Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3)
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Chapter Thirty-Three


I guess I’ll need more practice with the whole traveling to Earth thing because Sebastian and I crash to the floor while Alaric lands on his feet.

“Ow,” I mutter before sitting up. We’re in the living room. I notice Dad surveying the place, his eyes lost in the memories. He and Mom bought this house years ago.

Before we got here, Alaric told me to picture in my mind where I wanted us to end up. I chose Mom’s house, since it wouldn’t make sense to go to my apartment in New York when I want to see Mom in California.

“Who’s there?” a voice calls. Mom must be in the hallway. “I’m calling the police!”

I peek my head out of the room carefully, in case she’s holding a bat or a knife. “Mom?”

Her eyes widen and the wire hanger in her hand drops to the floor. “Lily?”

I jump into her arms. I might have been gone for only a few Earth days, but it’s been forever since I was in her arms.

“Lily.” She repeats my name over and over. I grip her shoulders. So much has happened and I feel like I’m a totally different person. But not when I’m in my mother’s embrace. I can hold on forever.

She draws back and furrows her eyebrows. “What’s going on? Where have you been?” Her eyes move to Sebastian and she frowns, probably wanting to yell at him for disappearing, too. But when she takes in the stranger standing beside us, her mouth nearly reaches the floor. Although many years have passed, she has to recognize him. Hell, he looks ten years younger than her, which I guess means he hasn’t changed all that much.

Mom backs away. “Harry…what are you…?” She turns to me. “Lily, you know who this is?”

I nod, pulling him forward. “He’s my dad. His name is Alaric and I guess you can say he’s not from this world.”

Her mouth opens and closes, but no words come out.

“Mom, there’s a lot we need to explain.”

She doesn’t stop staring at him and is most likely wondering why the hell he hasn’t aged like she has. Not to mention how he got into her house.

She’s still gawking at him as I lead her to the couch. Alaric takes the chair opposite the couch and Sebastian sits down near me. His mind seems to be somewhere else, and I know he’s thinking about Renaya and everything he left behind. I feel terrible, but sometimes we need to make choices we don’t like.

The room is silent as everyone looks at one another. Alaric seems just as smitten by Mom as she is by him. I know they can’t have a future together—if they’d want one, that is. She can’t live on Ortarus and he’s the Ortarian king. It sucks.

I clear my throat. “I’ll start from the beginning.”

Mom blinks. “Beginning of what?” She shakes her head, snapping out of her trance. “Right. Okay.”

I take a deep breath. “You’re not going to believe this, but here goes. Remember how Sebastian was a genie?”

She nods.

“Well, he wasn’t exactly just that. You see, he comes from a different world. A magical world.” Off I go telling her everything, making sure not to omit any detail. Mom’s eyes bug out of their sockets as I add more to the story.

She holds up her hand. “Wait a minute. You’re saying that for the past few days, you’ve been in another world and you had to take down the evil king?”

I nod.

She gapes at me. “And you’re the…the princess?” Her eyes move to Alaric. “And you’re the k—king?”

He lifts his shirt, revealing the glowing crown. Her eyes pop open even more as a breath leaves her lips. Her back sinks against the couch.

I say, “I know it sounds crazy—”

“It does.” She shakes her head like her ears and eyes are playing tricks on her. “I don’t know what to say—what to think. I’m just so…” She shakes her head again. “This isn’t possible.”

“It’s okay,” I say. “It’s a lot to take in.”

She’s staring at the walls. “All this time I’ve been worried sick, thinking God knows what happened to you...” Her gaze connects with mine. “My daughter, a princess of another world.”

I decide not to say anything. Mom needs time to accept this. She stares at the wall again. Just stares at it, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Sebastian slips his hand in mine and gives it a squeeze.

We remain like this for what feels like hours. A few minutes pass before Mom turns to me. “What happens now? Are you here to stay or are you going back there?”

“Because I’m royalty I can travel from one world to another, just like Dad can.”

She nods slowly, her eyes filling with concern. I know what she’s thinking. “Earth is my home, Mom, and that’s where I’m going to stay. My life is here.”

She sighs in relief. Her head still seems to be reeling from all the information I threw at her.

I kiss her cheek. “I’m really sorry for worrying you.”

