Keira Kendrik (7 page)

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Authors: Jasmine's Escape

BOOK: Keira Kendrik
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After the women left, Phoenix turned to Jackson
.  "Spread the word that they are to be watched while on the ranch and protected at all costs.  Also, you know to warn our people to be careful shifting while they are here."

Jackson nodded
.  "Of course, it's already been done.  The hands have all agreed to keep an eye on them."

.  I don't want them to feel confined to the house.  They should get out and enjoy the sunshine.  If they don't put it on their lists, get them hats and boots.  We'll take them riding,” Phoenix added.

Jackson agreed and he went to go help with the lists
.  Phoenix turned to Gabe.  "We are going to have to tell her soon, you know.  The claiming will only get worse," Gabe said.

"I know
.  We will," Phoenix answered.  "Let's let her have some time with her new-found sister first.  As much as we can."

Chapter Ten



Jackson and Cade left to go into town while Sophie went upstairs to lay down, saying she had a headache.  Jasmine decided to go for a walk and headed down the back porch steps.  It was beautiful there, land as far as she could see.  There was a large barn with several corrals built around it.  She saw there was a large, long building beyond the barn and another smaller house beside it.

If she walked straight out from where she was, there was a large yard and beyond it stretched into forest
.  She began to head toward the forest, trying to clear her head.  She began walking through the forest, watching as the creatures there scurried for cover.  She didn't know how long she walked, but she came to a small creek where she sat down to think. 
Where would her life go from here

Did she want to go back and lead the life she was living
?  Thinking of what could have happened to her and those young girls, not to mention her sister, caused her to shudder visibly.

She heard a noise behind her and turned to see Gabe walking toward her
.  He held his hands out from his sides and said, "I come in peace.  May I join you?"

Jasmine nodded and indicated the spot next to her
.  "Sure.  It is your land, after all."

He chuckled and sat down
.  "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, I guess
," she answered.

"You've had quite a few shocks lately
.  Being abducted, finding a twin sister, I'd think you would be a little overwhelmed.”  He was quiet for a while and then said, "If you want to talk, I'm here."

She looked up into his sincere eyes and said, "Thank you, Gabriel
.  You are very sweet."

He laughed out loud at that
.  "Now I wouldn't go that far."

She quirked a brow at him
.  "Why not?  It's true."

"Well, maybe around you but not normally
.  I also told you to call me Gabe," he said.

"I know but I like Gabriel
.  It's a beautiful name for a beautiful man.”  She clapped a hand over her mouth.  She couldn't believe she had said that out loud.

He smiled widely at her
.  "I'm beautiful now, am I?”  He had amusement in his eyes.

She blushed to her roots and said, "Well, you know you are handsome."

"Thank you.  I think you are the most beautiful women I have ever seen," he said with desire clearly written on his face.

"Now I know you must wear glasses."
She laughed.  "You are not seeing me clearly."

He reached out
, placed his hands on either side of her face, and looked directly into her eyes.  “I see you,” he said it so sincerely that she was spellbound.

He leaned slowly toward her, giving her the chance to pull away if she wanted
, but she found she didn't want to go anywhere but closer to this man.  He softly pressed his lips to hers, running his tongue along the seam, asking her silently to open for him.  She opened her mouth to kiss him more fully and he plundered, leaving no part untouched.  Their tongues dueled as his hands held her in place.  She raised her hands to his arms then ran them up and along his shoulders.

He continued to kiss her like he had all the time in the world
.  She felt cherished and cared for as he slowly slid one of his hands around to the back of her neck, while his thumb caressed her cheek.  She let her hands go to the back of his head and threaded her fingers through his hair.

The kiss continued until he slowly pulled back, nipping at her bottom lip like he didn't want to lose
the intimate contact with her.  He looked down into her eyes and she saw the raw desire there that she knew was reflected in her own eyes.  She let her hands slide from behind his head to his chest where her eyes followed.  He had a magnificent chest, all muscle and strong.  He leaned forward so their foreheads were touching and she could see he was trying to control his breathing just as she was.

"I am trying very hard not to take you here and now, honey
," he said with a voice deep with emotion.  "Tell me about you.  I want to know everything."

