Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)
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I was at the airport waiting for Mel
and Erica. I was so excited because I had missed them so much. I needed the
girl time and the feel of home. Naiyla is great but it’s not the same. She just
doesn’t know me and my life that well. They did and they were exactly what I
needed right now. I’ve been more depressed this past week then since I left
home. I wished a few dozen times to reverse the clock and relive the days we
were all together and happy. Like during last summer when we were having fun
and life was drama free.

“LUCYYY!” I heard on a high pitch
squeal. I spun around to see Mel and Erica bouncing over to me. I smiled wide
and waved. Mel ran up and hugged me tight before kissing my cheek. Mel snatched
me from her and did the same. They were here for Nick’s first game and well
because Mel missed him and probably had a massive boner for him right now. I
could definitely relate to that. We had a couple of hours to pass before the
game so we decided to head to my place.

Naiyla was there when we arrived and
I made introductions. Her and Mel instantly hit it off and started talking
about track in the living room. I took Erica into my room to get her situated.

“So Lucy, what’s been going on?” she

I shrugged, “nothing. Just school you
know?” I told her.

Her eyebrow went up, “you know what
I’m talking about. Have you seen or spoken to Nick or Landon? You know we’re
meeting Landon at the game and he’s sitting with us.” She told me.

I sighed, how could I forget that? “I
saw Landon.” And Erica broke out a smile. When she saw my wary stare her smile
faded a bit. “He came over to pick up Naiyla for a date.” I informed her.

She scowled. “He’s dating your roommate?”
she asked.

I nodded, “guess so. He came to pick
her up to go out a week ago. I haven’t asked about it because it’s not my
business and I don’t want to know.” I admitted and she nodded.

“What are you wearing today?” she

I looked down at my Ohio State
sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. “This.” I told her confused.

Another scowl. She keeps that up her
face is going to be like that permanently. “You are not. Now go wash your ass
while I raid your closet.” I frowned and she crossed her arms and glared daring
me to argue. I threw my arms up in frustration and went to wash.

In true Erica fashion she picked out
something stylish and sexy. I frowned at her.

“Erica no.” I said shaking my head.

She threw her hands on her hips. “And
why not? It’s cute!” she argued.

I raised an eyebrow in challenge. “I
know you and your tricks. This is not cool.”

 Now she raised her eyebrow, “What
trick Lucy?”

“You know Naiyla is coming with us
right?” I asked.

She nodded, “yea and?” she

I waved a hand at the clothes, “I
know this is about Landon.”

She gave me a confused look. “Who
said anything about Landon?” she asked.

I groaned. I knew I was right but she
wasn’t going to cave. I got dressed and we all just hung out and talked until
it was time to leave. We all piled in my car and went to the game. On our way there
Erica texted Landon and he said he’ll wait for us at the entrance. When we got
there it was packed, it took us a few minutes to find him. When we did Erica
threw herself onto him and he caught her. There was no denying how much they
loved each other, every time they saw each other it’s like they haven’t seen
each other in years. He placed her on her feet and kissed her cheek. He hugged
Mel next but this was more contained and then he gave Naiyla a hug. When he
pulled back he threw his arm around her shoulders and started inside. He didn’t
even fucking look at me. He might as well have stabbed me in the chest because that’s
how the hurt felt. I thought back to the last time I saw him. I truly thought
he was there to fight with me and was fucking with me until he actually went
and got Naiyla. That shit hurt like fuck. I had to fight to wait for them to
leave before I let the tears out. They were angry, sad, betrayed tears. I
didn’t tell anyone about that day. It hurt too much to talk about it and now
I’m going to have to watch them together.

