Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

Keyboards and Kink (23 page)

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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“Yes, well, your dedication is appreciated.” Behind
him his screen bleeped and a chessboard showed up as the screen

“Oh, you play chess?”

“Yeah, love the game.”

“Really? Me too. I love pitting my wits against
someone else.”

“Cool, where do you play?” Ian leaned forward,
placing his elbows on his knees.

“Sometimes I play in the park, other times I play
online at” Daria tried to cur her excitement in
discussing the game she loved.

“I play at Checkmate quite a bit. What’s your
sign-on?” The processor behind him beeped and he turned around to
type a few more commands on the keyboard.

“I’m blackqueen77, when I’m on. What’s your sign


Ian’s heart stopped. He whirled his chair around and
stared at the woman leaning on the doorjamb. He followed the lines
of her body, starting at her stiletto heels, moving up her tailored
slacks to her mis-buttoned blouse.
Why hadn’t he noticed that
To her exposed collarbone peeking out from the wide
neck of her shirt. He took in everything about her, lingering on
her very kissable lips.

He focused on the hand she was waving in front of him
and ran his tongue over his dry lips. Ian rubbed damp palms over
the arms of the office chair he occupied. Leaning back in his chair
he watched her face as he spoke.

“I go by whiteknight1975.”

Her eyes widened and for a minute Ian could swear all
the air left the room, making it hard for him to catch a breath.
She seemed to be having the same problem the way her mouth opened
and closed several times. Heavens, but his queen was beautiful.

Straightening, she put her fists on her hips. “Damn,
if I’d known you were this hot I would have insisted we meet.” Then
she giggled.

Standing, Ian laughed with her as he closed the space
between them. Stopping inches in front of her, he took her face
between his hands. “I‘ve been wanting to do this for months.”
Slanting his head he pressed his mouth against hers, pushing his
tongue along the seam of her lips. She placed her hands on his
shoulders. Holding tight to his body she pulled away from the kiss.
Breathing hard he looked down at her and met the swirling chocolate
of her gaze.

“You have no idea the things I want to do to your

“I have some knowledge of your desire.” She shifted,
rubbing her hip on the hard length of his cock.

Suddenly, all the whirring and computer noises went
silent. They both turned their heads to stare at the huge CPU. His
two laptops flashed and then code was moving across the screen at
an incredible pace. Ian’s cell phone rang. He released Daria and
reached for his mobile. Rubbing his thumb over the screen he
answered Juan’s call. Grinning he hung up and turned to give Daria
the news. She was gone.

Ian stepped to the doorway and called out to her.
“Hey, Daria, where did you go? I have great news.”

Her voice floated out of the darkness. “That’s
fantastic. But I wonder…how bad do you really want me?”


“Play with me, Ian. Come find me. I want to hear all
about your good news.” Her chortle echoed in the cavernous

“My program is eating away at the virus. I have some
time. If I chase you, I plan to spank you when I catch you.”

“Promises, promises.” Her glib reply came back to

Grabbing a length of telephone line from his case,
Ian prowled into the darkness.


Daria covered her mouth with both hands as she
crouched behind a cloth-covered partition. She’d tried to stick to
the darker corners of the room. A snicker escaped from between her
fingers when he called out “Marco.” Yeah, like she’d fall for that
one and answer Polo. Leaning forward she looked around the divider.
Daria spied a clear pathway and took off in that direction.

She heard his muffled steps and went the opposite
way. She came to a crossroads under florescent lighting. Kicking
off her heels she picked them up and sprinted through the open
area. Ian came from another opening and snagged her by the waist,
lifting her high in the air. Expelling a breath when her back came
in contact with his chest, she dropped her shoes and threw her body
forward to escape his grip.

His lips brushed her ear. “Caught you.”

“Uh-huh, now what?” Her nipples pearled under her
clothing at the soft kiss he pressed beneath her ear.

“Put your arms behind you.”

“Why?” Daria moved her head, unable to turn around in
his embrace.

“So we can play, sweetness.”