She smiled and said, "Why
?  Soon, I will be gone and you will be off to rescue another damsel in distress."

He sat back and looked a little shocked and hurt by her words
.  He was quiet for a few minutes and she looked down in her lap, wishing she hadn't broke the spell that had seemed to be over them.

He suddenly leaned over her and devoured her mouth again, lowering her to the grass as he did
.  She felt his hard body over top of hers, his hard length pressed against her stomach.

He broke the kiss to say, "Does this feel like we are going anywhere anytime soon?"

She licked her lips and said, "Um, no."

He rained kisses on her face and then down to her ear where he whispered, "You are important to me
.  I want you, in more than the physical sense.  Don't ever say you are going to leave me again.  I couldn't take it.”  He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear and then kissed his way down her neck.

She moaned aloud and grabbed the back of his head as he paused over a sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder
.  He lightly grazed his teeth over the spot and she felt a rush of liquid between her legs.  His hand came up to palm her breast through the t-shirt she was wearing.  Her nipples immediately became hardened nubs with the thought of his mouth on them.

Just then,
the cell phone in his pocket rang.  He sighed and rolled to the side to answer it.  He spoke a few short words and then hung up to look at her with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry
, honey, but we have to go back to the house.  The FBI has arrived." Gabe got to his feet and then helped her to stand.  He gently brushed grass off her back and bottom, his hand lingering on her bottom, making her giggle.  Then he took her hand and led her back through the woods to the ranch house.

When they were in the backyard, he turned to her and put his hand on the side of her face
.  "I meant what I said.  You are special."

She turned her face into his palm and kissed it
.  "So are you, Gabriel."

He grinned at the use of his proper name and then pulled her inside the house where the others were waiting.

Chapter Eleven



Special Agent Frank Brewster sat in Phoenix's office
with Phoenix before he went to interview the women.  They agreed it would be better to talk to them in a more natural setting and decided the living room was a comfortable place.  Frank had been to the ranch house many times, as he was Otherkin, but this was the first time he had to come as a Special Agent.

"Just to fill you in, I did as you asked and kept your names out of it
.  The company was mentioned, but the individual names were not.  Champion is getting quite the reputation out there, Sire," Frank said.

Phoenix waved his hand
.  "Don't 'Sire' me.  You know how we don't care to be addressed as such, Frank.  I'm glad we are getting a reputation, as long as it’s good.  We just want to help."

Frank shook his head
.  "No, it's good alright.  There are many questions about how you get things done but nothing serious enough to be concerned.  I will let you know if that happens, at least at the Bureau."

Phoenix inclined his head
.  "Thanks, Frank.  Gabe is back with Jasmine and I know Jackson was getting Sophia.  Let's go on into the living room and see who's shown up."

The two men went down the hall into the
large living room.  It held two long couches, a love seat, and two recliners.  Mounted on the wall over a massive fireplace was a large flat screen television with bookcases on either side filled with DVDs and books.  Jackson and Cade were flanking Sophia on one of the couches as they entered.

Phoenix turned
when he smelled his life mate coming up from behind him.  She smelled so good, like wildflowers in a field.  He noted that she was allowing Gabe to hold her hand and he could smell his brother all over her.  He raised an eyebrow at Gabe who smirked at him while he looked over at Jasmine and noted her face was flushed with lips that were swollen, as if they had been kissed, a lot.

He smiled at her as she entered the room and gestured to the other couch for her to sit on
.  As Frank walked over and sat in one of the armchairs, he and Gabe sat on either side of Jasmine.  Frank began with some simple questions, where had they been when abducted, things he had known from the police reports.  It turned out that one of Sophie's co-workers had called the police when she didn't show up the second day to work.  Then he began to talk to them about their capture and imprisonment.

When Jasmine began to tense up, talking about her capture and the days after it, Phoenix put his arm behind her and began to rub her back in slow circles
.  She seemed to calm as Gabe kept hold of her hand as she talked.  Then when Frank turned to Sophie with the same questions, Jasmine sagged back against the couch and leaned on Phoenix.  He molded her to his side and kept his arm around her.

