Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3)
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Chapter Two


The place is very dark as Sebastian and I follow Renaya and Alaric up the stairs and out of the dungeon. Sebastian’s hand squeezes mine, and though I can’t see, I know he’s giving me a reassuring smile. I return one, as well as a squeeze. I still don’t know what’s going on here, why I’m needed, but as long as we’re together, I know we’ll be okay.

When we reach the top of the stairs, Alaric pushes the door open. Light fills the room. It’s not bright but dim, as if they don’t want anyone to discover this location. There are no people around, but I can almost swear I hear laughter down the hall. We’re standing in a foyer.

“Where are we?” Sebastian asks.

“Somewhere we’ll be safe,” his sister tells him. She and Alaric lead us into the living room and she gestures to the chairs. “Please sit.”

“We want you to feel safe and comfortable here,” Alaric adds.

I have so many questions swirling around in my head, but I need to be patient. Still holding hands, Sebastian and I lower ourselves onto the couch. It’s strange that all the furniture looks like the furniture we have back on Earth, but there is something different about them. On the outside, they’re pretty much identical, but this couch is much more comfortable than the ones back home. I feel like I’m sinking into a cloud.

Alaric sits down on the chair across from us. Renaya tells us she’ll be back in a few minutes and heads down the hall, disappearing into a room.

“What’s down the hall?” I ask Alaric.

“Others who have joined our cause.”

Sebastian leans forward. “How many?”

“Not as many as we’d like.” He looks from Sebastian to me. “We have a lot to discuss, but I can see just how exhausted the two of you are. You’ve been through a lot.”

No kidding. Traveling to Ortarus via strange black clouds, nearly getting killed by the palace guards, learning I have some weird freaky lightning magic, getting captured and discovering Sebastian’s sister is alive. Yeah, I’d consider that being through a lot.

“Where did Renaya go?” Sebastian asks.

“She had to discuss some new developments with the others. She’ll be here shortly. Let’s get you something to eat. Salia,” he calls. A woman not that much older than me pokes her head into the room. Alaric motions for her to walk in. She’s wearing what I can only describe as civilian clothes. Everyone else we met so far has been dressed in armor or the palace guard uniform. Salia’s got on a plain cotton dress that reaches just below her knees. I wouldn’t describe it as a dress, really, but more like a big brown sack. Her entire form is hidden, and her shoes are just as raggedy as her outfit.

Alaric must see me staring because he laughs awkwardly. “We don’t have many resources and unfortunately clothing is at the bottom of our list.”

My cheeks heat up as I look away. “I’m sorry for staring. Isn’t there anything you can do? Maybe use magic?”

Alaric shakes his head. “Like I said, all resources must be allocated to more important things.”

I nod. I feel so bad for taking advantage of all the good things I have back home. I should learn to appreciate them better.

Salia smiles warmly. “What we wear isn’t important, but what we’re accomplishing here is. Excuse my rudeness. My name is Salia.”

“She’s the chef here,” Alaric explains. “She worked at the palace before managing to escape.”

“Faked my death,” she corrects.

Alaric nods. “Many servants die because no one takes care of their health. That’s why it’s very easy to fake their deaths.”

“And the king doesn’t suspect anything?” I ask.

Alaric snorts. “King Sorenten is too self-absorbed. Too confident in his power to suspect a revolution. That is to our advantage.”

Sebastian smiles at Salia. “I remember the chef who served the king. Some of the memories are a bit hazy because I’d been on Earth for many, many years, but I’m very sure I remember you. You were a higher class servant.”

Salia nods. “When you disappeared, we were all confused, especially King Sorenten. But he brushed it aside and chose another boy to take your place. You were forgotten, but not by us. Alaric and Renaya assured us that you had gone to Earth and would return with she who will save us all.”

Is she talking about me? Sebastian turns to look at me. My mouth is probably reaching the floor.

Alaric says, “Like I said, I’ll explain everything later. Please eat something first.”