We found seats and Landon sat between
Naiyla and Erica. Mel sat next to Erica and I was on the end as far away from
them as possible. Mel kept sending me questioning looks but I ignored them. I
didn’t want to talk about this. When the game started I let myself get absorbed
into it. I couldn’t help but cheer for Nick because I was so proud of him. He
was kicking ass and I’m sure a part of his performance was for Mel. At one
point during the game Landon went and grabbed drinks and snacks for everyone except
me. It was really like I truly didn’t exist to him. When the game was over I
got up from my seat and headed straight to my car not waiting for anyone. I
didn’t know who they were planning on riding with. Erica got to my car first
and told me she wanted to ride with Landon to catch up. I nodded and Naiyla
hopped in. I already knew that Mel would want to be with Nick so I took off and
headed to the popular food spot that everyone goes to. It was packed today
being a Friday, but we secured a table. Landon and Erica arrived shortly after and
when I saw them enter I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I needed to
get myself under control if I was going to have to endure this. When I returned
Erica was sitting on one side of the booth and Landon had slid in next to
Naiyla. Nick and Mel had just arrived and Naiyla slid out so that Mel and Nick
could sit together and they moved in next to Landon. I let Naiyla get in first
and I took the end so I was as far away from Landon as possible.

Everyone talked and caught up. Nick
was his usually ridiculous self, but he seemed restrained. He didn’t talk to me
either so I spent most of the time with my attention in my plate. I remember this
feeling clearly, the outcast. I was once again the one who didn’t belong. I
wanted to leave but I sucked it up and endured it. Halfway through the meal
some guys from the football team came in. When they saw Nick and Landon at our
table they stopped in front to say hello.

“Well, who are these lovely ladies
you guys are with?” a voice said. I looked up to find a fairly handsome guy
standing in the front of the others. He looked around the table taking each
person in slowly.

Landon raised his head and used his
thumb to introduce everyone. “My sister Erica and Nick’s girlfriend Mel came to
visit. Naiyla goes here with us.” He said. He didn’t bother mentioning me and
the knife that he stabbed me with earlier tonight twisted. I couldn’t do this.

I grabbed my stuff and got up when
the guy in the front gently grabbed my wrist. “And who are you?” he asked.

I looked up, “Lucy.” I told him and
looked towards the door in longing. I needed to go and fast then I remembered
Erica, shit. Fuck it Landon can drop them off.

His hand slid from my wrist into my
hand where he grasped it. “I’m Dylan. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve seen
you around here.” He told me.

I studied him to see if I could
remember seeing him before and I couldn’t. “I’m sorry but I don’t remember.” I
told him honestly.

He laughed, “Well I don’t blame you.
I’m not as beautiful as you. You’re not a face anyone could ignore.” That made
me scoff… if only you knew.

“It was great meeting you but I need
to leave.” I told him trying to make my exit.

Erica piped up, “how am I going to
get to your place?” she asked.

I spun around and I saw the mischief
in her eyes. She knew damn well that neither Nick nor Landon would just leave
her stranded. I scowled. Dylan spoke up, “I could give you a ride and your
friend here can take your car.” He suggested.

Before I could argue Erica spoke up
again, “oh that sounds wonderful! Thank you. Lucy make sure you text me and let
me know your home and all and I should be there soon.” She replied way too
happily. I’m definitely going to smother her ass in her sleep tonight.

I spun around to try to get myself
out of this when Dylan spoke up again. “I have one condition.” I looked at him
wearily and cocked my eyebrow in question. He gave me a megawatt smile, “You
have to let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night.”

This time Mel spoke up, “oh that
sounds great.” I turned to look at her. She was giving me a knowing look and I
could see Nick out of the corner of my eye with his head down.

“Look at that, your friends agree, so
what do you say pretty girl?” he asked.

I sighed, “Fine. Let me just use the
restroom real quick.” I conceded. He nodded and I walked off. While I was
washing my hands my phone dinged. It was Erica. I opened it to see
Dylan was
totally checking you out when you left. When he got a look at that ass he
practically drooled. Make sure you put a little sway on your way back
. I
rolled my eyes. She was a mess.