After Frank was finished, Phoenix reluctantly let go of Jasmine to walk him out
.  They shook hands and he watched as Frank drove off.  Cade came out and told him he was going to check in with the patrols.  Phoenix nodded and then went back inside to check on Jasmine.  When he entered the living room, he noted that Jackson and Sophia were gone, only Gabe and Jasmine remained.  They were still sitting on the couch and they were talking quietly.

He walked in and sat back down on Jasmine's other side
, then turned to her and said, "Are you okay?  I know that wasn't easy."

"Yes, I'm okay
.  I hope I helped in some way.  I really didn't see or hear much at all.  I just hope the girls are okay," she said, her eyes a little watery.

"I was just telling her that I am sure you could call Frank tomorrow and check on them for her
," Gabe said.

Phoenix nodded
.  "Of course I can, no problem.  Is there anything else I can do for you?”  He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss the sadness away but didn't.

She shook her head
.  "No, I'm good.  Thank you.”  She stood.  "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go wash up and then try to help Lucy with dinner."

Both men stood as she left the room then Gabe turned to Phoenix
.  "I know you are dying to ask and yes, I was able to sneak a few kisses out in the woods."

Phoenix looked at his brother's grin and said, "I can see how proud you are of yourself
.  How about backing off and letting me take her for a stroll after dinner."

Gabe held up his hands
.  "Hey, fine with me.  I need to run off this pent up energy since I wasn't able to work it off the way I wanted."

Phoenix laughed
.  "Fine.  I will probably take her out to the barn to see the new foal.  Make sure to keep to the south end."

Gabe nodded and they went their separate ways until dinner


It was later at dinner, when they were sitting at the table
, Phoenix noted Sophia seemed tense and kept silent for most of the meal.  She only spoke when someone spoke directly to her.  It was puzzling and he saw that Jasmine noticed, too.  He enjoyed for a moment the look that passed between them as if they were a married couple silently communicating.  Jackson and Cade didn't seem too happy either and he made a mental note to speak to them about it later.

After dinner, Sophie jumped up and practically ran to her room after saying a quick good night
.  Jackson and Cade excused themselves to go out on patrol while Gabe said good night to Jasmine, telling her he had to be on patrol as well.  Jasmine surprised Phoenix by asking him to go on a walk with her.  He quickly agreed and then led her out the back door as they said good night to Lucy.

They walked side by side across the backyard when Phoenix said, "How about going to the barn with me
?  I have something I would like to check up on.”  He held out his hand.

She shrugged and took his hand
.  "Sure."

They walked to the barn in comfortable silence
.  When they entered, Phoenix turned on the lights and led her over to the back stalls where their newest member was located.  He watched as Jasmine's eye lit up as they landed on the foal.

"Oh, how adorable
!  Is it a he or she?" she exclaimed.

"Well, that is a filly
," he said, then at her confused look, "It's a girl."

"She is beautiful
.  How old is she?" Jasmine asked as she watched the foal walk over to edge of the stall and sniff at her.

"She's a week old
.  Her mother, Firecracker, is obviously there with her and her father, or sire, is Thunder.  Marty's horse, I'll show him to you on the way out.  He's in the front stalls.  These stalls back here are for birthing only," he explained.

"Look how she is so curious about us
.  That little face is so cute.”  Jasmine began to kneel down to the foal's level.  "You are cute, aren't ya? So sweet.  Come closer, baby.”  She kept her voice low and soft, enticing the foal closer.  Just when the foal got to where Jasmine thought she could reach out and pet her, she bolted off to the other side of the stall by her mother, stumbling along the way.

asmine laughed out loud at the foal's antics.  Then she stood and looked at Phoenix.  "Thank you for showing me the foal.  What are you going to name her?"

He thought about that for a moment
.  "I don't know.  Why don't you name her for me?"

A surprised look came over Jasmine's face
.  "Me?  Why me?"

"Why not you?"
he shot back.

"Well, it's such a big responsibility
," she said.

He nodded his head solemnly
.  "Yes, it is.  I think you can handle it though."

Jasmine thought for a moment
.  "Can I have some time to think about it?"

"Sure, take all the time you need
," he said.

"Wow, thank you
.  It's such an honor.”  Jasmine smiled at him, then surprised him by leaning up and kissing him on the cheek.