She took a step forward when he loosened his grip.
Sliding his hands down her arms he pulled her hands together behind
her and held them in one large palm. Daria peered over her shoulder
and caught glimpses of cord. Felt the cool plastic being twisted
around her wrists. Her wet panties now totally soaked with her

Feeling the tug at her waist she looked down to see
her sash disappearing from the belt loops. She closed her eyes when
he placed the colorful scarf on her face. Daria stood in place when
he moved away from her. She felt the brush of his fingers as he
started to unbutton her blouse.

“I tried to figure out earlier why your shirt was
buttoned wrong. After you told me who you were it dawned on me why
your outfit seemed a bit off. You dressed in a hurry after playing
with yourself.” Ian finished unbuttoning her clothing. “You have a
beautiful body.” He pulled the sides of her blouse apart.

Daria swallowed and stayed quiet.

He pushed the fabric over her shoulders. She felt his
breath against her heaving breasts. A finger followed the lines of
her bra and she pressed her thighs together, raising her chin.

“Like that, baby?” He pushed under the material at
her back and freed her tits from their encasement.

Her nipples tightened, and a calloused fingertip
grazed her taut nubs. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and
bit down to keep from moaning. His hands left her orbs and trailed
down her ribcage, fingers working her slacks’ clasp. Hands reached
into her pants and slid around to her ass. She felt the squeeze of
both cheeks by strong hands then heard the crinkle of material as
he pushed both her panties and pants down her legs. He lifted first
one foot then the other to pull the clothing away. Cold air wrapped
around her body, making her shiver.

Ian moved when he pulled her slacks away and now she
couldn’t hear him. Goose bumps raced up her arms as panic started
to set in. Daria took a step, pulling at her wrists locked behind
her. The blouse bunched at her elbows, restricting her

“Ian?” she called out softly.

Daria ticked off the seconds in her head, her
breathing ramping up at the quiet shrouding her. His hand wrapped
around a breast, the soft touch of his clothing covered her back.
His thumb and index finger tugged her nipple. Breathless, she

“I thought you left me.”

His fingers drifted over her collarbone when he
spoke. “No, baby, I wanted to make sure you were ready for me.
After all you were a bad girl for teasing me and I owe you a

Letting go of her tit his hand traveled down her body
with a feather-light touch. She sucked in her stomach as his
fingers trailed across her bellybutton. Placing his hand on her
pussy, he flexed his fingers, rubbing her mound. Slipping his
middle finger into her cleft, he pushed the digit deep into her
saturated folds.

“Is all this for me, baby?” He pulled his hand away
and pushed the finger to her lips.

“Yes.” She sucked his digit into her mouth.

Pulling his hand from her lips, he left her standing
alone again. Daria shifted, hoping to hear him. She tilted her head
when a squeaking reached her ears. The movements stopped, there was
a scraping sound and finally the soft release of air. His warm palm
grazed her thigh. She turned in that direction. His hand settled on
her hip and blunt fingernails dug into her skin. Directing her
movements, she felt the rough fabric of his jeans against the front
of her thighs.

“Bend down, luv, lay across my knees.” He pushed at
the small of her back and anticipation sizzled up her spine.

Ian helped her lower herself, her movement awkward
from the way her wrists were tied. Daria’s breasts pressed down on
one thigh, her nipples tingling from scrubbing over the material of
his pants. Her hips rested on the other knee. His big palm rubbed
one ass cheek then the other.

“Ohhhh.” She wiggled her hips.

“Like that?” He continued massaging her ass.


“I have dreamed of you like this, bowing to my
demands. You are unbelievably sexy. Don’t move.” He stroked down
and pushed a finger into her honey-pot. Daria flexed her hips. A
sharp thwack exploded through the room. The sting of a slap on her
ass rolled through her.

“I said don’t move, sweetness.” He soothed the spot
he’d slapped.

Daria fought the urge to move, her sensitive nerve
endings prickling. Ian pushed her legs farther apart and dipped two
digits into her cleft. Bending over her, he dropped kisses along
her spine. She turned toward him and felt two more slaps in quick

“I told you to be still, baby.”

“Please.” She felt her cream collecting beneath her,
wetting his pants leg.

“Please, what?” He caressed a path down her body from
her shoulder to her ass and back.

“Please, I want to come.” Her request came out in
short puffs.

Ian pushed two fingers into her body, up her pulsing
channel. Thrusting his hand back and forth he added a third digit.
“Ride my hand, luv.”

