Keeping Dallas (8 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

BOOK: Keeping Dallas
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He gulped a few mouthfuls before pushing it away.

“The scratch in your arm became infected,” Laurence explained.

“That’s impossible.” Werekin didn’t become infected. They were immune to just about everything on the planet.

“Not if the bitch’s nails were laced with poison. Apparently Mila felt you were standing in the way of her and Rolf’s relationship. He’s been getting cold feet. She told him if he doesn’t go through with it she’ll let you die.”

“What kind of poison affects shifters?” Dallas wondered out loud.

“One laced with silver.” Laurence’s mouth tightened into a hard line. “More than one person doesn’t want us to live happily ever after.”

“Fuck them!” Dallas snapped. “They don’t get to decide if we belong together.”

His gums ached as his fangs tried to burst through. He’d destroy anyone who harmed his master.

A hard grip clamped onto the back of his neck and shook him. “Be careful, pet. I don’t appreciate you swearing and I definitely don’t give you permission to shift. You need to keep control. You remember control, don’t you?”

Dallas’ wolf growled inside. He didn’t dare bare his teeth at Laurence but a flare of resentment branched apart like a tree in his chest.

“I asked you a question,” Laurence chided, pulling Dallas’ attention back to him.

“Yes, Master, I remember control,” he forced out through his aching gums. Licking at the sensitive tissue he barely prevented the whimper from rolling up his throat. He really wanted to pounce on his master and lick him all over, but he didn’t want the punishment that would result. His wolf, close to the surface, yearned for its mate.

“Will the poison kill me?” Dallas’ arm burned with the pain of a hundred fires. He searched his arm for flames but only felt a tiny bit reassured when he didn’t find any.

“Yes.” Laurence didn’t try to sugar coat the truth.

Dallas cleared his throat as he contemplated his own death. Wolves tended to believe in the cycle of life. They understood all things had to die but Dallas hadn’t expected his turn to come so soon. Laurence ran a hand over Dallas’ head, trying to soothe him.

“Unfortunately, usually witches are the ones who heal these kinds of wounds but in this case they’re the last people who’d be willing to help us. One of their leaders is angry about the results of a case I ruled on, so we’re going to have find a way to save you on our own. Do you think if we grab Mila and rip out her heart your alpha will be upset?” Laurence’s tone indicated he didn’t really care but he thought he should ask.

“Does he know she’s done this?” Dallas’ heart sank at Laurence’s nod.

“She told him if he doesn’t go through with the wedding she’d let you die. She must’ve sensed Rolf’s cold feet and turned to the witches for a solution. I’m guessing they gave her the poison out of spite.”

Dallas sighed. Life never seemed to get easier. When he had finally thought he’d found happiness with his mate something had come to ruin it for them.

“Maybe we try too hard,” Dallas offered.

“What do you mean?”

Laurence’s tone didn’t encourage Dallas to say the necessary words but he forced them out anyway. He had to protect his mate even if it took ripping out his own heart to keep Laurence safe.

“Our relationship. As much as I want you for my mate, there are too many obstacles between us. First there’s my shifter nature, then Rolf doesn’t want us together, and now Mila’s poisoned me. It’ll be better if I leave you.” Dallas’ stomach churned like a tornado and he had to concentrate hard to keep from throwing up, but he couldn’t allow his beloved master to be endangered any longer.

Laurence gripped Dallas’ chin forcing him to look at him. “If you think you’re going to get away from me that easily, you need to think again. I’m not releasing you from our mating or whatever the fuck you want to call it. You will stay here and be mine. All you need to worry about is me. I’ll tell you when you need to worry about other things.”

Dallas let his breath out slowly. He needed to find his centre. The wolf pushed at him from inside, determined to get out and argue with his mate. If he weren’t there, Laurence wouldn’t be in trouble.

“I mean it!” Laurence snapped.

The wolf subsided, settling down to lurk beneath the surface and wait to see what his master would do.

“You belong to me and nothing will change that fact.”

“Yes, master,” Dallas responded dutifully. He dared to look up at his pacing lover. Laurence’s eyes flashed fire as he walked back and forth beside the bed. “What do we do now?”

“We need to get rid of the poison first,” Nate said, walking into the room.

Laurence ran his fingers through his hair leaving it a rumpled mess. “I realise that, but how?”

