Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3)
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Chapter Nine


Sebastian’s arm is wrapped around my stomach when I wake up the next morning. I snuggle up to his chest, remembering how wonderful last night was. Every time I feel like I can’t get closer to him, I’m surprise to learn that I can.

I have no idea what time it is and the only thing I want to do is stay in bed with him. To be together, but I know I can’t. Everyone is depending on me to save them. I promised them I would and the last thing I want to do is crush their hopes and dreams.

“Lily,” Sebastian says, moaning softly.

I kiss his cheek. “Did I wake you?”

He shakes his head. “Can’t sleep.”

“Please don’t worry about me. I won’t be able to concentrate on my training if I’m worried about your worrying about me.” That sounded better in my head.

He sits up on one elbow. “As worried as I am about you, I wasn’t thinking about you. But about Renaya.”

I rest my head on his chest. “What about her?”

“I don’t like the idea of her leaving the compound. What if she gets caught by the palace guards? What if they kill her?” He shakes his head. “She’s so stubborn. She’s never been like this.”

“Sebastian, she can take care of herself.”

He doesn’t say anything, just sighs.

“If you keep acting this way toward her, she’s going to push you away. You need to trust that she will be okay. She’s a strong girl.”

“I just want to protect her.”

“I know you do, but you can’t be a police over her. You need to let her do what she feels is right or you might lose her forever.”

He buries his face in my hair. “I hate this.”

I turn his face and our lips meet. They move against each other fast and hard. I can feel all the worry and pain he has in his heart, and all I want to do is take all the hurt away. He’s right to hate all of this. I do, too. “It’ll all be over soon,” I whisper against his lips. “Then you won’t have to worry again.”

He gently pushes away from me and hugs his knees. I rest my hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be okay. You have to have faith in her. In me.”

His eyes meet mine. “I do have faith in you. I just feel so powerless. So helpless.”

“You’re not helpless. Not at all. You’ll train and be a Watcher. Everyone will count on you to protect them.”

He cups my face in his hands. “Alaric was right. You’re very brave. I wish I had your courage.”

I pull my head back, causing his hands to fall. “I’m not brave, Sebastian. Not at all. But hearing everyone’s stories ignited this flame inside me. I’m not going to stand aside when I’m the only one who can help them.” I take his chin, tilting his head up so our eyes meet. “You’re brave, too. To have gone through everything you’ve been through. You’re a much stronger person than I could ever be.”

He doesn’t say anything as he stares straight ahead, probably mulling over my words. “Thank you, Lily. I don’t know what…” His voice cracks. “I would do if I…if you…”

I put my finger on his mouth. “No negative thoughts. We’re going to be together forever, just like we promised each other.”

He smiles sadly and hauls me to his chest, giving me a sweet, passionate kiss.


The training room is the largest room in the entire compound. Sebastian and I seem to be late, because the area is filled with many other rebels. Most are men, but I notice quite a few women here as well, including Betha, the woman who washes the clothes here. Renaya and Alaric aren’t here. Alaric is probably at the palace and Renaya is out spying.

At the corner, I find a girl no older than twelve. I don’t think I’ve seen her before. She has short blonde hair and green eyes. Her face is dirty and her clothes appear as though they haven’t been washed in days. Just looking at her—at the state that everyone is in—makes me determined to provide these people with a better life. I examine the room to see if her parents are around, but it doesn’t look like they’re here.

I catch a few men and women glancing at me, many with awe and wonder in their eyes. When my gaze meets theirs, they bow. I want to tell them not to treat me differently. I’m just as important as they are, except I’ve been given the task of killing their king. Other than that, we’re all the same. My princess title is just that—a title.

A middle-aged woman heads over to me and bows. She’s holding a plate filled with cake. “Please accept this, Princess Lily. It’s from Salia.”

I take it from her, crack a piece off for Sebastian, and bite into it. “Thank you and please thank Salia for me.”

The woman bows before returning to her spot at the right side of the room.

Hastus steps to the head of the room. “Before we begin, I’d like to welcome two new additions to our team,” he says, his eyes on me and Sebastian. “Please say hello to Princess Lily and Sebastian.”

They all bow as they wish us a good morning.

“Lily, please,” I tell them. “It’s just Lily and I would really appreciate if you’d treat me like one of you.”

“But you’re not one of us,” an older man says. “You’ve come to save us all.”

The others nod in agreement and the room fills with murmurs as everyone talks at the same time.

“I know that and I’m more than pleased to be your savior, and I appreciate everything all of you are doing for me. But I’d still like to be treated normal, if that’s okay.”

They all nod, then Hastus begins the lesson. He instructs us to split into teams of two, where we will fight one another. Sebastian and I choose each other as partners.

“Feel free to attack your opponent,” Hastus says. “But please don’t hurt one another. Though I can heal, remember that I’m limited.”

