech, Remmy Laurent, who had worked their last tour. Morgan had his back to him, but he still knew it was him.

A muffled groan sounded in Julian’s throat. How bad was it that after one day, he could already recognize the man by his ass?

Julian looked at Remmy, a cutie in his own right, with shaggy dark blond hair and youthful features that made him look as if he’d run away from home to follow a rock band. Remmy had a sweet personality, often quiet and a little shy, but Julian couldn’t think of anyone who knew the ins and outs of a high profile tour better.

Julian saw Jesse stop at the keyboards and hastened forward.

It was never good to leave Jesse’s mouth unattended.

“Is everything alright with the keyboards, Remmy?” Jesse asked.

The senior tech nodded. “Yeah, everything’s perfect. I was just showing Morgan how to set them up, do the programming, all that good stuff. He just joined us yesterday.”

Morgan offered his hand to Jesse. “It’s great to meet you, Mr.


“You too, but don’t call me mister. You’ll have me feeling like there’s a second Kurt running around here and none of us want
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Julian walked up as Morgan laughed at Jesse’s comment. He gazed at Morgan, his ears drinking in the husky timbre of his laugh, and felt entranced by his smile. He didn’t know how it was physically possible for his whole body to suddenly feel like mush while his cock hardened. Morgan was dressed more casually than the day before, in a plain gray, long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans.

He’d never seen such simple clothing look so sexy on anyone.

The jeans alone were a vision in how they formed to Morgan’s narrow hips, and he couldn’t help but notice how filled out the crotch looked.

Evan speaking pulled Julian back to the moment.

“I don’t know why Greg brought him back on.”

“I think because he headed up our staff on the last tour,”

Jesse answered. “But he does seem more…
than last time.”

He faced Julian. “But look, Jules. This is who’s going to be taking care of your babies.”

Julian thought he caught a hint of innuendo in Jesse’s tone, but couldn’t be certain if it was real, or if his own paranoia placed it there. He willed a cool, relaxed smile to his lips and looked at Morgan, giving him a nod. “Yes, Morgan and I met yesterday.”

Morgan smiled in return.

“Already?” Jesse said. “Damn, you work fast.”

Julian’s smile tightened as he turned to Jesse. “I just happened to be here when Kurt was showing him around. Shouldn’t we start rehearsing? You said Brandon will be here soon for lunch, right? You won’t want to keep him waiting.”

“Yeah, you know how he gets cranky when he’s hungry.”

Julian put both hands on Jesse’s shoulders and pushed him toward the center of the stage. “And so do you, so let’s get on with it.”

Jesse waved to Morgan and Remmy. “Later, guys.”

Julian threw a hasty wave at them, seeing they were departing the stage.

Keys to Love

Jesse laughed softly. “Are you feeling lucky right now?”

“Why would I?”

“That roadie is so your type. You’ll get to look at him every day.”

Julian dropped his hands from Jesse as he headed for the piano. “Yeah, I suppose.”

Jesse worked on adjusting a mic stand. “It’s just too bad he’s a staff member.”

Julian paused and turned toward him. “Why’s that?”

“Remember that fiasco on the last tour?”

Julian stared at Jesse, who was occupied with getting the mic stand to the height he wanted and grumbling about who the hell had adjusted it the day before. The fiasco Jesse mentioned happened when two roadies started seeing each other. It seemed the gossiping, backbiting, and vindictiveness that occurred because the man was a lead tech and the woman was just a bottom rung roadie had been awful, since many believed she was getting special treatment.

In truth, not he or any of the other band members paid attention to the personal lives of the crew, and between the four of them and Evan, he doubted they could rattle off twenty names of the staff. The only way they found out about the situation was when right before a show, they walked out of Jesse’s dressing room to an all out fist fight in the hall between the female roadie and another woman. Julian still didn’t know what had sparked the fight other than hearing the other woman had apparently taunted the female roadie. Either way, Jesse was in a fury over it, and even though he didn’t order the woman in the relationship to leave the tour, embarrassment forced her to. Would such a thing happen if he entered a relationship with Morgan? If it did, he’d never forgive himself.

Through his thoughts, Julian heard Jesse’s voice.

“I don’t ever want something like that to happen again.

Whoever heard of a band being late taking the stage because of
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a roadie brawl? At least there weren’t any fans backstage to see it.

It would’ve been all over the Internet. Talk about embarrassing.”

Julian nodded slowly and continued toward the piano. “Yeah, not at all professional.”

Chapter five

Julian stood up from the piano and stretched his arms above his head, letting out a groan as he did. He still felt exhausted.

He’d managed well enough during the morning rehearsal, or had once Morgan’s distracting beauty left the stage, but in just the brief break from Kenny excusing himself to use the restroom, fatigue settled in again. At least Jesse was good enough to decide they could all break early for lunch.

Julian’s vision blackened as a pair of warm hands covered his eyes from behind. A deep baritone whispered in his ear, “Guess who?”

“Not quite the man of my dreams, but close enough.”

Brandon laughed and dropped his hands from Julian’s eyes.

“Strange, I’ve heard that before. But it’s usually more like, not the man of my dreams, and not even close.”

Julian turned around and met the blue eyes of Jesse’s older brother, the shade lighter than Jesse’s indigo. With his ebony hair, his elegant features, and medium build lined in muscle, the famed stage actor never ceased to make Julian’s heart flutter. Except today. Oddly, his body wasn’t reacting to Brandon’s presence like it usually did. There wasn’t even a stir of emotion. He chocked it up to being tired. “Now we both know that’s not true. There’s one man who you fulfill every one of his wildest dreams and fantasies.”

Brandon sighed, a dreamy expression on his face as he sat on the piano bench. “That’s true.”

Julian took a seat beside him. “And where is the karate master today?”

“Parking the car. It’s pouring outside and he didn’t want me to get wet, so he dropped me off at the doors. Have you ever known a man so sweet?”

“Yes, quite the prince,” Julian grumbled.

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