Salia asks us what we’d like to eat. She mentions dishes I have never heard before in my life. Apparently, they don’t have chicken or cows or any other Earth animal on Ortarus. I give Sebastian a lost look and he chuckles softly.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had Ortarian food,” he says. “Not that I had much, since all the servants only eat bread and water.”

Salia nods. “As the palace chef, I cooked many different dishes.” And she lists about twenty more, causing my head to spin.

I give Sebastian another helpless look. He says, “I’ve heard of many of them, but never tasted.” He throws his hands up. “Surprise us.”

“If you have anything that is remotely similar to pizza, I’ll take that, please. Thanks,” I say.

Salia’s eyes widen. “Pizza?”

Sebastian and I exchange a look and laugh.

Renaya enters the room and sits down on the chair next to Alaric. Her eyes move from Sebastian and me to Salia. “What’s so funny?”

Sebastian says, “Lily and I were just talking about a dish on Earth called pizza. It’s um…” His eyebrows furrow. “Well, I don’t exactly know what it is.” He looks at me.

“It’s flat dough baked with cheese and sauce and many other toppings. It’s really good.”

Sebastian nods vehemently. Salia taps her chin. “Maybe you can teach me how to make it one day.”

“How exactly do you cook here? Do you have ovens?”


I want to mentally slap myself. Of course they wouldn’t need ovens. They have magic to cook their food. “Never mind.”

“I’ll be back with your meal shortly,” Salia tells us before heading out.

The room grows quiet as Sebastian and I look at his sister and Alaric. Alaric is still wearing that armor and I have no idea how old he is. Sebastian referred to him as an elder, so I’m assuming he’s an older man, but I can’t be sure. All I see are brown eyes that hold many secrets. I see the same in Renaya’s blue ones. Maybe being part of this whole rebellion thing causes them to appear this way. Hell, being part of this awful world must make them be this way. I don’t know a whole lot about it, but from what Sebastian told me, it seems like a dreadful place to live. I’m hopeful about this plan to kill the king and restore Ortarus to how it used to be, but I still have so many questions. Alaric said he’ll explain everything after we eat. As curious as I am, I wouldn’t mind getting some food into my body.

Alaric’s eyes flicker from me to Sebastian, back to me, and to Sebastian again. “So the two of you are…”

“Yes.” Sebastian takes my hand. “I love Lily. She means everything to me.”

His smile is strained. I wonder if he has a wife and kids. From the look in his eyes, it seems like he suffered a great loss. I want to tell him how sorry I am, but I don’t think it’ll be appropriate.

Renaya is sitting there with her hands clasped in her lap. Her eyes are hard and rough, the same as they were in the dungeon.

We remain quiet until Salia returns with trays filled with…I’m not sure exactly. It looks like steak, but doesn’t smell like it. Not that it smells bad. I’m actually very curious what it is and when I ask Salia, she answers, “Meat from a common animal we have on Ortarus. It’s called Klarz.”

“Which I think comes close to a cow,” Sebastian informs me. He breathes in the aroma. “I’ve never had Klarz before, only once as a child when my father...” His voice trails off and he and Renaya look at one another. He clears his throat. “This looks delicious.”

I nod in agreement. Salia blushes. “Thank you. Please enjoy.” She gives us warm smiles before leaving the room.

Sebastian and I take a bite out of our food. “It’s really good.” I find myself gobbling the whole thing down, along with a sweet drink that tastes like it was made from magic—which I guess it was. I’m so hungry I can eat a horse. Not that they have horses here.

Alaric and Renaya are mostly quiet as we eat. Alaric talks a little about the different animals they have on Ortarus. Earth has many more species than Ortarus, and they don’t seem to have sea creatures other than fish. I remember how intrigued Sebastian was when he watched a documentary on ocean life when we visited my mom. Mom. I miss her so much. Is she wondering where I am? Is Macy worried?

How long have I even been gone?