He counts to three and the fighting begins. Sebastian and I just stand there. I don’t want to hit him and from the look on his face, he doesn’t want to hit me.

He raises his fists to his face. “Go on, Lily.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I say.

“Don’t worry about it.”

I raise my own fists. “Only if you hit me back.”


“Right here in this room, we’re not a couple. We’re enemies. If I’m going to defeat the king, I need as much practice as I could get.” Maybe choosing each other as partners was a bad idea.

Sebastian nods. “Okay.”

I aim for his eye, but he blocks me with his hand. I go for his stomach, but once again, he blocks. He punches my stomach, and I fly back a few feet, clutching it. I wasn’t ready for that.

His eyebrows shoot toward his forehead. “I’m so sorry!”

I shake the pain away and get to my feet. “I’m okay. Let’s go again.”

“Are you sure?”

I nod. “I don’t want you to go easy on me.” He opens his mouth, but I cut him off. “I’m not Lily, remember? Now give me everything you got.”

He sighs. “I don’t like this.”

I grab the front of his shirt. “I need you to support me, and one of the ways you can do that is by shaping me into the best assassin I can be. Please, Sebastian. I need you.”

He swallows. “Okay. I’m sorry if it feels like I’m not supporting you.”

I give him a quick kiss on the lips. “I appreciate how much you care about me, but we have to make hard decisions now. And one of them is you kicking my ass. So let’s get to it!”

He laughs lightly. “You’re so cute, Lily. When all of this is over and we’re back on Earth, I’m going to provide you with the best life possible. I’ll make all your dreams come true.”

I don’t care that we’re in public. I pull his mouth to mine and give him a deep kiss.

We continue fighting. At first, I don’t manage to hit Sebastian, but after a bit, I find myself getting stronger, more confident. I leap in the air and twist around, kicking him in the leg and causing him to tumble to the floor. I step on his stomach. “Lily one, Sebastian…oh, it doesn’t matter.”

He grabs my foot and I collapse on top of him. “I believe I beat you thirty times.”

I slap his chest. “Hell no.”

He shrugs. I look around and find everyone watching us. No one is fighting anymore. Even Hastus has his eyes glued to us. I guess Sebastian and I have been having too much fun. I know that’s bad. This is serious, not fun. For a second, I completely forgot where we are and who I am. It was just Sebastian and me spending time together.

I get to my feet. “I’m sorry,” I say.

Hastus walks over to us. “That was brilliant, Lily.”

“What was?”

“That kick. You knocked Sebastian off his feet. Did you use magic?”

I study my hands. “I don’t think so.”

He stares at me. “You have strength, more so than anyone else here.”


“Yes, through your magic. It gives you more energy, more strength. It causes you to be ten times more powerful.”

I laugh lightly. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s very good. Alaric will be pleased with your progress.”

“Progress? But I just started.”

He pats my arm. “You’re advancing at a very fast rate. Soon you’ll be ready to defeat King Sorenten. Keep up the good work.” He walks back to the head of the room. My heart pounds in my head. Defeating King Sorenten. I can’t push it out of my head, no matter how much I want to. I’m going to have to kill him. Sooner, rather than later. What if I’m not ready? All these people are counting on me.

I turn to Sebastian. “Sorry. Did I hurt you?”

He takes me in his arms. “No. I’m proud of you, Lily.” I gaze into his eyes. I know this piece of news will only make him worry about me more, but he does seem genuinely proud. That just fuels the fire inside me. Having him by my side makes all of this a little less nerve-wracking than it already is.

Chapter Ten


Apparently my request to be treated like everyone else hasn’t been ignored. I still catch a few people bowing, but many smile and talk to me as though I’m one of them.

We’re all seated in the kitchen. There isn’t room for everyone and many are on the floor as we eat from Salia’s delicious food. I have no idea what it is. Chicken or something. They don’t have chicken here on Ortarus, but something similar. I couldn’t catch the name.

I’m a little sore from training, which is to be expected. I could be in better shape, I guess. I just never had time to go to the gym back on Earth. Now as I sit here with my limbs on fire, I kind of wish I had.

No one is talking much. A few people tell me what their lives were like before they came here. One man lost his entire family in a fire that was set by the guards. He was only a kid then and still has no idea what they had done to piss the king off. He managed to escape through a small window and had been living on his own ever since.

“This is probably wrong of me to ask,” I say. “But does anyone have good memories? I’m sure many of you had some fun times, too.”

The table is quiet. Sebastian says, “We do, but many of us don’t remember the good times. I hardly remember my life before I was sent to work in the palace.”

Salia says, “My mother and I used to sing to my little sister when she was a baby. That made me forget all my problems.”

I nod. “We need to focus on the good memories. If we don’t have them, then we lose all hope. Is it okay if you tell me some more? I’d love to get to know all of you better.”