“I read somewhere that a wolf bond has its own magic,” Nate replied. He ran his fingers across his chin as he thought. “Wolf mates take on some of the abilities of their chosen. If you bond with him, it might protect him from the silver allergy.”

“No!” Horror filled Dallas. “You can’t bond with me for that.”

Mate bonds were sacred. If Laurence bound them together only to save Dallas’ life, even if it worked, they’d have nothing but misery together. No wolf wished to be bonded with a man only as a convenience.

Laurence stopped his pacing. “You don’t want me?”

“No. I mean yes.”


“I don’t want you to mate with me because I’m going to die. I want you to mate with me because you are in love with me.” Dallas almost choked on the words and he couldn’t meet his master’s eyes afterwards.

“Don’t be an idiot, pup. It’s obvious to a half-blind hermit that my brother’s nutty over you,” Nate declared.


Laurence stared at Dallas. “How could you not know I love you?”

He heard Nate leave the room and close the door behind him but his eyes didn’t leave Dallas’ bent head.

“Answer me!” he snapped. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this out of control. Taking a deep breath he tried to find his quiet centre while Dallas trembled on his bed.


With a sigh Laurence climbed up on the bed beside Dallas and wrapped an arm around him. After a long moment, Dallas snuggled up to his side, seeking reassurance from the source of his distress.

“That’s right. Come to me. I’ll take care of you. I’ll always take care of you.” Laurence kept this voice calm and soothing as he stroked Dallas’ head. He wondered now how much of Dallas’ behaviour stemmed from his submissive nature and how much from his animal side. If Dallas saw Laurence as his alpha, Dallas’ wolf might offer more submission than a normal human.

After Dallas’ body had stopped trembling, Laurence dared to turn and face his sub. He knew he had to come across as the strong one, but right now he had to have some reassurance himself. “Do you want to be my mate?”

Dallas nodded, resting his head against Laurence’s shoulder. He should’ve made Dallas look up but he didn’t want to make it harder on his lover than necessary. Sometimes he needed to push Dallas, and other times he needed to provide the emotional support for his lover. This was one of those coddling moments.

“I love you,” Dallas muttered.

“Oh, no—you don’t get to tell me that with your head mashed against my shoulder. Look me in the eyes,” Laurence scolded even as his heart pounded in his chest.

Slowly, Dallas lifted his head until finally his stunning green eyes, filled with anxiety, met Laurence’s. “I do love you. I just want you to love me back.”

“Like my brother said, you’d have to be blind to not notice how much I love you,” Laurence whispered against Dallas’ lips.

Unable to resist he plunged his fingers into his lover’s dark strands and plundered his mouth. Wet heat lured him deeper until he knew his hold on Dallas’ hair must’ve hurt, but his sweet wolf only continued to make hungry sounds of need.

Laurence almost made some himself. Only pride held him back from needy groans of his own. He slid farther onto the bed until he was straddling his mate. Dallas jerked away with a high-pitched scream.

Jumping off the bed, Laurence stood helplessly by while Dallas writhed in pain, his arm almost glowing red with infection.

“Oh God, I’m sorry, pet. We’ve got to do the binding to heal you. Nate!” he shouted.

Laurence paced back and forth, unable to do anything without his brother there.

The door slammed open. “What?”

“I need to do the bonding. Dallas isn’t going to survive much longer no matter what that bitch says.” How she thought she could have leverage when Dallas might not even survive Laurence didn’t know. Rolf would never forgive her if his young pack member died. Laurence didn’t know the alpha well, but he could tell from Rolf’s behaviour that his pack members were important to him.

Nate’s dubious expression made Laurence shake with anger. He barely resisted setting his brother on fire. “He’ll survive,” he snapped.

“Of course he will,” Nate agreed, nodding vigorously.

Laurence could tell neither of them believed it. “If he dies, I’m going to rip that bitch apart.” He might do it anyway just to make her pay for Dallas’ suffering.

“Bring him,” Nate said before turning and walking out of the room.

Without argument Laurence picked up his sub and followed his brother. Dallas’ screams reached new decibels by the time he’d made it to the living room and placed his lover on the couch.