He took her hand and squeezed it as he led her out, introducing her to Thunder along the way
.  As they walked past the barn, he explained to her the other long building was where the hands lived.  He also pointed out the small house was where Lucy and Marty lived.  They continued to walk, making a large loop around the immediate property as they talked about ranch life and the animals there.

When they arrived back at the house, they sat on the back porch on the swing there
.  Jasmine settled back into the swing leaning on him as it began to sway.

"This is so nice
.  You can see so many stars here.  Why do people always notice things like that when they aren't at home?" she asked.

Phoenix chuckled
.  "I don't know, but I do love looking at the stars and I do miss them when I am in the city."

Jasmine smiled
.  "What else do you miss when you're in the city?"

"That's easy
.  Lucy's cooking," he said.

Jasmine laughed
.  "I can understand that.  She is very talented."

They stayed quiet for a few minutes, enjoying the evening then Phoenix said, "Jasmine, I would like to kiss you now, would that be okay with you?"

She nodded shyly as he lowered his head to cover her lips.  He didn't kiss like Gabe, he dominated the kiss, plunging into her mouth, taking what he wanted.  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his body.  His hands went under her t-shirt to run over the bare skin of her back.  She shivered at how wonderful it felt to be skin to skin.  She put her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair as their tongues dueled in a dance.

Then he moved so that he was reclined on the swing and she was laying over him, stretched out on his body
.  He pushed her t-shirt up higher and undid her bra.  He slipped the cups up and over her breasts as his mouth left hers to work its way down her neck.  He cupped her bare breast with his hand as his mouth closed over her nipple, sucking hard.  He rolled her nipple to the roof of his mouth and sucked hard, causing a gush of cream between her thighs.  She dug her nails into his head as she held him tightly to her chest.

She rubbed her hips against his, trying to get friction where she needed it the most
.  He moved to her other breast and began to lick around her nipple, teasing her.  He moved his knees apart slightly, putting one of his knees between her legs.  He then pressed it up to give her something to ride to achieve the friction she wanted.  She moaned as she rubbed harder against him but couldn't seem to do what she wanted and made a noise of frustration.

He chuckled
and began to flex his thigh, which helped her get the friction that eluded her.  She moaned as she undulated on his leg and he continued to play with her nipples, pinching one while suckling on the other.  She ran her hands down his arms, slowly moving toward his stomach.  She was so close to something, she just knew it, only having ever reached an orgasm by her own hand.  She wanted more.  She just didn't know how to ask for it.

Suddenly there was a noise in the yard and she raised her head to see a wolf standing a few yards away
.  She jerked back, hearing her breast 'pop' out of Phoenix's mouth.

"Oh my god
.  There is a wolf over there," she said in a whisper as she climbed on Phoenix's lap, trying to get as far away from the wolf as she could.

Phoenix looked over her head
.  "He won't come any closer.  He's just curious."

?  He could eat us," she said, frightened, her whole body shaking.

"No, he's just thinking what a beautiful woman you are and he would probably lick you all over like I want to do right now
," he said and then growled playfully, kissing her neck.

She giggled and smacked him playfully on the shoulder
.  "Stop.  I'm going to bed before he decides to come closer," she hesitated.  "Good night, Phoenix."

"Good night, Jasmine
.  Sleep well," Phoenix said before softly kissing her on the lips.  He set her on her feet and she slowly backed up to the door. She opened the door, keeping one eye on the wolf as she stepped through to the kitchen. Grateful not to see anyone, she straightened her clothes quickly then headed upstairs. As she entered her room, she thought about how odd it was that Phoenix had not seemed concerned with the wolf. She shrugged, he was probably used to seeing them there on the ranch.

He glanced back at the now dark yard and said, "You can come out now, asshole.  She's gone inside."

Gabe came striding out of the dark with a grin on his face
.  "I didn't want you to get too far ahead of me.  Remember, we agreed to do this together."

"Yes, well I would have stopped, eventually
," Phoenix said as he sat back against the swing.

"We need to do this soon, Phoenix
.  I'm feeling the claiming and it's getting harder to control," Gabe told him.

Phoenix sighed
.  "I know.  It was difficult to handle tonight.  She drives me crazy with need.”  He glanced at his brother as he sat down beside him.  "I think that she's ready.  We just need to find the right time."

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