One by one they tell me their stories. Sebastian was right when he claimed hardly anyone remembers the good times. A few cry when they think about their fondest memories, especially the twelve year old who was in my training class. She’s sitting in the corner of the room, hugging her knees to her chest and rocking back and forth.

I go to her and crouch down next to her. When she turns her head and notices me there, her eyes widen and she bows her head.

“Hi,” I say. “What’s your name?”


I hold out my hand. “Hi, Casa. I’m Lily.”

She shakily slips her hand in mine. “Princess.” She bows her head some more.

“Hey, I’m not the only princess here. Everyone is a princess.”

She smiles sadly.

“Casa, how are you?”

“I’m well, thank you.”

“Is it okay if I ask you where your parents are?”

Her lower lip trembles as tears enter her eyes. “They’re dead.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.”

She lowers her head to her knees and her shoulders heave. I rest my hand on her back, telling her it’s going to be okay and that she can talk to me whenever she wants.

I’m about to leave, since it looks like she wants to be left alone, when she lifts her head. “Princess Lily, are you really going to save us?”

“I’m going to try.”

Her eyes fill with hope. “You’re going to free my sister?”

“Where’s your sister?”

“She was taken to the palace. My mother and father refused to give her up, and the palace guards killed them. I was hidden in a cabinet in the kitchen. They didn’t find me. When it was safe, I ran. Renaya found me and brought me here.” She fists her hands. “I want to train to be a warrior. I want to kill the palace guards. Each one of them.”

I rub her arm. “It’s great that you have all this energy inside you. We can use a strong warrior like you. But be careful, okay?”

She nods.

I get to my feet. “It was nice meeting you, Casa, and don’t worry, I’ll rescue your sister. You have my word.”

She smiles. “Thank you.”


Training resumes after lunch. When Hastus sees how much pain I’m in, he waves his hands over my body and all my pain magically disappears.

“Soon,” he tells me, “you’re going to be able to do that. We need to take one step at a time. Overwhelming you with magic while you’re working on your physical training might not be the best idea. Most Ortarians grow accustomed to their magic over the years, but you’re going to learn it for the first time now. And you’ll have to do so quickly. But we’ll leave that for another time.” I nod. Using magic now isn’t something I want to do. I’m so tired I’ll probably burn the place down.

Hastus claps his hands to get everyone’s attention and we begin to fight. As I’m pummeling Sebastian with my fists—or trying to. He’s not making this easy—I catch sight of someone standing in the doorway. Alaric. He’s watching everyone, but specifically me. Because I’m distracted, I’m not defending myself properly and Sebastian throws me to the floor.

I massage my arm. “Ouch.” I grin up at him. “I think we’re even now.”

He helps me to my feet. “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” I cock my head to the side. “My dad’s here.”

Surprise fills his eyes. “You’re calling him your dad.”

I shrug. “I can’t be mad at him, can I? He wanted to be part of my life, he just couldn’t. And as much as I don’t like him lying to my mom, I get it. He loved her so much and wanted a future with her, even though he knew he would have to hurt her. It’s like what happened to us.” I stroke his cheek. “I was willing to be with you even though I knew you would leave me.”

“Sebastian and Lily,” Hastus calls. “Why aren’t you training?”

We get back to work. Hastus walks over to Alaric and they talk. Hastus must be updating my father on my progress. Both of them look at me. Is Hastus telling my dad about my super strength, or whatever it’s called?

My dad seems pleased. I don’t know why that makes me feel better. Maybe because I never had a father who was proud of me.

Renaya enters the room, and she and Sebastian battle one another. She’s quick and sharp, knocking Sebastian off his feet more times than I can count. When he’s on the floor for what must be the hundredth time, he gapes up at her. “What have you done with my little sister?”

She yanks him to his feet. “Your little sister was weak. The new Renaya is…” She waves her hands over her uniform. “This.” She looks into his eyes. “Do you see I can take care of myself now?”

“Yes, but—”

“Good.” Her voice is clipped. “Because I’d rather not argue about it anymore.”

She walks out of the room. Sebastian stares after her. I rest my hand on his chest. “What’s wrong?”

“Her thirst for blood is overwhelming,” he says. “I can see it in her eyes.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“I don’t know. I just hope she doesn’t do anything to hurt herself, or someone else.”

I slide my hand into his. “You know what she needs? A friend. Someone to talk to.” She seems to always be by herself.

“She has me.”

“I know and you’re a wonderful brother to her. But maybe she needs a girl for a friend. You know, like me.”

He turns to me. “You’d be her friend?”

“Of course I would. She’s your sister.”

His smile is wide. “Thank you, Lily. She worries me. I’m glad she’s strong and can take care of herself, but I need to know she’ll be okay.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there for her.”

He presses his lips to mine, then whispers in my ear. “You’re more awesome by the day.”

“No, you are.”

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