Alaric gets up and faces her. “I know you’re still in shock and I’d like to give you time to process, but I’m afraid I can’t remain here for much longer.” He takes her hands. “Lauren, there is a lot I need to apologize for.”

I stand. “I think we’ll leave you two alone.” Sebastian follows me out of the room.

We go to my childhood bedroom and sink down on the bed. “I think she took it well,” I say.

Sebastian nods.

I scoot closer to him. “Are you okay? You’re very quiet.”

He lowers his head and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I know. I just felt like this was something you and your parents needed to do. I’m just in the way.”

I kiss him deeply. “You’re never in the way.”

“I know, but this time I kind of was.”

I laugh lightly. “I wish they could be together.”

“I know.”

“It sucks, but that’s life, I guess. Whether you’re on Earth or Ortarus life is sometimes one big pile of suck.”

He takes me in his arms and lies down on the bed. “Not anymore. Thanks to you, Ortarus can be like it once was. No, it’s going to be better than it was. Alaric has so much love for his people. He would do anything in his power to make them happy.” He trails kisses from my ear to my nose, to my other ear, then down my neck. “He’s exactly like his daughter.”

“Don’t you mean his daughter is exactly like him?”

He smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

I push his bangs out of his eyes. “They’re looking down at you, you know. Even though we’re on Earth. They’re proud of you and love you.”

He nods.

“And we’ll see Renaya again. Faster than you think.”

He buries his face between my neck and shoulder. “You always know what to say to make me feel better. I love you, Lily. I didn’t think I could love you more and more as the days go on, but I do.”

I grab him by the shirt and kiss him. “Not as much as I love you.” I shove him down on the bed and climb on top of him, popping kisses all over his face.

“You know…” He pants. “Your parents are just down the hall.”

I lift my head a little. The door is closed, but that doesn’t mean anything. I remember how mortified I was when I was sixteen and Mom caught me kissing a boy on my bed. It didn’t happen often and it was just kissing, but I never wanted that to happen again.

Except now, I don’t feel that way anymore.

I yank Sebastian to me. “I don’t care.” Let everyone know how much this guy—the guy who will always be my genie—means to me. I’ll plaster it all over the world if I need to. This is my Sebastian. Mine. And I love him so much it hurts.

Sebastian twirls a lock of my hair around his finger. “What are you thinking about?”

I nuzzle his nose. “How much I love you and how much I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

His breathing grows heavy as he gazes into my eyes. “I want to spend every second with you, too. And I’ll never leave you. Ever.”

“Ever,” I say before bringing my lips to his.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Things have been pretty normal since Sebastian and I returned from Ortarus a few months ago. Well, normal for us. We’ve visited his home world twice so far and I’m sure we’ll be doing more of that in the next few months.

Ortarus is a completely different world from when we left it. When Sorenten ruled, everything was dead and dark. Slowly, things were starting to become alive, but I didn’t have a chance to see the results the first time, since we went back home. But when we stepped into Ortarus a few weeks later, I felt like I was walking into another world. A world that can’t possibly exist. The colors were beautiful and bright, the air smelled like something you only dream about. And the people—I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that happy. When Sorenten ruled, the Ortarians existed, now they
. I’m not going to pat myself in the back and congratulate myself for a job well done. Because the truth is, I didn’t do this. It was the Ortarians who have changed their lives. And they keep changing and improving every day.

Dad’s a great king. When I explored Ortarus, everyone gushed about what an amazing person he is. He cares about his people, puts their needs before his own. He’s going to need to find himself a queen, though. Some Ortarians have been driving him nuts about that. It’s too bad he and Mom can’t have a future, but things aren’t the same between them anymore. Mom forgave Dad and understands why he left us, and they departed as friends. Mom’s dating George and she’s very happy with him. I’m confident that my dad will find the same happiness with someone else.

Renaya has proven to be the best captain the guard has ever had. She’s strong, brave, determined. And she loves her life. Just a few months ago, she was suffering at the palace as a servant. Now she’s one of the top respected Ortarians. It always amazes me how life could change to drastically, for the better.