I rummaged through my bag to find my
keys as I walked back towards the table. I had just found them and looked up
but it was too late. Someone in the booth behind ours left their book bag in
the walkway. I tripped on it and knew I was about to meet my death... death by
humiliation. This day couldn’t get any fucking worst. I felt arms wrap around
me and pull me up until I was flush against a hard body. I looked down at the
arm going across my breast then the one around my waist. I looked up and met
brown eyes and buzz cut hair. Dylan had caught me and saved me from total
mortification. Fine the dude earned his date. He slowly unraveled from me but
instead of releasing me he let his arms and hands slowly work across my body
grazing my breast and stomach until his arms were at his sides. I blushed, that
was the most action I’ve gotten in a while and there were people watching. I
got even redder when I saw Erica’s huge grin. I couldn’t even meet anyone’s
eyes after that. I handed Erica the keys with my head down and walked towards
the door. He came out behind me a few seconds later and led me to his car. He
dropped me off at home and we exchanged numbers. We agreed to go out at around
7:30 the next night. With that he kissed my hand and I went upstairs. Erica and
Naiyla arrived about 45 minutes later and were begging me to spill. I told them
what happened not that there was much to tell. Before we went to sleep that
night, Erica informed me that everyone saw him cop a feel of my breast. I knew
was when she said that and I shrugged. He had a girlfriend
of his own to worry about.

We went out on a date and it was ok.
I didn’t feel anything, but it was a welcomed distraction. He asked me out a
few more times over the last few weeks and I’ve only accepted once. We were
heading home for thanksgiving next week and I needed to finish up some papers.
I headed over to the library intending to get some work done here so I didn’t
have to carry a bunch of stuff back and forth. I found all the books I needed
and was looking for an empty seat when I saw him. Landon was sitting with a
couple of guys including Dylan, Nick, and Ted. There were a few girls there
too. They all seemed to be involved in their studying and then I noticed the
girl sitting next to Landon, it was Jasmine, she was fucking going here too? I
can’t catch a fucking break. I put my head down and tried to walk past without
being noticed but I wouldn’t have such luck.

“Lucy?” I heard and groaned.

I turned around and gave her a weary
smile, “Jasmine.” Everyone had their heads up and their attention on me. Landon
gave me a fleeting glance and returned to his book. I looked over the group,
“Hey Teddy.” I said.

“Hey there Lucy where you going?” he

I sighed. “I’m just grabbing some
stuff and heading back to my room to study.” I told him. Now that I’ve been
spotted no way was I staying. Ted’s gaze shifted from Nick to Landon then back
at me. He scowled then grunted. Nick wasn’t looking at me either.

“I can go study with you, keep you
company.” I heard Dylan offer.

Nick’s head popped up then and he
swung his head to Dylan. Before he could say anything he was interrupted. “No.”
an abrupt no came from Landon. He still hadn’t looked up from his book.

My eyebrows shot up. I didn’t know
who he was talking to. Dylan turned to him and asked, “What?”

“You heard me.” Was all Landon said
still not taking his eyes off his book. My free hand found my hip. Jasmine met
my gaze and she paled. Oh yea, she knew what was about to happen. She’s been
there before. Nick looked weary. For the first time since the last time he
spoke to me he met my gaze full on and tried to give me a subtle shake of his
head as if to say don’t. That pissed me off even more. You won’t speak to me or
anything any other time and now…
you know I’m alive. I was seeing

I flipped Nick off and turned to
Dylan. “Sure, why not. Let’s go.” I told him. I didn’t really want the company
but who the fuck does Landon think he is. Nick hissed and I rolled my eyes. I
looked over to Ted and he was watching me with a smirk.

Dylan looked from me to Landon then
back again. I didn’t even look Landon’s way. Dylan looked weary, “is there
something I don’t know?” he asked.

I shrugged, “nope. Nothing that
matters, so are you coming with?” I asked him.

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