At his command Daria flexed her hips. Wet sucking
sounds bounced off the walls of the partitions as he sawed his
digits in and out of her throbbing pussy. Heat built in the pit of
her belly. She flexed her hip, meeting his thrusts.

“Come for me, sweetness.” Ian pushed his thumb
against her clit and flicked it.

“Ohhh.” Her back bowed, pushing her ass into the air.
She felt the thwack of another slap to her butt-cheek, pushing her
over the edge and into the abyss. Her orgasm rocked through her
body in waves.

Daria fell limp in his lap.

Ian took the blindfold from her eyes first. She
blinked several times to get her eyes to focus. Her arms jerked
where he pulled the knot loose at her wrists. Freeing her hands, he
pulled the tangled shirt from her arms. She pulled her arms away
and they dropped at her sides from the numbness. Lying there she
turned her head and placed her cheek on his thigh.

“That was wonderful. But you didn’t get any

“My pleasure came from your enjoyment.” He shifted
and she felt the length of his erection under her stomach.

“Sorry, baby, but now it’s my turn.” She looked up
and smiled at him.

Sliding to the floor, Daria rose to her knees between
his legs. She reached out and unsnapped his jeans. As she lowered
the zipper, his erection sprang free, the head of his cock bobbing
before her. She held his gaze as she leaned forward and pressed her
lips to the small slit in his head. Flicking out her tongue she
tasted the first drop of his cum. Easing back she rested on her
legs and ran her tongue over her lips.

“You taste good.”

“Plenty more where that came from.” He laughed.

“No doubt.” She wrapped her fist around the base of
his shaft.

Moving forward Daria sucked the head of his cock into
her mouth. She watched as his hands held the chair arms in a
white-knuckle grip when she bent her head to take his erection into
her mouth. Sliding her tongue up and down his hard dick, she
listened to the moans escaping from between his lips. Daria wrapped
her tongue around his head and sucked hard. His hips bucked up from
the chair and his hand gripped her ponytail, pushing her head
lower. His hands slid over her shoulders. He pushed at her body,
and his cock popped free of her mouth.

“I want to be in you the first time I come.” He
stood, dropping his jeans and underwear.

“I thought you were commando?” She stared down at his

“Nope, just very happy to see you.” He fell into the
seat and reached out, placing both hands on her hips and pulling
her forward.

Daria acquiesced and put her knees on the sides of
his thighs, sinking into the cool leather of the chair cushion. His
sense of urgency motivated her to move faster. She looked down at
the shaft jerking between them.

“Condom?” She raised her head to look at him.

“Wallet, back pocket. Jeans.”

She arched back, felt his hand grasp her waist when
she twisted. Grabbing his jeans she dropped them when she felt him
suck a hard nipple into his mouth. Daria tried again, and with
shaky hands she reached into his back pocket and pulled out his
wallet as he stroked her other breasts with his open palm. He
released her orbs when she straightened. Handing him the money
holder he opened and dug into the case. Pulling out the small gold
foil package he handed it to her.

Smiling she ripped the packet open with her teeth.
Rolling the thin rubber down his cock, Daria positioned herself
over him and then lowered herself on his shaft in increments.
Putting her elbows on his shoulders she pushed down. He thrust up,
filling her completely. Lifting up, she dropped back down, taking
his cock deep into her body. To steady herself she grabbed fistfuls
of his soft hair. Holding her at the waist he controlled her pace
and his head dropped back against the back of the seat as she
rolled her hips. Leaning forward, Daria placed her lips against
his. His tongue slipped into her mouth and tangled with hers. Her
hands slid to the back of his head, pushing through the curls
wrapping around her fingers.

His hands slipped around, fingering her ass, one
digit rubbing at her rosebud. Daria’s moans were swallowed by his
kiss. Electricity slithered through her as pressure built at the
base of her spine. Her ass came off his lap as he pushed through
her back door while she was still impaled by his cock. The dual
penetration filling her body sent her over the edge. Coming down
hard on his shaft with his finger buried deep in her ass, she
arched her back and screamed. Her primal yell sent him over the
edge. He ripped his mouth from hers and dropped his head, roaring
into the nook where he throat met her shoulder. His arms quickly
wrapped around her body and he held her through the quivers rocking
through her body as he emptied himself into her.

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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