Nate ran into the kitchen and came back with a box of salt, which he poured with impressive speed and precision into a perfect circle on the floor. As soon as Nate had completed the circle, Laurence placed Dallas inside it on the tile and sat down beside him.

“We will be one soon, my pet. I’ll take care of you from now on.” Laurence needed Dallas to recover. Sorcerers might live a long time but they didn’t forget the people they loved and lost.

“Here’s the dagger.” Nate handed over the small ceremonial blade and set the empty bowl he’d retrieved from the kitchen into the middle of the circle.

Laurence raised an eyebrow at the cheery red ceramic bowl.

“What? You wanted me to be picky?” Nate snapped.

“No, no—it’s fine. Come here, pet.” Laurence settled cross-legged on the floor and pulled his mate across his lap. Dallas’ skin colour alarmed him. He alternated between too red and too pale. “Hang in there. You aren’t allowed to die on me.”

He didn’t care if he sounded more desperate than commanding, Dallas couldn’t die.

“Damn it, Laurence, focus! You’re going to lose him!” Nate’s angry tone snapped Laurence out of his depressing introspection.

He took a deep breath and positioned the bowl in front of him. “Do you agree to be mine forever, my sweet wolf?” he asked.

“Yes.” Dallas gave a soft hiss when his arm accidentally brushed the floor. He curled up closer to Laurence, seeking reassurance from his mate. The shifter’s eyes had a glazed over look. Laurence’s heart pounded in fear.

“I’ve got you. I’ll always have you.” Taking a slow breath, Laurence slid the blade across both his and Dallas’ right wrists with two quick, efficient motions. He pressed their open wounds together. “Do you accept my bond, my love and my protection for the rest of your days?”

The long pause had Laurence holding his breath.

“I do,” Dallas whispered.

There were several different types of bonds a sorcerer could create with others in his life. Laurence went with the one he knew suited Dallas’ wolf nature. Complete bonding of mind, heart and spirit. He didn’t want any hint of question to fill Laurence’s mind over his commitment to their pairing.

“With your acceptance, we are one,” Laurence vowed.

Closing his eyes, he focused on pouring magic through their connected wound. A loud ringing filled his ears, echoed in his head and sent pulses throughout his body. He reflexively clutched Dallas, unwilling to drop his lover despite the pain rolling through his system. A howl rolled up his throat and filled the room with its echo. After small explosions burst behind his eyelids, Laurence forced his eyes open. His gaze locked with Dallas’. His mate’s green eyes turned icy blue and Laurence shivered beneath the wolf’s examination.

He cupped Dallas’ face between his hands. “Come back to me, pet.”

Dallas snarled, exposing a set of deadly fangs. “You are mine!” A deep gravelly voice emitted from his lover like a horror movie monster. Little of Dallas’ humanity lived in those eyes.

The connection vibrated between them, unsettled and wavering. Laurence knew if he didn’t give in this one time, he could lose the man he loved. With his instincts screaming against a show of submission, Laurence tilted his neck.

Dallas struck, plunging his fangs into Laurence’s neck. Laurence gasped as, instead of blood being sucked from him, a warm liquid seeped into his veins. He could feel it join his blood flow. His energy sapped, Laurence’s world went black.


* * * *


Laurence awoke. Jolting upright, his heart slammed against his chest as panic took over his breathing.

“Shh, I’m here,” Dallas’ familiar voice immediately calmed him. Turning, he almost feared meeting his mate’s eyes.


Oh thank the gods and goddesses.

His Dallas was back. Love glowed from his shifter’s eyes and relief swamped Laurence. He might be considered a powerful wizard among his own people, but he had nothing if he lost Dallas’ affection.

“Let me see your arm,” he demanded.

Dallas showed him a smooth, clean limb with no markings.

Laurence crushed his lover to him. “We cured you. That bitch can’t hurt you anymore. If she even comes near you, I’m going to turn her into a bunny.”

Laughter burst from Dallas. “Bunny?”

“Anything you might want to eat in wolf form,” Laurence explained. “I’ll do anything to protect you. You know that right?”

Laurence knew if he couldn’t protect what was his, the wolf inside his lover wouldn’t respect him and their mating would falter.

“I know,” Dallas agreed.

Laurence watched Dallas’ eyes flashed to blue then back to green. Rolling over, Laurence pinned his wolf to the mattress. “Mine.”

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