After Dad left, Mom and I had a talk. Her doctors confirmed that her cancer is completely gone, and I can’t be happier. She and I are still not sure how we’re going to make the whole long distance thing work, but Mom’s thinking about selling the house, since it’s too big for one person, and moving to New York.

Sebastian and I stayed with Mom for a few days before we flew home to New York. Our apartment was exactly how we left it. I went to work and sorted things out with my boss and I explained where I had been—visiting my sick aunt in England.

Once everything calmed down, I told Macy what happened. Her mouth nearly dropped to the floor when she learned I’d been to Ortarus.

there?” she asked.

“Yeah and I killed the king—my uncle. Now my dad is the king and Ortarus is a wonderful place to live in.”

After a minute or two of freaking out, she seemed to calm down. She examined my face. “You seem different.”


“Yeah, but I don’t know what it is. It’s like you’ve grown.”

I shrugged. “I guess I feel different. I mean after everything I’ve been through I can’t
have changed.” I swallowed. “Killing people isn’t the greatest feeling in the world.”

She rested her hand on mine. “But you changed lives.”

I knew she was right. Everything I’ve done, I did it for the Ortarians. It’s due to the rebels that they can live peacefully.

She laughed softly. “I’m kind of jealous of you.”


“Because you have magic and you’re this badass princess.”

I laughed. “I don’t have magic here and I’m not a princess. Not really.” I patted her hand. “How are things with you and Andy?”

A smile tugged her lips. “They’re better. More than better, actually.”

I hugged her. “That’s great!”

Her smile widened. “We still have a long way to go, but I like where we’re at. We’re communicating and we hardly argue anymore. It almost feels like it used to be.”

My arms tightened around her. “I’m so happy for you.”

When it was time to head back to work, Macy bowed, calling me, “Your Highness.”

“Don’t you are!” I yelled.

She chuckled.


I come home from work, and Sebastian is cooking dinner. He’s determined to learn everything he can about everything. He mastered cooking fairly easy, claiming he had a good teacher.

I kiss him. “Hey.”

He pulls me close. “A letter came for you.” He points to the kitchen table, where I see a large white envelope with the logo of the culinary school I applied to. I pick it up and scan the words, my heart galloping in my chest.

I shut my eyes. “I can’t look. You open it.”

His arms come around me as he brushes his lips across the back of my neck. “Let’s do it together.”

My eyes open and I shake my head. “No, I can’t do it. What if I didn’t get in?”

His lips move to my ear. “I have a feeling you did.”

I lightly slap his arm. “Now you’re getting me all hopeful.”

“They would be idiots not to accept you. You’re the best cook out there.”

My cheeks burn. I know I’m not the greatest cook, but hearing the love of my life say that makes me believe I am. “Okay,” I say. “Let’s do this.”

Together, we peel the envelope open and pull out the letter. I scan it and feel my eyes widen. “I got in!” I jump in place. “I got in!”

Sebastian joins my jumping. “I told you!” He gathers me to his chest and kisses me, slowly at first, then quicker, rougher, as though he thinks I’m going away and won’t be back for years. But that’s not the case. The school I’ll be going to is only a train ride away from the apartment. Sebastian is still working on getting his GED, and I know it won’t be long before he’ll go to school and then work as a nurse. He’ll be one of the best out there, because he’s the kindest, most caring person I’ve met. And I love him with every inch of my heart.

I press my forehead to his. “Everything is working out. It kind of seems too good to be true.”

He fingers my bottom lip. “Life isn’t easy. Things happen. Some we’re happy with, some we’re not. But the important thing is that we have each other.”

I kiss him. “Come, let’s call my mom and tell her the good news. Then we’re off to Ortarus to tell everyone else.” I pull his hand, but he doesn’t move. “What’s wrong?”

He encloses me in his arms. “I just want to hold you in my arms for a bit. Sometimes, I just refuse to believe how much my life has changed for the better.”

I rest my head on his chest. “I feel the same. But it’s like you said. Life is not always going to treat us well, but as long as we have each other, we’ll be okay.”

He smiles and kisses me gently. We remain in each other’s arms and it’s as though time stops. I wish we could stay like this forever, in our own world. But I know we’re going to have to eventually move. For now, though, I let myself get showered in my genie’s warmth and love.

It’s exactly where I want to be.

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