Once we’ve finished eating, Renaya and Sebastian spend some time together while Alaric shows me around, introducing me to the others who are living here. Many are ex-palace servants who “died”, many are from the lower class, and a few are nobles who also want the king dead. I recognize Hastus, who was guarding the dungeon and was intrigued by my being a human.

Alaric won’t tell me anything else about the rebellion or why I’m needed. He claims he’d like Sebastian and me to be well-rested before he explains everything. So many questions are spinning around in my head, but it’s late, I’m tired, and all I want to do is fall into bed.

The place is small, with a few rooms, a kitchen, and the living room. The walls are brown, like they’re made from dirt. When I ask Alaric exactly where we are, he tells me he’ll get to that another time.

Alaric shows me to my room. He pulls some worn-out clothes out of the tiny closet near the small bed. The entire room is smaller than my bedroom back home.

“You only get two sets of clothes, I’m afraid,” he tells me.

“Is it okay if I stick with my jeans?”

He shrugs. “Suit yourself. Use this for nightwear.” He hands me the ratty clothes. “Good night, Lily. Sleep well and I’ll see you in the morning. We have a lot to discuss.”

I thank him and he leaves.

Examining the room, I learn there is a small shower, a toilet, and a sink behind a closed door. I use the sink to quickly wash myself before dressing into my nightclothes and climbing into bed. Just like the couch, this bed feels like I’m floating on a cloud. It’s not very clean and doesn’t exactly smell fresh, but it’s better than the tall grass of the meadow Sebastian and I slept in yesterday. It’s better than the dungeon floor.

I expect to drift off to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, but that doesn’t happen. As tired as I am, I can’t help wondering what exactly I’m doing here. Alaric and Renaya said they need me. For what? To overthrow the king? What can a human like me do?

Tossing and turning doesn’t seem to help. Nor does counting sheep. Nothing can take my mind off the jumbled thoughts in my head. My brain is just too active. So many things have happened in the last twenty four hours, and it shouldn’t be too surprising that I’m having a hard time sleeping. But my body is begging for rest. I wish my brain would do the same.

A hand strokes the right side of my face. “Lily?”

My eyes open and I find someone standing before the bed. It’s dark and I can only make out the outline of his body.

“Sebastian.” I reach for him and pull him down next to me.

He gets under the covers, snuggling up against me. “Did I wake you?”

I shake my head. “Can’t sleep.”

He presses his lips to my temple. “I can’t sleep, either.” He puffs out some air. “I still can’t get over the fact that Renaya is alive. I just…it seems too good to be true. Like I’m dreaming, not that I’ve ever dreamed before.”

I sit up on one elbow. “I’m so happy she’s alive.” I kiss him.

“She’s changed.”

“What do you mean?”

He’s quiet for a second or two. “She was never a brave or tough girl. When she served at the palace, she did what she was told. Obeyed everyone’s wishes. Now she’s one of the leaders of the rebellion.”

“I’m sure standing up for herself against the prince gave her the confidence.”

He nods. “I’ve missed her for hundreds of years and wanted to save her from Ortarus. I never forgot about her. Not for one minute.” He sighs. “Now we’re together again, but I feel so distanced from her, like we’re strangers. She’s so…cold and different.”

I play with his silky hair. “She’s only sixteen and has been through a lot of crap. Crap I can’t even begin to imagine. Plus, she killed someone. Even though the prince deserved it, she must feel terrible for taking another person’s life.”

“I felt terrible, too.”

I kiss him again. “Things are probably going to be strained at first, but I’m sure you’ll be close again soon.”

His hands go to either side of my neck as he deepens the kiss. It’s only been about a day since I last felt his lips on mine, but it seems like years. “Thank you, Lily,” he whispers, resting his forehead against mine. “You always know what to say to make me feel better. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He runs his hand down the back of my head. “We’d better try to get some sleep. It’s late and Renaya told me she has a lot to tell us tomorrow. I got the impression that it’s heavy stuff.”

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